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In the present study, a total of 198 bacteria were isolated, 88 from the tannery effluents and 110 from agricultural soil irrigated with the tannery effluents. Tannery effluents and soils were analyzed for metal concentrations by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The tannery effluents and soil samples were found to be contaminated with chromium, nickel, zinc, copper, and cadmium. All isolates were tested for their resistance against Cr6?+?, Cr3?+?, Ni2?+?, Zn2?+?, Cu2?+?, Cd2?+?, and Hg2?+?. From the total of 198 isolates, maximum bacterial isolates were found to be resistant to Cr6?+? 178 (89.9%) followed by Cr3?+? 146 (73.7%), Cd2?+? 86 (43.4%), Zn2?+? 83 (41.9%), Ni2?+? 61 (30.8%), and Cu2?+? 51 (25.6%). However, most of the isolates were sensitive to Hg2?+?. Among the isolates from tannery effluents, 97.8% were resistant to Cr6?+? and 64.8% were resistant to Cr3?+?. Most of the soil isolates were resistant against Cr6?+? (83.6%) and Cr3?+? (81.8%). All isolates were categorized into Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In a total of 114 Gram-positive isolates, 91.2% were resistant to Cr6?+? followed by 73.7% to Cr3?+?, 42.1% to Zn2?+?, 40.4% to Cd2?+?, and 32.5% to Ni2?+?. Among Gram-negative isolates, 88.1% were found showing resistance to Cr6?+?, 75.0% to Cr3?+?, and 47.6% were resistant to Cd2?+?. Majority of these metal-resistant isolates were surprisingly found sensitive to the ten commonly used antibiotics. Out of 198 isolates, 114 were found sensitive to all antibiotics whereas only two isolates were resistant to maximum eight antibiotics at a time. Forty-one and 40 isolates which constitute 20.7% and 20.2% were resistant to methicilin and amoxicillin, respectively.  相似文献   

Formation of trihalomethanes (THM) was monitored at the Laboratório de Camarões Marinhos (LCM) from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. THM could be present because chlorinated effluents from disinfection are discharged from the different hatchery rooms. THM quantification was done through an analytical methodology using Purge&;Trap coupled with a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector. Relative standard deviation (RSD), limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for the methodology corresponded to the ranges of 8–17%; 0.01–0.03 μg L?1 and 0.03–0.08 μg L?1, respectively. Linear working range was of 0.1–8.0 μg L?1 for all compounds. Enrichment and recovery method was applied to evaluate possible matrix effects and the results varied from 71.2% to 107.9%. LCM was monitored between August and December, 2004. This study showed that THM did not increase with the increase in postlarvae production and also that the aquatic life and the surrounding environment were not affected.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in five freshwater areas that are directly affected by rice paddy effluents in southern Japan were measured to determine their maximum concentrations and temporal variations. Water samples were collected every week during the 2005 rice planting season in Kagoshima Prefecture and stations were established in Amori River, Sudo River, Nagaida River (that drains into the bigger Kotsuki River), rice paddy drainage canal, and wastewater reservoir (that collects effluents from rice paddy fields). Of the 14 target pesticides examined, a total of 11 were detected in all stations. Mefenacet, fenobucarb, and flutolanil were the three pesticides with the highest maximum concentrations and were also detected frequently. Analysis of temporal variations of pesticides showed that herbicides had relatively higher concentrations in the earlier stages of the rice planting season, while insecticides and fungicides had relatively higher concentrations at the later stages. There was no significant difference among stations with regards to the temporal patterns of the top three pesticides. The calculated toxic units were less than 1 in all stations, implying low or negligible environmental risk of pesticides detected to freshwater organisms.  相似文献   

Enrichment ratio (ER) is widely used in nonpoint source pollution models to estimate the nutrient loss associated with soil erosion. The objective of this study was to determine the ER of total nitrogen (ERN) in the sediments eroded from the typical soils with varying soil textures in Beijing mountain area. Each of the four soils was packed into a 40 by 30 by 15 cm soil pan and received 40-min simulated rainfalls at the intensity of 90 mm h?1 on five slopes. ERN for most sediments were above unity, indicating the common occurrence of nitrogen enrichment accompanied with soil erosion in Beijing mountain area. Soil texture was not the only factor that influenced N enrichment in this experiment since the ERN for the two fine-textured soils were not always lower. Soil properties such as soil structure might exert a more important influence in some circumstances. The selective erosion of clay particles was the main reason for N enrichment, as implied by the significant positive correlation between the ER of total nitrogen and clay fraction in eroded sediments. Significant regression equations between ERN and sediment yield were obtained for two pairs of soils, which were artificially categorized by soil texture. The one for fine-textured soils had greater intercept and more negative slope. Thus, the initially higher ERN would be lower than that for the other two soils with coarser texture once the sediment yield exceeded 629 kg ha?1.  相似文献   

Earlier studies by the authors on English soils under grassland strongly supported their hypothesis that soil/plant systems have naturally evolved to conserve nitrogen (N) by having a close match between the dynamics of mineral-N production in soils and the dynamics of plant N requirements. Thus, maximum mineral-N production in soils occurred in spring when plant N requirements were greatest and were very low in mid to late summer. Low temperature and a high C:N ratio of senescing material helped to conserve N in winter, but mobile N was associated with pollution inputs. We test the hypothesis that under the much more arid conditions of Pakistan, soil/plant systems naturally have evolved to conserve mineral-N, especially over the very dry and cooler months between October and February. When soils from a grassland site were incubated at ambient temperatures after removal of plant roots and exclusion of atmospheric N inputs, there was consistent evidence of immobilization of nitrate and immobilization and possibly volatilization of ammonia/ammonium. In the wetter months of July and August, the soil at 0–10 cm depth showed no evidence of significant ammonium-N production in July and only small ammonium production at 10–20 cm depth in August, but was associated with significant nitrate-N immobilization in August. Nitrate leaching only appeared likely towards the end of the rainy season in September. The results strongly suggest that, under grass, the retention of atmospheric N inputs over the long dry periods is regulating the pools of available N in the soils, rather than the N produced by mineralization of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests play an important role in biogeochemical cycles of metals, nutrients, and C in coastal ecosystems. However, these functions could be strongly affected by the mangrove soil degradation. In this study, we performed an intensive sampling characterizing mangrove soils under different types of environment (lagoon/gulf) and vegetation (Rhizophora/Avicennia/dead mangrove) in the Venezuelan coast. To better understand the spatial heterogeneity of the composition and characteristics of the soils, a wide range of the soil attributes were analyzed. In general, the soils were anoxic (Eh < 200 mV), with a neutral pH and low concentration in toxic metals; nevertheless, they varied widely in the soil and its quality-defining parameters (e.g., clay contents, total organic carbon, Fe, Al, toxic trace metals). It is noteworthy that the mangroves presented a low FePyrite content due to a limitation in the Fe oxyhydroxide contents, especially in soils with higher organic C content (TOC > 15%). Finally, the dead mangrove showed significantly lower amounts of TOC and fibers (in comparison to the well-preserved mangrove forest), which indicates that the C pools in mangrove soils are highly sensitive also to natural impact, such as ENSO.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) leaching from a sandy soil was investigated in the presence of modified and unmodified clay minerals and nanoparticles (NPs). Compared with control soil, amended soil with NPs had the highest percentage of P retention than amended soil with clay minerals. Among the adsorbents used, the highest percentage of P retention was produced by Al2O3-chitosan while the lowest percentage of P retention was by zeolite. Data measured for P leaching after using adsorbents were used to predict P leaching using transport model. PHREEQC model was able to model P leaching from control and amended soil. After leaching, P values in control and amended soil were fractionated by a sequential extraction procedure. Concentration of P in Ca-bound fraction (HCl–P) after application of modified and unmodified clay minerals and NPs (except TiO2 and Al2O3) increased and decreased, respectively. Saturation indices (SIs) and P speciation were assessed using the Visual MINTEQ version 2.3 program. According to the SIs, leaching P from control and amended soil with different adsorbent was controlled by dissolution of hydroxyapatite. The results indicated that used adsorbents can reduce P leaching from the sandy soil. Thus, retention of P by amended soil reduced a risk in terms of groundwater contamination with P.  相似文献   

The degree and distribution of mercury (Hg) accumulation in sediment and fish from a tributary affected by alluvial small-scale gold mining in the Madeira River/Amazon is studied, in relation to a reference site. The results obtained so far agree well with previous studies and confirm that a tremendous contamination of main food web compartments occurs in these highly exposed, but vulnerable tropical waters. An essential part of the released metallic Hg may still exist as macroscopic liquid Hg drops in the sediment. Both global (0.4 mg/kg of Hg) and local (0.1 mg/kg of Hg) background sediment values as well as safety levels for fish (0.5 mg/kg of Hg) are considerably exceeded by a factor of up to 25, 100, and 4, respectively, and give rise to serious concern, not least with regard to the formation of the very toxic monomethyl-Hg. It is further discussed that atmospheric transport and deposition of Hg in water reservoirs built for hydroelectric power generation may act as critical pathways for longterm Hg accumulation, even in unexposed riverine systems.  相似文献   

The Bothnian Bay, which is the northernmost part of the Gulf of Bothnia in Northern Finland, is affected by effluents discharged from point sources such as the pulp and paper mills of Stora Enso Oyj Veitsiluoto Mill and Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab Kemi Mill at Kemi, and the Kemi municipal sewage plant, as well as the River Kemijoki. In this paper we discuss, how modernisation of the wastewater treatment plant at the mills, and process investments in the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for effluent treatment, have decreased the effluent discharges of biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus (Tot-P), total nitrogen (TOT-N), total suspended solids (TSS) and adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) from the mills since 1988. One specific aim of the study was to determine the EOX (Extractable Organically Bound Halogens) concentrations in bottom sediment of the Bothnian Bay in order to assess whether the EOX concentrations reflect the reduction in discharges of chlorinated compounds. According to the monitoring program carried out every third year between 1997–2006, the decreasing trend in EOX concentrations in the top 2 cm of the bottom sediment reflect the decrease in organochlorine discharges (AOX) from the mills. In 1997 the EOX concentrations in bottom sediment varied between 3–70 μg of Cl g?1 (dry weight), and in 2006 between 3.3–32 μg of Cl g?1 (dry weight).  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how changes in hydrological conditions can affect the water quality of a temporary river that receives direct inputs of sewage effluents. Data from 12 spatial surveys of the Vène river were examined. Physico-chemical parameters, major ion, and nutrient concentrations were measured. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) and multivariate analyses were performed. ANOVA revealed significant spatial differences for conductivity and major ion but no significant spatial differences for nutrient concentrations even if higher average concentrations were observed at stations located downstream from sewage effluent discharge points. Significant temporal differences were observed among all the parameters. Karstic springs had a marked dilution effect on the direct disposal of sewage effluents. During high-flow periods, nutrient concentrations were high to moderate whereas nutrient concentrations ranged from moderate to bad at stations located downstream from the direct inputs of sewage effluents during low-flow periods. Principal component analysis showed that water quality parameters that explained the water quality of the Vène river were highly dependent on hydrological conditions. Cluster analysis showed that when the karstic springs were flowing, water quality was homogeneous all along the river, whereas when karstic springs were dry, water quality at the monitoring stations was more fragmented. These results underline the importance of considering hydrological conditions when monitoring the water quality of temporary rivers. In view of the pollution observed in the Vène river, “good water chemical status” can probably only be achieved by improving the management of sewage effluents during low-flow periods.  相似文献   

Coastal shrimp farming may lead to the contamination of sediments of surrounding estuarine and marine ecosystems as shrimp farm effluent often contains high levels of pollutants including a range of organic compounds (from uneaten feed, shrimp feces, and living and dead organisms) which can accumulate in the sediments of receiving waterways. The assessment and monitoring of sediment quality in tidal creeks receiving shrimp farm effluent can support environmental protection and decision making for sustainable development in coastal areas since sediment quality often shows essential information on long-term aquatic ecosystem health. Within this context, this paper investigates nutrient loadings in the sediments of tidal creeks receiving shrimp farm effluent in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, which now have a high concentration of intensive and semi-intensive shrimp farms. Sediment samples taken from inside creek sections directly receiving effluent from concentrated shrimp farms (IEC), from main creeks adjacent to points of effluent discharge outside concentrated shrimp farms (OEC), and few kilometers away from shrimp farms (ASF) as reference sites were collected and analyzed before and after shrimp crops to investigate spatial and temporal variation. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total organic carbon among IEC, OEC, and ASF sites while the seasonal variation being limited over study times. A sediment nutrient index (SNI) computed from coefficient scores of the factor analysis efficiently summarizes sediment nutrient loads, which are high, albeit quite variable, in canals directly receiving effluents from farms but then decline sharply with distance from shrimp farms. The visualization and monitoring of sediment quality data including SNI on maps can strongly support managers to manage eutrophication at concentrated shrimp farming areas, contributing to sustainable development and management at coastal zones.  相似文献   

Labile fractions of soil organic matter (SOM) respond rapidly to land management practices and can be used as a sensitive indicator of changes in SOM. However, there is little information about the effect of agroforestry practices on labile SOM fractions in semiarid regions of China. In order to test the effects of land use change from monocropping to agroforestry systems on labile SOM fractions, we investigated soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and N, particulate organic matter C (POMC) and N (POMN), as well as total organic C (TOC) and total N (TN) in the 0- to 15-cm and the 15- to 30-cm layers in 4-year-old poplar-based agroforestry systems and adjoining monocropping systems with two different soil textures (sandy loam and sandy clay loam) in a semiarid region of Northeast China. Our results showed that poplar-based agroforestry practices affected soil MBC, POMC, and POMN, albeit there was no significant difference in TOC and TN. Agroforestry practices increased MBC, POMC, and POMN in sandy clay loam soils. However, in sandy loam soils, agroforestry practices only increased MBC and even decreased POMC and POMN at the 0- to 15-cm layer. Our results suggest that labile SOM fractions respond sensitively to poplar-based agroforestry practices and can provide early information about the changes in SOM in semiarid regions of Northeast China and highlight that the effects of agroforestry practices on labile SOM fractions vary with soil texture.  相似文献   

The Watershed Assessment Model was used to simulate the runoff volume, peak flows, and non-point source phosphorus loadings from the 5870 km(2) Lake Okeechobee watershed as a case study. The results were compared to on-site monitoring to verify the accuracy of the method and to estimate the observed/simulated error. In 2008, the total simulated phosphorus contribution was 9634, 6524 and 3908 kg (P) y(-1) from sod farms, citrus farms and row crop farmlands, respectively. Although the dairies represent less than 1% of the total area of Kissimmee basin, the simulated P load from the dairies (9283 kg (P) y(-1) in 2008) made up 5.4% of the total P load during 2008. On average, the modeled P yield rates from dairies, sod farms and row crop farmlands are 3.85, 2.01 and 0.86 kg (P) ha(-1) y(-1), respectively. The maximum sediment simulated phosphorus yield rate is about 2 kg (P) ha(-1) and the particulate simulated phosphorus contribution from urban, improved pastures and dairies to the total phosphorus load was estimated at 9%, 3.5%, and 1%, respectively. Land parcels with P oversaturated soil as well as the land parcels with high phosphorus assimilation and high total phosphorus contribution were located. The most critical sub-basin was identified for eventual targeting by enforced agricultural best management practices. Phosphorus load, including stream assimilation, incoming to Lake Okeechobee from two selected dairies was also determined.  相似文献   

Concentrations of six heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, Cr, and Pb) in sediments and fine roots, thick roots, branches, and leaves of six mangrove plant species collected from the Futian mangrove forest, South China were measured. The results show that both the sediments and plants in Futian mangrove ecosystem are moderately contaminated by heavy metals, with the main contaminants being Zn and Cu. All investigated metals showed very similar distribution patterns in the sediments, implying that they had the same anthropogenic source(s). High accumulations of the heavy metals were observed in the root tissues, especially the fine roots, and much lower concentrations in the other organs. This indicates that the roots strongly immobilize the heavy metals and (hence) that mangrove plants possess mechanisms that limit the upward transport of heavy metals and exclude them from sensitive tissues. The growth performance of propagules and 6-month-old seedlings of Bruguiera gymnorhiza in the presence of contaminating Cu and Cd was also examined. The results show that this plant is not sufficiently sensitive to heavy metals after its propagule stage for its regeneration and growth to be significantly affected by heavy metal contamination in the Futian mangrove ecosystem. However, older mangrove seedlings appeared to be more metal-tolerant than the younger seedlings due to their more efficient exclusion mechanism. Thus, the effects of metal contamination on young seedlings should be assessed when evaluating the risks posed by heavy metals in an ecosystem.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe and compare the interannual changes in the diversity and population structure of herbaceous plants in an anthropogenic area that has been regenerating for 15 years and to identify the similarities and differences in the biological attributes of the community compared with the characteristics of a regenerating conserved area. In total, 105 plots measuring 1 m2 were established. In each plot, the herbaceous plants were identified, and their height and stem diameter were measured for two consecutive years. The herbaceous flora of the anthropogenic area was represented by 86 species in 70 genera and 27 families, and there were no significant differences in the average richness between years. The conserved area was represented by 71 species in 63 genera and 35 families, and there was a significant difference in the total richness between areas and between years, except when comparing the richness between the conserved area and the anthropogenic area during the second year. Considering both the anthropogenic and conserved areas, 123 herbaceous species were listed, and the similarity between areas was 60 %. For the anthropogenic area, the floristic similarity between years was 95 %, and in the fragment of the conserved area, the similarity was 74 %. The diversity and density were significantly different between years and between areas. Given these results, this study suggests that 15 years of natural regeneration for the caatinga is not sufficient to reestablish its native flora with respect to its herbaceous component.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was soil-loss determination and comparison of the plot measurement results with simulation model (universal soil loss equation (USLE)) results in different land use and slope classes. The research took place in three different land-use types (Scotch pine forest, pasture land, and agricultural land) and in two different slope classes (15–20%, 35–40%). Within six measurement stations (for each land-use type and slope class-one station), totally 18 measurement plots have been constituted, and soil-loss amount measurements have been investigated during the research period (3 years along). USLE simulation model is used in these measurement plots for calculation the soil-loss amounts. The results pointed out that measured (in plots) and simulated (with USLE) soil-loss amounts differ significantly in each land-use type and slope class.  相似文献   

Emissions of soil CO2 under different management systems have a significant effect on the carbon balance in the atmosphere. Soil CO2 emissions were measured from an apricot orchard at two different locations: under the crown of trees (CO2-UC) and between tree rows (CO2-BR). For comparison, one other measurement was performed on bare soil (CO2-BS) located next to the orchard field. Analytical data were obtained weekly during 8 years from April 2008 to December 2016. Various environmental parameters such as air temperature, soil temperature at different depths, soil moisture, rainfall, and relative humidity were used for modeling and estimating the long-term seasonal variations in soil CO2 emissions using two different methods: generalized linear model (GLM) and artificial neural network (ANN). Before modeling, data were randomly split into two parts, one for calibration and the second for validation, with a varying number of samples in each part. Performances of the models were compared and evaluated using means absolute of estimations (MAE), square root of mean of prediction (RMSEP), and coefficient of determination (R2) values. CO2-UC, CO2-BR, and CO2-BS values ranged from 11 to 3985, from 9 to 2365, and from 8 to 1722 kg ha?1 week?1, respectively. Soil CO2 emissions were significantly correlated (p?<?0.05) with some environmental variables. The results showed that GLM and ANN models provided similar accuracies in modeling and estimating soil CO2 emissions, as the number of samples in the validation data set increased. The ANN was more advantageous than GLM models by providing a better fit between actual observations and predictions and lower RMSEP and MAE values. The results suggested that the success of environmental variables for estimations of CO2 emissions using the two methods was moderate.  相似文献   

Assessments of long-term relationships between changes innutrient inputs and wetland nutrient concentrations can becomplicated by fluctuations in other environmental factors aswell as by problems typical of long-term monitoring data.Consequently, statistical analysisof these types of data sets requirescareful consideration of environmental covariates, potentialbiases in the monitoring design, and irregularities caused bychanges in field sampling protocols. We evaluated therelationship between anthropogenic phosphorus (P) inputs andwater-column total P (TP) concentrations in a northernEverglades marsh by statistically analyzing available datacollected from several sampling programs over the past 20 years(1978–1997). Canal inputs of agricultural runoff contributemost of the P to the marsh and have produced a zone ofenrichment within the marsh during the past few decades.Regression analyses showed that both canal and marsh TPconcentrations increased during the 1980s and then decreased inthe 1990s. However, the statistical relationship between canal Pinputs and marsh TP, while significant, generally was weakexcept for marsh locations adjacent to the canal. Strongerrelationships existed between marsh TP and hydrologic parameterssuch as marsh water depth, which is controlled by changes inweather patterns and marsh management. In particular, dryconditions during the 1980s may have contributed to observedincreases in marsh P concentrations and the movement of a P`front' further into the marsh. Higher rainfall and water depthsand agricultural best management programs initiated during the1990s have been associated with reduced P concentrations incanal waters entering the marsh. While it is anticipated thatthis reduction eventually will result in lower marsh TPconcentrations, this effect is not yet evident, possibly due tointernal loading of P from enriched marsh soils. Our findingsillustrate some of the environmental factors that can complicateattempts to develop empirical relationships between P inputs andwetland P concentrations and to use such relationships to forecast changesin marsh concentrations based on past monitoring data alone.  相似文献   

紫外分光光度法测定水中元素磷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了元素磷在紫外光区的吸收光谱,建立了紫外分光光度法测定元素磷的分析方法,该方法不需酸化,氧化,可在萃取后直接比色测定,该方法具有成本低,曲线线性好,灵敏度较高,准确度,精密度均好等特点,有推广价值。  相似文献   

Disinfection by-product formation potentials (DBPFPs) in wastewater effluents from eight wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were investigated. In addition, a WWTP with one primary effluent and two different biological treatment processes was selected for a comparative study. Formation potential tests were carried out to determine the levels of DBP precursors in wastewater. WWTPs that achieved better organic matter removal and nitrification tended to result in lower DBPFPs in effluents. For the WWTP with two processes, haloacetic acid, trihalomethane, and chloral hydrate precursors were predominant DBP precursors in the primary and secondary effluents. The percent reductions of haloacetonitrile and haloketone formation potentials averaged at 96% which was high in comparison to the reductions of other classes of DBPFPs. In addition, biological treatment changed the DBPFP speciation profile by lowering the HAAFP/THMFP ratio. The eight plant survey and the comparative analysis of the WWTP with two processes implied that besides nitrification, there may be other confounding factors impacting DBPFPs. Oxic and anoxic conditions, formation and degradation of soluble microbial products had impacts on the DBPFP reductions. This information can be used by water and wastewater professionals to better control wastewater-derived DBPs in downstream potable water supplies.  相似文献   

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