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混汞法采金地区的汞污染研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
混汞法是一种设备简单、操作简便且应用历史悠久的提金方法,在世界范围内得到了普遍使用,同时也导致了严重的汞污染。本文介绍了混汞法的流程以及汞的释放过程和释放因子;综述了应用混汞法提金的不同国家和地区,对由此引发的大气、水体、生物(包括人体)和土壤汞污染的研究现状,并讨论了采金地区的环境管理政策。  相似文献   

宁波地区海产品中汞污染现状研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用冷原子吸收(荧光)法测定了宁波不同地区的各种海产品中总汞和甲基汞含量,总体属轻度及中等污染水平,工业轻发达地区的海产品内总汞和甲基汞的含量较高,不同种类海产品因食性不同,在食物链中所处位置不同,表现为贝壳类>肉食性类>杂食性类>植食性类>藻类和水草,无鳞鱼类>有鳞鱼类;海产品中不同部分污染水平表现为内脏>头部>肌肉;海水<底泥<海产品。除个别样品接近国家标准外,其余都符合我国食品卫生标准。  相似文献   

氧化汞和氧化亚汞生产过程中造成严重的汞污染,由于气型污染,被土壤吸附,蓄积形成147m污染半径,汞污染前后调查研究对比,土壤、蔬菜、鱼、地面水中汞残留超过正常范围。对汞污染后危害特点进行讨论,提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

科学家现在用新手段追踪环境中的汞,它们是两种不同类型的汞稳定同位素分配。鱼类汞污染是一个全球范围的人群健康威胁,因为积聚在鱼中的甲基汞毒性非常大。但是由于汞通过大气输送分布到全球,所以难以区分当地源和全球源,也难以区分自然源和人为源。  相似文献   

贵州地区大气汞污染及湿法脱硫装置除汞效果的初步评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年冬季在贵州地区对大气中气态元素汞进行了大范围的流动监测调查,重点监测电厂分布地区及东部汞采冶加工地区,结果表明,气态元素汞浓度的高值出现在汞化工区和金矿区;在广大农村地区和小县城附近,大气汞浓度大都在100 ng/m3范围内.同期还进行了大气颗粒物汞的采样和分析,结果表明,监测到的大气颗粒物的汞浓度水平<3 ng/m3,与国内其他一些城市相当;细颗粒物中汞的富集度高,粒径<2.2 μm的颗粒物汞占60%~80%.此外,实测了采用石灰-石膏法脱硫电厂的燃煤汞平衡,评价了汞去除效果,结果表明,燃煤中的汞大约20%留在灰渣中,石灰-石膏脱去约20%,约59%的汞通过烟气排放到空气中.  相似文献   

针对近年来的燃煤烟气汞污染控制技术的发展现状,综述了吸附脱汞和氧化脱汞技术的最新研究进展,重点介绍了活性炭吸附剂吸附脱汞技术和光催化氧化脱汞技术.鉴于活性炭吸附脱汞和光催化氧化脱汞都同时存在吸附和氧化2种反应,提出吸附—光催化脱汞技术将成为今后燃煤烟气汞污染控制的研究方向.  相似文献   

章诗辞  罗泽娇 《环境工程学报》2017,11(10):5771-5777
场地重金属污染是工业化进程的产物,污染来源多为原料及副产物的泄漏或不达标排放,给人类和环境造成不同程度的危害。本文以武汉某退役聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂厂为研究对象,结合氯化汞催化工艺特点,探究场地土壤重金属汞的污染来源及分布特征,为同类型场地土壤重金属汞的污染调查、防治、修复提供案例支撑。研究结果表明:1)参与调查的33个点位中有27.3%已达到相当严重的污染水平,潜在生态风险单项指数Ei值最高达57 900,污染分布范围主要集中于氯化汞催化乙炔生产氯乙烯(VCM)工艺段,水平迁移扩散能力不强;2)重金属汞的垂直迁移受土壤性质影响,粘土对重金属汞的截留效果佳,粘土层中0.8~1.0 m至1.8~2.0 m最大汞浓度衰减量达2 040 mg·(kg·m)-1,衰减率达97.2%,而疏松的杂填土则有利于汞的垂直下渗;3)调查区域受重金属汞污染呈现典型点源污染特征。  相似文献   

采用间接加热-N2吹扫法,对汞污染载金炭中汞的脱除进行试验研究.主要考察了吹扫方式、焙烧温度、N2流量和处理时间对汞脱除效果的影响.结果表明,采用床层内部吹扫方式有利于载金炭中汞的脱除;在550℃、N2 1.6 m3/h·kg、吹扫3 h条件下,能够将载金炭中汞含量由13.833 g/kg降低至0.002 g/kg,汞脱除率达到99.98%以上,而炭烧损率仅1.84%.另外,进行了2种二段法脱汞试验研究:高温蒸汞-N2吹扫法和空气吹扫-N2吹扫法.结果表明,与一段法相比,前者能够大大降低N2的消耗量;而后者没有明显优势,N2用量和能耗均未能明显降低.  相似文献   

以某化工厂内含汞污染土壤为研究对象,进行了固化稳定化技术的中试试验,研究水泥和硫化钠的药剂配比和搅拌方式对处理效果的影响。结果表明,随着水泥添加量增大,汞的浸出浓度大体降低;随着硫化钠添加量的增大,汞的浸出浓度呈现明显上升的趋势;当水泥和硫化钠联用时,浸出液中汞未检出,处理效果较好;搅拌方式对土壤中汞的处理效果影响较小。综合考虑经济成本、处理效果以及增容等因素,建议采用0.05%(质量分数,下同)工业级硫化钠+5.00%复合硅酸盐水泥P.C 32.5的药剂配比和挖机铲斗混合搅拌的方式对土壤中的汞进行固化稳定化处理。  相似文献   

50年代发生的日本熊本水俣病事件曾一度引起对汞污染的全球性警惕。汞的生物转化和污染控制一直受到研究者的关注。由于汞及化合物是生物积累性毒物 ,直至今日 ,汞污染防治仍是各国关心的难题。联合国环境规划署 (UNEP)最近提出 ,将对世界范围内的汞污染源及其影响作调查研究 ,该项目预计在 2 0 0 3年完成 ,提出汞污染防治建议 ,包括减少或停用汞及其化合物 ,以尽量降低其排放量 ,对预防和控制汞污染技术进行评价 ,并推出汞的替代物。在美国 ,汞的主要污染源是燃煤电厂、废物焚烧和氯碱工业。据悉 ,美国经由大气沉降向全球环境输出的汞较…  相似文献   

As in many other parts of the world, gold is produced in the surface mining region of Poconé, Mato Grosso, Brazil, using mercury. The goal of this investigation was to estimate the amount of mercury in certain tailings and to determine the area of the land that has been contaminated by the gold mining operations. Mercury concentrations from 2 to 495 ng/g (dw) were determined in the tailing materials. It was observed that only isolated sites were acting as central points of contamination. Using digital Landsat satellite data (The-matic Mapper) and aerial photos, the sites degraded by the mining were classified, and their total area was estimated to be 12.3 km2 in the region of Poconé. It was estimated, that 4.9 km2 were occupied by the contaminated tailings. The mean height of the pile slags was determined to be 4.5 m. From the experimentally calculated average density of the material in the tailings, 2.01 g/cm3, the total mercury content in the piles of tailings was estimated to be 1600 ± 350 kg.  相似文献   

畅永锋  梁鹏  路殿坤  谢锋 《环境工程学报》2020,14(12):3527-3533
汞污染土壤对环境的危害巨大,已成为国内外主要关注的环境问题之一。以某PVC化工厂附近的含汞土壤样品为研究对象,开展了硫代硫酸盐浸提脱汞的研究,对浸提前后的含汞土壤开展了Förstner七步顺序提取实验,考察分析了含汞土壤及浸提后土壤中汞的存在形态,并对含汞的硫代硫酸盐浸出液开展了紫外光分解、沉淀脱除汞的研究。结果表明:该土壤样品中含汞总量高达2 400 mg·kg−1;其中41.3%的Hg以水溶态、交换态、盐酸溶态和硝酸溶态形式存在,属于易释放汞;以有机质结合态和硫化态形式存在的Hg分别占33.9%和24.2%,属于稳定形态的汞。以硫代硫酸钠为浸出剂,可以有效地浸出含汞土壤中的易释放形态汞;采用0.01 mol·L−1的硫代硫酸钠溶液,在室温下浸出约6 h,可将含汞土壤中95%以上的易释放汞浸提出来,浸提后土壤中残余的汞基本上仍以有机质结合态和硫化态形式存在。对含汞11.6 mg·L−1的硫代硫酸盐浸出液,经254 nm的紫外线照射5 min,即可将99.1%以上的汞-硫代硫酸盐络合物分解转变为稳定的硫化汞沉淀,从而将汞从浸出液中分离回收。本研究表明,硫代硫酸盐浸提处理及采用紫外光分解分离回收汞可从含汞土壤中分离除去易释放形态汞。  相似文献   

Mercury pollution is caused by artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) operations along the Cikaniki River (West Java, Indonesia). The atmosphere is one of the primary media through which mercury can disperse. In this study, atmospheric mercury levels are estimated using the native epiphytic fern Asplenium nidus complex (A. nidus) as a biomonitor; these estimates shed light on the atmospheric dispersion of mercury released during mining.Samples were collected from 8 sites along the Cikaniki Basin during September-November, 2008 and September-November, 2009.The A. nidus fronds that were attached to tree trunks 1-3 m above the ground were collected and measured for total mercury concentration using cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) after acid-digestion. The atmospheric mercury was collected using porous gold collectors, and the concentrations were determined using double-amalgam CVAAS.The highest atmospheric mercury concentration, 1.8 × 103 ± 1.6 × 103 ng m−3, was observed at the mining hot spot, and the lowest concentration of mercury, 5.6 ± 2.0 ng m−3, was observed at the remote site from the Cikaniki River in 2009. The mercury concentrations in A. nidus were higher at the mining village (5.4 × 103 ± 1.6 × 103 ng g−1) than at the remote site (70 ± 30 ng g−1). The distribution of mercury in A. nidus was similar to that in the atmosphere; a significant correlation was observed between the mercury concentrations in the air and in A. nidus (r = 0.895, P < 0.001, n = 14). The mercury levels in the atmosphere can be estimated from the mercury concentration in A. nidus using a regression equation: log (HgA.nidu/ng g−1) = 0.740 log (HgAir/ng m−3) − 1.324.  相似文献   

讨论了近年来国内外电厂煤燃烧过程中汞的形态分布以及迁移转化规律研究的最新成果 ,并在此基础上评价了现有电站污染控制系统的脱汞性能 ,考虑到汞的排放控制 ,提出了对现有设备的可能优化措施。在分析中 ,注意到汞的易挥发性 ,认为汞排放控制应该充分考虑烟气中汞形态的迁移转化。由于氧化态汞在汞控制中有着重要作用 ,其研究将是控制电厂汞排放的关键。先进的汞排放控制技术的开发应以增强汞的氧化态为优先发展方向。  相似文献   

长沙市夏季大气颗粒物中重金属的形态及其源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对长沙市高开区、经开区、开福区以及马坡岭4个采样点夏季的大气颗粒物(TSP)浓度以及颗粒物中的重金属元素Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb和Cd的浓度和形态分布进行了研究分析,利用污染因子(Cf)对重金属元素的可保持能力进行了评价,并利用因子分析方法(PCA)分析TSP中重金属元素的主要来源。结果显示长沙市夏季TSP平均浓度为220.7μg/m3,表明长沙市颗粒物污染较严重。TSP中重金属元素浓度大小顺序为:ZnPbCuMnCd。从形态分布来看,大约63.3%~89.0%的Cu主要存在于可氧化态(F3),而Mn在这一态中分布最少。元素Zn、Cd则主要分布在弱酸提取态,分别占了70%和35%。Pb主要分布在残渣态,大约为24%~43%。由污染因子计算可知Cu、Cd和Zn比Mn、Pb有更高的迁移性。  相似文献   

强化生物通风修复过程中柴油衰减规律及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强化生物通风技术对于修复因地下储油罐泄漏引起的土壤污染具有很大的应用前景。通过室内土柱模拟柴油泄漏污染土壤,从土柱中总石油烃(total petroleum hydrocarbon,TPH)剖面分布随时间的变化及降解模式角度,分析了其自然衰减和强化生物通风过程。结果表明:初始柴油浓度直接影响着各柱在自然衰减和强化生物通风过程中柱内的残余TPH平衡分布曲线的形状和浓度峰值位置;在前期自然衰减过程中(约1个月),当土壤中的柴油浓度为5 000~40 000 mg油/kg土时,整个柱内TPH变化的主要原因是重力扩散迁移的结果;当土壤中的柴油浓度≤5 000 mg油/kg土时,其TPH的变化不仅是重力扩散迁移作用的结果,生物降解作用也存在;通风约2个月后,抽提作用对于保持土柱上部柴油浓度稳定变化的意义较为突出。  相似文献   

The comparative experimental study of inorganic mercury (HgII), methylmercury (MeHg) and cadmium (Cd) bioaccumulation in the Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea was based on a 14 days' exposure to the water column or sediment compartments, as initial contamination sources. For each contaminant and exposure source, a five-point concentration range was set up in order to quantify the relationships between the contamination pressure and bioaccumulation capacity, at the whole soft body level and in five organs: gills, mantle, visceral mass, kidney and foot. Hg and Cd bioaccumulation at the whole organism level was proportional to the metal concentrations in the water column or sediment. For similar exposure conditions, the average ratios between the metal concentrations in the bivalves - [MeHg]/[HgII] and [MeHg]/[Cd] - were close to 10 and 5 for the sediment source and 8 and 15 for the water column source. Metal distribution in the five organs revealed strong specificities, according to the different contamination modalities studied: kidney and gills were clearly associated with Cd exposure, mantle and foot with MeHg exposure and the visceral mass with inorganic Hg exposure.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus velutina Lam.) growing over a shallow aquifer contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons were studied to determine if it was possible to estimate the approximate year that contamination began. The annual rings of some trees downgradient from the contaminant release site contained elevated concentrations of chloride possibly derived from dechlorination of contaminants. Additionally, a radial-growth decline began in these trees at approximately the same time that chloride became elevated. Growth did not decline in trees that contained smaller concentrations of chloride. The source of elevated chloride and the corresponding reductions in tree growth could not be explained by factors other than contamination. On the basis of tree-ring evidence alone, the release occurred in the late 1960s or early 1970s. Contaminant release at a second location apparently occurred in the mid- to late 1970s, suggesting that the area was used for disposal for at least 5 years and possibly longer.  相似文献   

以济南市为研究区域,利用TH-150C型智能中流量总悬浮颗粒物采样器采集了7个点位环境空气颗粒物样品,采用加速溶剂萃取、旋转蒸发、硅胶柱层析、氮吹仪氮吹后用GC/MS测定的实验研究方法,获得了济南市7个点位环境空气颗粒物中16种PAHs的质量浓度和ΣPAHs值.结果表明,7个点位环境空气颗粒物中ΣPAHs的含量在103...  相似文献   

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