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利用地统计学方法,研究了广西岩溶地区某铅锌矿区农田土壤中Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu四种重金属有效态含量的空间分布特征及其影响因子.结果表明:研究区域不同程度地受到Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的污染,且水田污染较旱地严重;与广西土壤背景值相比,污染程度最严重的是Cd,在水田和旱地中超标率均为100%,平均超标倍数分别为312.94和33.67;其次是Zn,在水田和早地中超标率分别为100%和34%,平均超标倍数分别为38.34和2.11;污染最轻的为Cu,超标率仅为7%.空间分析表明,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的块金系数分别为2.7%、0.2%、6.5%、0.13%,体现了强烈的空间自相关性,且四种重金属空间分布特征相似,在离原铅锌选矿厂较近的西北偏西面有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu含量最高,沿着西北偏西至东南偏东的灌溉渠流向,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的含量呈递减趋势,东部旱地有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu含量相对较低.土壤有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu在污染区的空间分布与土壤基本理化性质关系密切,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu与pH、阳离子交换量、粘粒都呈极显著负相关,与有机质含量则呈极显著正相关.  相似文献   

Surface and subsurface soil samples contaminated with crude oils were collected from an impacted site at Bodo City in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, after a field reconnaissance survey. An uncontaminated soil sample collected 100 m from the impacted site, but within the same geographical area, was used as a control. Trace elements such as, As, Cu, Cr, Cd, Fe, Pb, Ba, Ni, V, Hg and cation-exchange capacity constituents of the contaminated and uncontaminated soils were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Trace element concentrations were: Cu, 0.5–13.4 mg kg? 1; Cr, 0.2–0.8 mg kg? 1; Fe, 6.2–8.7 mg kg? 1; Ba 80.0–108.0 mg kg? 1; Ni, 0.6–4.8 mg kg? 1; and V, 4.0–9.4 mg kg? 1; cation-exchange capacity ranged from 43.6 to 57.2 mg kg? 1 in surface and subsurface soils. Results showed that eigenvalues for the two first principal components represent up to 49% of the total variance. A positive correlation of the first principal component with Cu, Cr and cation-exchange capacity shows pollution from oil spillage, while a positive correlation of the second principal component with Cr, Fe, V, and dissolved oxygen (DO) shows both oil pollution and allochthonous inputs.  相似文献   

钟来元  郭良珍 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1934-1939
通过分析广东省徐闻县不同季节香蕉地、菜地、桉树林地和甘蔗地等4种不同利用方式农用地土壤As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd重金属含量,应用单项污染指数法和内梅罗综合指数法对土壤重金属污染状况进行评价,并得出其动态变化特征。结果表明,(1)根据重金属单项污染指数可知,所研究的5种重金属中,Cu污染最为严重,4种农用地土壤Cu污染程度大小顺序为菜地〉桉树地〉香蕉地〉甘蔗地;其次是Cd污染,污染程度依次为菜地〉香蕉地〉甘蔗地〉桉树地;菜地受到轻度Zn污染;其他元素含量均未超过国家标准。从重金属综合污染指数来看,菜地受到重金属中度污染,香蕉地、桉树地和甘蔗地均为轻度污染。(2)在不同季节,土壤重金属污染状况差异较大。Cu在4种农用地土壤中的污染指数年内呈递减规律;Cd在菜地和香蕉地中夏季污染指数最低而冬季最高。(3)土壤重金属相关性分析结果表明,Cu与Pb在4种土壤中的相关系数都较高,说明土壤中Cu与Pb同源,主要来自成土母质。菜地中,Zn与碱解N,Cd与有机质在0.05水平上存在显著负相关性,这说明土壤Zn和Cd污染不是来自有机肥,可能主要来自化肥和农药。  相似文献   

韩晋仙  马建华 《生态环境》2004,13(4):578-580,591
以开封市化肥河污灌区为例,研究了土壤-小麦系统重金属(Cd、Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn、Ni和AS)污染、迁移和积累规律。结果表明,该区土壤重金属污染较为严重,所有样点的综合污染指数均大于1,其中Cd和AS污染最为严重,其平均质量分数远远超出了土壤环境二级标准值。在该区土壤上种植的小麦也表现出一定程度的重金属累积,但其茎叶和种子重金属质量分数差别较大;在所有种子样品中,Zn质量分数都未超标,AS、Cr和Pb质量分数部分到达了较高的残留水平,Cd质量分数则远远超出了国家食品限量卫生标准。依据重金属迁移累积率(βi),小麦对As和Cr的吸收能力较低,而对Ni和Cd的吸收能力较高;在所有小麦样品中,除Cu外,茎叶对同一重金属的平均富集能力均大于种子。  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been important to objectively evaluate the degree of regional ecological security with regard to resource depletion and to analyse influential factors to assess sustainable development. This paper tries to assess ecological security in Chongqing while investigating the main influencing factors. Calculations of the consumption footprint, production footprint and ecological capacity for Chongqing from 1996 to 2007 based on an ecological footprint approach were carried out. An ecological security index was also calculated from these results and factors influencing security were analysed using factor analysis. Both the consumption and production footprints present an upward trend, contrary to the gradually decreasing trend of ecological capacity. In addition, the ecological security index shows that Chongqing has deteriorated from a level of less risk to that of risk. Factor analysis suggests that the deterioration of ecological security could primarily be ascribed to socio-economic factors and industrialisation. With socio-economic development and industrialisation, appropriate measures must be taken to improve the ecosystem in Chongqing so as to achieve sustainable development. The limitations of the methodology are also discussed and areas that require further research are presented.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the heavy metals Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cr were examined in surface water and sediment from the Luan River inChina,. With a decline in Cu and Ni concentration found in surface water at downstream stations. This finding suggests that water currents are a major explanatory factor in heavy metal contamination. The abundance of Cr, Pb, and Cd observed in the middle reaches of the river indicates heavy metal contamination in local areas, although there was an obvious decrease in concentrations in the water downstream of the Daheiting Reservoir. The significant rising trend in Cu, Pb, and Ni seen the sediment farther away from the river also suggests that anthropogenic activities contribute to heavy metal pollution Sediments were therefore used as environmental indicators, with sediment assessment was conducted using the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and the potential ecological risk index (RI). The Igeo values revealed that Cd (3.13) and Cr (2.39) had accumulated significantly in the Luan River. The RI values for most (89%) of the sampling stations were higher than 300, suggesting that sediment from the Luan River poses a severe ecological risk, with the potential ecological risks downstream higher than that in the upper and middle streams. Good correlations among Pb/Ni, Pb/Cd, Cu/Pb, and Cu/Cd in the water and Cr/Ni in the sediment were observed. Cluster analysis suggested that Cd may have various origins, being derived from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

● There was no significant difference in soil aggregates TP along altitude gradient. ● Overall, PAC dropped steadily as aggregate size increased. ● In soil aggregate sizes, TPi > TPo > R-P at 3009,3347 and 3654 m except 3980 m. ● Active NaHCO3-Pi was the main AP source. ● Proportion of small aggregate sizes was emphasized to increase AP storage. The distribution and availability of phosphorus (P) fractions in restored cut slope soil aggregates, along altitude gradients, were analyzed. Samples were collected at 3009, 3347, 3654 and 3980 m of altitude. We examined soil aggregates total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP) and phosphorus activation coefficient (PAC), and discovered that there was no significant difference in TP levels between all four altitudes samples (p > 0.05). However, there was a significant difference in AP at 3009, 3347 and 3980 m of altitude (p < 0.05). At the altitudes of 3009, 3347 and 3654 m, the AP accumulation in small size aggregates was more advantageous. Overall, PAC dropped steadily as soil aggregates sizes increased, as shown: PAC (3654 m) > PAC (3347 m) > PAC (3009 m) > PAC (3980 m). In all particle size soil aggregates, the distribution of the P fractions was as follows: total inorganic phosphorus (TPi) > total organic phosphorus (TPo) > residual phosphorus (R-P), at 3009, 3347 and 3654 m, but a different registry was observed at 3980 m of altitude: TPo > TPi > R-P. Through correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis, it was concluded that active NaHCO3-Pi was the main AP source. It was also suggested that more attention should be given to the ratio of small particle size aggregates to increase soil AP storage. In order to improve the activation capacity and supply of soil P, along with promotion of the healthy development of soil ecosystem on slope land, it was suggest that inorganic P fertilizer and P activator could be added to soil at both low (3009 m) and high altitudes (3980 m).  相似文献   

以作物推荐施肥模型为智能决策支撑,建立了基于地块的县域土壤资源管理与施肥决策信息系统。该系统采用C/S和B/S混合结构,采用Delphi开发语言和GIS组件技术,对GIS、数据库和模型进行耦合与集成,实现了土壤资源和决策信息查询、更新;养分资源管理决策与咨询;耕地质量评价;耕地环境质量预警等四个主要功能。系统在北京市平谷区得到应用和验证,应用表明该系统对于区域土壤资源信息高效管理、决策和面向公众的土壤信息服务具有重要意义。  相似文献   

不同利用方式下吴江市耕地土壤环境质量变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
土地利用方式的不同影响着土壤环境质量的变化。文章采用了2003年江苏省吴江市耕地质量监测中资料,分析了6种不同土地利用方式下的土壤养分及Pb、Cr、Hg、As、Cd等5种重金属元素全量的变化,并采用土壤质量综合指数(SQI)法计算不同利用下的土壤环境质量指数。结果表明:近20多年来,吴江市土地利用方式发生了明显的变化,这种变化对本土壤养分和重金属含量产生了十分明显的影响。在稻田、林地、桑园、菜地、果园、旱地六种吴江常见的土地利用方式中,稻田土壤环境质量综合指数显著高于其他利用下,而其他五种利用方式下土壤质量的差别不明显。可见稻田不仅是一种太湖地区传统的利用方式,更是保持环境质量相对最佳的土地利用方式。  相似文献   

将西柏店村畜禽养殖规模折合为1.5万头猪场当量污染负荷,并将整个园区生产工艺分为养殖、废弃物处理和种植3个阶段,不考虑隐藏流的情况下,以1年为系统边界,通过数据调查、已有资料研究和小区种植试验,采用物质流分析方法分析了西柏店村养殖种植园区在整个生产工艺的碳素流动,以期为村级养殖种植园区大力发展低碳经济提供新的方法和视角,为村级区域循环经济及可持续发展提供减少环境压力解决方案的科学依据。通过园区养殖种植过程的C素分析表明,养殖阶段年输入C素总量为112.52×10^4 kg,其中猪身总固碳量为40.04×10^4 kg,粪碳和尿碳总量为49.29×10^4 kg,以CO2形式代谢排出的C为23.19×10^4 kg。废弃物处理阶段输入的碳主要为粪碳和尿碳,其总量为49.29×10^4 kg,其中9.79×10^4 kg尿碳直接进入种植阶段,39.50×10^4 kg粪碳进入沼气站处理,沼气转化出的碳为11.02×10^4 kg,其中CH4为8.43×10^4 kg,CO2为2.59×10^4 kg,养殖污水中通过CH4排放再加上其他途径释放的碳约有23.66×10^4 kg,占粪碳量的59.89%。进入种植阶段的碳素主要为尿碳、沼渣和沼液的碳素,合计为14.61×10^4 kg,假设该村43 hm^2耕地能全部施用沼肥,不计其他作物种植,1季玉米种植土壤可库存有机碳为60.50×10^4 kg,为进入种植阶段碳素14.61×10^4 kg的4倍,还可增加植物有机碳27.31×10^4 kg。由C素流动分析可知,西柏店村具有可容纳该村养殖废弃物的环境容量,有较好实现养殖废弃物循环利用的条件,但需大力加强畜禽废弃物的管理和处理,提高园区养殖废弃物循环利用效率。  相似文献   

A red water phenomenon occurred in several communities few days after the change of water source in Beijing, China in 2008. In this study, the origin of this problem, the mechanism of iron release and various control measures were investigated. The results indicated that a significant increase in sulphate concentration as a result of the new water source was the cause of the red water phenomenon. The mechanism of iron release was found that the high-concentration sulphate in the new water source disrupted the stable shell of scale on the inner pipe and led to the release of iron compounds. Experiments showed that the iron release rate in the new source water within pipe section was over 11-fold higher than that occurring within the local source water. The recovery of tap water quality lasted several months despite ameliora- tive measures being implemented, including adding phosphate, reducing the overall proportion of the new water source, elevating the pH and alkalinity, and utilizing free chlorine as a disinfectant instead of chloramine. Adding phosphate was more effective and more practical than the other measures. The iron release rate was decreased after the addition of 1.5 mg. L-1 orthophosphate- P, tripolyphosphate-P and hexametaphosphate-P by 68%, 83% and 87%, respectively. Elevating the pH and alkalinity also reduced the iron release rate by 50%. However, the iron release rate did not decreased after replacing chloramine by 0.5-0.8 mg. L-1 of free chlorine as disinfectant.  相似文献   

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