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Waste plastics contribute to serious environmental and social problems, such as the loss of natural resources, environmental pollution, and depletion of landfill space, but they also create demands on the environmentally-oriented part of the society. Feedstock recycling of scrap polymers by thermal and chemical methods is well known and environmentally accepted. The paper presents the results of thermodynamic analysis of the conversion of polyolefins in a fuel-like mixture of hydrocarbons using thermal cracking in a new type of tubular reactor with molten metal. Evaluation of the efficiency of the process was based on exergy calculations. Calculated exergy efficiency was ca. 79.5 %. It means that feedstock recycling of waste is better from an energetic and environmental point of view than other processes, particularly incineration.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - In Jakarta, Indonesia, municipalities collect plastic mixed with other waste, scavengers recover plastic waste by picking through waste, and some...  相似文献   

建筑垃圾的循环利用是今后建筑垃圾处理的必经之路。在对国内外建筑垃圾循环利用的相关政策、法律法规及回收现状进行比较分析的基础上,对目前建筑垃圾循环利用的案例进行调查整理,总结出建筑垃圾循环利用的一般过程;并在对目前建筑垃圾循环利用的方法进行研究后,介绍了一种先进实用的建筑垃圾循环利用方法;最后对我国建筑垃圾循环利用存在的问题进行剖析并提出解决问题的建议,以期对我国建筑垃圾循环利用的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

Mechanochemical treatment to recycling asbestos-containing waste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous industrial and experimental facilities have been set up, particularly in the last ten years, as a result of studies and researches on treating asbestos-containing waste (ACW) to stabilise it and to enable its reuse. Some of the stabilisation processes reduce the hazards of ACW by imprisoning in a cement or resonoid matrix. Other processes modify the fibrous structure of asbestos and transform it into an inert substance. One such inactivation process is mechanochemical transformation. This new technology is extremely interesting both economically and industrially, especially in view of the European Directive 1999/3/CE of 24/4/99, which provides for the obligatory treatment of all types of waste material before its disposal.  相似文献   

Trends in waste plastics and recycling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zero emission is an ambitious project aimed at the conversion of the conventional top-down or one-directional flow type production systems of modern society to those of a recycling type. The basic idea underlying this project is to understand in detail the material flow mechanism in a particular segment of society and to evaluate the transformability of the hitherto one-directional types of process into recycling types. The authors, members of the Zero-Emission Research Group of Japan, are investigating the material flow of plastics in Japan. The present work describes the features of this project, as well as the results obtained so far. Received: May 28, 1998 / Accepted: October 16, 1998  相似文献   

砷及其砷化物有剧毒,若处置不当,通过土壤、大气和水介质等各种途径进入环境,严重影响人类的生存环境。因此对含砷废料资源化利用和无害化处理一直是环保工作重要研究课题。针对含砷废料来源、稳定性评价方法和资源化综合利用技术进行分析,在此基础上提出含砷废料资源化利用和无害化处置建议。要从根本上建立健全相应的法律法规、标准体系,建立管理网络,培育市场运行体系,强化技术支撑体系,大力推广减量化、资源化、无害化的高新实用技术。  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the factors influencing the recycling potential of municipalities in Israel, including population size and density, geographic location, current waste levels, and current waste management system. We employ a standard regression analysis in order to develop an econometric model to predict where potential for economically efficient recycling is highest. By applying this model to readily available data, it is possible to predict with close to 90% accuracy whether or not recycling will be economically efficient in any given municipality. Government agencies working to promote advanced waste management solutions have at their disposal only limited resources and budget, and so must concentrate their efforts where they will be most effective. The paper thus provides policy-makers with a powerful tool to help direct their efforts to promote recycling at those municipalities where it is indeed optimal.  相似文献   

In this study biogas and high quality digestate were recovered from winery waste (wine lees) through anaerobic co-digestion with waste activated sludge both in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. The two conditions studied showed similar yields (0.40 m3/kgCODfed) but different biological process stability: in fact the mesophilic process was clearly more stable than the thermophilic one in terms of bioprocess parameters.The resulting digestates showed good characteristics for both the tested conditions: heavy metals, dioxins (PCDD/F), and dioxin like bi-phenyls (PCBs) were concentred in the effluent if compared with the influent because of the important reduction of the solid dry matter, but remained at levels acceptable for agricultural reuse. Pathogens in digestate decreased. Best reductions were observed in thermophilic condition, while at 37 °C the concentration of Escherichia coli was at concentrations level as high as 1000 UFC/g. Dewatering properties of digestates were evaluated by means of the capillary suction time (CST) and specific resistance to filtration (SRF) tests and it was found that a good dewatering level was achievable only when high doses of polymer (more than 25 g per kg dry solids) were added to sludge.  相似文献   

包装废弃物再生利用的成本效益组成分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
包装废弃物的再生利用是包装工业可持续发展的重要保障.对包装废弃物再生利用的成本组成和效益组成进行分析,有助于降低运营成本,提高运营效益.指出影响包装废弃物再生利用的成本组成有:回收支付成本、回收运输成本、检测分类成本、拆卸分离成本、再利用修复成本、资源化生产成本和环境保护成本;效益组成主要有:再利用修复效益、资源化生产效益和环境保护效益.通过优化各个影响因素,企业实现以最低的成本获取最大的生产效益.  相似文献   

大连在全国率先创建新型垃圾分类回收体系,实现废旧物资回收与垃圾分类回收在同一个垃圾分类回收站内完成,有利于各类废物资源集中收集、分类回收、资源化利用或处理,彻底改革了我国传统落后的废旧物资回收与垃圾收集处理方式,为废旧物资与垃圾资源再生与循环利用提供了保障条件,也为垃圾处理产业化奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - In this study, we developed a one-pot wet ball-milling method for the recovery of highly pure copper wire, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) coating, and...  相似文献   

分析了废旧冰箱的结构特点和材料组成,介绍了其整体回收处理工艺及特殊部件再生处理的关键性技术。  相似文献   

Efficient recycling of solid wastes is now a global concern for a sustainable and environmentally sound management. In this study, traditional recycling pattern of solid waste was investigated in Rajshahi municipality which is the fourth largest city of Bangladesh. A questionnaire survey had been carried out in various recycle shops during April 2010 to January 2011. There were 140 recycle shops and most of them were located in the vicinity of Stadium market in Rajshahi. About 1906 people were found to be involved in recycling activities of the city. The major fraction of recycled wastes were sent to capital city Dhaka for further manufacture of different new products. Only a small amount of wastes, specially plastics, were processed in local recycle factories to produce small washing pots and bottle caps. Everyday, an estimated 28.13 tons of recycled solid wastes were handled in Rajshahi city area. This recycled portion accounted for 8.25% of the daily total generated wastes (341 ton d?1), 54.6% of total recyclable wastes (51.49 ton d?1) and 68.29% of readily recyclable wastes (41.19 ton d?1). Major recycled materials were found to be iron, glass, plastic, and papers. Only five factories were involved in preliminary processing of recyclable wastes. Collecting and processing secondary materials, manufacturing recycled-content products, and then buying recycled products created a circle or loop that ensured the overall success of recycling and generated a host of financial, environmental, and social returns.  相似文献   

Optimizing a recycling process of SMC composite waste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investigations about the recycling of sheet moulding compounds (SMC) waste as incorporation material for thermoplastic polymer matrix are reported in this paper. A new efficient process is developed in order to strongly increase the reinforcement glass fraction of SMC leading to good mechanical performance of the new thermoplastic compounds. The overall process is composed of two main steps: mechanical and chemical. The second stage is characterised in terms of optimization and capability by means of experimental design and statistical process control techniques for finding the optimal chemical conditions and validating the process.  相似文献   

伴随着建筑废弃物产生量的迅速增长,建筑废弃物循环利用已成为循环经济发展的重点领域。从完善的法律法规、深度循环利用方式和产业化发展等方面,对国外发达国家废弃物循环利用的经验和做法加以总结和提升,并结合我国实际,提出建立健全我国建筑废弃物法律法规体系、构筑多级循环利用模式和培育废弃物利用产业体系的几点启示,以期为我国相关部门制定建筑废弃物的相关政策制度、提高建筑废弃物的循环再利用水平提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

目前我国已具备可适用于包装废物管理的法律法规和政策制度基础,但对包装废物回收利用的管理多依靠市场行为和再生资源管理体系,缺乏规范性和针对性。包装废物管理的法规、政策、管理主体及其责任等方面都存在不足,导致对包装废物的监管缺位等一系列问题。在现有的法规体系基础上,提出包装废物管理改进的主要方面和对策措施,将法规政策落到实处,需要有关部门加以重视。  相似文献   

The increasing production of computers, the progress in their performance, and the shorter time between innovation and production has led to increasing numbers of obsolete products. It has thus become necessary to recover some materials from old computers and to protect the environment from a new type of pollution. Such recycling is difficult because of the diversity of polymeric materials used, e.g., thermoplastics (polystyrene or acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) and thermosets (epoxy resins), and the relatively high levels of flame retardants (halogen- and nitrogen-containing compounds) added during production. Pyrolysis seems to be a suitable way to recover materials and energy from such waste without component separation if an efficient method for reducing toxic compounds can be applied. In this study, the pyrolysis of plastic and thermoset fractions (keyboards, casings, printed circuit boards, and mixtures thereof) of used computers was studied by thermogravimetry and batch reactor pyrolysis. The degradation products were separated into three fractions, solid, liquid, and gaseous, each of them being characterized by suitable methods such as gas chromatography (GC-MSD, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry detection; GC-AED, gas chromatography-atomic emission detection), infrared (FT-IR) and 1H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonanace) spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. It has been established that most of the halogens, nitrogen, and sulfur is concentrated in the residue. However, the elimination of hazardous toxic compounds, mainly those containing bromine, is necessary before being able to safely use the pyrolysis oils as fuels or in refinery or petrochemical industry flows.  相似文献   

The cell phone market is developing at a rapid speed. Today there are more than 1.6 billion consumers in the world, and the lifetime of a cell phone is less than 2 years. As a consequence, there is an increase in the waste associated to this product, and many alternatives to the disposal of the cell phones are being studied, such as recycling which shows to be the most important. It is crucial to know what materials constitute the cell phone in order to carry out recycling and determine environmental and economical issues. This work presents an evaluation of the cell phone components, characterizing the raw materials and some properties of the recycled materials.  相似文献   

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