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随着我国经济体制改革的进一步深入,我国的环境管理基本上建立了以国家及城市政府为核心的有权威的环境管理体系,而且由于国家及地方环保法规及管理条例的进一步完善,社会对企业环境保护方面要求的逐步提高,地方环境保护机构对工业企业排污的管理越来越严。作为对生态环境构成主要威胁的一些工业企业来说,环境管理已不能单。纯停留在简单的、说教式和被动型的管理  相似文献   

正《中国环境管理干部学院学报》是由河北省教育厅主管、中国环境管理干部学院主办的国内公开发行刊物(国内统一连续出版物号CN 13-1272/X,国际标准连续出版物号ISSN 1008-813X),双月刊,于双月中旬出版。《学报》开设了生态文明、环境管理、循环经济与可持续发展、环境监测与污染防治等栏目,主要刊登环境科学、环境保护与管理、环境监测与监察、环境工程与产业等学科及交叉学科的基础理论研究和应用方面的学术论文,适合于环境科研工作者、环境执法行政人员、高等院校环境学科师生阅读和参考。竭诚欢迎院内外专家、学者踊跃赐稿。来稿要求:一、内容新颖、论点明确、论据真实、图表规范、数据准确、逻辑严  相似文献   

以陕西省18家30万kW以上火电机组自动监测仪器设备、比对监测的结果作为参考依据,指出CEMS比对监测存在缺乏统一管理、监管薄弱、监测方法不同、设备安装位置不规范、参数缺项的问题,并针对问题提出规范设备供应商、严把CEMS验收关、加强监管、贯彻执行国家相关文件及技术规范、强化环境执法等具体建议。  相似文献   

实施污染物总量减排是我国环境管理和污染控制的重大举措,“十二五”期间仍将是我国环境保护的重点内容。本文根据四川省“十一五”总量减排的成效和问题,结合国家对“十二五”总量减排的新要求和特点,从畜禽养殖、城镇生活污染、机动车尾气防治、重点行业减排等方面,对未来减排存在的压力进行了分析,并由此提出了优化产业结构、严把项目准入关、加强环保基础设施建设和管理、加强机动车污染防治、加强畜禽污染治理、加强重点污染源治理、构建综合保障体系等措施和建议。  相似文献   

正阻挠执法比环境违法性质更恶劣生态环境部9月20日通报陕西省商洛市商州区环境违法施工人员暴力抗法事件有关情况,要求各级生态环境部门继续保持生态环境执法高压态势,依法严惩生态环境违法行为,发现一起、严查一起,不断强化环境执法的权威性、严  相似文献   

向文 《环境教育》2013,(11):43-43
为切实解决损害群众健康和影响可持续发展的突出环境问题,严厉打击各类环境违法行为,四川省苍溪县环保局按照“全覆盖、零容忍、严执法、重实效”的总体要求和“三个100%”(环境隐患排查100%,整改责任落实100%,整改措施落实100%)的工作思路,在全县范围内开展环境整治违法排污企业,保障群众健康环保专硕行动。  相似文献   

翟永洪 《青海环境》2000,10(2):95-96
通过具体实例,找出立法中存在的不足是造成有法难依、执法难严、违法难纠的主要原因,并建议把“可持续发展”作为今后环境立法的指导思想,建立统一协调不同层次的环境立法机制,从根本上解决执法过程中遇到的实际困难。  相似文献   

沙漠环境植物栽培技术初探严泽书,黎跃东(塔里木石油开发指挥部总对环保科库尔勒841000)随着塔里本石油勘探开发的不断扩大,沙漠石油公路的开通,在沙漠环境下进行植物栽培试验对防沙固沙,保护沙漠石油公路,改善沙漠环境,保护和改善生活工作环境,稳定石油职...  相似文献   

正十八届五中全会决定,实行"省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度"。以党的全会决定地方这一机构管理归属,旨在解决地方政府对生态环保的不当干预和一些地方存在的落实环保法律法规和政策"软着陆"问题,为"生态环境质量总体改善"提供体制保障,为"绿色发展"提供制度护航,也让基层环境监察从此"破茧化蝶",理直气壮亮剑执法,落实"最严环保制度"。然而,如何使这  相似文献   

环境专家谈环境教育国家环境保护局严珊琴中国环境与发展国际合作委员会是经国务院批准成立的非官方高级咨询机构。它将帮助中国政府寻求一条使环境保护、经济和社会发展、科学和技术各个领域间协调一致的途径,促进中国与世界科学、环境、技术、经济和实业界在重大国际环...  相似文献   

Entomophagy—eating insects—is getting a lot of attention these days. However, strict vegans are often uncomfortable with entomophagy based on some version of the precautionary principle: if you aren’t sure that a being isn’t sentient, then you should treat it as though it is. But not only do precautionary principle-based arguments against entomophagy fail, they seem to support the opposite conclusion: strict vegans ought to eat bugs.  相似文献   

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault provides a backup of seed collections from genebanks around the world. It’s unique character has made it iconic in the public imagination as a ‘Noah’s Ark’ for crop plants. Its remote location and strict controls on access have, however, also lent it an air of mystery, swirling with conspiracy theories. In this paper, I first clarify the aims of the Vault, the history of its development and the policies and practices of its current operation. Given concerns around its potential links to the biotechnology industry, I go on to ask whether GM crops are currently stored in the Vault. Presenting several reasons for why GM crops are formally excluded, while indicating the potential for both change and unintentional contamination, I am compelled to question whether GM crops should be excluded. Answering this requires an interrogation of their potential conservation value as modern contributors to crop biodiversity. In exploring this issue, I suggest that there has been surprisingly little discussion of the moral status and conservation value of bio-technological crop plants and indeed, of how we care for all the techno-lifeforms we are currently engaged in co-creating. I suggest that these are becoming important issues as biotechnological techniques and applications begin to rapidly evolve and diversify (e.g. through genome editing and synthetic biology). Emphasizing the scope for a refreshed interdisciplinary research agenda exploring the interface between biotechnology and biodiversity conservation, I conclude the article by proposing new concepts of synbiodiversity and symbiodiversity to encourage further debate.  相似文献   

污染环境罪司法适用争议问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《刑法修正案(八)》颁布实施后,污染环境罪适用已经一年有余,然而一些争议问题仍未厘清,尤其是主观罪过形态以及严格责任问题,理论界和司法实践中还存在不同的认识。笔者认为,将污染环境罪认定为过失犯罪不存在理论上的不恰切,相反更符合刑法罪责刑相适应的原则。同时严格责任在我国刑法中没有适用的空间。  相似文献   

We study the potentially unnecessary costs imposed by strict performance standards for forest restoration of surface coal mines in the Appalachian region under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) that can vary widely across states. Both the unnecessary private costs to the mine operator and costs to society (social costs) are reported for two performance standards, a ground cover requirement, and a seedling survival target. These standards are examined using numerical analyses under a range of site productivity class and market conditions. We show that a strict (90%) ground cover standard may produce an unnecessary private cost of more than 700/ha and a social cost ranging from700/ha and a social cost ranging from 428/ha to 710/ha, as compared with a 70 standard, may produce an unnecessary private cost of approximately710/ha, as compared with a 70% standard. A strict tree survival standard of 1235 trees/ha, as compared with the more typical 1087 trees/ha standard, may produce an unnecessary private cost of approximately 200/ha, and a social cost in the range of 120 to120 to 208/ha. We conclude that strict performance standards may impose substantial unnecessary private costs and social costs, that strict performance standards may be discouraging the choice of forestry as a post-mining land use, and that opportunities exist for reform of reforestation performance standards. Our study provides a basis for evaluating tradeoffs between regulatory efficiency and optimal reforestation effort.  相似文献   

Organochlorines are a group of chemicals including dioxins and furans, at least some of which are highly toxic to humans. Organochlorines are formed as a byproduct of the chlorine bleaching process in pulp mills, as well as in other ways. Current federal and provincial environmental protection legislation in Canada is too general to adequately deal with the problem of organochlorine discharge. In Sweden and Germany strict new guidelines have been set for the discharge of organochlorines; strict guidelines are also planned for Alberta. The author recommends that new regulations, dealing specifically with organochlorine discharge, be promulgated under the new Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The new regulations should apply equally to all pulp mills. Strict enforcement, through cooperation of federal and provincial authorities, is also advised.  相似文献   

Evaluators frequently cite the absence of effective participation by constituent governments and the need for consensus or even unanimity prior to action as the causes of poor performance by regional resource management institutions. Major governments either will not join the regional institution, will not participate even if legally members, or will exercise a veto over many important management projects.This paper examines the variables that may cause these problems and provides an improved understanding of why rational political actors would act in ways that inhibit the efficient management of resources. Among the principal variables determining participation are expected benefits of collective decisions, perceived losses of autonomy and representation, the number and homogeneity of other participants, decision costs, and the decision rule used to determine actions. Analysis of these factors suggests why consensus and unanimity decision rules are frequently chosen and why participation is usually limited.  相似文献   

由于海上废弃物排放法律法规非常严格,使得海上石油工业形势严峻。面对这一情况,美国和加拿大等国家纷纷制定出对石油生产的要求。为了保证其实施,钻井及钻井液公司采取了诸如研究和开发钻井液添加剂体系等各种环境保护对策。  相似文献   

顾春铵 《四川环境》2003,22(6):67-68,88
分析了工业污染反弹的原因,提出了解决的对策。  相似文献   

随着高速铁路迅猛发展,铁路噪声控制措施的景观性要求越来越高;本文通过成灌铁路声屏障设计,探讨以景观设计的理念设计满足功能要求的降噪措施,将人文景观、生态环境、工程特征融为一体。  相似文献   

Environmental compliance: The good, the bad, and the super green   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although many empirical studies have examined firms' decisions to participate in voluntary environmental programs, relatively few have examined why firms choose different levels of compliance with environmental regulations. This paper uses primary data to examine why some firms violate regulatory standards on water pollution, solid waste, toxic and hazardous waste, and hazardous air emissions, while others over-comply with them. The results suggest that different factors drive decisions to violate or over-comply with an environmental regulation. Some evidence was found to support the strategic behavior theory of environmental overcompliance, but no corroborating evidence was uncovered to support the green consumer theory.  相似文献   

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