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曹芮  李伟 《环境教育》2014,(4):52-53
正我国开展环境教育已有三十多年了,针对中小学生环境教育的讨论主要集中在城市地区,并取得了一定的成效,积累了很多经验,但针对农村特别是西部农村的中小学环境教育的研究还比较薄弱,学生的环境意识较低,教师对环境教育概念还比较模糊,环境教育专业能力较弱。因此,如何解决西部农村小学环境教育问题,提高西部农村中小学的环境教育水平已迫在眉睫。目前西部农村中小学环境教育存在的主要问题表现为:一是观念落后环境意识不强。当地教育主管领导、学校领导到教师、学生对环境教育的认识都不够,认  相似文献   

环境问题是当代以至今后人类面临的一个比突出的问题,环境的恶化一再提醒人类必须善待环境。人类对环境的认识和了解程度,全民的环境意识被认为是解决环境的基础前提,开展环境教育,尤其是中小学环境教育势在必行。本文论述了环境教育在中小学教育中的重要性以及一些环境教育内容和方式等。  相似文献   

一、中小学开展环境教育必须加大学校环 境教育培训力度,切实转变教师观念 中小学开展环境教育最关键的一环,就是加强中小学校 教师环境教育培训力度,提高教师的环境意识。通过对教师进 行环境教育培训,使他们掌握基本的环境科学知识,了解可持 续发展的战略意义,激发解决环境问题的热情,认识环境教育 的深刻内涵和开展素质教育的必要性。学校还要加强与环保 部门的紧密结合,提供和创造多一些环保活动让教师们亲身 感受,尽可能让教师了解更多的环保信息、接触各种环保问 题。教师环境意识的普遍提高,必将为环境教育进入中小学课 堂奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

教师教育观念的转变是开展环境教育的重要前提当前 ,大多数教师所熟悉、所钟情的是学科教学 ,重学科课 ,轻活动课是一种普遍存在的倾向 ,而传统的、陈旧的教学与评价方式恰恰是这种倾向的重要原因。中小学环境教育涉及学科广泛 ,内容极为丰富 ,又与经济发展、社会生活紧密联系 ,它涉及现实社会、经济和自然的许多领域 ,对培养学生理论联系实际 ,关心自然—社会 ,提高综合分析问题的能力具有重要意义。中小学环境教育也是实现素质教育的重要途径之一。教师如何深刻理解新时代对学生开展环境教育的重要性认识 ,如何把认识转变成教学的具体行动…  相似文献   

为了解包头市绿色学校与非绿色学校教师环境意识水平的差异,更有针对性地开展包头市环境教育师资培训工作,促进绿色学校创建工作的深入开展,以包头市6个区21所中小学(其中绿色学校10所,非绿色学校11所)共268名教师(其中绿色学校128名,非绿色学校140名)为对象进行了环境意识调查  相似文献   

中外环境教育比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
长期以来,自然一直被人们视为被“征服”的对象。到了近代,由于人类对自然资源的不合理利用和对生态环境的破坏不断加剧,一些地区性、全球性环境问题开始初露端倪,有的甚至严重恶化。在此背景下,一些有识之士认识到了要有效地保护环境,唤起民众的环保意识,必须大力开展环境教育。环境教育问题由此引起全球性的关注。作为环境教育问题之一的中外环境教育比较也因此成为国内近几年兴起的一门环境科学热门分支学科,多种著述纷纷出版、发表。作为专业研究生,本文作者在这方面有一定的发言权。她为本刊写来的这篇稿件最突出的特点是选取了英国、德国、瑞典和南非四个环境教育开展较为成功的国家,各有侧重地分析了各国中小学环境教育的特点,同时,结合中国环境教育的现状进行分析、比较,试图在四国环境教育成功实施经验的基础上提出合适的建议,以期给中国环境教育的开展和实施提供有意义的借鉴。我们期待中国环境教育事业能够蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

本文依据的抽样调查结果,分析了昆明市中小学生的环境意识状况和特点,并就昆明市中小学环境教育有关问题进行了探讨。1引言 环境问题往往来源于人们对自然和生态环境的认识不足,对自然资源利用不合理,国际社会已愈来愈强烈地认识到环境教育对环境保护的重要性:培养和增强公众环境意识、促进每一个人都自觉地来关心、保护我们共同的环境是解决环境问题的根本途径。 中小学生环境教育是我国环境教育的重要组成部分,其受教育对象人数最多,是未来环境的主人、国家的建设者和决策者。中小学环境教育是关系到整个环境建设的关键,关系到2…  相似文献   

在中小学开展环境教育是从根本上解决环境危机、实施可持续发展战略、开展素质教育的需要。本文针对目前中小学环境教育中存在的问题,提出了开展环境教育的方法与途径。  相似文献   

师范学校在环境教育中的特殊地位和作用   在“ 21世纪公民环境教育及环境科学发展趋势国际研讨会”上,与会代表一致认为:提高环境管理者和教师进行环境教育的能力是提高公民环境保护意识和能力的重要措施。师范院校作为培养教师的摇篮,特别是中等师范学校作为小学教师培养和培训的基地,在环境教育中更加显得重要。这是因为 (1)中师生不仅是学生,更是未来小学、幼儿园的教师。这种特殊的身份和地位决定了我们在中师只要科学地开展环境教育,不仅教育和提高了中师生的环境保护意识和技能,同时,更为他们今后在小学、幼儿园的教育教学…  相似文献   

一.研究目的 为了了解包头市绿色学校与非绿色学校学生环境意识水平的差异.更有针对性地开展中小学环境教育,促进绿色学校创建工作的深入开展,以包头市8个区21所中小学(其中绿色学校10所.非绿色学校11所)共344名学生(其中绿色学校188名,非绿色学校178名)为对象进行了环境意识调查。  相似文献   

The steadily increasing world market prices for fossil fuels in the past years have significantly increased interest in the development of indigenous sources of energy in the Pacific islands. As an import substitution strategy, many Pacific island Governments are looking into the use of local biomass resources to replace traditionally imported fuels such as petrol and diesel by biofuels. An overview of biofuel activities is given, with experiences and key achievements in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Kiribati and Marshall Islands with regard to efforts to develop alternative fuels. There are strong linkages between developments in the various Pacific island countries and lessons to be learned from experiences and policies implemented among Governments in the Pacific region. The paper concludes that there is a need for standardization, quality control and testing facilities for biofuels in the region. Governments need to investigate further the level of support that is required to make biofuel operations viable and maximize macroeconomic and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

成都市幼儿体铅水平与环境铅污染的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文检测了成都市 50 1名 3~ 6岁儿童的发铅和血铅水平。发铅平均含量为 17 2 9± 9 70 μg/ g ,血铅平均浓度为 0 59± 0 33μmol/L( 12 3 81± 68 95μg/L)。 60 3%的儿童血铅浓度≥ 0 4 8μmol/L ( 10 0 μg/L) ;3 0 %的儿童血铅浓度≥ 1 4 4 μmol/L( 30 0 μg/L)。发铅与血铅无直线相关关系。市区儿童的发铅和血铅水平显著高于郊区儿童。大气铅测定显示市区铅污染重于郊区。讨论了铅污染的主要来源和儿童铅中毒的预防对策研究。  相似文献   

本文从空气污染、经济损失和珍稀野生动物濒临灭绝三个方面剖析了印度尼西亚森林大火给人类带来的灾难性影响,并就如何保护人类的生存环境、减少环境灾难,提出了加强国民环境意识教育、加强全球合作等措施。  相似文献   

Summary The relatively under-developed condition of the Delta Area of Nigeria is mainly due to its difficult natural environment. This is with particular reference to the mass, and complex maze, of water which floods the region, causing erosion and pollution, all of which adversely affect agricultural practice, transportation and other human activities. Yet the region's future development rests primarily on water resources. It is important, therefore, to recognise that water is the most critical factor in the area's development and to embark on such measures that will control the water hazards and at the same time accomplish the promotion and utilisation of the deltaic water resources. These should be integrated in a regional development plan in order to minimise duplication of effort and achieve coordination among the various development agencies.Dr Layi Egunjobi is currently Senior Lecturer and Acting Director of the Centre for Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.  相似文献   

Past and current economic growths of Malaysia have been primarily energized by fossil fuels. Malaysia has very substantial potential for biomass energy utilization given its equatorial climate that is ideal for dense tropical forest growth and agricultural vegetation. There are five major sectors contributing wastes to biomass energy in Malaysia: forestry (wood products), rubber cultivation, cocoa cultivation, sugar cane cultivation and oil palm cultivation. Biomass in Malaysia contributes about 14% of the approximately 340 million barrel of oil equivalent (boe) of energy used every year. This paper provides an overview on the types of biomass being used, the research works on biomass conversion into energy and the present biomass energy projects in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Brownfield redevelopment as a smart growth option in the United States   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An evaluation is made of brownfields redevelopment as a smart growth policy compared to purchase of land, restrictive growth policies, changing transportation patterns, promoting compact development designs on the metropolitan fringe, and regional government. In the US brownfields redevelopment has clear advantages with regard to environmental protection, moral imperative, and government and special interest reactions. Its rank with regard to economic feasibility, ability to respond to changes in technology, and public reaction are not clear. A great deal more research is needed, especially about the costs of brownfield redevelopment and public preferences for housing type and location to be certain about brownfields redevelopment as a viable smart growth option.  相似文献   

董雪  天真 《环境教育》2003,(5):48-49
美人如花。美而不妖的美人恰似荷花。 “三秋桂子,十里荷花”,当年宋代词人柳永状写钱塘(杭州)的形胜和都市繁盛,咏西湖之佳丽,游人之鼎沸的《望海潮》一词既出,风靡天下。罗大经《鹤林玉露》称“此词流播,金主亮(完颜亮)闻歌,欣然有慕于‘三秋桂子,十里荷花’遂起投鞭渡江之志。”可见此词影响之大,荷花魅力至深。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) losses from agricultural lands in the Midwest United States are contributing to the expansion of the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico. This study evaluated the importance of inter‐annual variability in precipitation, land cover, and N fertilizer use on NO3 + NO2‐N loads in seven United States Midwestern Rivers using the backward stepwise regression analysis. At the annual scale, fluctuations in the current and previous years’ precipitations explained much of the variation in streamflow, baseflow, and N‐load. Previous years precipitation effects were associated with fillable soil porosity. In some years, higher residual soil N from previous dry years also contributed to an increase in N‐load. Area under soybean production (SOY), a surrogate for replacement of prairies and small grains was generally not a significant explanatory variable. Fertilizer use from 1987 to 2012 was also not a significant explanatory variable in the annual analysis. Precipitation in both the current and previous months and previous year were important in explaining variation in monthly streamflow, baseflow, and N‐load. SOY was significant in one or two months from June to August, but had a higher p‐value than precipitation. We conclude recent increases in river N‐loads are primarily due to wet climate and minimally due to the changes in land cover or N fertilizer use. Under current cropping systems and agronomic N application rates, tile water remediation will be necessary to reduce river N‐loads.  相似文献   

Nepal's economic activity is dominated by agriculture. The volume of exports is small. About a quarter of the foreign exchange earned from export is required to cover costs of imported fossil fuels. Fossil fuels supply less than 7% of total energy consumption. More than 90% of primary energy consumption is supplied by biomass resources, and forests are the major source of biomass. The sustainable fuelwood yield of forest is far less than the total consumption, which has caused severe forest denudation. Consumption of crop residues and animal dung for fuel are increasing because of fuelwood shortage. The paper outlines the consequences of biomass consumption in Nepal and past efforts at biomass resources management and indicates their effectiveness. A few major practical policy measures have been suggested to correct the situation. The experiences and measures for biomass resources management explained in this paper are expected to be useful to other countries facing a similar situation.  相似文献   

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