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鄢碧鹏  申锋 《环境工程学报》2012,6(7):2303-2308
通过对机械絮凝池内不同进水流量和不同桨板转速的流场分别进行数值模拟,计算得到湍动能k和湍动耗散率ε等水力参数,并结合混凝实验分析水流对絮凝效果的影响。结果表明:湍动能k和湍动耗散率ε可以作为评价絮凝是否充分的标准;机械絮凝池最佳水力停留时间为18 min;平均k值为0.00613~0.00212 m2/s2,平均ε值为0.00869~0.00199 m2/s3时,机械絮凝池装置的絮凝效果比较理想。  相似文献   

通过在廊道中增加了V型穿孔挡板,对传统往复式隔板絮凝池进行了改进,利用数值模拟和实验方法,探讨了改进絮凝池中流态、湍动能(κ)、耗散率(ε)分布情况以及这些参数对絮凝效果的影响。对多种方案进行了优化计算和实验,结果表明,在隔板絮凝池第1个廊道进口1/3和2/3处设置2个120°多孔V型挡板在各种方案中絮凝效果最好,能有效地增加水体紊动,提高絮凝效果,增设V型穿孔挡板后可以适当减少隔板絮凝池长度。  相似文献   

建立小型试验模型,利用粒子成像测速(PIV)技术对模型4个工况的流场进行测量.然后对其中3个工况进行数值模拟,对数值模拟和试验测量结果进行分析比较,证明用数值计算方法来模拟生物流化床流体力学特性的可行性.  相似文献   

在污水处理厂实验室,对二沉池出口污水进行了曝气和机械2种方式的混合絮凝对比试验。研究结果表明,对于同一水质,在相同的投药量下,曝气混凝沉淀后的水质明显优于机械混凝沉淀后的水质,各项水质指标的去除率分别提高:BOD5 6%~9%,COD 4%~6%,NH3-N 6%~9%,TP 15%~24%,SS 8%~18%。  相似文献   

超声强化电絮凝处理洗车废水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对洗车行业对水资源的浪费及污染现状,采用超声强化电絮凝处理洗车废水.考察了电流密度、初始pH、极板间距、处理时间等因素对洗车废水处理效果的影响,并讨论了超声强化电絮凝机制.结果表明,超声强化电絮凝处理洗车废水的最佳条件是电流密度1,500 mA/cm2、初始pH无需调节、极板间距为1.5cm、处理20 min,COD与浊度去除率分别为68.77%、96.89%,出水达到《城市污水再生利用城市杂用水水质》(GB/T 18920-2002)要求.可见,超声能改变电絮凝反应动力学过程,强化电絮凝去除污染物效果.  相似文献   

二沉池出水的电化学消毒试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对德国威斯巴登城市污水处理厂和上海石化股份公司水质净化厂二沉池出水分别进行了电化学消毒试验。试验结果表明,用电化学方法对威斯巴登城市污水处理厂和上海石化股份公司水质净化厂二沉池出水进行消毒是可行的,消毒效果好,耗电少,杀菌率随电流、处理时间的增加而提高。  相似文献   

从活性污泥中分离到具有絮凝特性的絮凝菌株F2和F6,絮凝率在80%以上.为了提高絮凝菌的絮凝效果,利用F2和F6作为亲本菌株,进行原生质体融合.首先对菌株F2和F6进行药物抗性遗传标记选择,然后分别对融合条件进行优化,并对融合子进行絮凝测定.实验结果确定了F2具有氨苄青霉素抗性,F6具有新霉素抗性,青霉素敏感试验中,最适浓度分别为F2为0.6 U/ml.、F6为0.1 U/mL,得到了相应的原生质体及融合子;经絮凝试验验证,数株融合子表现出产絮特性,但絮凝效果与亲本菌株F2和F6相当.  相似文献   

从活性污泥中筛选适宜洗毛废水的生物絮凝剂,并用筛选的生物絮凝进行洗毛废水生物絮凝实验。实验结果表明,当300 mL废水中生物絮凝剂投加量为5 mL、温度为20℃左右、pH值为9、反应时间45 min,搅拌采用先快速搅拌5 min后慢速搅拌40 min的条件下絮凝效果最好,对COD和SS去除率可达80%以上。  相似文献   

本文概述了采用生物接触氧化(简称生物氧化)——絮凝循环回流法处理洁霉素废水的试验过程及结果分析。采用此法可使废水中的COD由13000~16000mg/l降至270~470mg/l,COD总去除率96~98.5%,色度去除率>95%,BOD去除率>98%,出水BOD<60mg/l,接近和达到生物制药工业废水的排放标准。  相似文献   

设施农业营养废液具有氮和磷营养元素含量高、碳元素少、病原菌多的特点,直接排放会污染环境、影响生态平衡,因此排放前需经过适当净化处理。为此,采用电絮凝—超滤组合工艺对设施农业营养废液进行处理,重点研究了电絮凝—超滤组合工艺对营养废液中污染物的去除效果,同时考察了电流密度和电解时间对处理效果的影响。结果表明,电絮凝—超滤组合工艺对大肠杆菌、总磷、总氮和总有机碳(TOC)都有一定的去除效果,在电流密度为1.78mA/cm2、电解时间为30min、超滤压力为0.16 MPa的条件下,其去除率分别为99.88%、99.76%、47.59%、28.72%。因此,电絮凝—超滤组合工艺对设施农业营养废液有较好的处理效果。  相似文献   

An optimization methodology for designing groundwater quality monitoring networks applicable to stochastic flow fields is presented and evaluated. The approach sets itself apart from previous techniques by incorporating the time dimension directly into the objective function. This function is extremized using a directed partial enumeration strategy guided by physical considerations related to transport processes. The result is a set of monitoring well locations and a sampling schedule that minimizes plume characterization error while satisfying constraints on the maximum number of wells and allowable number of active wells. The method is evaluated using hypothetical plumes with varying degrees of heterogeneity. Results indicate that the proposed approach is successful in generating near-optimal sampling networks that satisfy all imposed constraints. Monitoring networks with as little as three active wells and a total of 12 wells are found to provide adequate plume characterization for low toxicity contaminants.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器内流场动力学特性的PIV实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浸没式膜生物反应器系统内膜面附近的气液两相流动力学特性对控制浓差极化和膜污染具有重要影响。应用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术对浸没式膜生物反应器内近膜面的液相流场动力学特性进行了研究。采用相分离技术灰度分辨法将通过PIV技术得到的气液两相流场图像中的液相速度场进行辨别,得到膜面附近的液相流场数据,并应用Tecplot软件计算得出液相流的涡量特性。在3 mm曝气孔径,2.5、3.0、3.5、4.5、5.5和6.5 m3/h 6种曝气强度下分析了膜面附近的液相速度场和涡量场。结果表明,曝气强度对液相流场和涡量场的影响较大,在一定范围内增加曝气强度可以使得液相速度和涡量增加,同时,分析了3 mm孔径下圆帽状气泡的动力学特性。研究结果为膜生物反应器系统的优化设计提供了研究经验和实验数据。  相似文献   

设计了异波折板水解酸化-A2O一体化反应器,进行生活污水处理的实验研究。10个月的实验结果表明,系统的最佳水力停留时间(HRT)为8 h时,最适COD进水浓度为240-100mg/L,最佳混合液回流比(r)-污泥回流比(R)为250%-100%。控制反应器于以上运行参数下,25±2℃所对应的COD、TN和TP去除率分别为96.84%、67.55%和81.92%。当温度降至7℃时,其COD、TP和TN分别降至86.35%、50.25%和65.68%。基于实验分析结果,阐明了一体化反应器高效性的机理在于异波折板水解酸化段具有高效传质特性和A2O段具有复合式活性污泥-接触氧化好氧池的特点。  相似文献   

利用激光粒子图像测速技术(PIV)对ABR反应器的液相流态进行了研究,在水力停留时间(HRT)为3~58 h变化时,测试得反应器内下流室和上流室折流板内外侧关键截面的流场数据,获得了相关流场特征,包括速度矢量图、流线图谱和涡量场等。结果表明,HRT对下流室和上流室的液相轴向、径向平均速度和平均涡量强度影响不同,液相回流面积随HRT的增加逐渐减小;下流室液相平均涡量强度随HRT的增加逐渐增加;上流室液相平均涡量强度随HRT的增加逐渐减小。下流室和上流室在特定HRT时产生涡流、沟流。在本实验条件下,当处理难降解或高浓度废水时,得出HRT为33 h时反应器整体流态最佳。  相似文献   

异波折板水解酸化-A~2O一体化反应器实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了异波折板水解酸化-A2O一体化反应器,进行生活污水处理的实验研究。10个月的实验结果表明,系统的最佳水力停留时间(HRT)为8 h时,最适COD进水浓度为240~600 mg/L,最佳混合液回流比(r)-污泥回流比(R)为250%~100%。控制反应器于以上运行参数下,25±2℃所对应的COD、TN和TP去除率分别为96.84%、67.55%和81.92%。当温度降至7℃时,其COD、TP和TN分别降至86.35%、50.25%和65.68%。基于实验分析结果,阐明了一体化反应器高效性的机理在于异波折板水解酸化段具有高效传质特性和A2O段具有复合式活性污泥-接触氧化好氧池的特点。  相似文献   

Analytical solutions for flow fields near continuous wall reactive barriers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are widely applied for in-situ remediation of contaminant plumes transported by groundwater. Besides the goal of a sufficient contaminant remediation inside the reactive cell (residence time) the width of plume intercepted by a PRB is of critical concern. A 2-dimensional analytical approach is applied to determine the flow fields towards rectangular PRBs of the continuous wall (CW) configuration with and without impermeable side walls (but yet no funnel). The approach is based on the conformal mapping technique and assumes a homogeneous aquifer with a uniform ambient flow field. The hydraulic conductivity of the reactive material is furthermore assumed to exceed the conductivity of the aquifer by at least one order of magnitude as to neglect the hydraulic gradient across the reactor. The flow fields are analyzed regarding the widths and shapes of the respective capture zones as functions of the dimensions (aspect ratio) of the reactive cell and the ambient groundwater flow direction. Presented are an improved characterization of the advantages of impermeable side walls, a convenient approach to improved hydraulic design (including basic cost-optimization) and new concepts for monitoring CW PRBs. Water level data from a CW PRB at the Seneca Army Depot site, NY, are used for field demonstration.  相似文献   

The difficulty of determining transient fluid contents in a soil–oil–water system is hampering an understanding of the system's flow characteristics. In this paper, we describe a light transmission method (LTM) which can rapidly obtain oil and water contents throughout a large two-dimensional flow field of silica sand. By appropriately coloring the water with 0.005% FD&C blue #1, the hue of the transmitted light is found to be directly related to the water content within the porous media. The hue provides a high resolution measurement of the water and oil contents in transient flow fields (such as unstable flow). Evaluation of the reliability of LTM was assessed by checking the mass balance for a known water injection and its utility in visualizing a whole flow field was exemplified for unstable fingered flow by comparing fluid contents to those obtained with synchrotron X-ray radiation.  相似文献   

The activated sludge process is performed by a variable and mixed community of microorganisms in an aerobic aquatic environment, in which bacteria constitute the majority and represent the main microorganisms responsible for the degradation process in a plant. In this work, we monitored bacterial charge in different wastewater treatment plants by flow cytometry, also evaluating chlorination effects on bacterial viability, both by flow cytometry and traditional plate counts. Maximum values of bacterial charge were registered in the aeration tank of all plants monitored. Cell viability did not show significant differences (p > 0.05) in samples collected in "before chlorination" and "wastewater effluent" treatment steps; this suggests that the chlorination was not able to decrease total viable bacterial charge. In this work, we discuss the need to improve microbiological analyses, both in terms of measuring other potential pathogens and of using new methodological approaches in the traditional evaluation of the microbiological quality of effluents.  相似文献   

Mass-consistent wind fields can be generated for observed wind data. The usual process involves the minimal adjustment of a trial wind field by relaxation techniques to achieve nondivergent flow. This paper describes how linear combinations of a limited number of solutions obtained by the conventional iterative relaxation methods can be used to achieve the same results with greatly reduced computational requirements. The solutions must only be obtained for linearly independent data sets. The application described uses eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the input wind component data as the linearly-independent data sets. The model with which this technique is applied uses a relaxation scheme to achieve mass-conservative flow with minimum difference between the initial trial wind field obtained by interpolation and the resulting mass-conserving flow.  相似文献   

The effects of biofilm growth on flow and solute transport through a sandblasted glass parallel plate fracture was investigated. The fracture was inoculated using soil microorganisms. Glucose, oxygen and other nutrients were supplied to support growth. The biomass initially formed discrete clusters attached to the glass surfaces, but over time formed a continuous biofilm. From dye tracer tests conducted during biofilm growth, it was observed that channels and low-permeability zones dominated transport. The hydraulic conductivity of the fracture showed a sigmoidal decrease with time. The hydraulic conductivity was reduced by a factor of 0.033, from 18 to 0.6 cm/s, corresponding to a 72% decrease in the hydraulic aperture, from 500 to 140 microm. In contrast, the mass balance aperture, determined from fluoride tracer tests, remained relatively constant, indicating that the impact of biomass growth on effective fracture porosity was much less than the effect on hydraulic conductivity. Analyses of pre-biofilm tracer tests revealed that both Taylor dispersion and macrodispersion were influencing transport. During biofilm growth, only macrodispersion was dominant. The macrodispersion coefficient alpha(macro) was found to increase logarithmically with hydraulic conductivity reduction.  相似文献   

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