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基于本质安全的化学工艺风险评价方法研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
基于本质安全原理对化学工艺进行风险评价,以易燃性、易爆性、毒性、腐蚀性、反应热、化学活性、工艺温度、工艺压力和存储量9个指标,建立化学工艺的本质安全评价指标体系。采用基于遗传算法的Shepard插值算法对本质安全进行评价,以甲基丙烯酸甲酯的合成工艺路线为例进行分析,结果表明该方法适用于化学工艺本质安全评价,相对传统方法更加科学,能够有效对危险工艺进行选择,为政府监管部门和化工企业提供工艺选择决策技术。  相似文献   

基于本质安全目标的化工厂装置平面布局优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一套化工厂装置平面布局优化方法,以实现布局的本质安全化.简要阐述了本质安全的理念及其在布局设计中的应用,发现引导词限制影响具有较好的适用性.多米诺效应的存在影响布局的本质安全性,因此重点提出了用初始设备多米诺危险指数与目标设备多米诺危险指数来评估布局的本质安全性,指数考虑了初始设备发生不同事故时对不同目标设备的本质安全距离.对指标值较大的设备采取本质安全与被动安全并用的方法,以有效提高布局的本质安全性.实例分析表明,建立的化工厂装置平面布局优化指标体系具有适用性.  相似文献   

以遥感影像数据、专题数据、DEM数据、气象站实测数据和统计数据为数据源,采用极差法、层次分析法、综合指数法、RS&GIS等方法对长白山地区的生态安全进行了评价.结果表明:长白山地区生态安全水平呈现出明显的空间差异性,整体由中部向东西两端逐渐降低.各生态安全等级面积从大到小为临界安全等级、较安全等级、不安全等级、较不安全等级、安全等级.统计了各行政单元的平均生态安全指数和等级构成,各县市生态安全水平从高到低为长白县、抚松县、安图县、和龙市、临江市,各县市的生态安全等级构成也有所差异.长白山地区生态安全水平以临界安全等级为主,整体上生态环境质量一般,系统服务功能受到了一定程度的破坏.  相似文献   

基于筛选测试的化工反应危害评估探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要讨论了基于筛选测试方法的化工反应危害评价。该方法是利用DSC、TS“等差热分析仪对化学品和混合物进行热稳定性的筛选测试,根据起始温度和反应焓变对化合物危害程度分级进行分级,建立反应风险指数,从而在小试和中试阶段就将反应危害降低或消除,确保大规模生产时的安全性,为真正实现化工工艺本质安全。此外,还比较了DSC、TSU、AFFAC、RSST等热分析仪,认为TSU和RSST是目前较为合适的热筛选分析仪,为建立反应危害实验室相关仪器的选型提供了参考。  相似文献   

The accomplishments of inherent safety in the field of loss prevention thus far are impressive due to its scientific philosophy: reducing risks at source rather than adding engineered and procedural protections. Generally, the implementation of inherent safety can be done through a cohesive set of fourteen principles elucidated by Kletz and Amyotte. This work, guided by the fourteen principles, presents a systematic review on the implementation methodologies of inherent safety. Firstly, PRISMA procedure was adopted to select eligible literatures according to inclusive and exclusive criteria. After obtaining the selected literatures, the preference, level of application, and gaps in using these principles were critically analyzed. Of the fourteen principles, intensification, substitution, attenuation, simplification, limitation of effects, and avoidance of knock-on effects are preferable to implementing inherent safety in chemical process. Although the remaining principles are also potentially useful, they are not commonly used due to their costs and complexities of implementation. Overall, this work presents a complete spectrum to look across the implementation methodologies of inherent safety and concludes with some holistic and inclusive approaches as future research recommendations.  相似文献   

为了定量分析区域内重大危险源所构成的风险,为事故风险防控提供科学依据,基于风险场理论对某区域内2家化工企业进行风险分析,得出2家企业所对应的风险值计算公式,并生成2家企业所对应的风险等值面和风险等值线;引入最速下降法,利用负梯度搜寻风险的最快下降方向,得出事故的最优风险降低路径。研究结果表明:甲企业中接近1/2的区域为Ⅲ级风险区域,其余区域为Ⅱ级风险区域,乙企业中大部分区域为Ⅱ级风险区域,仅少部分区域属于Ⅲ级风险区域。相较而言,乙企业中5条最优风险降低路径里程更短,人员分配情况更为合理,更具安全优势;甲企业事故风险更大,更需要完善相关安全措施以免发生事故。  相似文献   

基于改进层次分析法的化工园区应急能力评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用诱导矩阵的方法对层次分析法进行改进,并将整个计算过程计算机程序化。再利用改进的层次分析法计算出化工园区应急能力各因素的权重。最后根据各因素权重以及各因素的打分情况得到园区的应急能力等级。结果表明:对改进的层次分析法程序化会提高分析速度和精度,并且通过各因素权重分析,对园区的应急能力的改善提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

针对化工企业生产中工艺流程复杂、影响因素众多、重特大事故易发的特点,从化工事故发生的多层次影响因素出发,设计构建了化工企业风险评价指标体系,共分为3个一级指标和14个二级指标.基于G1法与物元可拓理论构建了 G1-物元可拓综合评价模型,全面反映化工企业的风险等级水平.运用该模型对唐山某氯碱化工企业进行风险等级评价,计算其各指标权重与关联度,最终得出总目标的风险等级.评价结果与企业实际风险水平基本吻合,表明该方法具有可行性.  相似文献   

目前,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情仍在肆虐全球,已经成为世界各国共同面临的巨大威胁.为评估不同国家与地区新冠肺炎疫情防控的能力,基于韧性概念建立新冠疫情防控韧性评估模型.结合韧性的"抵御能力、恢复能力和适应能力"3个重要特性,建立新冠疫情防控韧性评估指标体系,根据该体系构建基于直觉模糊集逼近理想解法的综合评估模型.并根据"围堵、压制、缓疫"3种疫情防控策略,以中国、日本、韩国、美国、德国与意大利6个国家为例,进行综合评估.结果表明:美国疫情防控韧性水平持续下降,日本疫情防控韧性水平则出现二次下降的现象,其他国家疫情防控韧性水平均呈现先下降后增长的态势,但截止到研究时段的最终时刻,各国疫情防控韧性依然没有恢复至疫情发生前的水平;六国疫情防控韧性水平损失最小的为中国,其后依次为韩国、德国、日本、意大利和美国.研究表明围堵策略能够有效控制疫情,压制策略也能够很好地减少病毒传播,而缓疫策略无法控制住疫情.评估结果与各国疫情防控实际情况基本相符,能够为新冠疫情防控策略的选取及韧性的提升提供参考.  相似文献   



Falls from heights in residential construction are common, especially among inexperienced workers.


We conducted a comprehensive needs assessment to determine gaps in the school-based apprentice carpenters' fall prevention training. A team of carpenter instructors and researchers revised the fall prevention training to fill these gaps. Apprentice evaluation and feedback guided ongoing curricular improvements.


Most apprentice carpenters performed work tasks at heights prior to training and fall protection techniques were not commonly used at residential construction sites. Priorities of the revised school-based training included safe ladder habits, truss setting, scaffold use, guarding floor openings, and using personal fall arrest systems. New apprentices were targeted to ensure training prior to exposure at the workplace. We used adult learning principles to emphasize hands-on experiences. A framed portion of a residential construction site was fabricated to practice fall protection behaviors in a realistic setting. The revised curriculum has been delivered consistently and apprentice feedback has been very favorable.


Integration of needs assessment results was invaluable in revising the school-based carpenters apprentice fall prevention curriculum. Working closely with the instructors to tailor learning experiences has provided preliminary positive results.

Impact on Industry

The fall safety of the residential construction industry continues to lag behind commercial construction and industrial settings. The National Occupational Research Agenda includes a Strategic Goal to strengthen and extend the reach of quality training and education in the construction industry via mechanisms such as construction safety and health training needs assessments. This study demonstrates how a structured process can be used to identify and remedy gaps and improve training effectiveness. We encourage others to take steps to assess and increase the impact of training efforts directed at all residential construction professionals; including both union and non-union workers. The implications are even greater in the non-union sector where most U.S. residential work is done.  相似文献   

Since the adoption of community right-to-know programs in the US there has been an increase in the number of groups known as local emergency planning committees. These committees have matured in focus over the intervening years since the Bhopal incident and even more so since the events of September 11, 2001. There is a strong recognition that local communities working very closely with chemical handling facilities in their areas can directly and meaningfully reduce the threat of a chemical release incident, regardless of cause. Likewise, through similar means they can better prepare themselves to respond should an incident occur. Especially as regards modern concepts of process chemical safety and facility security, local communities can be of great assistance to smaller facilities that do not otherwise necessarily have the resources to accomplish these tasks. As the vulnerabilities of a facility to accident or intentional act, the impacts of these events and the ability of communities to react are all a function of local conditions, it is clear that these local efforts can be more meaningful than large-scale national efforts. While national legislation is certainly helpful to the process of bringing people together, it is the local relationships that produce results.  相似文献   

化工园区应急能力评估是化工园区风险评估及应急管理的重要内容,化工园区建立应急能力评估体系一方面可以提高园区企业及管理部门的应急响应能力,另一方面可以增强政府各部门对事故的应急管理能力。在对某化工园区现场调研的基础上,结合国内外研究成果,确定了化工园区应急能力的多级指标,并运用AHP-模糊方法对该园区进行了应急能力评估。  相似文献   

基于RBI方法原理,实施化工装置压力管道风险评估。在风险评估过程中,将装置内各腐蚀回路中的压力管道按照管径、材质及用途等因素进行分组,以得到各压力管道组的风险等级,在此基础上确定其抽检比例,制订在线检验策略。以某厂环氧乙烷/乙二醇〖JP2〗(EO/EG)装置为对象,应用壳牌S-RBI软件完成装置内274组(共458条)压力管道风险评估工作,根据风险评估结果共抽取178条压力管道实施在线检验,考虑到该装置存在的减薄机理,在线检验技术手段以测厚和宏观检查为主,并对部分中高风险等级以上的压力管道进行数字射线检测。检验结果表明:基于RBI技术的压力管道在线检验策略能够有效发现压力管道系统中存在的安全隐患,并节约检验成本。  相似文献   

Experience gained in the chemical industry in testing and assessing the thermal safety of chemical processes is published in this paper. Isothermal and adiabatic tests, which are the most important methods for both small and large quantities, are described and discussed. Methods for testing the thermal hazards of primary or desired reactions are also included, e.g. reaction calorimetry, adiabatic methods, investigations using a sampling method. More important are the criteria for assessing the test results. On the basis of energies produced by primary and secondary reactions and the temperature ranges within which they take place, thermal hazards can be predicted. If the rules for the safe design of batch and semi-batch reactions are observed, it is possible to control the thermal behaviour of reactions.  相似文献   

重大化工事故往往是由多米诺效应引发的一连串故障而导致的。为实现苯乙烯聚合反应的本质安全,采用本质安全设计原则,设计了T型微反应器以替换传统釜式反应器。先通过计算流体力学(CFD)方法建立了三维稳态模型,再通过UDF(User Defined Functions)添加组分输运方程源项和能量方程源项,对苯乙烯自由基聚合反应进行了数值模拟,研究在微尺度条件下,反应温度、混合反应管道长度及形状对反应结果的影响。结果表明:由于微反应器可提高传热传质效率,在一定范围内反应温度可以控制在3 K以内;反应管道由0.15 m增长至1.5 m后,转化率可提高2倍左右;0.15 m直管形状改进为螺旋状后,转化率可至少提升4%。  相似文献   

从化学实验室内使用的化学物品的易燃易爆性能,存在的各种火源入手,分析了化学实验室发生火灾爆炸事故的原因和爆炸事故的特点,在此基础上提出了防火防爆的具体措施。  相似文献   

层次分析法在化工园区安全评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文采用层次分析法对化工园区域的安全水平评价进行了综合分析研究,得到了化工园区安全评价指标的选取、安全指标权重的确定的技术方法.结果表明,为了构建较为全面的化工园区安全水平评价指标体系,可从区域企业安全生产状况、区域规划状况、区域应急资源利用能力、区域社会经济状况四个方面共25个安全评价指标组成评价体系,进而采用层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,计算结果不仅能够反映园区风险的分布状况,而且对整个园区的规划和布局具有较好的决策支持作用.总而言之,将层次分析法用于化学工业园的安全评价是一种新的尝试,对此进行全面的介绍有着一定的工程实际应用价值.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the concept of inherent occupational health has gained increasing attention to reduce occupational hazards that may adversely impact workers’ health. In order to assess occupational hazards in the chemical process, different inherent occupational health assessment methods have been developed at the early stages of process development and design. The methods in the order of process information availability – ranging from the detailed piping and instrumentation diagrams to a simple sketch of process concepts are the: occupational health index (OHI), health quotient index (HQI) and inherent occupational health index (IOHI). This paper proposes systematic heuristic frameworks to assist process designers and engineers in assessing and reducing inherent occupational health hazards or risks based on process information availability. Strategies for reducing health hazards or risks in the OHI, HQI and IOHI methods based on inherently safer design (ISD) keywords of minimization, substitution, moderation and simplification are included in this study. It is worth mentioning that the proposed frameworks act as guidelines for design engineers in systematically selecting the appropriate index and methodology to assess and reduce health hazards/risks based on the availability of the process information. A case study is solved to illustrate the proposed framework.  相似文献   

化工装置爆炸事故模式及预防研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对建国以来我国已经发生的典型化工装置爆炸事故原因进行了统计分析 ,总结了爆炸危险性的影响因素。结合对已经发生的事故案例的剖析 ,提取并建立了装置内爆炸事故模式 ,对各种模式的爆炸机理和发生条件进行了初步的研究分析 ,并提出事故的预防措施 ,以期指导安全生产  相似文献   

With the development of modern automatic control systems, chemical accidents are of low frequency in most chemical plants, but once an accident happens, it often causes serious consequences. Near-misses are the precursor of accidents. As the process progresses, near misses caused by abnormal fluctuation of process variables may eventually lead to accidents. However, variables that may lead to serious consequences in the production process cannot update the risk in the life cycle of the process by traditional risk assessment methods, which do not pay enough attention to the near misses. Therefore, this paper proposed a new method based on Bayesian theory to dynamically update the probability of key variables associated with process failure risk and obtain the risk change of the near-misses. This article outlines the proposed approach and uses a chemical process of styrene production to demonstrate the application. In this chemical process, the key variables include flow rate, liquid level, pressure and temperature. In order to study the dynamic risk of the chemical process with consideration of near misses, according to the accumulated data of process variables, firstly the abnormal probability of the variables and the failure rate of safety systems associated with the variables were updated with time based on Bayesian theory. On the basis of the dynamic probability of key process variables, an event tree of possible consequences caused by variable anomalies was established. From the logical relationship of the event tree, the probability of different consequences can be obtained. The results show that the proposed risk assessment method based on Bayesian theory can overcome the shortcomings of traditional analysis methods. It shows the dynamic characteristics of the probability of different near misses, and achieves the dynamic risk analysis of chemical process accidents.  相似文献   

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