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A revised concept for urban water metabolism (UWM) is presented in this study to address the inadequacies in current research on UWM and the problems associated with the traditional urban water metabolic process. Feedback loops can be analyzed to increase the water environmental carrying capacity (WECC) of the new urban water metabolism system (UWMS) over that of a traditional UWMS. An analysis of the feedback loops of an UWMS was used to construct a system dynamics (SD) model for the system under a WECC restriction. Water metabolic processes were simulated for different scenarios using the Tongzhou District in Beijing as an example. The results for the newly developed UWM case showed that a water environment of Tongzhou District could support a population of 1.1926 × 106, an irrigation area of 375.521 km2, a livestock of 0.7732 × 106, and an industrial value added of ¥193.14 × 109 (i.e. about US$28.285× 109) in 2020. A sensitivity analysis showed that the WECC could be improved to some extent by constructing new sewage treatment facilities or by expanding the current sewage treatment facilities, using reclaimed water and improving the water circulation system.  相似文献   

The maintenance of natural and virgin ecosystems against an unnecessary influx of humans requires a modern and efficient model such as the carrying capacity model to optimize the management and development of ecotourism in these areas. The model is one of the key tools for conservation and sustainability of these areas. The present research attempts to formulate a framework for the ecotourism carrying capacity model for sustainable development of Karkheh protected area in Iran. The information was collected using a citation method as well as, interviews with experts, and visitors, and director of the region with 24 key indicators being regulated by field surveys and library studies. In this study, the network analysis process model, the Pressure-State-Response conceptual model, and Arc GIS10.5 software were used to determine the potential for the establishment of ecotourism performance in the scale of 1: 50,000. In this research, 70 questionnaires were completed by experts in the field of environment and ecotourism to determine the relative importance of effective pressures. According to the results, the highest values belonged to physical carrying capacity (13,425,681 persons per day), ecological carrying capacity (2,482,226 persons per day), and social and culture (985,706 people per day), respectively. Based on the regional carrying capacity, the physical, ecological, and social carrying capacity index was calculated as 3356, 621, and 246 (greater than one), respectively. According to the results, the region has a high carrying capacity, which can accept visitors.  相似文献   

生态承载力的概念及其研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾康康 《生态环境》2012,21(2):389-396
生态承载力研究是可持续发展科学领域关注的热点问题,是判定可持续发展的重要分析手段,对生态承载力的概念和评价方法的研究有利于可持续发展科学的发展与完善。对国内外相关研究中的生态承载力概念进行了总结,并深入探讨了不同学者对于生态承载力概念达成的共识及存在的分歧,在此基础上提出了生态承载力概念的内涵。依据生态承载力评价的思路,将国内外生态承载力评价方法分为3类,第1类是指标体系评价法,第2类是以能量、物质流为基础的产品周期评价,第3类是综合性评价。上述评价方法在处理复杂系统问题上都有各自的优缺点,需要评价者根据评价目的采用互补的方式对方法进行集成,加强综合集成的方法在生态承载力评价中的应用。最后,结合生态承载力研究的发展趋势,分析了目前生态承载力研究的不足,提出了生态承载力中主动因子与被动因子、生态承载力预测及其与区域规划的结合、经济发展和科技进步对生态承载力的影响、生态承载力方法改进等亟待开展的研究内容。  相似文献   

A trophic model of an intertidal mangrove-based polyculture system in Pearl River Delta, China, was constructed using the Ecopath with Ecosim software. This polyculture system was chosen since it is the first integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) system that was constructed on the basis of mangrove planting in China. The energy flows, ecosystem property, and carrying capacity of tilapia in the polyculture system were analyzed and evaluated. The results show the trophic level of 1.00 for primary producers and detritus to 2.85 for grass carp. The geometric mean of the trophic transfer efficiencies was 7.0%, with 7.2% from detritus and 6.8% from primary producers within the system. The ecosystem property indices show that this polyculture system has a high value of total primary production/total respiration (TPP/TR) and total primary production/total biomass (TPP/TB), together with low Finn's cycled index (FCI), Finn's mean path length (FML), and connectance index (CI), indicating that this system is at a development stage according to Odum's theory. The principal fish cultured in the system is tilapia, and mixed trophic impacts (MTI) show that tilapia has a marked impact on most compartments in this system, and the carrying capacity was found to be a tilapia culture biomass of 5.8 t ha−1 in the system.  相似文献   

In this paper, a multi-objective optimization model has been developed for allocating freshwater to meet the environmental flow requirements of the restored wetlands in the Yellow River Delta, China. The model seeks a rational balance among appropriate water allocation for the wetlands, a healthy ecosystem, and optimum economic returns for the humans that use the wetlands to earn their livelihood, with the degree of ecosystem health represented by the difference between actual and ideal water levels. And then a holistic method has been used for satisfying multiple objectives to avoid the problem of decision-maker subjectivity, and then solved the resulting optimal allocation model for environmental flows of the wetlands using a genetic algorithm. With water from the Yellow River as the source, the model shows how the optimal monthly water release into the restored wetlands can be achieved in dry, average, and wet years. Using the model, 20-56% reductions in water use could be achieved compared with the current pattern of water release, and the optimal water level in each month would coincide better with the ideal value based on an indicator plant community (reeds). The results of the study demonstrate the capability of the multi-objective programming model to optimize ecological water allocation and management for the wetlands of the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

The increase in intensive aquaculture production in the Bolinao Bay, Philippines reached the point of harmful influence to production stock. Up to the present, there has been no estimation of aquaculture carrying capacity which is based on quantification of processes responsible for (a) water quality inside the units, (b) impact to the seabed and (c) water quality in the whole Bolinao Bay. The numerical estimation of tidal circulation, which is the most dominant part of the hydrodynamical regime in the Bolinao Bay, represents an unavoidable step in the carrying capacity determination considering points (a), (b) and (c). The hydrodynamical model we apply is a free surface, 3D finite element tidal model, forced with sea elevation dynamics at three open boundaries. It incorporates an increase in bottom stress drag coefficients in the coral areas and advanced transport corrected advection scheme. The model simulations of water flow show good agreement with measured currents in the central part of the Bolinao Bay, southern and northeastern channel, while agreement in the areas in vicinity of northern channel is not as tight. In order to provide an insight into the water exchange in aquaculture units, to support local water quality models and seabed deposition models (points (a) and (b)), the area is mapped with neap tide mean, spring tide mean and 14-day mean current velocity contours. The highest 14-day mean velocities are attained in the southern channel (>17 cm s−1), while the mean velocities characteristic for northern part (<6 cm s−1) and shallow areas of coral reefs (<2 cm s−1) are much lower. Area-mean difference between spring tide and 14-day mean velocities is estimated to be 18.32% (std=7.31%), while difference between neap tide and 14-day mean velocities is 17.62 % (std=11.19%). To support global basin-wide water quality models (point (c)), retention of water in the bay is estimated by Lagrangian and Eulerian calculation procedure of mean residence time field. Both calculations estimate the highest (no-wind) residence times (Lan: 25.4 days, Eul: 21.03 days) in the central northern part, but most of the area (Lan: 73.11%, Eul: 79.31%) is characterized by residence time values significantly lower than 15 days. The results are readily applicable for upcoming implementation in the models of local (aquaculture units, seabed) and basin-wide (Bolinao Bay) nutrient dynamics, primary and secondary production, organic matter decomposition and oxygen dynamics.  相似文献   

研究了人类社会对水资源的消耗、对自然生态环境的影响以及该影响的量化方法和量化指标,将生态足迹法引入区域水资源承载力系统,构建珠海市水资源生态承载力计算模型,分析计算水资源供给对区域经济社会发展的生态承载力,并对该地区的水资源生态承载力进行生态盈亏和敏感性评价.结果表明,总体上珠海市水资源系统呈现生态亏损,亏损率为37%,水资源生态承载呈现超载现象,珠海市城市化进程中流动人口增长对区域水资源的生态承载压力较大.研究结果还表明,将生态足迹模型运用到地区水资源承载力中具有较高的可信度,对地方尺度具有适用性.  相似文献   

Reviewed the change of ARGs and ARB in full-scale urban drinking water systems. Conventional processes are more promising than BAC process in ARGs removal. Mechanisms of ARGs enrichment and spread in BAC filter and DWDSs are discussed. Raise the need of future research on ARGs and ARB change in building plumbing systems. Antibiotic resistance in aquatic environment has become an important pollution problem worldwide. In recent years, much attention was paid to antibiotic resistance in urban drinking water systems due to its close relationship with the biosafety of drinking water. This review was focused on the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, as well as the presence, dissemination and removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the urban drinking water system. First, the presence of ARB and ARGs in the drinking water source was discussed. The variation of concentration of ARGs and ARB during coagulation, sedimentation and filtration process were provided subsequently, in which filtration was proved to be a promising technology to remove ARGs. However, biological activated carbon (BAC) process and drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) could be incubators which promote the antibiotic resistance, due to the enrichment of ARGs and ARB in the biofilms attached to the active carbon and pipe wall. Besides, as for disinfection process, mechanisms of the inactivation of ARB and the promotion of conjugative transfer of ARGs under chlorine, ozone and UV disinfection were described in detail. Here we provide some theoretical support for future researches which aim at antibiotic resistance controlling in drinking water.  相似文献   

The minimum ecological water requirements of an urban river system and water deployment are key elements in integrated water resources planning and urban ecological construction. Based on a review of ecological water requirement calculation methods and considering the different ecological functions of an urban river system, the ecological function method was used in this paper to calculate the components of the ecological water requirements of an urban river. An envelope curve-based method was proposed for assessing the minimum ecological water requirements of an urban river system. Water resources deployment strategies designed to meet the minimum ecological water requirements were described. Then, the minimum ecological water requirements of the urban river system in Beijing central region, selected as a case study, were investigated. The key parameters for assessing the minimum ecological water requirement in the Beijing urban river system were determined. Based on the ecological objectives and the current status of the different urban river systems within the Beijing central region, the minimum ecological water requirements were calculated. Different types of water sources, including rainwater, upstream water, and reclaimed water, were deployed to meet the ecological water requirements for the urban river system in the Beijing central region.  相似文献   

The ecological security of urban surface water is subject to significant risk due to rapid urbanization. Pollutant discharge and accumulation are among the most critical stressors endangering urban surface water and affecting the normal operation of urban aquatic ecosystem services. In this study, we assessed how pollutant accumulation stresses water purification systems, which perform important urban ecosystem services. First, we applied a water environmental capacity model to calculate thresholds of urban surface water environmental capacity under a given water quality target. Second, based on a stepwise regression method, an equation was used to describe the relationship between stressor factors (pollutant accumulation) and measurable socioeconomic indicators. Third, an ecological risk index was used as an assessment endpoint indicator to assess the negative ecological effect of pollutant accumulation. Finally, risk level was classified according to the risk quotient method. Taking Xiamen City as an example, we analyzed the contribution of different sources of pollutants and evaluated the urban ecological risk posed by two major contaminants present in the environment by measuring chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N). The results show that the ecological risk indexes of both COD and NH4+-N are expected to decrease from 2020 to 2030; that of COD is expected to fall from medium to low, whereas that of NH4+-N is expected to fall from high to medium. These findings demonstrate that the ecological risk posed to the surface water in Xiamen City can be reduced by controlling population growth, optimizing industrial structure, and promoting economic development.  相似文献   

Urban metabolism research faces difficulties defining ecological trophic levels and analyzing relationships among the metabolic system's energy components. Here, we propose a new way to perform such research. By integrating throughflow analysis with ecological network utility analysis, we used network flows to analyze the metabolic system's network structure and the ecological relationships within the system. We developed an ecological network model for the system, and used four Chinese cities as examples of how this approach provides insights into the flows within the system at both high and low levels of detail. Using the weight distribution in the network flow matrix, we determined the structure of the urban energy metabolic system and the trophic levels; using the sign distribution in the network utility matrix, we determined the relationships between each pair of the system's compartments and their degrees of mutualism. The model uses compartments based on 17 sectors (energy exploitation; coal-fired power; heat supply; washed coal; coking; oil refinery; gas generation; coal products; agricultural; industrial; construction; communication, storage, and postal service; wholesale, retail, accommodation, and catering; household; other consuming; recovery; and energy stocks). Analyzing the structure and functioning of the urban energy metabolic system revealed ways to optimize its structure by adjusting the relationships among compartments, thereby demonstrating how ecological network analysis can be used in future urban system research.  相似文献   

China has developed more than 20 water pollution control plans for river basins (RBWPs) since 1996. However, the implementation has generally lagged. This paper proposes a three-step, post-evaluation methodology to analyze the implementation result of a RBWP and its influential factors. First, a multi-attribute evaluation method based on an index system is established to score the enforcement results of a RBWP. Indicators measure how well a RBWP has achieved its objectives, which include water quality compliance, pollution load control, project construction, financial inputs, and related management requirements. Second, an interpretive structural model is used to detect the significant factors that affect RBWP implementation. This model can effectively analyze the cause-effect chain and hierarchical relationship among variables. Five groups of factors were identified, namely, plan preparation, water resource endowment, policy, institution, and management. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed in the third step to evaluate the extent to which these factors have influenced the execution result of a RBWP, including pre-post contrast, scenario analysis, and correlation analysis. This research then post-evaluated the implementation of the Huai River Basin water pollution control plans (H-RBWPs) over a period of 10 years as a case study. Results showed that the implementation of the H-RBWPs was unsatisfactory during 2001–2005, although it improved during 2006–2010. The poor execution of these plans was partially caused by the underestimation of regional economic development in combination with ineffective industrial structure adjustment policies. Therefore, this case study demonstrates the feasibility and flexibility of the proposed post-evaluation methodology.  相似文献   

城市人居环境评价体系的研究及应用   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
张智  魏忠庆 《生态环境》2006,15(1):198-201
在国内外人居环境理论研究及实践的基础上,提出了由系统层、子系统层和指标层构成的城市人居环境评价指标体系,其中系统层由社会经济环境、自然生态环境、公共设施建设、环境资源保护和环境管理能力五部分组成,子系统层由16个指标组成,指标层由43个具体指标组成。利用统计分析法(Delphi)确定各指标的权值。同时,针对本指标体系结构提出了单项评价和综合评价相结合的评价模式,并设置了城市人居环境质量指数和系统协调度两个综合性指标来全面评价城市人居环境质量。通过对重庆市渝北城区的综合评价,评价结果较客观地反映了该城区的实际。  相似文献   

城市生态工业系统模拟、优化调控方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵妍  田强  尚金城 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1416-1421
工业化是城市实现现代化与可持续发展的必经阶段,但面临着严重的资源与环境问题。生态工业是实现生产发展、资源利用和环境保护良性循环的有效模式。文章在依据工业生态学原理对长春经济技术开发区玉米、汽车零部件产业链进行规划基础上,采用系统动力学vensim模型进行模拟与优化调控。最后结合灰色系统方法完成系统多种替代方案的多级评价,促进以工业代谢过程为核心的资源高效利用和环境影响最小化。结果表明,所建立的长春经济技术开发区生态工业系统动力学仿真模型可对其结构、功能进行分析,确定不同子系统间的动态作用关系,并得到不同规划方案时变条件下的发展结果。结合灰色聚类评估能够定量地反映系统在不同发展战略下的行为,并确定最优方案,具有较强可操作性。长春经济技术开发区生态环境现状较好,但随着经济发展和人口聚集,环境压力将加大,就此问题提出相应环境影响减缓和保护措施。  相似文献   

Analyzing the structure and functioning of the urban system revealed ways to optimize its structure by adjusting the relationships among compartments, thereby demonstrating how ecological network analysis can be used in urban system research. Based on the account of the extended exergy utilization in the sector of urban socio-economic system, which is considered as the composition of extraction (Ex), conversion (Co), agriculture (Ag), industry (In), transportation (Tr), tertiary (Te) and households (Do) sectors, an urban ecological network model is constructed to gain insights into the economic processes oriented to sustainable urban development. Taking Beijing city as the case, the network accounting and related ecological evaluation of a practical urban economy are carried out in this study in the light of flux, efficiency, utility and structure analysis. The results showed that a large quantity of energy and resources have to be consumed to maintain the structure and function of a city. The thermodynamic efficiencies of individual sector in Beijing remain at a low level. The social system in Beijing is a highly competitive network, and there are 8 competitive relations and only two mutualistic ones. The Domestic and Agricultural sector are the major controlling factors of the system. Moreover, the assessment results of Beijing are compared with the other three socio-economic systems, Norway, UK and Italy, and the ecological network function and structure comparisons are correspondingly illuminated and discussed. The conclusions indicate that the exergy-based network analysis can be refined to become an integrative tool for evaluation, policy-making and regulation for urban socio-economic system management concerning structure and efficiency at urban levels.  相似文献   

Analysis of the structure and function of urban metabolic systems is an important goal of urban research. We used network pathways and network utility analysis to analyze the basic network structure of the urban metabolic system and the complex ecological relationships within the system, providing a new way to perform such research. Using four Chinese cities as examples, we developed an ecological network model of the urban metabolic system. By using network pathway analysis, we studied the changing relationships between metabolic length and the number of metabolic pathways, and between metabolic length and reachability. Based on the distribution of the number of metabolic pathways, we describe the basic structure and intercompartment relationships of the system. By using the sign distribution in the network utility matrix, we determined the ecological relationships and degree of mutualism between the compartments of the system. The basic components of the system consisted of the internal environment, the external environment, and the agricultural, industrial, and domestic sectors. With increasing metabolic length, the ecological relationships among the components of the system became more diverse, and the numbers of metabolic paths and their reachability improved. Although the basic network structure of the four cities was identical, the mutualism index differed. Beijing's mutualism index was superior to that of Shanghai, and much higher than those of Tianjin and Chongqing. By analyzing the structure and function of the urban metabolic system, we provide suggestions for optimizing the structure and adjusting the relationships, and propose methods for the application of ecological network analysis in future urban system research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the development of a simulation framework for allocating water from different sources to meet the environmental flows of an urban river. The model permits the development of a rational balance in the utilization of storm water, reclaimed water from wastewater treatment plants, and freshwater from reservoirs with consideration of the limited capacities of different water resources. It is designed to permit the full utilization of unconventional water sources for the restoration of river water quality by increasing river flow and improving water quality. To demonstrate practical use of the model, a case study is presented in which the model was used to simulate the environmental water allocation for the Liming River in Daqing City, China, based on the three water sources mentioned above. The results demonstrate that the model provides an effective approach for helping managers allocate water to satisfy the river’s environmental water requirements.  相似文献   

The monsoon-dominated Mandovi estuary is located in Goa state – a global tourist destination along the centralwest coast of India. In addition to factor analyses of water quality data, the water quality index (WQI), trophic state index (TSI) and percentage of freshwater volume in the estuary are calculated in order to infer the general waste assimilative capacity and prevailing water quality conditions. Factor analysis showed a dominance of PO4–P, NO2–N, NH3–N, total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity during southwest (SW) monsoon relative to other seasons. The WQI suggested that an increase in nutrients, turbidity and TSS during SW monsoon increase the WQI values beyond 2, rendering the water at some locations slightly polluted. During pre-monsoon, considerable increase in the WQI is observed at all the upstream stations rendering slightly polluted water at these stations. The TSI showed an average value of 46.95 during SW monsoon, 42.43 during post-monsoon and 48.42 during the pre-monsoon seasons, suggesting better productivity level during pre-monsoon, followed by SW monsoon, but the least during the post-monsoon. All the seasons, however, indicated a mesotrophic condition in the estuary and the assimilative capacity of the estuary is found to be in good to fairly good state (pre-monsoon?相似文献   

The conventional approach to wastewater system design and planning considers each component separately and does not provide the optimum performance of the entire system. However, the growing concern for environmental protection, economic efficiency, and sustainability of urban wastewater systems requires an integrated modeling of subsystems and a synthetic evaluation of multiple objectives. In this study, a multi-objective optimization model of an integrated urban wastewater system was developed. The model encompasses subsystems, such as a sewer system, stormwater management, municipal wastewater treatment, and a wastewater reclamation system. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) was used to generate a range of system design possibilities to optimize conflicting environmental and economic objectives. Information from a knowledge base, which included rules for generating treatment trains as well as the performance characteristics of commonly used water pollution control measures, was utilized. The trade-off relationships between the objectives, total water pollution loads to the environment, and life cycle costs (which consist of investment as well as operation and maintenance costs), can be illustrated using Pareto charts. The developed model can be used to assist decision makers in the preliminary planning of system structure. A benchmark city was constructed to illustrate the methods of multi-objective controls, highlight cost-effective water pollution control measures, and identify the main pressures on urban water environment.  相似文献   

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