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Larssen T  Brereton C  Gunn JM 《Ambio》2003,32(3):244-248
During much of the 1900s, the lakes in Killarney Provincial Park have been exposed to high levels of acid deposition due to sulfur emissions from the nearby metal smelters in Sudbury. The sulfur emissions from this large point source have decreased to about 10% of what they were in the 1960s. Lake water quality in Killarney Park has greatly changed in response to reduced emissions, with noticeable declines in sulfate, aluminum and calcium concentrations. Here we apply the dynamic acidification model MAGIC to 3 lakes in Killarney Park. The lakes, which have different buffering capacities and response times, were selected to represent fast, intermediate and slow recovery from acidification. The model was calibrated to match observed data for the lakes and 4 different forecast scenarios for future sulfur deposition reductions were applied. The results indicate that there is still a large potential for improvement in the water quality in Killarney. The recovery time for the different lakes varies greatly. For the lake having the slowest response time several decades are needed for the chemistry to stabilize after implementation of deposition reductions.  相似文献   

Holt C  Yan ND 《Ambio》2003,32(3):203-207
Despite reductions in atmospheric SO4(2-) deposition and resultant decreases in surface water acidity, widespread biological recovery from acidification has not yet been documented. Temporal trends in crustacean zooplankton species richness (number of species) and composition were examined between 1971-2000 in 46 Killarney Park lakes, Ontario, Canada, to assess the degree of biological recovery in lakes with significant water quality improvements, i.e. pH now > 6, compared to 2 other groups: i) lakes which never acidified; and ii) lakes which are still acidified (pH < 6). Time trends in species richness could not be distinguished among the 3 groups of lakes, nor did changes in species richness indicate recovery. In contrast, the zooplankton community composition of lakes in which the pH increased to above 6, as measured by a multivariate index of species abundances, changed from a "damaged" state to one typical of neutral lakes. Some recovery in composition was also documented for the acidic lakes. While still acidic, the pH levels of these lakes have risen. The extent and pace of recovery in Killarney Provincial Park bodes well for the future of other acidified regions in North America and Europe.  相似文献   

Keller W  Heneberry JH  Dixit SS 《Ambio》2003,32(3):183-189
Lakes in Killarney Park near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, have shown dramatic water quality changes including general increases in pH and alkalinity, and decreases in SO4(2-), base cations and metals. While some lakes have recovered to pH > 6.0, many are still highly acidic despite decades of improvement. Very high historical S deposition related to emissions from the Sudbury metal smelters dominated the acidification process in this region. However, since the implementation of substantial S emission controls (90%) at the smelters, the Sudbury emissions are no longer the major source of S deposition in the Sudbury area. Wet deposition of SO4(2-) and SO4(2-) concentrations in lakewaters at Killarney now approach values in the Dorset, Ontario, area, about 200 km from Sudbury. This suggests that the S deposition to the Killarney area is now primarily from long-range transport, not from local sources. Studies of Killarney lakes are revealing the complex nature of the chemical recovery process. As lake acidity decreases, other changes including decreased Ca2+ concentrations, increased transparency, and altered thermal regimes may potentially affect some of these ecosystems. It is clear that continuing assessments of the recovery of Killarney lakes, within a multiple-stressor framework, are needed.  相似文献   

As a consequence of decreases in the emission rate of sulphur in eastern North America in the late 1970s and early 1980s, sulphate deposition in central Ontario declined by about 40%, but has remained constant for about six years. Plastic Lake, a small, dilute lake on the Precambrian shield that the authors have studied since 1979, acidified between the start of the study and about 1986, but since then has not changed. The authors also monitored the chemistry of streamwater draining the Plastic Lake catchment. Water quality of runoff from an upland site improved rapidly (pH and alkalinity increased, SO4(2-) and Al decreased), but two factors offset these improvements. A small wetland area downstream reversed most of these changes, resulting in a constant output of strong acid from the catchment. In addition, in extremely dry years (1983, 1987, 1989) there were very high concentrations of SO4(2-) in the streamwater, suggesting substantial re-oxidation of reduced S in the catchment.  相似文献   

D.J. Hallett  M.G. Brooksbank 《Chemosphere》1986,15(9-12):1405-1416
The Laurentian Great Lakes represent 20 percent of the surface fresh water of the world. They are unique because of their long flushing times (in excess of 175 years for Lake Superior), their relatively short mixing times and their consequent propensity to accumulate persistent chemicals and respond very slowly to decreased chemical loadings. Lake Ontario, as the last lake in the system, receives the drainage from the other four Great Lakes in addition to significant chemical contributions from within its drainage basin particularly from its main tributary, the Niagara River.

This paper evaluates environmental levels of TCOD and related compounds within the Lake Ontario ecosystem by considering temporal trends, the application of mass loading principles for large lake ecosystems and the examination of a holistic ecosystem perspective on exposure routes.  相似文献   

Historical records preserved in sediments show that the lakes are extremely sensitive to metal emissions from the smelters in the Sudbury basin. From the observed quick response, a strong capacity for rapid recovery (deacidification) of acid-stressed lakes in the area is deduced. The study thus emphasises the need for curtailing the emissions of acidic and acidifying substances as a critical step in reducing lake acidification as well as in rehabilitating many of the afflicted lakes.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Anthropogenic activities, such as mining, influence soil bacterial community composition and microbial distributions. In the current study, the...  相似文献   

Metazachlor is a frequently used herbicide with concentrations in surface waters up to 100 microg L(-1). A long-term mesocosm study was performed in order to investigate effects on stream and pond communities also regarding recovery. Single metazachlor doses of 5, 20, 80, 200, and 500 microg L(-1) were given and the aquatic communities monitored for 140 days. In this paper, special attention is paid to the plankton response and the results of the entire study are summarised. Metazachlor strongly affected the stream and pond mesocosm communities at concentrations higher than 5 microg L(-1). Direct negative effects were most prominent for chlorophytes whereas diatoms and cryptophytes seemed insensitive. The effects on zooplankton were caused by changes in habitat structure due to the strong decline of macrophytes. The slow degradation of metazachlor combined with the absence of recovery in both chlorophytes and macrophytes is likely to cause long-lasting effects on aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study determines spatial trends and congener patterns of 2378-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in surficial sediments of Lakes Erie and Ontario. Sediments are enriched in 2378-PCDFs in Lake Ontario, and the PCDD/F concentrations increased from shallow near-shore sediments towards deep-water depositional zone sediments. In Lake Erie, sediments were dominated by octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, and the highest PCDD/F concentrations were observed in the western basin and the southern shoreline of the central basin with a decrease towards the eastern basin and the northern shoreline of the central basin. Principal components analysis revealed that chemical manufacture and disposal of chemical waste along the Niagara River has been a major PCDD/F source to Lake Ontario; while PCDD/Fs in Lake Erie are from multiple sources including industrial sources along the Detroit River, major tributaries along the southern shoreline of the lake, and atmospherically-derived material from the upper lakes and connecting channels.  相似文献   

Pollard HG  Colbourne JK  Keller W 《Ambio》2003,32(3):214-218
Paleolimnological and molecular genetic techniques were combined to reconstruct the long-term patterns in Daphnia community composition in Hannah Lake--a lake recovering from industrial acidification, metal contamination and faunal extirpation. Like many zooplankters, Daphnia produce diapausing eggs that can remain viable for decades and even over a century. Yet, the appearance of D. mendotae in Hannah Lake during the last two decades is likely the outcome of dispersal from other nearby lakes, not by colonization from the sediment egg-bank. Our genetic tests using PCR, SSCP and sequencing indicate that D. mendotae diapausing eggs are absent within the sediment record of the previous 250 years and that, prior to metal smelting operations in the region, the community was dominated by D. pulicaria. This species shift following the lake's chemical restoration is consistent with earlier historical changes in lake acidity. Environmental fluctuations may have governed community composition throughout Hannah Lake's more ancient past. Extending this molecular-paleolimnological approach to other lakes should help develop more accurate formulations of the biological recovery process.  相似文献   

Zebra and quagga mussels were collected from Lakes Erie and Ontario in 1997 and the soft mussel tissues were analyzed for Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V and Zn. No consistent relationships were apparent when comparing element concentrations in soft mussel tissues and mussel type, size range or sampling location. Literature dealing with the absorption of metals by both mussel types is reviewed.  相似文献   

Samples of benthic invertebrates from four pairs of streams in southwestern Ontario collected monthly from May through August 1991, and once during the subsequent autumn and winter, demonstrated that conservation tillage practices have a remedial effect on the water quality of adjacent streams as indicated by biotic, rather than physical or chemical, parameters. One stream of each pair drained a basin under conventional tillage (CONV, mainly mouldboard ploughing), the other primarily under conservation tillage (CONS). The paired drainage basins were otherwise similar to one another in type of crops grown, as well as size, topography, soils and hydrology. CONS streams yielded a greater variety of Insecta but fewer taxa of Mollusca, Annelida and Crustacea than did samples from CONV streams. Both kick-net and Surber samples from CONS streams yielded significantly more taxa, more kinds of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, and lower Hilsenhoff Biotic Index scores than did samples from CONV streams. Kick samples from CONS streams were significantly more similar to expected reference communities in overall taxonomic composition. Surber samples from CONS streams contained significantly larger numbers of invertebrates. The relatively greater abundances of infaunal species, especially Tubificidae and Chironomini, in CONV streams suggest greater accumulation of fine sediment particles. Conditions during low flow appear to have the greatest influence on the composition of benthic invertebrate communities. The results of the study indicate that conservation tillage practices have a beneficial effect on the quality of surface waters.  相似文献   

为了解青西郊野公园建设过程中大莲湖水生态环境变化动态,分别于公园建设前(2014年)、建设过程中(2016年)及开园运营后(2017年)对大莲湖水质及浮游植物群落进行了调查监测。3个年度水体综合营养状态指数平均值分别为49.84、54.66、53.16,表明水体呈现轻度富营养化趋势;3个年度分别采集浮游植物106、98、78种,均以绿藻门种数最多;3个年度浮游植物丰度平均值分别为6.36×10~6、1.05×10~7、1.89×10~7个/L,呈逐年递增趋势;基于浮游植物多样性指数评价,3个年度大莲湖水体水质基本处于中污染水平。冗余分析表明叶绿素a(Chl-a)、透明度和TN是影响大莲湖浮游植物种类和丰度的重要环境因子,其中Chl-a和透明度对浮游植物种类有显著影响,TN和透明度对浮游植物丰度有显著影响。  相似文献   

Fish community changes associated with a tertiary treated municipal wastewater effluent outfall in the Speed River, Ontario, Canada, were evaluated at nine sites over two seasons (2008) using standardized electrofishing. Habitat evaluations were conducted to ensure that the riffle sites selected were physically similar. The fish community was dominated by several species of darters that differed in their response to the effluent outfall. There was a significant decrease in Greenside Darter (Etheostoma blennioides) but an increase in Rainbow Darter (E. caeruleum) abundance directly downstream of the outfall. Stable isotope signatures (δ13C and δ15N), which indicate shifts in energy utilization and flow, increased in Rainbow Darter downstream, but showed no change in Greenside Darter. Rainbow Darter may be exploiting a food source that is not as available at upstream sites giving them a competitive advantage over the Greenside Darter immediately downstream of the outfall.  相似文献   

Individuals are exposed to particulate matter from both indoor and outdoor sources. The aim of this study was to compare the relative contributions of three sources of personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) by using chemical tracers. The study design incorporated repeated 24-hr personal exposure measurements of air pollution from 28 cardiac-compromised residents of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Each study participant wore the Rupprecht & Patashnick ChemPass Personal Sampling System 1 day a week for a maximum of 10 weeks. During their individual exposure measurement days the subjects reported to have spent an average of 89% of their time indoors. Particle phase elemental carbon, sulfate, and calcium personal exposure data were used in a mixed-effects model as tracers for outdoor PM2.5 from traffic-related combustion, regional, and local crustal materials, respectively. These three sources were found to contribute 13% +/- 10%, 17% +/- 16%, and 7% +/- 6% of PM2.5 exposures. The remaining fraction of the personal PM2.5 is hypothesized to be predominantly related to indoor sources. For comparison, central site outdoor PM2.5 measurements for the same dates as personal measurements were used to construct a receptor model using the same three tracers. In this case, traffic-related combustion, regional, and local crustal materials were found to contribute 19% +/- 17%, 52% +/- 22%, and 10% +/- 7%, respectively. Our results indicate that the three outdoor PM2.5 sources considered are statistically significant contributors to personal exposure to PM2.5. Our results also suggest that among the Toronto subjects, who spent a considerable amount of time indoors, exposure to outdoor PM2.5 includes a greater relative contribution from combustion sources compared with outdoor PM2.5 measurements where regional sources are the dominant contributor.  相似文献   

Acidification can affect aquatic organisms directly through hydrogen ion toxicity, and indirectly through disrupted food web dynamics and altered abiotic conditions. Field populations from selected taxa were studied during the Little Rock Lake whole-basin acidification experiment to illustrate patterns whose timing suggests direct (i.e. immediate) or indirect (i.e. delayed or non-uniform) responses to pH change. As the treatment basin was acidified to pH 5.6, 5.2 and 4.7, immediate changes consistent with a direct pH response were observed for species representing several trophic levels. For other taxa (e.g. littoral invertebrates associated with filamentous algal mats, several species of pelagic zooplankton), indirect mechanisms induced by food web changes were more likely explanations for abundance patterns. The results presented here suggest that the responses of aquatic ecosystems to acidification involve a complex interplay between direct pH effects and subsequent indirect interactions.  相似文献   

Episodic acidification is practically a ubiquitous process in streams and drainage lakes in Canada, Europe and the United States. Depressions of pH are often smaller in systems with low pre-episode pH levels. Studies on European surface waters have reported episodes most frequently with minimum pH levels below 4.5. In Canada and the United States, studies have also reported a number of systems that have had minimum pH levels below 4.5. In all areas, change in water flowpath during hydrological events is a major determinant of episode characteristics. Episodic acidification is also controlled by a combination of other natural and anthropogenic factors. Base cation decreases are an important contributor to episodes in circumneutral streams and lakes. Sulphate pulses are generally important contributors to episodic acidification in Europe and Canada. Nitrate pulses are generally more important to episodic acidification in the Northeast United States. Increases in organic acids contribute to episodes in some streams in all areas. The sea-salt effect is important in near-coastal streams and lakes. In Canada, Europe and the United States, acidic deposition has increased the severity (minimum pH reached) of episodes in some streams and lakes.  相似文献   

Five streams were studied on the Northern Appalachian Plateau of Pennsylvania from October 1988 through June 1989 to determine chemical changes that occur during episodic storm run-off and the responses of fish to these events. These second-order streams flowed through undisturbed, wooded, sandstone bedrock catchments with surface areas ranging from 500 to 1000 hectares. Median pH of precipitations was about 4.2, and among streams it ranged from 5.0 to 6.2. During storm events, pH declined by as much as 1.2 units and peak concentrations of total monomeric Al ranged from < 0.01 to 0.75 mg litre(-1). Organically bound A1 was generally a minor component of total monomeric A1. Wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were found in all streams, although only a remnant population existed in the most acidic stream. Sculpins (Cottus bairdi or C. cognatus) were collected only in the two streams with the least severe episodes. Mortality of brook trout and sculpins in in situ bioassays ranged from 0 to about 80% among streams during acidic episodes and was positively related to concentrations of total dissolved Al. Radio-tagged brook trout moved downstream during episodes when Al reached toxic concentrations. Some displaced trout were found near groundwater seeps, where pH was higher and dissolved Al was lower than in the main channel.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of acidification on herbivore-algal food web linkages in headwater streams. We determined the structure and abundance of consumer and benthic algal assemblages, and gauged herbivory, in 10 streams along a pH gradient (mean annual pH 4.6-6.4). Biofilm taxonomic composition changed with pH but total abundance did not vary systematically across the gradient. Mayflies and chironomids dominated under circumneutral conditions but declined with increasing acidity and their consumption of algae was strongly reduced. Contrary to expectations, several putative shredder species consumed algae, maintaining the herbivore-algal linkage where specialist grazers could not persist. These shifts in functioning could render the communities of acidified streams resistant to reinvasion when acidity ameliorates and water chemistry is restored to a pre-acidification condition. This hypothesis is discussed in the light of recent trends in the chemistry and biology of the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network sites.  相似文献   

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