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我国2030年前实现碳达峰面临巨大压力,需要系统研究构建碳达峰政策体系,为碳达峰提供政策动力。本文分析了我国碳达峰相关政策实施情况,探讨了碳达峰政策创新思路,提出了碳达峰政策体系建设的重点任务以及政策实施保障。以减污降碳为主线,推进低碳发展政策与生态环境保护政策的统筹融合,构建完善以碳排放总量控制为核心的,涵盖行业部门、重点区域地区、减排相关方的,多手段类型相结合的碳达峰政策体系,促进产业、能源、交通结构调整和低碳发展,有效推动重点行业和领域碳排放达峰路径与关键举措的顺利落地。从建立健全碳排放总量控制考评制度、加快构建排污许可证与碳排放管控协同制度、深化能源资源价格机制改革、全面推开碳排放权交易市场等方面提出重点政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国大气污染防治成效显著,煤电机组超低排放政策实施对此做出了突出贡献。氮氧化物是煤电机组超低排放中的重要控制指标之一。然而,受现有氮氧化物排放监测和喷氨控制技术的精度、反馈时效等因素的限制,为提高脱硝效率保证性,电厂在实际运行中存在过量喷氨现象,未完全反应的氨进入大气后可能造成二次颗粒物增加。针对这一现象,本文回顾了我国火电行业氮氧化物排放标准和治理措施的演化及实施效果,对煤电机组氨排放现状和存在的问题进行了深入分析,提出在推进氮氧化物超低排放过程中应开展脱硝过量喷氨现状调研,鼓励企业开展脱硝系统优化,加强复杂烟气环境下氨监测技术研发,完善脱硝氨逃逸日常环境监管,推动氨排放全生命周期转化规律基础研究和大气环境效应评估,进一步提升煤电机组超低排放政策实施的综合环境效益,也对其他行业超低排放政策推进起到示范作用。  相似文献   

我国烟气脱硫技术与应用引进技术与装置   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以工程实例介绍了我国火电厂和工业锅炉引进烟气脱硫技术与装置工业化应用和示范行状况。介绍了脱硫原理、工艺参数、装置、工程投资费用估算概况,以及我国工业化示范运行状况。  相似文献   

Investment in increased capacity of the major metal producers is examined in the light of changing metal prices and the business cycle. Historically, as metal prices rise, the producers have invested in new mine capacity. This process results in increased production which often comes on stream just as the business cycle is beginning to wane. During the present business cycle the investment pattern of the major mining companies appears to have broken with this historical pattern in that investment strategies are less directed toward increasing capacity.  相似文献   

Based on a case study of the Stadshaven port redevelopment in Rotterdam, this paper explores whether existing spatial planning mechanisms and processes can be used to facilitate local-level investment in climate-resilient public infrastructure and/or whether new processes and mechanisms are required to encourage investment in climate adaptation. The study reveals several key findings. First, a lack of conventional funding sources or formalised regulatory framework allowed room for experimentation with existing mechanisms and flexible strategies. Second, project planners are currently ambivalent towards introducing new mechanisms as a means to overcome implementation challenges. The case provides evidence about the role of the governance process, not simply as a means of system coordination that exists in isolation from institutional norms and values, but rather as a space for innovation, which can contribute towards reducing the financial gap associated with climate adaptation.  相似文献   

草业在国民经济和生态环境中具有重要的地位和作用。新疆草产业在技术水平、资金投入、经营方式与理念上,与兄弟行业相比都存在着较大差距,与兄弟省区和发达国家比较,差距更加明显。草产业的发展必须融入市场、必须走产业化道路。草业要提升发展层次,适应自治区发展现代畜牧业的新势头,应当强化草业行政管理;加大财政支持力度;制定优惠政策、扶持龙头企业;建立农牧民自己的合作组织;提高草业生产的科技含量,重视优良牧草种子的生产和推广。  相似文献   

A cooperative approach via transfer fee was developed to improve the cost‐effectiveness of water pollution control in interjurisdictional lake basin management in China. Different from the existing literature that studies water quality trading and pollution reduction at micro levels (i.e., focusing on enterprises and firms), this article explores cooperative pollution reduction strategies from a macro level, targeting multiple jurisdictional regions. The merits of this new approach include: (1) improving the cost‐effectiveness of pollution reduction by making use of the cost differentiation in pollution reduction between industries and municipal sewage plants, and between different administrative areas; (2) managing payments for ecosystem services by horizontal transfer payment; and (3) incorporating the concepts of game, cooperation, coordination, and watershed‐based management in implementation. For empirical demonstration, a bilevel optimization model was built and calibrated using the 2005 data of the Lake Tai basin to work out the optimal solutions for cooperative chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction. Results show that policies based on this new approach can significantly reduce the overall COD abatement costs for the basin as well as the individual jurisdictional regions compared to the current practice.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparative analysis of the performance in formal and informal areas that deal with solid waste in Brazil. The article demonstrates that there has been significant progress in areas related to recycling and that this progress has been based mainly on informality and on the precarious labour conditions for the pickers of recyclable materials. The article also focuses on the problems found in the model for waste recovery that is being implemented in Brazil and that is based on allocation of precarious waste recovery facilities; this model has mostly small operational capabilities even in large municipalities. These problems are discussed in contrast to the great challenges imposed by the new legal framework of the country. Finally, the article proposes a categorisation of the technological models of material recovery facilities (MRFs) based on their degree of automation and nominal capacities in a manner similar to that used worldwide for incineration plants.  相似文献   

国家重点生态功能区对维护国家和区域生态安全至关重要,产业准入负面清单制度是促进区域国土空间布局优化、引导产业绿色发展的重要举措。本文分别选取了水源涵养、水土保持、防风固沙、生物多样性维护不同类型国家重点生态功能区的案例区,深入开展产业准入负面清单制定的现状分析与问题识别。结果表明:现有产业准入负面清单以限制类为主且多为现有发展产业,禁止类产业较少且多为规划发展产业,在实施过程中仍存在与主体功能定位不符、区域协调性不足、实施困难大、缺乏动态跟踪管理等四方面问题。在此基础上,结合国家有关政策要求和不同区域主导功能定位,提出水源涵养、水土保持、防风固沙、生物多样性维护四类重点生态功能区的通用性和差异性产业准入负面清单优化政策建议,为国家重点生态功能区保护与管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Unlike compounds that can be broken down, the remediation of most heavy metals and radionuclides requires removal from contaminated sources. Plants can extract inorganics, but effective phytoextraction requires plants that produce high biomass, grow rapidly and possess high capacity-uptake for the inorganic substrate. Either the existing hyperaccumulator plants must be bred for increased growth and biomass, or that hyperaccumulation traits must be engineered into fast growing, high biomass plants. The latter approach requires fundamental knowledge of the molecular mechanisms in the uptake and storage of inorganics. Much has been learned in recent years on how plants and certain fungi chelate and transport cadmium. This progress has been facilitated by the use of Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a model system. As target genes are identified in a model organism, their sequences can be modified for expression in a heterologous host or aid in the search of homologous genes in more complex organisms. Moreover, as plant nutrient uptake is intrinsically linked to the association with rhizospheric fungi, elucidating metal sequestration in this fungus permits additional opportunities for engineering rhizospheric microbes to assist in phytoextraction.  相似文献   

Using a time-varying stochastic frontier model, this paper examines the technical efficiency of firms in the iron and steel industry to try to identify the factors contributing to the industry's efficiency growth. Industry observers and policymakers tend to cite most frequently three possible sources of efficiency growth: privatization; economies of scale; and vintage of equipment. Our study corroborates these factors. Based on our findings, which pertain to 52 iron and steel firms over the period of 1978–1997, privatization is likely to improve the efficiency of iron and steel firms to a great extent as evidenced in various industries. This study also provides systematic evidence that iron and steel production shows economies of scale. In addition, newer vintages of equipment are found to be closely correlated with higher levels of efficiency. This clearly indicates that investment in new plants and equipments is critical in pursuit of efficiency in the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

生态环境导向的开发模式是解决传统生态治理项目公益性强而经济效益较差的重要手段。本研究总结了“EOD+PPP”模式、投资人+EPC模式、ABO模式、政府专项债券和创新型贷款模式等五项模式的特点与应用案例,并从地方政府支出角度剖析了各种模式的适用条件。本文认为,当前 EOD模式的运行难点包括:产业培育周期较长,投资回报不确定性较大;开发存在诸多风险因素,缺少标准化制度体系;金融机构缺乏积极性,配套投融资考评体系建设不足。最后提出 EOD模式创新的政策建议,通过关联产业一体化实施、协同生态价值实现机制、强化风险管控评估、规范应用投融资模式为完善EOD投融资模式创新提供思路。  相似文献   

重金属污染综合防治实施进展与经验分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
重金属污染综合防治规划是"十二五"期间国家批复实施的第一个五年专项规划。《重金属污染综合防治"十二五"规划》实施三年多来,取得了积极成效。本文从重点行业综合防控、重点区域分类整治、重点企业责任落实、重点项目强力推进等方面,总结了《重金属污染综合防治"十二五"规划》实施进展、成效和主要经验,为《重金属污染综合防治"十二五"规划》后续实施和我国污染防治规划的制定与实施提供启发与借鉴。  相似文献   

The liberalisation of investment regimes for mining over the past decade is encouraging an inflow of foreign investment for mining and mineral processing projects in developing and former centrally-planned economies. This new investment is occurring at a time of technological change within the international mining industry as market and regulatory pressures lead the most dynamic firms to invest in the development or acquisition of new technologies and management practices. The effective transfer and assimilation of these technologies enable mining companies to combine gains in productivity with improvements in environmental management. Joint ventures and other strategic alliances between inwardly investing firms and the newly privatised or remnant state-owned mining enterprises may provide an effective vehicle for the transfer of the techniques for more productive and cleaner operations. Specific examples of innovative process and remediation technologies are analysed and it is suggested that the ability of innovative technologies to improve competitiveness and sustain best-practice environmental management in the recipient is linked to the transfer and effective acquisition of the capacity to manage the complex processes of technological and organisational change. The paper closes with some recommendations for further research directed towards a systematic examination of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

建立中-韩自由贸易试验区是党中央、国务院做出的重大决策,是深入贯彻党的十八大精神,在新形势下全面深化改革、扩大开放战略的重大举措。辽宁省环保产业发展起步较早,尽管近年来在全国的位次有所下滑,但在产品门类、技术、人才、关联产业以及园区化、集群化的发展模式上仍具有一定优势。面对中-韩自由贸易试验区对环境服务业战略转型的机遇和挑战,辽宁省应明确提出环保产业发展战略和目标定位,要强化政府的主导作用,加强不同环境服务分类影响研究,实施国内环境服务企业的"走出去"战略,加快环境服务业发展和战略转型的法规和政策体系建设,制定针对国内环境服务企业的扶持战略,解决战略转型的保障问题。本文以自贸区贸易效应为理论依据,根据辽宁省环保产业发展现状,探索在新时期如何利用辽宁省的区位优势不断创造市场空间,加快政府职能转变,积极推进环保产业贸易和投资便利化,强化资本、技术、人才等要素构建,加强园区建设,培育领军企业。  相似文献   

There has been a sharp downturn in the building of electricity production and distribution facilities in sub-Saharan Africa due to economic and financial constraints. In part this was due to the steady decline in GDP in sub-Saharan Africa throughout the 1980s. The slackening growth of demand and the continuing decline in existing generating capacity have led to a shift in emphasis towards the restructuring of electricity companies, management improvements and the rehabilitation of existing plants rather than new investment in production and distribution facilities. Nevertheless, valid doubts remain as to the ability of the African electricity sector to mobilize sufficient resources in the medium term to ensure its development.  相似文献   

Some renewable energy technologies rely on the functionalities provided by geochemically scarce metals. One example are CIGS solar cells, an emerging thin film photovoltaic technology, which contain indium. In this study we model global future indium demand related to the implementation of various energy scenarios and assess implications for the supply system. Influencing parameters of the demand model are either static or dynamic and include technology shares, technological progress and handling in the anthroposphere. Parameters’ levels reflect pessimistic, reference, and optimistic development. The demand from other indium containing products is roughly estimated. For the reference case, the installed capacity of CIGS solar cells ranges from 12 to 387 GW in 2030 (31–1401 GW in 2050), depending on the energy scenario chosen. This translates to between 485 and 15,724 tonnes of primary indium needed from 2000 to 2030 (789–30,556 tonnes through 2050). One scenario exemplifies that optimistic assumptions for technological progress and handling in the anthroposphere can reduce cumulative primary indium demand by 43% until 2050 compared to the reference case, while with pessimistic assumptions the demand increases by about a factor of five. To meet the future indium demand, several options to increase supply are discussed: (1) expansion of zinc metal provision (indium is currently a by-product of zinc mining), (2) improving extraction efficiency, (3) new mining activities where indium is a by-product of other metals and (4) mining of historic residues. Potential future constraints and environmental impacts of these supply options are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Vlado Vivoda   《Resources Policy》2011,36(1):49-59
The aim of this paper is to assess the conditions that influence foreign direct investment in the mineral industries of China and India. The paper first surveys literature on the determinants of foreign direct investment to identify key conditions, under which host countries attract mining FDI. It then builds an evaluative framework which allows for comparative analysis. The paper then comparatively evaluates the performance of foreign investment regimes that govern mineral industries in China and India. Its findings show that the overall conditions for foreign mining investment in China and India are not favourable and that substantial policy, regulatory and other changes in both countries need to be made if more investment is to flow.  相似文献   

Targets to cut 2050 CO2 emissions in the steel and aluminium sectors by 50%, whilst demand is expected to double, cannot be met by energy efficiency measures alone, so options that reduce total demand for liquid metal production must also be considered. Such reductions could occur through reduced demand for final goods (for instance by life extension), reduced demand for material use in each product (for instance by lightweight design) or reduced demand for material to make existing products. The last option, improving the yield of manufacturing processes from liquid metal to final product, is attractive in being invisible to the final customer, but has had little attention to date. Accordingly this paper aims to provide an estimate of the potential to make existing products with less liquid metal production.Yield ratios have been measured for five case study products, through a series of detailed factory visits, along each supply chain. The results of these studies, presented on graphs of cumulative energy against yield, demonstrate how the embodied energy in final products may be up to 15 times greater than the energy required to make liquid metal, due to yield losses. A top-down evaluation of the global flows of steel and aluminium showed that 26% of liquid steel and 41% of liquid aluminium produced does not make it into final products, but is diverted as process scrap and recycled. Reducing scrap substitutes production by recycling and could reduce total energy use by 17% and 6% and total CO2 emissions by 16% and 7% for the steel and aluminium industries respectively, using forming and fabrication energy values from the case studies. The abatement potential of process scrap elimination is similar in magnitude to worldwide implementation of best available standards of energy efficiency and demonstrates how decreasing the recycled content may sometimes result in emission reductions.Evidence from the case studies suggests that whilst most companies are aware of their own yield ratios, few, if any, are fully aware of cumulative losses along their whole supply chain. Addressing yield losses requires this awareness to motivate collaborative approaches to improvement.  相似文献   

市场导向的绿色技术创新机理与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
基于对绿色技术创新的特殊属性、企业绿色技术创新环境和驱动力的转变分析,给出了市场导向对企业绿色技术创新的驱动机理。研究发现,企业绿色技术创新具有进度紧迫性、社会实用性、市场导向性及双重外部性等特殊属性,需借助市场机制来驱动企业绿色技术创新投入。市场导向下的企业绿色技术创新,就是要借助市场机制来优化企业绿色技术创新要素的配置效率。其中,市场供求机制有利于释放绿色技术创新要素的供需信号,市场竞争机制有利于提高绿色技术创新企业的市场竞争力;市场的价格机制有利于绿色技术创新企业的价值实现。最后,结合我国绿色技术创新发展实践提出6点建议:以解决突出矛盾为导向,精准设计市场规制措施;以优化顶层设计为起点,实现多主体协同发力;强化知识产权保护,制定绿色产业专利战略;多管齐下促进绿色消费,引导企业绿色技术创新;完善绿色标准和标识制度,倒逼绿色技术升级;建立绿色技术创新发展评估体系,有针对性地提高市场规制效率。  相似文献   

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