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Accidents at work during temporary agency work (TAW) are analysed and compared with those occurring in other industries in Finland on the basis of national statistics databases. The general trend is analysed between 1998 and 2007. The years 2006–2007 are analysed in more detail. Frequency distributions and accident frequencies are calculated for data analysis. Statistically significant differences between TAW and other industries are also tested. The results suggest that the accident risk is increasing in TAW and is higher than in other industries. This might be due to increased use of TAW in traditionally accident prone industries. However, workplace accidents were not so often severe in TAW compared to other industries. The results also indicate that certain work assignments, namely manual work in production and construction, etc. are more common in TAW compared to other industries, which affects the typical kind of accidents. Differences in workplace accidents between TAW and other industries should be taken into account in accident prevention. However, further research is needed to identify the underlying accident mechanisms and their significance in order to guide accident prevention effectively. Information retrieval concerning accidents at work in TAW should continue to be made available in the future.  相似文献   

This article follows an earlier one in which four criteria and four bases for the development of an indirect-cost calculation model adapted to the accuracy requirements and time constraints of workplace decision-makers were established. A two-level model for calculating indirect costs using process mapping of the organizational response to a workplace accident is presented. The model is based on data collected in interviews with those employees in charge of occupational health and safety in 10 companies of various sizes in different industry sectors. This model is the first to use process mapping to establish the indirect costs of workplace accidents. The approach allows easy identification of the duration and frequency of actions taken by stakeholders when a workplace accident occurs, facilitates the collection of the information needed to calculate indirect costs and yields a usable, precise result. A simple graphic representation of an organization's accident processes helps the user understand each accident's cost components, allowing the identification and reduction of inefficiencies in the overall process. Impact on Industry: By facilitating data collection and shortening the time needed to assess indirect costs of workplace accidents, this indirect cost calculation tool is better suited for workplace use than those currently available.  相似文献   

企业安全生产主体责任绩效评估建模与应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在全面分析企业安全生产主体责任内涵的基础上,采用问卷调查、访谈等多种手段,从企业依法生产经营、组织机构与人员配置、安全教育培训、员工权益维护、规章制度管理、作业场所管理及事故管理等方面建立系统的企业安全生产主体责任绩效评估指标体系;结合层次分析法和变权综合理论,构建企业安全生产主体责任绩效评估模型,并进行实例应用。结果表明:依法生产经营是对进行安全生产主体责任绩效评估的前提,机构与人员设置、作业场所安全、规章制度、安全教育培训、事故管理、员工权益维护等子体系对落实企业安全生产主体责任的重要性程度依次递减,所构建的企业安全生产主体责任绩效评估方法和模型是有效的。  相似文献   

The influx of a large number of women into the workforce involves the need for these women to combine family and work responsibilities. Multiple roles lead to work–family conflict. This study analyzes the influence of work–family conflict on the causes of minor occupational accidents suffered by working women. A survey was done on working women in the Madrid region, who had suffered a minor occupational accident in 2004. The main finding was that nearly half of the women with children considered that the stress and fatigue caused by trying to combine work and family played a part in the accident; 21% of the respondents whose accidents took place while traveling to or from work and 11% the respondents who suffered the accident in the workplace said that family reasons played a part. Additionally, 50% of the women suffered after-effects as a result of the accident; children had to change their routine in almost 1 in 4 cases; nearly a quarter of the respondents said their work situation had been temporarily modified. This point to a need for polices that encourage men and employers to contribute more to solve work–family conflicts.  相似文献   

Introduction. From the point of view of workplace safety, it is important to know whether having a temporary job has an effect on the severity of workplace accidents. We present an empirical analysis on the severity of workplace accidents by type of contract. Method. We used microdata collected by the Italian national institute managing the mandatory insurance against work related accidents. We estimated linear models for a measure of the severity of the workplace accident. We controlled for time-invariant fixed effects at worker and firm levels to disentangle the impact of the type of contract from the spurious one induced by unobservables at worker and firm levels. Results. Workers with a temporary contract, if subject to a workplace accident, were more likely to be confronted with severe injuries than permanent workers. When correcting the statistical analysis for injury under-reporting of temporary workers, we found that most of, but not all, the effect is driven by the under-reporting bias. Conclusions. The effect of temporary contracts on the injury severity survived the inclusion of worker and firm fixed effects and the correction for temporary workers' injury under-reporting. This, however, does not exclude the possibility that, within firms, the nature of the work may vary between different categories of workers. For example, temporary workers might be more likely to be assigned dangerous tasks because they might have less bargaining power. Practical implications. The findings will help in designing public policy effective in increasing temporary workers' safety at work and limiting their injury under-reporting.  相似文献   

2007-2011年我国烟花爆竹事故统计分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
燃放烟花爆竹的习俗由于其在中国民俗中的特殊含义而延续至今,但是,因其自身的易燃、易爆性,烟花爆竹生产具有很高的风险性和危害性,引发的各类安全事故时有发生,不仅对社会财产造成严重损失,更危害到人民的生命安全。依据不同分类方法对2007—2011年间我国烟花爆竹事故进行了综合统计分析,得出了事故总体情况,不同方法统计下的事故比例,以及事故原因分类等,并进一步基于原因分析,从法律法规、技术手段以及安全管理三方面提出了一系列相关措施建议。  相似文献   

Safety management in companies at the limit of risk criteria must be implemented in order to survive in the very aggressive and competitive environment of modern society. It implies that the risk in process industries is crossing the limit of safe practices. Most major accidents consist of human errors and mechanical component failures, and cannot be explained by a stochastic coincidence of independent events. This work focuses on the coincidence of human error and mechanical failure to introduce a concept of dynamic management of human error. By the dynamic management of human error during a short period, when a mechanical component is temporarily unavailable during periodic testing or maintenance, the probability of a major accident may be reduced significantly without additional investment on improving safety. For the periodically-tested standby component, the majority of total average unavailability of the component may be recognized by operators or workers as well as maintenance mechanics. During this short period, an appropriate dynamic management of human error for improving human performance temporarily may be very effective in reducing total risk in industries. The dynamic management of human error may be a useful method to prevent loss effectively in the process industries  相似文献   

A lot of attention has been focused on workers' perceptions of workplace safety but relatively little or no research has been done on the impact of job satisfaction on safety climate. This study investigated this relationship. It also examined the relationships between job satisfaction and workers' compliance with safety management policies and accident frequency. A positive association was found between job satisfaction and safety climate. Workers who expressed more satisfaction at their posts had positive perceptions of safety climate. Correspondingly, they were more committed to safety management policies and consequently registered a lower rate of accident involvement. The results were thus consistent with the notion that workers' positive perceptions of organisational climate influence their perceptions of safety at the workplace. The findings, which have implications in the work environment, are discussed.  相似文献   

工业事故演变混沌特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
混沌与随机是本质上不同的两种特性.区分产生工业事故演变系统的混沌性和随机性是进行工业事故模拟和预测的基础.本文通过对工业事故演变特性进行分析,初步结果表明,工业事故演变具有混沌动力系统的一些特征,提出通过相空间重构及Lyapunov指数来判定工业事故演变的混沌特性.  相似文献   

A lot of attention has beenfocused on workers ‘ perceptions of workplace safety but relatively little or no research has been done on the impact of job satisfaction on safety climate. This study investigated this relationship. It also examined the relationships between job satisfaction and workers’ compliance with safety management policies and accident frequency. A positive association was found between job satisfaction and safety climate. Workers who expressed more satisfaction at their posts had positive perceptions of safety climate. Correspondingly, they were more committed to safety management policies and consequently registered a lower rate of accident involvement. The results were thus consistent with the notion that workers ‘ positive perceptions of organisational climate influence their perceptions of safety at the workplace. The findings, which have implications in the work environment, are discussed.  相似文献   

本文根据生产单位事故发生的随机性特点,论证了未来时段中事故次数及其时间分布等各项指标,是能够用多种随机数学模型和灰色系统理论来预测的。用非随机的函数模型预測事故是不合适的。给出了几种事故预測方法,并提出了几种值得研究和试用的方法。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide pipeline is an essential carrier in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Statistically revealing the accident rate and risk of carbon dioxide pipelines is conducive to integrity management. Based on 112 accident records collected from Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, this work analyzes the frequency, rate, and risk of accidents. In addition, the impact of relevant factors on risk is further discussed. Some primary conclusions are as follows: (1) For carbon dioxide pipelines, the leak is the leading form of accident. Most carbon emissions are generated in the form of leakage, but economic losses are mainly generated in other forms. (2) The pipelines that have been in service for 0–10 years have the highest frequency of accidents and the highest proportion of carbon emissions, but the pipelines that have been in service for 11–20 years have caused the most economic losses. (3) Among the accident causes, the number of accidents caused by equipment failure is the highest, while the economic loss caused by natural force damage is the highest, and the carbon emission caused by material failure is the highest.  相似文献   

针对安全生产事故的人员伤残损失统计,除直接经济损失外,还包括因死亡和伤残而导致的间接经济损失。为了计算我国安全生产事故导致的人员伤残损失,DALY(伤残调整寿命年)是目前国际疾病负担应用较多的统计指标,其将因伤残导致的健康寿命损失和死亡寿命损失综合计算。笔者首次应用DALY来计算2005年我国工矿商贸企业伤亡事故导致的伤残寿命损失,2005年因事故伤亡导致的健康寿命损失至少有3 651 862人年,折合成静态经济损失约878亿元。通过DALY计算健康寿命损失可以从一个全新的角度发现事故造成的间接损失,在调查处理安全生产事故时,除了直接损失外,还应该重视安全生产事故带来的间接损失。  相似文献   

Sanna Nenonen 《Safety Science》2011,49(10):1394-1403
Several studies have indicated that outsourcing increases the risk of accidents and presented some explanations for this phenomenon. For example, higher accident proneness of external employees has been presented, but the common causes of accidents have not been reviewed in depth. This paper provides information about typical accidents, the contributing factors, and preventive measures of fatal occupational accidents that occurred in outsourced manufacturing tasks. This paper also compares whether these factors differ from accidents that occurred when tasks were performed in-house in the manufacturing industry. The focus is on operations executed in the factory area for or by an organization operating in the manufacturing business. The accident analysis is based on information gathered from accident reports for fatal workplace accidents that occurred in Finland during 1999–2008. At outsourced operations in manufacturing, accidents occur most commonly when installations or work preparations are being performed. According to the reports, dangerous work practices and insufficient hazard identification most frequently contributed to accidents. In order to prevent typical accidents, e.g., occupational instructional and guidance, hazard identification, work practices, supervision, and task planning should be improved. Statistical differences between outsourced and in-house operations were also found, mainly within the contributing factors. Therefore, the safety of outsourced manufacturing operations should be considered in detail in order to prevent accidents and ensure occupational safety also when operated with other performers.  相似文献   

高速公路交通应急救援资源的配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对交通事故与救援资源存在随机性的特点,建立了交通救援资源配置的随机模型。根据高速公路特有的道路条件与交通机理,确定了模型中救援服务水平、事故概率的权重,配置点至事故点的权值以及随机资源等参数值。将所建立的模型与参数用于河南省高速公路的救援资源配置,研究表明,新的配置方案较好满足了交通事故高概率区域的救援需求,并且合理减少了救援需求区域的资源配置数量,为目前高速公路交通应急资源的科学配置提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(6):537-550
Three individual-based approaches to accident involvement in the workplace, perceptual, attitudinal and dispositional, were evaluated using meta-analytic techniques. The study showed that whilst none of the approaches offered evidence of a strong relationship with work accidents, employees’ safety perceptions emerged as having greater predictive validity than attitudes towards safety, but that one aspect of personality (agreeableness) had greater predictive validity than either safety perceptions or safety attitudes. The study also showed that there is the possibility that safety perceptions are much more predictive in some occupational settings compared to others. Implications of the results for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

事故是来自系统和环境的风险,导致死亡、职业相关病征、伤害、财产损失或其他损失,危害人类的生产、生活和生存。对事故造成的损失进行分析与评价是事故处理的依据,也是安全管理的重要基础。分析了事故损失的多属性特征,确定了属性指标和评价矩阵,建立了基于TOPSIS的事故损失综合评价模型,并进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

Workplace accidents still occur with distressing frequency, particularly in construction. Industrialized countries have become increasingly aware of this situation and have adopted policies to attempt to deal with this issue. Such policies have led to the development of new laws and regulations with a view to improving workplace conditions.This paper first analyzes policies regarding accident prevention in the European Union, as initially stipulated in the European Framework Directive 89/391/EEC, and more specifically in Directive 92/57/EEC, on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites, concentrating on prevention through design. Whilst designers previously had some responsibilities for reducing risk under common law provisions in many countries, this directive was the first explicit legislation to enforce particular duties upon them. The adaptation of the provisions in this directive to the national legislation of EU member countries is also studied.The second section of the paper analyzes the incidence rate of workplace accidents in the construction sector in each country from the year when these regulations came into force until the present time. Based on the evolution of these accident rates, the paper postulates the extent to which European policies have contributed to accident prevention in construction. It is now more than a decade since this legislation has been in force which provides a suitable period for a reflective analysis on it is impact.  相似文献   

This article analyses, using Bayesian networks, the circumstances surrounding workplace tasks performed using auxiliary equipment (ladders, scaffolding, etc.) that may result in falls. The information source was a survey of employees working at a height. We were able to determine the usefulness of this approach – innovative in the accident research field – in identifying the causes that have the greatest bearing on accidents involving auxiliary equipment: in these cases, the adoption of incorrect postures during work and a worker’s inadequate knowledge of safety regulations. Likewise, the duration of tasks was also associated with both these variables, and therefore, with the accident rate. Bayesian networks also enable dependency relationships to be established between the different causes of accidents. This information – which is not usually furnished by conventional statistical methods applied in the field of labour risk prevention – allow a causality model to be defined for workplace accidents in a more realistic way. With this statistic tool, the expert is also provided with useful information that can be input to a management model for labour risk prevention.  相似文献   

运用故障树安全评价的方法和火灾风险评估中的定量分析方法,以人员安全为出发点,对轨道交通运营过程火灾事故风险进行评估。并对重庆市轻轨2号线临江门车站进行紧急情况下人员疏散计算,判断轻轨临江门车站发生火灾等紧急事故时,能否确保乘客的人身安全。结合轨道交通现状给出相应对策措施,降低事故发生的可能性,确保乘客生命安全和财产不受损失。  相似文献   

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