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Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has arguably been one of the most successful public-health grassroots citizen advocacy organizations in the United States in the past century. In 2005, MADD celebrated the 25th anniversary of its founding. Based on a national poll by the Gallup Organization in 2005, MADD is recognized by 94% of citizens. It is generally given credit for changing American attitudes toward drinking and driving. Since MADD's founding in 1980, alcohol-related traffic deaths in the United States have decreased from an estimated 30,000 to 16,694 in 2004, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This article examines the growth of MADD since its founding and attempts to gauge its contribution to the public's understanding of the impaired-driving problem and to the reductions in alcohol-related highway deaths and injuries that have occurred in the first 25 years of its existence.  相似文献   

Introduction: To effectively address concerns associated with alcohol-related traffic laws, communities must apply comprehensive and well-coordinated interventions that account for as many factors as possible. The goal of the current research article is to examine and evaluate the simultaneous contribution of 20 underage drinking laws and 3 general driving safety laws, while accounting for demographic, economic, and environmental variables. Methods: Annual fatal crash data (1982 to 2010), policies, and demographic, economic, and environmental information were collected and applied to each of the 51 jurisdictions (50 states and the District of Columbia). A structural equation model was fit to estimate the relative contribution of the variables of interest to alcohol-related crashes. Results: As expected, economic factors (e.g., unemployment rate, cost of alcohol) and alcohol outlet density were found highly relevant to the amount of alcohol teens consume and therefore to teens' impaired driving. Policies such as those regulating the age of bartenders, sellers, or servers; social host civil liability laws; dram shop laws; internal possession of alcohol laws; and fake identification laws do not appear to have the same impact on teens' alcohol-related crash ratios as other types of policies such as those regulating alcohol consumption or alcohol outlet density. Conclusions: This effort illustrates the need for comprehensive models of teens' impaired driving. After simultaneously accounting for as many factors as possible, we found that in general (for most communities) further reductions in alcohol-related crashes among teens might be more rapidly achieved from efforts focused on reducing teens' drinking rather than on reducing teens' driving. Future efforts should be made to develop models that represent specific communities. Practical applications: Based on this and community-specific models, simulation programs can be developed to help communities understand and visualize the impact of various policy alternatives.  相似文献   

Consumer crash test programs provide comparative information on the crashworthiness of new vehicles which, in turn, should predict the performance of the same vehicles in real-world crashes. However, the detail and quality of available information from tests and real-world crashes differ widely, so identifying meaningful relationships between crash test results and real-world crashworthiness can be difficult. Despite these data limitations, studies in the late 1980s and mid-1990s reported positive correlations between dummy injury measures from the U.S. New Car Assessment Program (USNCAP) and real-world fatality rates. More recent analyses of results from Australian crash tests and real-world crashes also have found positive correlations. This article considers relationships between recent U.S. frontal crash test results from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and USNCAP, and real-world crash injury risk estimates computed from police-reported crash data from three U.S. states. The frontal crash test results include dummy injury measures by body region from both IIHS offset tests and USNCAP full-width barrier tests plus measures of structural performance from the IIHS offset tests. Individually, results from the full-width and offset tests were not significantly correlated with the real-world injury risk estimates. Stronger relationships were found when a combination of overall ratings from the full-frontal and offset tests was used. However, the current results find only weak correlations between both full-front and offset frontal crash test performance and the real-world injury risk estimates. These weak relationships likely reflect the lack of detail and fundamental difference in injury information in police crash reports compared to that used in deriving crashworthiness ratings from the crash tests.  相似文献   

Electronic Stability Control (ESC) was introduced on the mass market in 1998. Since then, several studies showing the positive effects of ESC have been presented. OBJECTIVE: In this study, data from crashes occurring in Sweden during 1998 to 2004 were used to evaluate the effectiveness of ESC on real life crashes. The effectiveness was analyzed for different road conditions, and some accident types and injury levels. METHODS: The study used statistical analysis. To control for exposure, induced exposure methods were used, where ESC-sensitive to ESC-insensitive crashes and road conditions were matched in relation to cars equipped with and without ESC. Cars of similar or, in some cases, identical make and model were used to isolate the role of ESC. RESULTS: The study shows a positive and consistent effect of ESC overall and in circumstances where the road has low friction. The overall effectiveness on all injury crash types, except rear end crashes, was 16.7 +/- 9.3%, while for serious and fatal crashes; the effectiveness was 21.6 +/- 12.8%. The corresponding estimates for crashes with injured car occupants were 23.0 +/- 9.2% and 26.9 +/- 13.9%.For serious and fatal loss-of-control type crashes on wet roads the effectiveness was 56.2 +/- 23.5% and for roads covered with ice or snow the effectiveness was 49.2 +/- 30.2%. It was estimated that for Sweden, with a total of 500 vehicle related deaths annually, that 80-100 fatalities could be saved annually if all cars had ESC.CONCLUSIONS: ESC was found to reduce crashes with personal injuries, especially serious and fatal injuries. The effectiveness ranged from at least 13% for car occupants in all types of crashes with serious or fatal outcome to a minimum of 35% effectiveness for single/oncoming/overtaking serious and fatal crashes on wet or icy road surface. No difference in deformation pattern was found for cars with or without ESC.  相似文献   



To estimate the effects of red light camera enforcement on per capita fatal crash rates at intersections with signal lights.


From the 99 large U.S. cities with more than 200,000 residents in 2008, 14 cities were identified with red light camera enforcement programs for all of 2004-2008 but not at any time during 1992-1996, and 48 cities were identified without camera programs during either period. Analyses compared the citywide per capita rate of fatal red light running crashes and the citywide per capita rate of all fatal crashes at signalized intersections during the two study periods, and rate changes then were compared for cities with and without cameras programs. Poisson regression was used to model crash rates as a function of red light camera enforcement, land area, and population density.


The average annual rate of fatal red light running crashes declined for both study groups, but the decline was larger for cities with red light camera enforcement programs than for cities without camera programs (35% vs. 14%). The average annual rate of all fatal crashes at signalized intersections decreased by 14% for cities with camera programs and increased slightly (2%) for cities without cameras. After controlling for population density and land area, the rate of fatal red light running crashes during 2004-2008 for cities with camera programs was an estimated 24% lower than what would have been expected without cameras. The rate of all fatal crashes at signalized intersections during 2004-2008 for cities with camera programs was an estimated 17% lower than what would have been expected without cameras.


Red light camera enforcement programs were associated with a statistically significant reduction in the citywide rate of fatal red light running crashes and a smaller but still significant reduction in the rate of all fatal crashes at signalized intersections.

Impact on Industry

The study adds to the large body of evidence that red light camera enforcement can prevent the most serious crashes. Communities seeking to reduce crashes at intersections should consider this evidence.  相似文献   



The aims of the study were to evaluate information on motor-vehicle crashes with injuries provided in newspaper reports and to assess the frequency of thematic and episodic reporting of motor-vehicle crashes.


The study used Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) derived variables to code a nationally representative sample of U.S. newspaper reports of motor-vehicle crashes from 1999-2002. A total of 473 newspaper reports of motor-vehicle crashes with injuries were included. Information on the crash event, people involved, and vehicles was extracted. The reports were coded for episodic and thematic news framing.


A majority of newspaper reports used episodic framing. The majority of reports included information on the type of crash, but characteristics about people and vehicles were rarely reported.


Lack of information in newspapers makes them an incomplete source from which to influence public perceptions and attitudes.

Impact on industry

This provides an opportunity for news print media to improve public health content.

Impact on industry

Newspapers represent an important source of public information; they are, however, an incomplete source [Voight, B., Lapidus, G., Zavoski, R., & Banco, L. (1998). Injury reporting in Connecticut newspapers. Injury Prevention, 4, 292-294.; Baullinger, J., Quan, L., Bennett, E., Cummings, P., & Williams, K. (2001). Use of Washington state newspaper for submersion injury surveillance. Injury Prevention, 7, 339-342]. To increase the accuracy of information provided to the public through media sources, there is a need for increased communication between public health professionals and reporters.The results of this study raise concerns about the contents of motor-vehicle crash information provided in newspapers and suggest that newspapers do not provide information to allow public perception to be in accord with the importance of motor-vehicle crash injuries and health promoting actions to reduce risk of injury. More balanced and detailed information in newspapers would provide an opportunity for news print media to improve public health programs and public perception about the impact of motor-vehicle crashes on safety for all.  相似文献   

Objective: Several studies have reported the benefits of motorcycle antilock braking systems (ABS) in reducing injury crashes, due to improved stability and braking performance. Both aspects may prevent crashes but may also reduce the crash severity when a collision occurs. However, it is still unknown to what extent the reductions in injury crashes with ABS may be due to a combination of these mechanisms.

Methods: Swedish hospital and police reports (2003–2012) were used. The risk for permanent medical impairment (RPMI) was calculated, showing the risk of at least 1 or 10% permanent medical impairment. In total, 165 crashes involving ABS-equipped motorcycles were compared with 500 crashes with similar motorcycles without ABS.

The analysis was performed in 3 steps. First, the reduction in emergency care visits with ABS was calculated using an induced exposure approach. Secondly, the injury mitigating effects of ABS were investigated. The mean RPMI 1+ and RPMI 10+ were analyzed for different crash types. The distributions of impairing injuries (PMI 1+) and severely impairing injuries (PMI 10+) were also analyzed. In the third step, the total reduction of PMI 1+ and PMI 10+ injured motorcyclists was calculated by combining the reductions found in the previous steps. An additional analysis of combined braking systems (CBS) together with ABS was also performed.

Results: The results showed that emergency care visits were reduced by 47% with ABS. In the second step, it was found that the mean RPMI 1+ and RPMI 10+ with ABS were 15 and 37% lower, respectively. Finally, the third step showed that the total reductions in terms of crash avoidance and mitigation of PMI 1+ and PMI 10+ injured motorcyclists with ABS were 67 and 55%, respectively. However, PMI 1+ and PMI 10+ leg injuries were not reduced by ABS to the same extent. Indications were found suggesting that the benefits of ABS together with CBS may be greater than ABS alone.

Conclusions: This article indicated that motorcycle ABS reduced impairing injuries, mostly due to fewer emergency care visits but also due to a reduction in crash severity. This may seem reasonable as the improved stability and braking performance provided by ABS could prevent some crashes but would also decrease crash severity if a collision still occurs. As suggested by previous studies, however, the lower extremities would be more exposed in a crash with ABS. It is recommended that future research should follow up these results with additional data.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study updates estimates of effects of activating red light cameras and offers a first look at effects of turning them off.MethodAmong 117 large U.S. cities with more than 200,000 residents in 2014, trends in citywide per capita rates of fatal red light running crashes and of all fatal crashes at signalized intersections were compared between 57 cities that initiated camera programs during 1992–2014 and 33 cities without cameras to examine effects of activating camera programs. Trends also were compared between 19 cities that removed cameras and 31 regionally matched cities with continuous camera programs to evaluate effects of terminating camera programs. Because several cities removed cameras during 2005–2008 and estimated effects might have been confounded by the subsequent economic downturn, primary analyses were limited to the 14 cities that removed cameras during 2010–2014 and 29 regionally matched cities with continuous camera programs. Poisson regression examined the relationship of activating and deactivating cameras with fatal crash rates.ResultsAfter controlling for temporal trends in annual fatal crash rates, population density, and unemployment rates, rates of fatal red light running crashes and of all fatal crashes at signalized intersections were 21% and 14% lower, respectively, in cities with cameras after cameras were turned on than would have been expected without cameras; 30% and 16% higher, respectively, in 14 cities that terminated cameras during 2010–2014 after cameras were terminated than expected had cameras remained; and 18% and 8% higher, respectively, in all 19 cities that removed cameras, but not significantly.ConclusionsThis study adds to the body of evidence that red light cameras can reduce the most serious crashes at signalized intersections, and is the first to demonstrate that removing cameras increases fatal crashes.Practical applicationsCommunities thinking about removing cameras should consider impacts to safety.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Electronic stability control (ESC) is designed to help drivers maintain heading control of their vehicles in high-speed or sudden maneuvers and on slippery roads. The wider proliferation of ESC across the vehicle fleet has allowed evaluation of its effects in real-world crashes in many countries, including Japan, Germany, Sweden, France, Great Britain, and the United States. This article provides a summary of the findings. METHODS: Studies that examined the real-world effectiveness of ESC were reviewed. Crash effects have been examined for different roadways, using differing analytic methods, different crash severities, and different make/model vehicles including both cars and SUVs. The review discusses the methodological differences and examines the findings according to vehicle type, crash type and severity, and road conditions. RESULTS: The overwhelming majority of studies find that ESC is highly effective in reducing single-vehicle crashes in cars and SUVs. Fatal single-vehicle crashes involving cars are reduced by about 30-50% and SUVs by 50-70%. Fatal rollover crashes are estimated to be about 70-90% lower with ESC regardless of vehicle type. A number of studies find improved effectiveness in reducing crashes when road conditions are slippery. There is little or no effect of ESC in all multi-vehicle crashes; however, there is a 17-38% reduction in more serious, fatal multi-vehicle crashes. CONCLUSIONS: Given the extraordinary benefits of ESC in preventing crashes, especially those with more serious outcomes, the implementation of ESC should be accelerated to cover the full range of passenger vehicles in both developed and developing markets.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) programs vary in the United States in terms of implementation and restrictions. The State of Iowa's GDL program is assessed for its effectiveness in reducing crashes among teenage drivers. METHOD: Time series analysis was used to evaluate police documented crashes involving 16-, 17-, and 18-year-old drivers over a 10 year period, with an intervention identified at the point of GDL implementation. RESULTS: After controlling for seasonal trends and auto-correlative effects, a significant reduction in the crash rate of and 16- and 17-year-old drivers was observed due to the GDL implementation. However, there were no significant reductions in crash rates for 18-year-old drivers. DISCUSSION: The analyses suggest that the Iowa GDL program is effective in reducing the crash rates of 16- and 17-year-old drivers but the effects do not sustain for 18-year-old drivers. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The results suggest that the program appears to be working, however further analysis is needed to determine what factors are preventing lasting effects for these teenage drivers.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study examined a multicommunity alternative transportation program available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for any purpose, offering door-through-door service in private automobiles to members who either do not drive or are transitioning away from driving. Specific aims were to describe the characteristics of members by driving status and ride service usage of these members.

Methods: Data came from administrative records maintained by a nonprofit ride service program and include 2,661 individuals aged 65+ residing in 14 states who joined the program between April 1, 2010, and November 8, 2013. Latent class analysis was used to group current drivers into 3 classes of driving status of low, medium, and high self-regulation, based on their self-reported avoidance of certain driving situations and weekly driving frequency. Demographics and ride service use rate for rides taken through March 31, 2014, by type of ride (e.g., medical, social, etc.) were calculated for nondrivers and drivers in each driving status class.

Results: The majority of ride service users were female (77%) and aged 65–74 years (82%). The primary method of getting around when enrolling for the transportation service was by riding with a friend or family member (60%). Among the 67,883 rides given, nondrivers took the majority (69%) of rides. Medical rides were the most common, accounting for 40% of all rides.

Conclusions: Reported ride usage suggests that older adults are willing to use such ride services for a variety of trips when these services are not limited to specific types (e.g., medical). Further research can help tailor strategies to encourage both nondrivers and drivers to make better use of alternative transportation that meets the special needs of older people.  相似文献   

Alcohol is a known risk factor for many kinds of injuries, but past research has failed to implicate alcohol intoxication as a major cause of work injuries in the U.S. Local and regional studies have indicated that alcohol-related injuries are relatively less common in work settings than non-work settings. In a six-month study, the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System collected the first national sample data on alcohol and injuries presenting to hospital emergency rooms. The study included both work injuries and product-related non-work injuries. Alcohol intoxication was ascertained by emergency room chart review. Alcohol involvement was much lower than in other studies, probably because of poor sensitivity in ascertainment, and it was 10 times lower among work injuries than non-work injuries. “Non-work activities at the time of injury” were a significant risk factor for alcohol-related injuries (odds ratio = 7). Thus, results of this national study are consistent with previous research in finding that alcohol poses a greater risk for nonwork injury than for work injury.  相似文献   

<正>美国劳工部职业安全与卫生管理局近日发布了G/TBT/N/USA/216/Add.1号补遗。该局拟修订现行危险信息标准,以符合联合国全球化学品统一分类及标签系统,相信修订提案能够改善向雇主和雇员提供的关于化学危  相似文献   

美国注册安全师机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述专业人士一般熟悉具有90多年历史的美国安全工程师学会但也许不了解美国实际上并没有安全工程师这一称谓安全工程师学会实乐上是一个职业安全从业人员的会员制学会和一般的专业学会职能基本相同在美国安全工程师“实际上称为注册安全师。注册安全师不仅是安全工程专家他们在企业安全管理保险公司损失控制等方面也有很深的造诣这也许就是用安全师而不用安全工程师名  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了美国海军现用的工作服装种类、服装构成及穿着场合,并与我国海军07式作训服进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

澳大利亚,矿山救护车将开赴现场澳大利亚1991年~2001年矿山死亡人数及伤害次数如下表:(澳大利亚财政年度由每年4月至下一年3 澳大利亚昆士兰州政府为加强矿山安全,已开始进行矿山救护车的研究。研究该车的目的是改善井下矿工的自救能力。该项工作将由位于Redbank的矿山试验研究站与昆士兰州矿山救护服务中心与澳大利亚煤矿协会联合进行。该救护车应能在特  相似文献   

目前银行已开始广泛采用数字监控系统.用途包括柜员制和安全管理.现在都采用数字硬盘录像机来进行录像和存储,利用这套系统对原来的监控系统进行改造.如将原来安装的安全管理摄像机信号传输至硬盘录像机,这样更便于管理,也增强取证的准确性.柜员制可以将每一天的柜员收付情况以图像和声音的方式记录下来,一旦发生差错,可以通过录像录音进行复核.通过对几十个银行监控系统的检测,总结了一些心得,现以6路柜员和6路安全监控系统组成的储蓄所或支行数字监控系统改造为例解析方案。  相似文献   

目前银行已开始广泛采用数字监控系统.用途包括柜员制和安全管理.现在都采用数字硬盘录像机来进行录像和存储,利用这套系统对原来的监控系统进行改造.如将原来安装的安全管理摄像机信号传输至硬盘录像机,这样更便于管理,也增强取证的准确性.柜员制可以将每一天的柜员收付情况以图像和声音的方式记录下来,一旦发生差错,可以通过录像录音进行复核.通过对几十个银行监控系统的检测,总结了一些心得,现以6路柜员和6路安全监控系统组成的储蓄所或支行数字监控系统改造为例解析方案.  相似文献   

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