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Brown and cherry colour morphs of the heteronemertean Lineus torquatus Coe, 1901 from the Vostok Bay of the Sea of Japan were compared using allele frequencies at 18 isozyme loci. These morphs shared no common alleles at 9 of the 18 loci. The observed genetic differences are strong evidence that the brown and cherry colour morphs, which occur sympatrically, are different species. Nei's genetic distance between these species (D=1.135) is considerably higher than typical D values for congeneric animal species. As with much previous work on nemerteans, intraspecific allozymic variability in both species was high, with mean expected heterozygosity values 0.286±0.049 and 0.159±0.051 for L. torquatus (brown) and L. torquatus (cherry) species, respectively.  相似文献   

While sampling intertidally in Puget Sound, Washington, USA, for juvenile Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in 1984, we found evidence of two distinct cohorts of the same year-class based on sizes of first-instar juveniles (J1) and the spatial/temporal patterns of settlement. In 1988, three distinct cohorts were observed to settle in Puget Sound and its approaches. Settlement of one cohort occurred during May in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and in those areas of Puget Sound closest to the Strait. J1 individuals of this cohort were large (x=7.4 mm carapace width, CW) and comparable in both size and timing of settlement to populations along the Washington coast (e.g. Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay). Initial settlement density of the May cohort was as high as 215 crabs/m2 in intertidal eelgrass beds along the Strait of Juan de Fuca and decreased to <2 crabs/m2 within Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia. A second cohort apparently originated in Hood Canal (a deep inland fjord), its size upon settlement in June was significantly smaller (J1 x= 5.3 mm CW) than the May cohort, and it was limited to Hood Canal and areas of Puget Sound close to the mouth of Hood Canal. A third cohort, which settled in late July and August, was the smallest of the three cohorts (J1 x= 4.8 mm CW), and was widely distributed around Puget Sound from Seattle in the south to the USA/Canadian border in the north. We hypothesize that most juvenile recruitment in Hood Canal and Puget Sound originates from parental stocks endemic to their respective basins (Hood Canal and Puget Sound cohorts), but that, on occasion, oceanographic conditions allow substantial influx of Pacific Ocean Dungeness crab larvae (oceanic cohort) through the Strait of Juan de Fuca into Puget Sound. Tracking of spatial/temporal settlement patterns and comparison of J1 sizes proved useful for estimating the probable sources and dispersion of Dungeness crab larvae. Differences in size and time of settlement between various larval cohorts of C. magister may prove useful as biomarkers for tracing circulation patterns within and between inland waters of Washington and the Pacific Ocean. Causes of smaller size and later settlement of the Puget Sound cohort relative to oceanic conspecifics of the same year-class are discussed.Contribution No. 856, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle  相似文献   

Encrusting algae have been described as dominant space occupying species on rocky shores around the world. Despite their abundance, however, most studies classify species under generic names (e.g. Ralfsia sp.) or as a functional group (e.g. encrusting algae), thereby underestimating the number of species present and their ecological importance. Studies on six rocky shores of varying exposure, in Hong Kong, recorded eight common species of encrusting algae. The greatest abundance of encrusting algae was recorded on shores of intermediate exposure, where four distinct zonation bands could be identified; a cyanobacterial Kyrtuthrix-Zone in the upper midlittoral, a Bare-Zone below this, a Mixed-Zone in the lower midlittoral and a Coralline-Zone in the infralittoral fringe. Abundance declined on shores of greater and lower exposure to wave action, where bivalves and barnacles were competitively dominant. Certain species were found in greater abundance on exposed shores (e.g. Dermocarpa sp. and Hildenbrandia occidentalis), while others preferred more sheltered shores (e.g. Hildenbrandia prototypus and Kyrtuthrix maculans). With the exception of some cyanobacterial crusts, the abundance of encrusting algae was always greatest towards the low shore, an area of decreased physical stress and increased herbivore density. Zonation patterns showed seasonal variation associated with the monsoonal climate of Hong Kong. Most species increased in abundance during the cool season, while during the summer months the cover and vertical extent of encrusting algae decreased in relation to summer temperatures, although K. maculans increased in abundance during the summer. On Hong Kong shores, encrusting algae have a high species richness and exhibit within-functional group spatial and temporal variation which is mediated by herbivory and seasonal, physical stresses.  相似文献   

V. Brock 《Marine Biology》1982,67(1):33-38
The spawning cycles of the sibling species Cerastoderma edule (L.) and C. lamarcki (Reeve) were studied in allopatric and sympatric Danish populations from 1978–1980. The results do not support earlier findings of reproductive character displacement in sympatric populations of the two species. New records of hybrid formation and intermediate forms are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The initial stage of pair formation of the pied and the collared flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca and F. albicollis) was simulated in a field experiment. Male dummies positioned near nest boxes and singing by means of tape-recorded song from loudspeakers offered prospecting females a nest box combined with an automatic trap. An unequivocal demonstration of female arrival at the male's territory was obtained by the trapping of the female. Control nest-box traps were provided with silent dummies. Factors other than male song causing female attraction were controlled by a daily switch of the position of singing and silent dummies. Nine out of ten females were caught in nest-box traps with singing dummies (one-tailed binomial test, P=0.011). The result supports the hypothesis that male song functions in mate attraction. This hypothesis has never previously been tested in field experiments although circumstantial evidence for it has been available.  相似文献   

For many years the taxonomic position of the marine ctenostome bryozoan Alcyonidium mytili Dalyell (1848) has been in doubt, with some authorities regarding it as being conspecific with A. polyoum (Hassall). We have set out to resolve this problem using enzyme electrophoresis to examine the genetics of the population structure in the two species. The results show beyond reasonable doubt that sympatric populations of the two species are indeed from quite separate and non-interbreeding gene pools. An examination of various allopatric populations shows a new species of A. mytili to exist sympatrically with the other at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire, England. This species can be readily distinguished on morphological as well as genetic ground. Samples of A. mytili from Guernsey also show substantial genetic differences from other populations examined. It is tentatively concluded that this population also represents a separate gene pool and consequently should be recognised as a third species of A. mytili.  相似文献   

The effect of light intensity, pH and carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitors on photosynthesis of the red marine macroalgae Solieria filiformis (Kützing) Gabrielson, collected from Taliarte (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) in 1991, has been investigated. Plants taken from the sea (wild phenotype) developed spherical morphology (ball phenotype) after 2 mo culture in aerated tanks. The photosynthetic oxygen evolution in the wild phenotype was saturated at 100 mol photons m-2s-1, while the ball phenotype displayed saturation at 200 mol photons m-2s-1. The inhibitors of total CA activity (6-ethoxizolamide) and extracellular CA activity (dextran-bound sulfonamide) inhibited photosynthesis at pH 8.2, to 90 and 50% respectively, in both phenotypes. No inhibition of the photosynthetic oxygen evolution was detected at pH 6.5. CA activity was associated with both supernatant and pellet fractions of crude extracts of S. filiformis. The rate of alkalization of the medium by the algae was dependent on light intensity. We suggest that carbon dioxide is the general form of inorganic carbon transported across the plasmamembrane in S. filiformis. HCO3 transport into the cell takes place simultaneously by an indirect mechanism (dehydration to CO2 catalyzed by CAext) and by direct uptake. Extracellular (CAext) and intracellular (CAint) CAs are involved in the mechanisms of inorganic carbon assimilation by S. filiformis.  相似文献   

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus), which is known to release planula larvae on a monthly cycle, was grown in full daytime solar irradiance, but with four treatments of night irradiance: (1) natural night irradiance, (2) shifted-phase (total darkness during nights of full moon with artificial irradiance at lunar intensity on nights of new moon), (3) constant full moon (full lunar irradiance every night), and (4) constant new moon (total darkness every night). The reproductive cycle of the corals held in the shifted-phase treatment moved out of synchrony with the cycle of corals exposed to a natural lunar cycle of night irradiance. Two previously described types of P. damicornis were tested. The Type Y normally start releasing larvae at full moon, with peak production at third quarter. In the shifted-phase treatment they began releasing planulae at new moon (artificial full moon), with peak production at first quarter. The Type B corals, that normally start releasing planulae at new moon with peak production at first quarter, began to release planulae at full moon (artificial new moon), with peak production at third quarter. Populations of corals grown either in the constant full moon or constant new moon treatment quickly lost synchronization of monthly larva production, although production of planulae continued. Thus spawning is synchronized by night irradiance.Contribution No. 702 of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology  相似文献   

Carbon-isotope ratio gradients in western arctic zooplankton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zooplankton from 87 stations in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas sampled in 1985, 1986 and 1987 showed a geographic gradient in stable carbon-isotope ratios (13C). The zooplankton most depleted in 13C were found in the central and eastern Beaufort Sea and those most enriched were from the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Average 13C values ranged from-20.9 to-26.7 for copepods and from-19.4 to-25.1 for euphausiids. Euphausiids show a minimum of 1.0 enrichment relative to copepods throughout the study area. Relative biomasses of the major zooplankton taxa varied significantly across the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in October 1986, with euphausiids dominating in the west and copepods in the east. These differences in taxonomic composition affected the weighted 13C values for total zooplankton and may produce an even more pronounced geographic gradient in zooplankton 13C than that found within a single taxon. The bowhead whale Balaena mysticetus migrates between wintering areas in the Bering Sea and summering areas in the Beaufort Sea and feeds over this geographic range. The zooplankton 13C gradient is the probable source of 13C oscillations found along the baleen plates of this planktivore.  相似文献   

Summary One well-known solution to the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma is the TIT FOR TAT strategy. This strategy has three characteristics associated with it. TIT FOR TAT is nice (cooperates on the first move of a game), retaliatory (plays defect against an individual that defected on the prior move), and forgiving (cooperates with an individual which has defected in the past but cooperates in the present). Predator inspection behavior in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) was examined in order to determine whether guppies displayed these three characteristics. Results indicate that while it can be quite difficult to translate the abstract concepts of niceness, retaliation, and forgiveness into measurable behaviors, the data support the hypothesis that guppies display the three characteristics associated with the TIT FOR TAT strategy.The selfish herd and dilution effect are discussed as possible alternative explanations for the observed behavior. These hypotheses alone were insufficient to explain the results.  相似文献   

Cooperative hunting in lions: the role of the individual   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Individually identified lions (Panthera leo) were observed on the open, semi-arid plains in Namibia. Data from 486 coordinated group hunts were analysed to assess cooperation and individual variation in hunting tactics. Group hunts generally involved a formation whereby some lionesses (wings) circled prey while others (centres) waited for prey to move towards them. Those lionesses that occupied wing stalking roles frequently initiated an attack on the prey, while lionesses in centre roles moved relatively small distances and most often captured prey in flight from other lionesses. Each lioness in a given pride repeatedly occupied the same position in a hunting formation. Hunts where most lionesses present occupied their preferred positions had a high probability of success. Individual hunting behaviour was not inflexible, however, but varied according to different group compositions and to variations in the behaviour of other individuals present. The role of cooperative hunting and its apparent advantages within the semi-arid environment of Etosha National Park, Namibia, are discussed.  相似文献   

Sorting centers are important for processing material collected during extensive oceanic expeditions. Based on information obtained from samples of appendicularians, this paper demonstrates that usual procedures adopted in sorting centers produce samples which contain only a fraction of the organisms present in the original catch (or subsample). In addition, the proportion of individuals sorted varies considerably. In four Indian Ocean Standard Net catches collected in the Arabian Sea, subsamples (called sorted samples in this paper) are compared with careful microscopical counts (quantitative counts) performed by the author. The numbers of appendicularians found in quantitative counts were 2.4 to 19.2 times higher than those in the sorted samples. Sorting efficiency varies in different forms of appendicularians; it is particularly low in Fritillaria sp. Bad preservation and small body size further reduce the portion sorted out. Under certain conditions (e.g. net clogging), numerous small appendicularians are retained which normally would pass easily through the meshes of the plankton net.  相似文献   

We studied the echolocation and hunting behavior of three aerial insectivorous species of bats (Vespertilionidae: Pipistrellus) in the field in order to characterize the signals used by the bats and to determine how call structure varies in relation to habitat structure (uncluttered versus cluttered space). We documented free-flying, naturally foraging wild pipistrelles in various habitats using multiflash stereophotography combined with simultaneous sound recordings. Then we reconstructed the bat's flight position in three-dimensional space and correlated it with the corresponding echolocation sequences. In all three species of pipistrelles, signal structure varied substantially. In echolocation sequences of the search phase we found a consistent association of signal types with habitat types. In uncluttered habitats (obstacles more than 5 m from the bat) pipistrelles emitted almost exclusively narrowband signals with bandwidths less than 15 kHz. In cluttered habitats (obstacles less than 5 m from the bat) they switched to signals with bandwidths of more than 15 kHz. Wideband signals were also used when the bats were turning in cluttered and uncluttered spaces and for an instant after turning away from obstacles. Prey detection occured only when the outgoing signal did not overlap with the returning echo from potential prey. The bats also avoided overlap of echoes from potential prey and obstacles. Based on the results of this study, we propose an overlap-free window within which pipistrelles may detect potential prey and which allows predictions of minimum distances to prey and clutter-producing objects. Correspondence to: E.K.V. Kalko  相似文献   

The quantity and particle size characteristics of lead in dust released during three different paint removal techniques was determined under controlled conditions and in situ in a dwelling. Air-lead and deposited dust-lead levels were highest after sanding but burning-off and hot-air removal methods also produced significant contamination. The importance of dust particle-size and lead is discussed in relation to the potential hazard to home renovators via inhalation and to children via the hand-to-mouth route.This paper is also being published in Proceedings of the Conference on Lead in the Home Environment and is one of several selected from SEGH sponsored conferences for simultaneous publication in this journal.  相似文献   

Summary Limitations on male capacity may be important to the evolution of mating strategies and behavior. Sperm counts in successive ejaculates of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) decreased progressively through six ejaculations and remained depressed the following day. Males were as effective in inseminating females in cycling estrus with their second two ejaculates as with their first two and as effective in inseminating postpartum females with their fifth as with their first. In sperm competition situations males competed with rested males as effectively with their fourth, fifth, and sixth ejaculates as with their first. Thus, although sperm counts decrease in successive ejaculates, males suffer no apparent functional deficiency as long as they continue ejaculating. It is not clear whether or not deer mice are honest salesmen but they appear to be honest ejaculators and usually are honest intromitters.  相似文献   

Studies of geographic population variation needed to estimate gene flow are lacking in deep-sea biology. Using allozyme electrophoresis, I have studied population-level geographic variation among scavenging lysianassoid amphipod populations (Abyssorchomene spp.) inhabiting deep-water basins of the Southern California Continental Borderland. Samples were collected from November 1987 to November 1990, using baited traps, from six basins whose bottom depths ranged from ca. 1000 to 2100 m. Five basins (San Diego Trough, Santa Catalina, San Nicolas, Santa Cruz, Tanner Basins) could be grouped together as shallow-sill basins, with physical conditions distinctly different from a single deepsill basin (San Clemente Basin). Amphipods tentatively identified asAbyssorchomene sp. 1 collected from the shallow-sill basins were morphologically discriminated from those collected in the San Clemente Basin, which were identified asAbyssorchomene sp. 2. Results from eight enzyme loci revealed significant genetic differentiation [Nei's genetic distance (D)>0.155] of deep-sill basin-dwellingAbyssorchomene sp. 2 vsAbyssorchomene sp. 1 from the shallow-sill basins and low levels of gene flow (migration rate, <1). Comparisons of benthic fauna suggest the presence of an abyssal-related assemblage in the deep-sill basin isolated from the northern shallow-sill basins. Genetic distances among the five shallow-sill basin populations ofAbyssorchomene sp. 1 were very low (D < 0.003). Estimates of gene flow among these populations were very high ( > 24 to 170) and suggested weak isolation by distance.  相似文献   

The 3 culturing devices described are based on the principle of the classic air-water lift, which facilitates continuous recirculation and aeration of the cultivation medium. The first device is a circulation cylinder, convenient for hatching eggs of the brine shrimp Artemia salina and for culturing algae and protozoans. In the second device, an internal basket (i.e., a glass cylinder with plankton-gauze bottom) prevents the animals being carried along in the air-water lift. The third device, analogous to the second, is provided with a lateral waste-drain and a water collector with siphon, which empties regularly into the main culture vessel. The second and third devices proved to be excellent for the cultivation of a variety of aquatic metazoans. They fulfil two elementary principles of cultivation: food particles are kept in suspension and evenly distributed, and the necessary aeration is provided without injuring sensitive animals.Navorsingsstagiair, at the Belgian National Foundation for Scientific Research (N.F.W.O.).  相似文献   

A highly specific recognition system, capable of distinguishing between allogeneic (non-clonemates) and syngeneic (clonemates) conspecifics, exists in Anemonia sulcata (Coelenterata: Anthozoa). During a competitive interaction between allogeneic individuals, specialized structures (acrorhagi) are exposed and used to sting opponents. This complex behavior is called the acrorhagial response. In order to quantify this behavior we measured the acrorhagial response time (period from first contact with opponent to full expansion of acrorhagi). More than 320 reciprocal histoincompatibility responses were recorded. These histoincompatibility (H) markers are free components of the sea anemone mucus: they were characterized as glyco-proteins of a molecular weight <18 KD (Kilo-Dalton) containing terminal -d-glucose and/or -d-mannose. In alloimmune memory testing experiments, the memory trace in A. sulcata was found to persist for 5 d.  相似文献   

In distilled water, marine benthic algae immediately lose ions. This can be demonstrated by means of chloride titration or conductivity measurements. The rapidity and the complete reversibility of this process show that ion movements out of and into the free space are involved. When Laminaria saccharina thalli, exposed to a series of increasing NaCl-concentrations, are subsequently transferred into distilled water, the external concentration increases proportionally to rate of ion loss. Through its free space, the alga establishes an ionic equilibrium with its external medium. If the alga thallus is killed (20 sec boiling in isosmotic sea water), the extent of chloride loss is much higher. Because of thermal destruction of the osmotic space, the chloride can then escape from the entirc thallus. Since sublittoral algae die upon drying, chloride loss from dry thalli is much higher than that from wet thalli: this difference is small in littoral algae, which tolerate short periods of dryness. A close relationship exists between extent of chloride loss and degree of resistance to drying.  相似文献   

Primary production in Dumbell Bay in the Arctic Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photosynthesis, chlorophyll, inorganic nutrients, and related factors were measured throughout a productive season in a small coastal inlet of the Arctic Ocean. Significant production was confined to 5 m for a very limited time period beacause of both light and nutrient limitations. Maximum chlorophyll was 8.2 mg Chl a m-3 and maximum gross and net photosynthesis rates were 830 and 550 mg C m-2 d-1. Annual gross and net photosynthesis is estimated at about 12 and 9 g C m-2 respectively. The effect of light stimulation on assimilation is described, sources of coastal zone nutrient enrichment are considered, and discrepancies between gross and net photosynthesis are discussed with reference to the growth characteristics of the phytoplankton population.Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. Contribution No. 76008  相似文献   

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