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Pan Gao Yuan Song Shaoning Wang Claude Descorme Shaoxia Yang 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2018,12(1):8
Landfill leachate treatment methods: A review 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
J. Wiszniowski D. Robert J. Surmacz-Gorska K. Miksch J. V. Weber 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2006,4(1):51-61
Landfilling of municipal waste is still a major issue of the waste management system in Europe. The generated leachate must
be appropriately treated before being discharged into the environment. Technologies meant for leachate treatment can be classified
as follows (i) biological methods, (ii) chemical and physical methods. Here we review briefly the main processes currently
used for the landfill leachates treatments. 相似文献
We sutdied the application of the bacteria Azotobacter vinellandi on the treatment of effluents from pulp and paper industry. Two types of treatment employing this microorganism were studied: biological treatment isolated and combined with stages of pre- or post-treatment using ozonation or photocatalysis processes. In the biological treatment, the siderophores production by A. vinellandi had a major effect on the efficiency of effluents degradation. Among the different combined treatments, the best results were obtained with the photocatalytic pre-treatment. 相似文献
Eunsung KAN Chang-Il KOH Kyunghyuk LEE Joonwun KANG 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2015,9(3):429
In the present study, the decomposition rates of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in water by the ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation alone and H2O2/UV were experimentally investigated. The detailed experimental studies have been conducted for examining treatment capacities of the two different ultraviolet light sources (low and medium pressure Hg arc) in H2O2/UV processes. The low or medium UV lamp alone resulted in a 60%–90% decomposition of 2,4-DCP while a slight addition of H2O2 resulted in a drastic enhancement of the 2,4-DCP decomposition rate. The decomposition rate of 2,4-DCP with the medium pressure UV lamp alone was about 3–6 times greater than the low pressure UV lamp alone. In the direct photolysis of aqueous CCl4, the medium pressure UV lamp had advantage over the low pressure UV lamp because the molar extinction coefficient of CCl4 at shorter wavelength (210–220 nm) is about 20 to 50 times higher than that at 254 nm. However, adding H2O2 to the medium pressure UV lamp system rendered a negative oxidation rate because H2O2 acted as a UV absorber being competitive with CCl4 due to negligible reaction between CCl4 and OH radicals. The results from the present study indicated significant influence of the photochemical properties of the target contaminants on the photochemical treatment characteristics for designing cost-effective UV-based degradation of toxic contaminants. 相似文献
Microwave and Fenton's reagent oxidation of wastewater 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
We compared two H2O2 oxidation methods for the treatment of industrial wastewater: oxidation using Fenton's reagent [H2O2/Fe(II)] and microwave irradiation. Both methods were applied to the treatment of synthetic phenol solutions (100 mg L−1) and of an industrial effluent containing a mixture of ionic and non-ionic surfactants at high load (20 g L−1 of COD). The effects of initial pH, initial H2O2 concentration, Fenton catalyst amount and irradiation time were assessed. According to the oxidation of phenol, it has been
found that the oxidation by Fenton's reagent is dependent on the pH, contrary to the microwave system, which is not influenced
by this parameter. For both systems, a limiting amount of oxidant has been found; above this point the oxidation of phenol
is not improved by a further addition of peroxide. The oxidation of the industrial surfactant effluent has only been successful
with the Fenton's reagent. In this case, large amounts of ferrous ions are necessary for the precipitation of the ionic surfactants
of the effluent, followed by the oxidation of the non-ionic constituents of the solution.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
甲状腺疾患是一种常见的内分泌系统疾病,其发展可能受到全氟及多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的影响. 本研究采用不良结局途径(AOP)分析框架,探讨全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)和全氟辛酸(PFOA)对甲状腺功能的潜在影响机制. 通过整合毒理学基因组学数据库(CTD)、GeneCards、DisGeNET、MalaCards、GO及KEGG的数据,建立了PFOS/PFOA-基因-表型-甲状腺疾病的网络模型. 以肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)作为分子启动事件(MIE),本研究揭示了PFOS和PFOA可通过升高TNF-α的水平,进而干扰甲状腺激素的代谢途径,诱发炎症反应、氧化应激及脂质与葡萄糖代谢的变化等关键事件(KE)发生,最终导致甲状腺功能障碍不良结局(AOP). 这条AOP网络的发现为理解PFASs通过诱发炎症反应、氧化应激以及影响甲状腺激素、脂质和葡萄糖代谢从而对人类健康造成伤害提供了依据,对公共健康政策制定具有重要意义. 相似文献
焦化废水尾水中被O3/UV氧化的组分辨析及关键组分动力学 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
经过生物和化学选择性降解后残留在焦化废水尾水中的多种惰性组分,仍会对人体和水生生态系统构成重大的风险,因此将焦化废水进行深度净化是一个亟待解决的问题.以焦化废水尾水为研究对象,采用自主研制的O3/UV催化氧化流化床反应器,从焦化废水尾水成分出发,对焦化废水尾水能被O3/UV和重铬酸钾氧化的物质构成进行剖析,考察了pH、初始COD浓度对O3/UV氧化焦化废水尾水效果的影响,并对焦化废水被氧化的组分进行模拟动力学的统计性分析.实验表明,O3/UV比重铬酸钾的氧化能力更强,焦化废水尾水中能被O3/UV氧化的成分不仅包括COD,还包括对COD几乎没有贡献的NH4+-N等组分,初始pH=10—11时尾水COD氧化去除效果最佳,初始COD浓度越高,反应速率越大;O3/UV催化氧化焦化废水尾水中COD时符合一级动力学模型,而NH4+-N被O3/UV氧化反应符合零级动力学模型;由于废水中存在SCN-、CN-等含氮物质,被O3/UV氧化后使得NH4+-N浓度呈现先增后降的趋势,NH4+-N浓度达到最大值的时间与废水中含氮物质的含量呈正相关.结果表明,O3/UV催化氧化流化床反应器对焦化废水尾水具有深度处理效果,依赖于污染物组分的还原活性顺序、降解动力学的应用以及流态化的高传质效率. 相似文献
碘化造影剂(ICMs)作为一种典型的药品和个人护理品 (PPCPs)广泛应用于医疗行业,常规的水处理工艺很难将其有效去除,而目前报道中多采用的高级氧化工艺也仍存在不足. 以碘帕醇 (IPM)为例,通过实验模拟研究O3、O3-PMS、O3-PMS-H2O23种高级氧化体系的降解规律及消毒副产物生成情况,探究了H2O2浓度、初始pH、氯离子、碳酸氢根离子、有机质对IPM降解效果的影响,并对IPM的可能降解途径进行了分析. 结果表明,在O3-PMS体系中投加H2O2可以提升对IPM的降解效率,还能减少溴酸盐的产生;O3-PMS-H2O2体系在不同pH条件下对IPM均表现出良好的降解效果;Cl−、天然有机质的存在对O3-PMS-H2O2体系均具有抑制作用;CO32-/HCO3−形成缓冲体系则可以显著促进IPM的降解;O3-PMS-H2O2体系可以通过强氧化作用和取代脱碘的路径将IPM进行有效降解. 本研究可以为ICMs污染水体的修复提供理论依据. 相似文献
We show that the degradation of phenol by Fe(III) and hydrogen peroxide is faster in the presence of humic acids. This is most likely due to faster reduction of Fe(III)-humate complexes by H2O2/HO2·/O2–· when compared with Fe(III)-H2O complexes. The fact that humic acids, a major class of naturally occurring compounds, favour the Fenton reaction has great relevance in the field of water and soil decontamination, where organic compounds usually have a negative effect. Furthermore, it adds insight into the self-depuration processes of natural aquifers. 相似文献
Hongxun HOU Shuying WANG Yongzhen PENG Zhiguo YUAN Fangfang YIN Wang GAN 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2009,3(1):106-111
The anaerobic-anoxic oxidation ditch (A2/O OD) process is popularly used to eliminate nutrients from domestic wastewater. In order to identify the existence of denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteria (DPB), evaluate the contribution of DPB to biological nutrient removal, and enhance the denitrifying phosphorus removal in the A2/O OD process, a pilot-scale A2/O OD plant (375 L) was conducted. At the same time batch tests using sequence batch reactors (12 L and 4 L) were operated to reveal the significance of anoxic phosphorus removal. The results indicated that: The average removal efficiency of COD, N H 4 + , P O 4 3 - , and TN were 88.2%, 92.6%, 87.8%, and 73.1%, respectively, when the steady state of the pilot-scale A2/O OD plant was reached during 31-73 d, demonstrating a good denitrifying phosphorus removal performance. Phosphorus uptake took place in the anoxic zone by poly-phosphorus accumulating organisms N O 2 - could be used as electron receptors in denitrifying phosphorus removal, and the phosphorus uptake rate with N O 2 - as the electron receptor was higher than that with N O 3 - when the initial concentration of either N O 2 - or N O 3 - was 40 mg/L. 相似文献
The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 deposits (Degussa P25 and Millennium PC500) has been studied using sulfamethoxazole (SMX) as a model water pollutant and a UV fluorescent lamp as a light source (365 nm). Both catalysts have shown very similar properties in the photocatalytic degradation of SMX. Special attention has been given to the effect of the irradiation time, pH, and pollutant concentration. No mass-transfer limitations are observed. The degradation of SMX is accelerated at low concentration, and the photocatalytic degradation kinetics obey the Langmuir–Hinshelwood model, allowing the adsorption and apparent rate constants to be determined for both catalysts. 相似文献
采用UV/Fe3+/H2O2体系光解活性艳橙X-GN模拟废水,考察了X-GN,Fe3+和H2O2的初始浓度、初始pH值及温度对光解的影响,探讨了X-GN的降解途径和机理.结果表明,在8W低压汞灯(λ=254nm)照射下,UV/Fe3+/H2O2能够有效地降解X-GN,在pH=3.0,T=50 ℃,时间为120 min,Fe3+和H2O2的初始浓度分别为2.5×10-5 mol·l-1和1.5×10-4 mol·l-1时,对含200 mg·l-1 X-GN模拟废水的色度去除率和矿化率分别达到100%和90.15%.用IC和GC/MS对X-GN降解的中间产物和最终产物进行分析,推导出UV/Fe3+/H2O2体系中X-GN降解的途径和机理. 相似文献
对胶州湾北岸潮间带底泥样品中三-(2,3-二溴丙基)异氰脲酸酯(tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl)isocyanurate,TBC)和六溴环十二烷(hexabromocyclododecanes,HBCDs)的3种同分异构体(α-HBCD、β-HBCD、γ-HBCD)的分布水平进行分析,结合索氏提取与Waters ACQUITY UPLC-MS-MS超高效液相色谱-质谱联用仪检测出TBC和HBCDs的3种同分异构体α-HBCD、β-HBCD、γ-HBCD,浓度范围分别为1.20~5.62 ng·g~(-1)(干重)、1.18~1.54 ng·g~(-1)(干重)、1.50~1.85 ng·g~(-1)(干重)、2.12~2.99 ng·g~(-1)(干重)。其中,TBC在河流入海口处的浓度较高,γ-HBCD占ΣHBCDs的比例(44.75%)最高,且相关性分析表明TBC和HBCDs可能有相似的污染来源。最近,斯德哥尔摩公约持久性有机污染物审查委员会(POPRC)将HBCDs列入POPs名单加以限制使用,这表明其具有一定的环境风险,未来可能对环境和人类健康造成的危害应该引起足够的重视。 相似文献
生物膜法A/O/O工艺城市污水脱氮处理的挂膜启动 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
生物膜法A/O/O脱氮系统处理城市污水中试挂膜启动研究结果表明:挂膜启动的关键在于进行硝化处理的二级生物接触氧化池能否培养出以硝化菌为优势菌种的成熟生物膜。试验中水温、气水比和进水氨氮负荷是影响挂膜启动的主要因素。为加速挂膜启动,水温不宜低于15℃;挂膜初期在保证供氧充足的情况下最好采用较小的气水比,而后气水比可逐渐随DO的实际需求作相应的调整,同时保持出水DO不低于4mg/L,5.5~6mg/L时效果较好;启动期内氨氮负荷宜低于0.6kg/(m3·d)。 相似文献