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利用强化混凝去除水源水中天然有机物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了近年来利用强化混凝去除水源水中天然有机物的研究,重点讨论了其作用机理和主要影响因素.水源水中天然有机物的含量和成分会因水源地和时间的不同而存在差异,对水源水中天然有机物的了解是保证强化混凝效果的基本前提.不同混凝条件下,强化混凝的主导作用机理不同.铁盐混凝剂、较低pH值、较高混凝剂投量和阳离子有利于提高强化混凝的效果.  相似文献   

垃圾渗滤液是一种高浓度难降解废水,含有大量有毒物质和溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter, DOM),可生化性差。Fenton试剂(Fe2++H2O2)能产生活性极强的羟基自由基(·OH),能快速氧化渗滤液中DOM和微量有机物质。本研究采用Fenton法处理垃圾渗滤液,结果表明,在优化的处理条件下,渗滤液COD和TOC去除率分别为65%和42%,其中混凝作用去除的COD和TOC分别为20%和21%。进一步通过紫外可见光谱扫描、SUVA254、E3/E4等指标评价,发现Fenton法可以有效降低渗滤液中的DOM含量,大分子有机物的含量明显减少,而分子量小的有机物含量相对增加,反应体系中溶解性有机物分子量随着反应的进行而降低,腐殖化程度降低。利用GC-MS定性出渗滤液原液中47种有机物,该类有机物在Fenton反应后上清液中未再检出,但5种物质(邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯、植酮、角鲨烯、麥角甾烷醇和二氢胆固醇)在沉淀的铁泥中检出。研究发现不同pH值、H2O2和Fe2+浓度条件下,残留的COD与DOM、TOC和UV254存在显著的相关关系(R2> 0.9)。本研究结果为改进垃圾渗滤液处理工艺和探索DOM在Fenton过程中的降解行为提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Hur J  Lee BM  Shin HS 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1360-1367
Microbial degradation-induced changes in the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and the subsequent effects on phenanthrene-DOM interactions were investigated based on the microbial incubation of DOM collected from four different sources for 28 d. Partially biodegraded DOM presented higher specific UV absorbance (SUVA), lower protein-like fluorescence, higher humic-like fluorescence, lower aliphatic carbon fraction, and higher hydrophobic neutral fractions compared to the original DOM. Microbial changes in DOM led to an increase in the isotherm nonlinearity as well as the extent of phenanthrene binding. A negative relationship between SUVA and the Freundlich n values was established for the original and the biodegraded DOM, suggesting that aromatic condensed structures may play important roles in providing nonlinear strong binding sites irrespective of microbial degradation. In contrast, there were two separate slopes of the correlations between the percentage of hydrophobic acid (HoA) fraction and the n values for the original and the biodegraded DOM with a higher slope exhibited for the latter, implying that the microbial utilization of oxygen-containing structures in the HoA fractions may contribute to enhancing the associated isotherm nonlinearity.  相似文献   

于2014年7月8日至8月13日在成都市城区和工业区选取两个点位开展挥发性有机物(VOCs)样品采集工作,分析结果显示,成都市夏季城区大气中VOCs质量浓度在34.1~458.8μg/m3,平均值为(137.3±91.8)μg/m3;工业区大气中VOCs质量浓度在26.7~474.9μg/m3,平均值为(135.9±103.5)μg/m3。早高峰时段(7:00~10:00)两个点位VOCs的浓度水平均高于其他时段,说明VOCs浓度受机动车排放的影响较为明显。用·OH消耗速率和臭氧生成潜势评估VOCs大气化学反应活性,结果显示,芳香烃和烯烃是影响大气化学反应活性的关键组分。城区和工业区的二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的生成潜势分别为4.859、4.559μg/m3,芳香烃不仅是臭氧生成潜势的关键活性组分,同时也是SOA的重要前体物。  相似文献   

针对白洋淀秋冬季节水生植物腐解释放大量溶解性有机物(DOM)的问题,利用紫外可见光谱(UV-Vis)和激发发射光谱(EEMs)结合平行因子分析法(PARAFAC)对DOM样品进行表征和分离。实验结果表明,PARAFAC共分离出4种组分(C1、C2、C3和C4),类腐殖酸组分C1和C2、类蛋白组分C3、含有类蛋白组分和类富里酸组分共同组成的C4。此外,对样品进行荧光淬灭滴定实验来研究DOM与重金属(Cu (Ⅱ)和Cd (Ⅱ))的相互作用,发现Cu (Ⅱ)对所有组分都存在明显的淬灭效果,并可以较好地拟合出络合常数(lgK),而Cd (Ⅱ)只与C4有较好的络合效果,这是由于C4中的类富里酸成分所造成的。研究进一步发现,样品U2中类蛋白组分C3和C4对重金属的淬灭效果比样品U0的类蛋白组分明显。这是由于样品U2中所添加的植物量较多,而植物腐解所释放的主要成分为类蛋白物质,有助于增强类蛋白组分的络合能力。研究结果可为科学评价水生植物腐解释放DOM对水体中重金属的迁移转化提供依据。  相似文献   

于2014年4-9月,研究我国一典型南方水源溶解性有机物(DOM)的荧光特性变化与去除情况,同时分析了DOM荧光组分与三氯乙醛生成势(CHFP)的相关性。结果表明,该水源DOM主要以芳香性蛋白质类物质组成,溶解性微生物代谢产物类物质、富里酸类物质和腐殖酸类物质含量逐渐增加;5个荧光区域的积分体积(ΦⅠ,n、ΦⅡ,n、ΦⅢ,n、ΦⅣ,n和ΦⅤ,n)所占总体积(ΦT,n)平均比例依次为:13.55%、27.53%、25.00%、16.02%和17.91%;原水DOM的CHFP范围为27.06~81.20μg/L,平均值为46.60μg/L,三氯乙醛(CH)前体物含量与水体中溶解性微生物代谢产物类物质相关性最好;与常规处理工艺相比,O3/BAC深度处理工艺对于溶解性微生物代谢产物类物质的去除率大幅提高,更有利于CH的控制。  相似文献   

过量生石灰对污泥含水率和有机物含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究生石灰(氧化钙,CaO)处理活性污泥对污泥含水率和有机物含量的影响,通过向南京某城市污水处理厂出厂污泥投加过量CaO进行脱水实验,测定投加CaO后污泥的含水率;烘干后的脱水污泥进行热重实验,研究CaO投加量对污泥中有机组分含量的影响.脱水实验表明:随着CaO与污泥质量比的增大,污泥含水率迅速减小,当质量比达到1.5时,污泥达到完全脱水;投加过量CaO的脱水污泥呈干燥的粉末状,粒度均匀,可作为水泥生产的辅料。热重实验表明:投加CaO后单位干泥失重百分比随CaO与污泥质量比增大而逐渐减小,向污泥中投加CaO有利于污泥中有机组分的释放和去除,实现污泥的稳定化。  相似文献   

为分析不同填埋龄的垃圾渗滤液中有机物的组分特征及臭氧氧化对其结构的影响,选取成熟和年轻的垃圾渗滤液,利用液相色谱-有机碳-有机氮-紫外吸收(LC-OCD-OND-UVD)、紫外可见光谱、三维荧光光谱和树脂分离技术表征了不同填埋龄垃圾渗滤液中有机物的组分特征。结果表明:在2种垃圾渗滤液有机物中,主要组分为以类富里酸为代表的憎水性腐殖质类和亲水的中性小分子有机化合物,且其组分比例随着填埋龄增加可分别提高至60%和28%。年轻渗滤液中的高含量生物多聚物组分(BP)是其最显著特征。臭氧氧化可快速分解BP并最终生成类腐殖质的分解产物,但TOC去除率<10%。对于含量低于4%的腐殖质类小分子酸,因其含氮杂环结构成为最难矿化的有机物,故较低臭氧投加量无法将其氧化分解。LC-OCD-OND-UVD结合其他表征方法印证分析是获取有机物信息的有效手段,可为深入了解有机物的氧化分解过程提供参考。  相似文献   

综述了水体溶解性有机物(DOM)的化学分级表征法即树脂吸附分级法(RA)的研究与进展,同时基于该方法存在的一些问题结合我国典型水质体系,从树脂的选择、净化、分级的定义、水样过柱流速、水样树脂体积比的确定等方面进行了研究探讨,给出了完整的实验参数和操作方法.  相似文献   

Natural organic matter (NOM) is found in all surface, ground and soil waters. During recent decades, reports worldwide show a continuing increase in the color and NOM of the surface water, which has an adverse affect on drinking water purification. For several practical and hygienic reasons, the presence of NOM is undesirable in drinking water. Various technologies have been proposed for NOM removal with varying degrees of success. The properties and amount of NOM, however, can significantly affect the process efficiency. In order to improve and optimise these processes, the characterisation and quantification of NOM at different purification and treatment processes stages is important. It is also important to be able to understand and predict the reactivity of NOM or its fractions in different steps of the treatment. Methods used in the characterisation of NOM include resin adsorption, size exclusion chromatography (SEC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The amount of NOM in water has been predicted with parameters including UV-Vis, total organic carbon (TOC), and specific UV-absorbance (SUVA). Recently, methods by which NOM structures can be more precisely determined have been developed; pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), multidimensional NMR techniques, and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS). The present review focuses on the methods used for characterisation and quantification of NOM in relation to drinking water treatment.  相似文献   

Granular activated carbon (GAC) exhaustion rates on pulp and paper effluent from South East Australia were found to be a factor of three higher (3.62 cf. 1.47 kg m−3) on Kraft mills compared to mills using Thermomechanical pulping supplemented by Recycled Fibre (TMP/RCF). Biological waste treatment at both mills resulted in a final effluent COD of 240 mg L−1. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was only 1.2 times higher in the Kraft effluent (70 vs. 58 mg L−1), however, GAC treatment of Kraft and TMP/RCF effluent was largely different on the DOC persisted after biological treatment. The molecular mass (636 vs. 534 g mol−1) and aromaticity (5.35 vs. 4.67 L mg−1 m−1) of humic substances (HS) were slightly higher in the Kraft effluent. The HS aromaticity was decreased by a factor of 1.0 L mg−1 m−1 in both Kraft and TMP/RCF effluent. The molecular mass of the Kraft effluent increased by 50 g mol−1 while the molecular mass of the TMP/RCF effluent was essentially unchanged after GAC treatment; the DOC removal efficiency of the GAC on Kraft effluent was biased towards the low molecular weight humic compounds. The rapid adsorption of this fraction, coupled with the slightly higher aromaticity of the humic components resulted in early breakthrough on the Kraft effluent. Fluorescence excitation-emission matrix analysis of the each GAC treated effluent indicated that the refractory components were higher molecular weight humics on the Kraft effluent and protein-like compounds on the TMP/RCF effluent. Although the GAC exhaustion rates are too high for an effective DOC removal option for biologically treated pulp and paper mill effluents, the study indicates that advanced organic characterisation techniques can be used to diagnose GAC performance on complex effluents with comparable bulk DOC and COD loads.  相似文献   

Goals, Scope and Background Among other substances, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are parameters which are routinely measured to describe basic air quality. Organic extracts of airborne particulate matter contain mutagenic chemical compounds of different origins. The aim of the study was to find correlations between routine monitoring data and mutagenic activity of organic extracts of simultaneously drawn samples.Methods Specimens were collected over a period of two years at 8 sampling sites in south-west Germany. Simultaneously, concentrations of NO, NO2, and SO2 were measured on-line within the framework of the official air monitoring network of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Dust samples were collected for biotesting using high volume air samplers equipped with glass fibre filters. After sampling was completed, filters were extracted and samples were prepared for biological testing. Mutagenic activity was tested by means of the plate incorporation assay (Ames test) using S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100 tester strains. During the first year of the study, all tests have been performed with and without metabolic activation. Additionally, a series of tests has been performed in parallel with TA98 and TA98NR.Results and Discussion Comparison of Ames test data obtained with and without metabolic activation indicates no statistically significant difference between both methods. Therefore, during the second year of the study, all tests have been performed without metabolic activation. Average yearly activities at the sampling sites were between 1 und 27 Revertants per m3 (Rev/m3). High activities were preferably found at congested sites (Karlsruhe, up to 95 Rev/m3). However, peak values of over 100 Rev/m3 were found in other places where pollution by traffic is significantly lower. The reason for these high level values is not evident. Tests performed using TA98NR tester strain indicate a significant share (average 31%) of compounds requiring activation by nitroreductase for mutagenic activity. Average mutagenic activity can be correlated to routine monitoring parameters. Comparison of averaged data for particular sampling sites indicates significant correlation between nitric oxide and mutagenic activity in TA98 (r2=0.90), while correlation between nitrogen dioxide (0.84) or sulphur dioxide (0.52) and mutagenic activity is weaker. For TA100, correlations are generally weaker than for TA98. Comparison of data for mutagenic activity and routine monitoring data of distant sites being sampled simultaneously shows parallel behaviour.Conclusions Results from this study show that mutagenic activity can be compared to seasonal and local variations of gaseous indicator air pollutants. Tester strain TA98 generally shows the best correlations. Although pollution by particle-bound mutagenic substances is significantly higher during the cold season than during summer on average, mutagenic activity of airborne dust is not a continuous effect. During winter, peak levels as well as low pollution periods can occur. Even during winter time mutagenic activity can reach very low levels typical for summertime. Comparison of results for distant sampling sites where samples have been collected simultaneously indicate that “classical” indicators of air pollution and bacterial mutagenicity of organic extracts from airborne particulate matter are influenced by connected effects. Seasonal trend of mutagenic activity, in particular, is similar to the concentrations of nitrogen oxide. NO is a strong indicator for vehicle exhaust gases. It is concluded that the average mutagenic activity at particular sites can be estimated using NO concentrations as an indicator.  相似文献   

By means of simulated sunlight, the influence of natural organic matter (NOM) on the photochemical degradation of halogenated pesticides in the absence and presence of nitrate as a precursor of the highly reactive OH radicals in aqueous solutions and freshwater was investigated. Solutions of dichlorprop or terbutylazine (a) in phosphate-buffered demineralized water containing nitrate and/or NOM and (b) in natural freshwaters were irradiated by a 1000-W Xe short-arc lamp. The collimated beam was filtered using a combination of optical filters (WG 320 and WG 295) to simulate the solar spectrum under summer midday conditions. In the absence of nitrate and NOM, the pesticides were degraded photolytically by simulated sunlight. The degradation rates depended on the absorption spectrum in the UVB range and the quantum yield of the degradation. The photochemical degradation of the pesticides was faster in the presence of nitrate due to the sunlight-induced formation of OH radicals. In the absence of nitrate, low concentrations of NOM of a brownwater lake accelerated the degradation due to the formation of reactive species by NOM. At higher concentrations of NOM, the inner filter effect of NOM lowered the degradation rates. In the presence of 50 mg l−1 nitrate, NOM decreased the degradation rate significantly. In case the natural water samples were used as a matrix for the experiments (nitrate concentrations between 2 mg l−1 and 15 mg l−1, DOC concentrations below 2.3 mg l−1), NOM acted mainly as a radiation filter and as a scavenger of OH radicals. As a consequence, in most freshwater systems, the accelerating effect of NOM by the formation of reactive species is of minor importance compared to the inner filter effect and to radical scavenging.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of xenobiotics requires a comprehensive understanding of their transformation in the environment. As most of the transformation processes usually involve a redox reaction or a hydrolysis as the first steps of the transformation, we applied an approach that uses an electrochemical cell to investigate model “redox” reactions in aqueous solutions for environmental processes. We investigated the degradation of a variety of xenobiotics from polar to nonpolar and analyzed their degradation products by on-line coupling of electrochemistry with mass spectrometry (EC-MS). Furthermore, we evaluated possible binding reactions with regard to the generation of non-extractable residues with some model substances (catechol, phthalic acid, γ-l-Glutamyl-l-cysteinyl-glycine (GSH) and l-histidine) deduced from a natural organic matter (NOM) structure model and identified possible binding-sites.Whereas typically investigations in soil/water-systems have been applied, we used to our knowledge for the first time a bottom-up approach, starting from the chemicals of interest and different model substances for natural organic matter to evaluate chemical binding mechanisms (or processes) in the EC-MS under redox conditions. Under oxidative conditions, bindings of the xenobiotics with catechol, GSH and histidine were found, but no reactions with the model compound phthalic acid were observed. In general, no chemical binding has yet been found under reductive conditions. In some cases (i.e. benzo[a]anthracene) the oxidation product only underwent a binding reaction, whereas the xenobiotic itself did not undergo any reactions.EC-MS is a promising fast and simple screening method to investigate the environmental behavior of xenobiotics and to evaluate the potential risks of newly synthesized substances.  相似文献   

Organic matter has a great influence over the fate of inorganic colloids in surface waters. The chemical nature and structure of natural organic matter (NOM) will be an important factor in determining whether colloids will be stabilised or destabilised by NOM. Under environmentally relevant conditions, the ubiquitous fulvic acids are likely to be responsible for coating and imparting a negative charge to colloids. If the adsorbed polyelectrolyte coating produces an increase in absolute surface potential, it will act to stabilise colloids in the water column. On the other hand, colloidal organic carbon, especially chain-like structures, has been shown to be involved in the aggregation of inorganic colloids through the formation of bridges. It is highly probable that both adsorption and bridging flocculation are occurring simultaneously in the natural aquatic environment. The importance of each process depends directly on the nature and concentration of organic matter in the system and indirectly on the productivity of the lake, its hydrological pathways, temporal variations, temperature, etc. The present paper reports such results and emphasises the need to discriminate the different kinds of NOM.  相似文献   

以我国南方某活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺水厂为研究对象,对工艺过程中三氯乙醛生成潜能(CHFP)及相关有机物指标进行为期1年每月1次的监测,以明晰活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺对CHFP及有机物的去除能力。结果表明:原水CHFP均呈现一定的季节性变化趋势,高温季节(5—9月)相对较高,范围为15.50~64.00 μg·L-1,活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺对CHFP 、TOC、CODMn和UV254去除率范围分别为37.42%~69.12%、25.25%~66.71%、27.33%~61.25%和21.80%~72.46%,平均去除率分别为54.51%、39.21%、45.04%和42.91%;混凝沉淀单元在CHFP和有机物指标去除中均起主要作用,炭滤单元对TOC有较好的去除作用,超滤单元对CHFP和CODMn有较好的去除作用。建议水厂设计与运行中将臭氧与活性炭滤池联合使用,以协同去除CHFP和有机物,进一步提高供水水质。  相似文献   

Li T  Xu Z  Han X  Yang X  Sparks DL 《Chemosphere》2012,88(5):570-576
Pot experiments were performed to investigate the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the rhizosphere soil of hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) and a non-hyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE) of Sedum alfredii and its effects on the mobility of zinc (Zn). DOM was fractionated using XAD resins into six fractions. The acid fraction was the predominant component of DOM in the rhizosphere of S. alfredii, with hydrophilic acid (HiA), hydrophilic base (HiB), and hydrophilic neutral (HiN) in HE-DOM being 1.6, 1.9, and 1.2 times higher respectively, as compared to NHE-DOM. ATR-FTIR results showed that DOM in the rhizosphere of S. alfredii consisted of a mixture of hydroxylated and carboxylic acids, and HE-DOM exhibited more CO, OH, CC and CO functional groups than NHE-DOM. Resin equilibration experiment results indicated that DOM from the rhizosphere of both ecotypes of S. alfredii had the ability to form complexes with Zn, whereas the degree of complexation was significantly higher for HE-DOM (60%) than NHE-DOM (42%). The addition of HE-DOM significantly (P < 0.05) increased the solubility of four Zn minerals while NHE-DOM was not as effective at the same concentration. It was concluded that DOM derived from the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulating ecotype of S. alfredii could significantly increase Zn mobility through the formation of soluble DOM-metal complexes, this might be one of the important mechanism by which S. alfredii is involved in activating metal in rhizosphere.  相似文献   

地表河流污染物溯源对污染物防治及河流生态环境改善具有重要意义。三维荧光光谱(3D-EEM)的图谱形状、荧光峰位置、荧光峰强度、荧光峰个数信息和荧光参数可作为水体中可溶性有机物(DOM)的荧光特征。结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC)对南昌市某河的3D-EEMs进行分析并进行DOM溯源研究,结果表明,该河DOM主要包含3个荧光组分,分别为类腐殖质荧光组分C1(λEx/λEm=245 nm/430 nm)、类氨基酸和类腐殖质组分的混合物C2(λEx/λEm=240,300 nm/365 nm)和类色氨酸荧光组分C3(λEx/λEm=225,275 nm/335 nm),分别占总荧光组分的35.93%,26.62%和37.45%。该河基本满足地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838-2002)III类水标准,浮游植物主要为蓝绿藻,河流中磷的来源复杂。污染物溯源结果表明,该河DOM腐殖化程度较低,生物活性较强,主要来源于浮游植物和微生物代谢降解和沉积物在冲击和水力作用下产生的内源污染。建议该河采用生态修复技术并辅助水体曝气系统治理DOM污染,并持续防止河流引入外源污染。  相似文献   

Thirteen PAHs, five nitro-PAHs and two hydroxy-PAHs were determined in 55 vapor-phase samples collected in a suburban area of a large city (Madrid, Spain), from January 2008 to February 2009. The data obtained revealed correlations between the concentrations of these compounds and a series of meteorological factors (e.g., temperature, atmospheric pressure) and physical–chemical factors (e.g., nitrogen and sulfur oxides). As a consequence, seasonal trends were observed in the atmospheric pollutants. A “mean sample” for the 14-month period would contain a total PAH concentration of 13 835 ± 1625 pg m−3 and 122 ± 17 pg m−3 of nitro-PAHs. When the data were stratified by season, it emerged that a representative sample of the coldest months would contain 18 900 ± 2140 pg m−3 of PAHs and 150 ± 97 pg m−3 of nitro-PAHs, while in an average sample collected in the warmest months, these values drop to 9293 ± 1178 pg m−3 for the PAHs and to 97 ± 13 pg m−3 for the nitro-PAHs. Total vapor phase concentrations of PAHs were one order of magnitude higher than concentrations detected in atmospheric aerosol samples collected on the same dates. Total nitro-PAH concentrations were comparable to their aerosol concentrations whereas vapor phase OH-PAHs were below their limits of the detection, indicating these were trapped in airborne particles.  相似文献   

Much uncertainty still exists regarding the relative importance of organic acids in relation to acid deposition in controlling the acidity of soil and surface waters. This paper contributes to this debate by presenting analysis of seasonal variations in atmospheric deposition, soil solution and stream water chemistry for two UK headwater catchments with contrasting soils. Acid neutralising capacity (ANC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and the Na:Cl ratio of soil and stream waters displayed strong seasonal patterns with little seasonal variation observed in soil water pH. These patterns, plus the strong relationships between ANC, Cl and DOC, suggest that cation exchange and seasonal changes in the production of DOC and seasalt deposition are driving a shift in the proportion of acidity attributable to strong acid anions, from atmospheric deposition, during winter to predominantly organic acids in summer.  相似文献   

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