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Insect pollination and pollen feeding can reduce plant volatile emissions and future insect floral attraction, with oviposition having different effects. Meligethes aeneus F. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), is a pollen-feeding pest beetle of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae). We measured plant VOC emission over 72 h from two types of 24 h M. aeneus exposure to B. napus: pollen feeding vs. flower bud injury and oviposition. The most abundant constitutive volatile organic compounds (VOCs), lilac aldehydes A (LA A) & B (LA B) and veratrole (VER), had 30–40 % reductions from M. aeneus pollen-feeding exposure at 24 h and 50–90 % reductions by 72 h, with greater reductions after bud injury and oviposition. Linalool (LIN), a common herbivore-induced plant volatile (HIPV), emission did not change at 24 h, but was induced six- to sevenfold 48 h after both exposure treatments. By 72 h, LIN had even greater (tenfold) induction after bud injury and oviposition, but no induction from pollen feeding. Three common HIPVs (β-caryophyllene, = βCAR (E)-β-farnesene = EβFAR, and (Z)-β-ocimene = ZβOCI) were progressively induced up to 2.5-fold 72 h after floral bud injury and oviposition. We assayed M. aeneus adult behavioral responses to LA A and B, and VER. Both M. aeneus sexes were attracted to higher concentrations than single plant constitutive emission for these VOCs, but avoided much higher doses. Progressive LA A and B, and VER, emission reductions might help plants (e.g., B. napus) to avoid future interactions with pollen-feeding pest herbivores (e.g., M. aeneus). After bud injury and oviposition, HIPV induction could help plants deter future oviposition and/or attract natural enemies to deposited eggs.  相似文献   

Excess of cadmium (Cd) induced changes in oxidative scenario and water status of plants viz.., total water content, specific water content, water saturation deficit (WSD) and transpiration of Brassica juncea plants grown in soil pot culture. Although lower and marginal levels of excess cadmium (100 and 250 ppm) improved growth but higher levels (500 ppm) caused significant suppression. Significant accumulation of proline, an indicator of water stress, occurred at higher level of Cd. Gradual increases in activities of certain antioxidant enzymes such as catalase and peroxidase along with increased lipid peroxidation are suggestive of disturbed oxidative metabolism. Taking together, the deleterious effects of Cd and its effects on oxidative metabolism clearly indicate enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to be instrumental in producing toxic effects of Cd. The excess levels of Cd also decreased the concentrations of soluble protein and chlorophylls and increased the ratio of chlorophyll a/b.  相似文献   

Summary. Feeding by Pieris brassicae or P. rapae caterpillars on Brussels sprouts plants induces the emission of synomones that attract natural enemies of the caterpillars, Cotesia glomerata, a generalist parasitoid, and C. rubecula, a specialist on P. rapae. Previous research on this tritrophic system has identified a large number of volatiles in the headspace of herbivore-damaged Brussels sprouts plants, and this paper addresses the question which of these volatiles are perceived by the two parasitoid species. Headspace odors from both P. brassicae- and P. rapae-damaged Brussels sprouts plants were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography electro- antennogram (GC-EAG) detection. Twenty volatiles evoked consistent EAG reactions in the antennae of both species and nineteen of these volatiles could be identified with GC-MS. One component that could not be identified due to its low concentration, evoked EAG responses in antennae of C. rubecula only. Possible consequences for searching behavior of the two parasitoid species are discussed.  相似文献   

This is the first report on Pb in medicinal herbs from Jordan. Medicinal herbs may present a health risk due to the presence of toxic metals. Seventy-nine dry medicinal plant samples were collected from herbalist shops in Jordan. The plants were digested with acids and analyzed for total Pb concentration using atomic absorption spectrometry. Mean Pb concentration was 15.9 μg/g on a dry weight basis. Our results show that Pb concentrations in Jordan medicinal plants are higher than published data in other countries. The highest level of 33.4 μg Pb/g was determined in Inula viscosa, and the lowest level of 3.0 μg Pb/g was found in Nigella sativa. Calculated daily intakes of Pb of most analyzed herbs were high; most of them are higher than recommended values by the world health organization (WHO). Fortunately, the herbs that contain the highest Pb levels are the less commonly used medicinal herbs in Jordan. The mean Pb levels in the most commonly, commonly and less commonly used herbs in Jordan are 13.9, 13.1 and 16.9 μg Pb/g, respectively. The average dietary intake of Pb through a mixture of these medicinal herbs consumption, assuming 5.0 g herbs is consumed daily, is 79.5 μg Pb/day, which is higher than the maximum daily limit allowed by WHO. We conclude that most of the medicinal plants consumed in Jordan contain significant amount of Pb, and therefore, people of Jordan should not consume large amounts of these herbs.  相似文献   

Summary Parasitoid wasps often lay male eggs in small hosts and female eggs in larger hosts. The selective advantage of this strategy can be explained by assuming wasp fitness increases with host size and that this fitness increase is greater in females than in males. I conducted experiments to test a model based on this explanation and found the results generally supported the model with one exception; unlike what the model assumed, these wasps were unable to adjust their offspring sex ratios in each generation to different host size distributions. This finding suggests an alternate view as to how selection might operate in the evolution of parasitoid sex ratios.  相似文献   

The levels of 16 US Environmental Protection Agency polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPA PAHs) in 10 medicinal plants in different used parts of plant (leaves and flowers) have been determined. The analytical method consists of sample preparation by ultrasonic extraction with dichloromethane followed by silica gel clean-up. Subsequently, the analysis was carried out by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to both ultraviolet and fluorescence detections in series to insure the detection of all 16 EPA PAHs. It was observed that the sum of the 16 PAHs (ΣPAHs) in the investigated medicinal plants ranged from 47 to 890 μg kg–1 where the highest ΣPAHs was found in Sage plant sample. Light PAHs were dominants in all studied medicinal plants. The sum of eight genotoxic PAHs (ΣPAH8) have shown a better indicator of the degree of contamination with carcinogenic PAHs compared to benzo[a]pyrene in these products.  相似文献   

Hg transfer from contaminated soils to plants and animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the transfer of mercury (Hg) from soil to crops is crucial due to Hg toxicity and Hg occurrence in terrestrial systems. Previous research has shown that available Hg in soils contributes to plant Hg levels. Plant Hg concentrations are related to soil conditions and plant characteristics. Mechanistic models describing such soil–plant interactions are however difficult to quantify. Here we performed a field study in agricultural, mining and industrial areas in Portugal to evaluate potential food chain risks. The uptake of Hg by Italian ryegrass, ryegrass, orchard grass, collard greens and rye was measured to calculate daily intakes (DI) of Hg for cows and sheep grazing. A total of 136 soil samples and 129 plant samples were analysed. Results show that total Hg concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 98 mg kg−1 in soils; 0.01–5.4 mg kg−1 in shoots and 0.01–42 mg kg−1 in roots. Calculated DI ranged from 0.18 to 132 mg d−1 for cows, and from 0.028 to 23 mg d−1 for sheep. In 27 grassland sites, daily intakes exceeded the acceptable daily intake of both cows and sheep in view of food safety considering Hg in animal kidneys evidencing potential risks to human health. The transfer of Hg from soil to crops was described using empirical Freundlich-type functions. For ryegrass, orchard grass and collard greens, the soil-to-root or soil-to-shoot transfer of Hg appeared to be controlled by the total soil Hg concentration and levels of Alox and Feox. Empirical functions allowed us to obtain realistic estimates of Hg levels in crops and can be used as an alternative to mechanistic models when evaluating food chain risks of Hg contamination in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

南四湖沉积物营养盐释放特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过营养盐静态释放模拟试验,研究了南四湖沉积物NH4+-N、TP和有机质(OM)的释放能力;针对微山湖区(WS)沉积物氮含量较高、释放较强的特点,为明晰WS湖区的氮释放潜力,考察了该湖区16个点位沉积物对NH4+-N的等温吸附特性.静态释放试验表明,沉积物TP和OM释放能力较弱,对南四湖上覆水水质影响不明显;而WS湖区的NH4+-N释放能力较强.WS湖区沉积物的NH4+-N等温吸附试验表明,湖心区沉积物NH4+-N释放能力最强,吸附/解吸平衡浓度(CEAC)高于1 mg.L-1的区域面积约占微山湖的1/5,该区域沉积物NH4+-N释放将会对南水北调东线调水水质产生不利影响.  相似文献   

Female choice in sage grouse: the roles of attraction and active comparison   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Previous studies of female choice in sage grouse Centrocercus urophasianus have implicated both the acoustic quality and repetition rate of the stereotyped strut display as putative cues for female choice. Stages in the choice process at which specific components of male courtship display influence female decisions were investigated using field observations of female pre-mating behavior. Females visited a subset of territorial males and then actively chose one of these as a mate. The order in which males were visited suggested that females searched until an acceptable mate was found, rather than employing a “best-of-n” tactic. Numbers of females visiting a male were related to differences in an acoustical component of display (inter-pop interval) whereas the probability that a visiting female mated was related to display rate (Table 3), indicating that initial attraction and active choice are influenced by different components of display. In addition, inter-pop interval and display rate tended to covary inversely (Fig. 1), suggesting that attraction and active choice may impose conflicting selection pressures on display performance. Received: 11 November 1995/Accepted after revision: 16 March 1996  相似文献   

Summary In a Swedish population of the polygynous great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, about 40% of the males formed pairs with more than one female. Males sang two completely separated types of song: (1) long song when they tried to attract mates and (2) short shong when they guarded a fertile female. As soon as a male had attracted a female he immediately switched from long to short song and apparently guarded her for at least 3 days. Most males left their female and started singing long several days before her fertile period ended. This behavior probably increased the risk of cuckoldry. By assuming that males of polygynous species maximize their fitness over the whole breeding season (i.e., maximize fitness rate), we predicted longer mate guarding periods when the probability of attracting a second female was low and the risk of cuckoldry was high. These predictions were supported by observations. The probability of attracting a second female decreased during the breeding season and, in accordance, the number of days that males sang long song during the primary female's fertile period was negatively correlated with the time of the season. This trend held also for individual males when comparing mating periods of their primary and secondary female. The increasing rate of male intrusions with season may also have contributed to the increasing mate guarding periods. Offprint requests to: D. Hasselquist  相似文献   

The present investigation deals with the accumulation of heavy metals in fields contaminated with fly ash from a thermal power plant and subsequent uptake in different parts of naturally grown plants. Results revealed that in the contaminated site, the mean level of all the metals (Cd, Zn, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, Mn and Fe) in soil and different parts (root and shoots) of plant species were found to be significantly (p<0.01) higher than the uncontaminated site. The enrichment factor (EF) of these metals in contaminated soil was found to be in the sequence of Cd (2.33) > Fe (1.88) > Ni (1.58) > Pb (1.42) > Zn (1.31) > Mn (1.27) > Cr (1.11) > Cu (1.10). Whereas, enrichment factor of metals in root and shoot parts, were found to be in the order of Cd (7.56) > Fe (4.75) > Zn (2.79) > Ni (2.22) > Cu (1.69) > Mn (1.53) > Pb (1.31) > Cr (1.02) and Cd (6.06) approximately equal Fe (6.06) > Zn (2.65) > Ni (2.57) > Mn (2.19) > Cu (1.58) > Pb (1.37) > Cr (1.01) respectively. In contaminated site, translocation factor (TF) of metals from root to shoot was found to be in the order of Mn (1.38) > Fe (1.27) > Pb (1.03) > Ni (0.94) > Zn (0.85) > Cd (0.82) > Cr (0.73) and that of the metals Cd with Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe; Cr with Pb, Mn, Fe and Pb with Fe were found to be significantly correlated. The present findings provide us a clue for the selection of plant species, which show natural resistance against toxic metals and are efficient metal accumulators.  相似文献   

Assessing the potential for lead release from road dusts and soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lead release from several soil and road dust samples -- obtained from various locations in the London Borough of Greenwich -- has been investigated as a function of acid and chloride addition. The work shows that lead retention in dust samples is primarily dependent upon buffer capacity, which in turn appears to be related to carbonate content. The continuing addition of acid eventually overcomes the buffer capacity of the system. At this point lead is rapidly released. For the soils investigated buffer capacities appear to be small and in these cases lead is readily released. The supplementary addition of chloride to the samples can have contrary effects upon release. For the dust samples chloride enhances lead release due, presumably, to the formation of chloro--lead complexes. However for one soil sample chloride hinders lead release possibly by binding anionic chloro--lead complexes to anionic exchange sites formed by the protonation of surface hydroxyl groups in the soil matrix.  相似文献   

曝气复氧对富营养化水体底泥氮磷释放的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
采用实验室模拟,研究了曝气复氧对富营养化水体底泥氮磷释放的影响,结果表明,①溶解氧是影响底泥氮磷释放的重要因素,厌氧状态会加速底泥氮磷的释放。②正常条件下曝气复氧可以有效的控制底泥总磷的释放;曝气条件下高pH值无法控制底泥总磷的释放,搅动会对底泥总磷的释放产生轻微的影响,上覆水总磷浓度较高时底泥会发生吸磷现象,而温度则影响较小。③正常条件下曝气复氧可以控制比较封闭水体底泥氨氮的释放;曝气条件下温度对底泥氨氮和总氮的释放影响较大,即温度越高,抑制氨氮和总氮的释放效果越好,且低温会导致底泥氨氮和总氮的大量释放;曝气条件下搅动导致底泥释放更多的氨氮和总氮。  相似文献   

讨论了有机溶剂极性对植物类脂提取的影响,分别采用(Ⅰ)非极性正己烷和(Ⅱ)极性三氯甲烷∶甲醇(2∶1)溶液从青椒和油麦菜干样中索氏提取植物类脂,进一步研究了上述植物干样、提取类脂和去类脂组分对菲的吸附.实验结果表明,两种方法提取得到的类脂含量不同,方法(Ⅰ)从青椒和油麦菜中提取得到类脂含量为(1.9±0.1)%和(5.0±0.4)%;而方法 (Ⅱ)提取得到的相应值分别为(2.6±0.2)%和(9.5±0.5)%.两种方法得到提取类脂对菲的吸附贡献无显著性差异(P>0.05),均约占整个青椒干样对菲吸附的20%,而油麦菜的这一比例约为60%.但采用正己烷提取可避免极性物质的析出而更好地分离类脂和去类脂组分.去类脂组分在青椒和油麦菜中对菲的吸附贡献分别约为80%和40%,即去类脂组分对菲仍有较强的吸附能力,因此不能简单视为碳水化合物.  相似文献   

Chromium toxicity and tolerance in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromium (Cr) is the second most common metal contaminant in ground water, soil, and sediments due to its wide industrial application, hence posing a serious environmental concern. Among various valence states, Cr(III) and Cr(VI) are the most stable forms. Cr(VI) is the most persistent in the soil and is highly toxic for biota. Since Cr is a non-essential element for plants, there is no uptake mechanism; Cr is taken up along essential elements such as sulfate through sulfate transporters. Cr accumulation in plants causes high toxicity in terms of reduction in growth and biomass accumulation, and Cr induces structural alterations. Cr interferes with photosynthetic and respiration processes, and water and minerals uptake mechanism. Various enzymatic activities related to starch and nitrogen metabolism are decreased by Cr toxicity either by direct interference with the enzymes or through the production of reactive oxygen species. Cr causes oxidative damage by destruction of membrane lipids and DNA damage. Cr may even cause the death of plant species. Few plant species are able to accumulate high amount of Cr without being damaged. Such Cr-tolerant, hyperaccumulator plants are exploited for their bioremediation property. The present review discusses Cr availability in the environment, Cr transfer to biota, toxicity issues, effect on germination and plant growth, morphological and ultrastructural aberrations, biochemical and physiological alterations, effect on metabolic processes, Cr-induced alterations at the molecular level, Cr hyperaccumulation and Cr detoxification mechanism, and the role of arbuscular mycorrhizae in Cr toxicity, in plants.  相似文献   

As larvae, solitary species of parasitoid wasps eliminate rivals, including sibs, through contest competition. In gregarious species, larvae tolerate each other and several individuals can develop from a single host. We report experiments on two congeneric braconid species aimed at understanding how gregarious development evolved in one genus, and the consequences of larval interactions for parental behavior. In the transition from solitary to gregarious development, one possible intermediate stage is if solitary species frequently lay more than one egg per host. If the risk of conspecific superparasitism (another female of the same species oviposits into a single host) is high, optimal clutch size theory predicts the laying of multiple-egg clutches, because a female will increase the probability of the surviving larva being her own. Under the same conditions, theory predicts that gregarious species should reduce their clutch size. In our experiments, the solitary Aphaereta genevensis increased their clutch size under the risk of intraspecific competition for hosts whilst the gregarious A. pallipes reduced their clutch size, as predicted. In A. genevensis, the response to the risk of competition was dependent upon body size, being greatest amongst small females. In A. pallipes, the response did not depend on female body size, but clutch size increased with body size in all treatments, unlike in A. genevensis. Under the risk of competition from the other species, the response differed relative to the intraspecific treatments and differed between species. Thus, our data suggest that: (1) competition for hosts may have contributed to the evolution of gregarious development in this genus; (2) female wasps can combine information from both external and internal cues in complex ways during clutch size adjustment; and (3) the social environment may alter the adaptive response to both external and internal cues in adult females.Communicated by M. Elgar  相似文献   

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