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Growth rates in the infaunal nuculanid bivalve mollusc Yoldia eightsi (Couthouy) were assessed for field populations in Factory Cove, Signy Island, Antarctica, between. February and April 1992. Daily increments in length (maximum shell dimension) ranged from 2.3 m d-1 for a 30 mm individual to 5.1 m d-1 for a 10 mm specimen. These growth rates were converted to annual increments, based on a growing season for the Signy population of around 5 mo, and ages for the largest individuals in the population (35 mm in length), were calculated to be 65 yr. Specimens of 43 mm in length have been found near this site and, if their growth rates are similar to this population, their ages would be in the order of 120 yr. Size distributions from two sites in the same Y. eightsi bed 300 m apart showed significant differences. At the more exposed site the distribution was dominated by small juveniles, with 86% of the population 10 mm in length, while 13% were >20 mm in length. At the less exposed site the values were 27% <10 mm and 56% >20 mm. Icebergs have often been seen grounded on the Y. eightsi bed in this study, especially on the exposed outer portion. This factor, in association with inhibition of larval settlement by high densities of large individuals, is proposed as an explanation of the observed population distributions and the absence of very large specimens in the Factory Cove population.  相似文献   

In situ growth rates were determined, using two, 1-yr mark/recapture experiments, conducted between September 1991 and July 1993, for an undescribed mytilid, Seep Mytilid Ia, at three hydrocarbon seep sites in the Gulf of Mexico. The sites are located at depths of 540 to 730m, approximately 27°45N; 91°30W, and are separated by distances of 6 to 18 miles. These seep mytilids harbor methanotrophic endosymbionts and use methane as both a carbon and energy source. The mussel habitats were chemically characterized by analysis of water samples taken from precisely located microenvironments over, among and below the mussels, using small-volume, interstitial water samplers and the Johnson Sea Link submersible. Substantial differences were found in habital conditions, growth rates, and population structure for the mussels at the three sites examined. The growth rate of these seep mytilids reflects the methane concentration in their immediate habitat. Mussels at sites with abundant methane had growth rates that were comparable to shallow water mytilids at similar temperatures (5 to 8°C) with increases in shell length up to 17 mm yr–1 documented for smaller mussels (<40 mm shell length). In conjunction with measurements of growth rates, three condition indices (glycogen content, tissue water content, and the ratio of ash-free dry weight to shell volume) were used to determine the relationship between the condition of the mussels, their growth rates, and their habitat chemistry. The three condition indices were correlated with growth rate and were often significantly different between mussels in different samples.  相似文献   

The infaunal benthos of a natural oil seep in the Santa Barbara channel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We are studying a diverse infaunal benthic community that exists in the fine sand sediments of a shallow (16 m) natural oil seep near Santa Barbara, California, USA. The study area and sampling methods are described in this introductory paper. Data presented indicate the adequacy of sampling in revealing horizontal patchiness and vertical faunal distributions. The infauna of the seep and of a nearby comparison area, without seepage but of similar depth and sediment type, are compared. The data indicate a consistently larger but fluctuating density of organisms at the seep station. However, Shannon-Weaver diversity (H=1.6 to 1.7), Peilou's evenness (J=0.80 to 0.81), and measures of dominance-diversity with estimates of graphical skewness (0.66 to 0.68) and kurtosis (1.2 to 1.4) are all similar for the two stations. The rank correlation of common species at the stations is significant according to Spearman's rho. Species common to both stations account for 85 to 95% of the individuals, further indicating the high degree of similarity between stations. Denser populations of oligochaetes and the maldanid polychaete Praxillella affinis pacifica suggest some advantages for deposit feeders at the seep station. Mats of the bacterium Beggiatoa sp. are associated with localized intense oil seepage. Hypotheses suggesting trophic enrichment and biochemical adaptation at the seep are presented.  相似文献   

The material was collected in the western equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean at a 24 h station on December 21 to 23, 1968. Collections were made by means of 2 Juday nets from 2 winches simultaneously. A series of hauls was made at 2 h intervals. The vertical distribution of 17 Cyclopoida species, belonging to 3 families (Oithonidae, Oncaeidae and Corycaeidae) was studied. From 0 to 300 m, the absolute number of Cyclopoida individuals was practically constant throughout the 24 h period. The bulk of the species performed no diurnal vertical migration, or migrated with low intensity in the usual way (i.e. moved upward at night and downward during the day). Only 2 Oncaeidae species performed significant diuranl vertical migration. No reversed migration in Cyclopoida was discovered. To characterize the vertical distribution of Cyclopoida, the distribution of the cores of populations (abundancies between 25 and 75%) was examined. During the 24 h period, the cores of populations of various Cyclopoida species were found at different depths; this steplike distribution was not disturbed in migrating species. The cores of populations differed both with habitat depth and time of ascent of the migrating species to the surface layer. This peculiarity, probably, tends to lessen the intensity of food competition between Cyclopoida species with similar nutritional habits.  相似文献   

Summary Mating behaviour of the katydid Metaballus sp. varies. At sites QS and DB (in 1982) females competed for access to calling males and males chose mates by mating with heavier, more fecund females. At another site (BR) there was no evidence of role-reversal in reproductive behaviour, and males were observed to compete for mates. This species has a large spermatophore, a product of male reproductive glands, that is eaten by the female after mating. Males at the DB site had small reproductive glands. This suggests that some aspect of the QS and DB environments decreases spermatophore production; spermatophores become a limiting resource for females resulting in the reversal in reproductive roles observed at these sites. A field experiment that involved moving individuals from site BR to QS in 1983 determined that mating system was influerced by site (Table 1). At BR, males produced a continuous calling song, a third of the males observed attracted mates, and called for about 30 min before the female arrived; courtship duration was short. Males that were moved from BR to QS encountered a higher density of receptive females as all males attracted females after an average of just 3 min of calling. They changed their behaviour by producing short periodic bursts of song (zipping), and by courting females for long periods of time. The long courtship period may function as as a mate-assessment period for males. The reproductive behaviour of BR males moved to QS differed from that of native QS males only in the length of time spent in copula.  相似文献   

The isotopic ratios of sulfur and carbon in the tissues of infanal organisms collected from a natural petroleum seep in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA were examined to see if petroleum is utilized by the benthic community. Sulfur isotope data were consistent with a pathway of petroleum energy from sulfate reducers → H2S → Beggiatoa sp. → nematodes and other infauna. The carbon of infaunal organisms was isotopically lighter at the seep than at a comparison station; the mean δ13C for 12 species was-1.32‰ towards the petroleum δ13C value. The shifts were largest in two species of deep-feeding maldanid polychaetes. The tissues of one of the species, Praxillella affinis pacifica, were also analyzed for 14C content and δ34S, and the biomass produced by the populations over 26 mo was estimated. The results of these analyses allowed us to estimate that for the seep population: (1) there was 15.6% more fossil carbon, (2) chemoautotrophic bacteria contributed 13.6% more carbon, and (3) 19% more carbon was produced by the population over 26 mo. In spite of the possible sources of error, these values are in reasonable agreement. In general, these data infer that, although petroleum utilization by the benthic food web proceeds both directly through heterotrophs and indirectly through chemoautotrophs, the two pathways are tightly coupled. A carbon budget for P. affinis pacifica was constructed with three assumed sources: chemoautotrophic biomass, petroleum carbon utilized heterotrophically, and nonexotic carbon utilized heterotrophically. Calculations based on this budget indicate that the food web is fueled to a greater extent by the isotopically lighter gases than by the liquid oil.  相似文献   

Hepatic mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) were measured in the bothid flatfishes Citharicthys sordidus and C. stigmaeus from relatively uncontaminated and from polluted coastal populations of California, USA, at various times of the year during 1979–1980 and in individuals fed crude oil and polychlorinated biphenyl-augmented food in the laboratory. For C. sordidus, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) specific activity was generally highest around the Los Angeles County sewage outfall on the Palos Verdes Shelf, intermediate near the 7-mile Hyperion sewage outfall in Santa Monica Bay and around a petroleum seep in the Santa Barbara Channel, and lowest in relatively unpolluted Monterey Bay. For C. stigmaeus, which had about ten times less specific activity than the foregoing species, specimens from the Santa Barbara petroleum seep had significantly greater AHH specific activity than those from Monterey Bay. Fishes from contaminated environments also showed increases of microsomal proteins with molecular weights of 56, 54, 57 and 46×103; moreover, the content of cytochrome P-450 was elevated in specimens of C. sordidus from such environments. Augmentation of food with seep oil or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) induced significant increases in the specific activity of AHH and amounts of microsomal proteins in C. stigmaeus. Thus, these two species of flatfishes are good candidates for monitoring biologically meaningful levels of petroleum and polychlorinated biphenyls in contaminated environments. Moreover, the mixed function oxidase pattern in fish populations from the Santa Barbara petroleum seep is evidently a functional adaptation to chronic intake of petroleum hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Reproductive periods and growth of two populations of Holothuria atra Jaeger distinctly different in body size at two sites of southern Taiwan were determined. Individuals examined in the present study were collected between march 1990 and February 1992. At Nanwan (21° 57N, 120° 45E), large individuals (351 to 1400 g wet wt) spawned from June to September. At Wanlitung (22°N, 120° 42E), a small proportion of frequently dividing individuals (<190 g wet wt) have mature gonads in May, June and September, but histological examination revealed no sign of spawning. Sexual recruits, defined as small individuals <5 g wet wt without sign of regeneration, were not found at either site during this 2-yr study. After the peak of fission at Wanlitung, 40% of the population showed signs of external regeneration. At Nanwan, small individuals transferred from Wanlitung grew from 6 g (n=6) to 166±8 g within 8 mo, and from 48±4 g (n=50) to 324±16 g within 1 yr, with a 6.8-fold biomass increase in 1 yr. At Wanlitung, the monthly average body weight of H. atra is between 33 and 62 g, apparently due to frequent fission, and the biomass increased only 2.9-fold in 1 yr. In southern Taiwan, sexual reproduction of H. atra occurs in large individuals. Asexual reproduction, occurring in small individuals, is the chief mechanism for population maintenance and increase, but it may decrease sexual reproductive potential.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic status of Alaysia-like vestimentiferans, which were collected at eight sites in the western Pacific, was analyzed on the basis of the nucleotide sequence of part of a mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase I. The 123 individuals analyzed were tentatively classified into four species, which inhabit, respectively, seep areas off the central part of the Japanese mainland, hydrothermal vent fields in the Mid-Okinawa Trough, hydrothermal vent fields in the southern Okinawa Trough, and both seep and vent sites in the Bismarck Sea. From six additional lamellibrachiid specimens from two sites in the Bismarck Sea, two new tentative species were recognized, namely, one from a seep area off Papua New Guinea and another from the hydrothermal vent field at the DESMOS site in the Manus Basin. Phylogenetic analysis using all available sequences of six vestimentiferan families and Alaysia-like vestimentiferans revealed that vestimentiferans could be divided into three groups, namely, lamellibrachiids, escarpiids, and others, even though the monophyly of the third group was supported by only low bootstrap probabilities. Within the first group, the earliest divergence of a tentative lamellibrachiid species from the DESMOS site was apparent. All Alaysia-like vestimentiferans formed a monophyletic group with Arcovestia ivanovi from the Manus Basin, and it is suggested that this group might be derived from vestimentiferans that are endemic to the hydrothermal sites in the Eastern Pacific Rise.  相似文献   

Abundances of macroinfaunal invertebrates in sand dollar (Dendraster excentricus) beds and in adjacent areas free of sand dollars were studied at 10 intertidal sites in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA and Canada. Each site was sampled once in late summer of 1977. There were no significant differences in overall diversity of species between the beds and adjacent areas; nor did cluster analysis indicate a sand dollar bed community. However, a polychaete (Armandia brevis) was significantly more abundant inside the beds than just outside them. Conversely, in comparison to the beds, adjacent regions contained significantly more specimens of the following species: a bivalve (Transennella tantilla), several tubicolous crustaceans (Corophium spp., Ampelisca agassizi, and Leptochelia savignyi) and two polychaetes (Glycinde polygnatha and Malacoceros arenicola). Sediment characteristics at each study site were not correlated with the presence or absence of sand dollars; moreover, a comparison among the 10 sites revealed no sediment characteristics typical of sand dollar beds. At most of the sites, significantly fewer tube-building invertebrates occurred inside sand dollar beds than outside. The discussion considers the possibility that mechanical disturbance by the sand dollars tends to exclude some macroinvertebrates (especially tubicolous ones) from sand dollar beds.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of part (624 bp) of a mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase I was determined for 46 escarpiid vestimentiferans collected from seven sites in the western Pacific and 49 individual specimens of Arcovestia ivanovi from two sites in the Manus Basin. Phylogenetic analysis, based on the newly obtained and previously reported sequences, indicated that escarpiids in the western Pacific can be divided into two tentative species, as we proposed in a previous report. While members of the first tentative species have been collected exclusively from a seep area at a depth of 300 m off the coast of central Japan, the members of the second species inhabit some sites at depths greater than 1,100 m, namely, seep areas in Japanese and Papua-New Guinean waters as well as hydrothermal vent fields in the Okinawa Trough and the Manus Basin. We detected no genetic structure among populations of the second tentative species. The first tentative species was more closely related to a species in the eastern Pacific, Escarpia spicata, and to a species in the Gulf of Mexico, Escarpia laminata, than to the second tentative species in the western Pacific. Sequences obtained from all arcovestiids were identical with the exception of those from three individuals, each of which included a single synonymous nucleotide substitution relative to the dominant haplotype, and no genetic differences were detected between specimens from the two sites in the Manus Basin.  相似文献   

Sex determination and sex differentiation in three local Istrian (Yugoslavia) populations of the polychaeteTyposyllis prolifera were studied both in the field and the laboratory. Significant differences in sex habits were revealed among the populations, the biological significance of which is unknown. (1) Sex ratios (% ) in natural populations from the Adriatic Sea amounted to 50% (Rovinj), 62% (Pore) and 77% (Pula). In the Pula-(but not in the Rovinj-)population, a correlation was found between population density on individualHalopteris scoparia thalli (the favorite habitat ofT. prolifera) and the respective sex ratio: The mean male protion was only a little more than 50% in densely populated thalli, and increased to more than 80% in sparsely populated thalli. Laboratory studies provided the information necessary to explain these field findings. (2) Laboratoryraised progenies showed an overall 1:1 primary (first sexual phase) sex ratio, independent of the local origin of the material and of whether worms were raised singly or under conditions of social contact. Nevertheless, the studied populations may differ with respect to the genetic mechanisms of sex determination: In the Pore- and Pulapopulation individual progenies often departed significantly from the 1:1 sex ratio, whereas individual progenies in the Rovinj- population never did so. (3) The populations proved to be partially protogynous. Sex differentiation in that half of the individuals which differentiated into males (primary males) was absolutely stable during sequential sexual phases. Worms which differentiated into females, however, often changed sex at an earlier or later stage of their life cycle (secondary males). Sex change was irreversible. As to the degree of lability of female differentiation under conditions of isolation, the findings suggest a genetic divergence among both populations and individuals of the same population. Female differentiation in the Rovinj-population was virtually stable, but Pula-females underwent rapid and complete masculinization. Pore-females were between these extremes. (4) In addition to genetic factors, exogenous conditions affected the incidence and time of sex change (Pula-population): Under conditions of social contact, sex change was delayed or suppressed as compared with isolated individuals. The degree of delay or inhibition was independent of the sex of the social partners, yet increased (to the point of saturation) with population density.  相似文献   

Maguire primrose (Primula maguirei) is a geographically restricted plant species, known only from a 19-km stretch of Logan Canyon in northern Utah (U.S.A.). We examined variation at 13 isozyme loci from 25 individuals of P. maguirei at each of eight sites. At individual loci we detected no statistically significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg proportions within sites (subpopulations). However, some loci were almost fixed for different alleles at the upper reaches of the species' range relative to populations approximately 10 km away. The total mean gene diversity among loci was 0.22, of which 55% was partitioned within subpopulations, 0.7% among subpopulations within populations (100 m spatial scale), 3% among populations separated by about 1 km, and 41% between an Upper Canyon group of populations and a Lower Canyon group (10-km scale). We detected no gametic disequilibria among loci within subpopulations (and populations). Two hypotheses are proposed to explain the results: (1) past genetic bottlenecks and (2) genetic divergence as a by-product of local adaptations to different habitats. Regardless of the causes of allozymic differentiation, our results suggest that plans for artificial establishment or reestablishment of P. maguirei populations should use source populations within 1 km of the establishment site. This study emphasizes the potential use of data on population genetic structure for managing and monitoring rare species.  相似文献   

Recruitment of juvenile fishes to coral grids, each comprising 4 colonies of 3 species of coral (Acropora formosa, Seriatopora hystrix and Pocillopora damicornis), was examined at 4 widely separated sites within the lagoon of One Tree Reef over two successive summers and intervening months (November 1976–January 1978). Recruitment was highly seasonal, with most recruitment occurring during summer. For many species, numbers settling differed greatly from year to year with total numbers (over all sites) differing as much as an order of magnitude between summers. Many fish species demonstrated marked preference among the three coral species as settling sites. The distribution of each of the 20 commonest species across the 4 lagoon sites differed significantly from a random pattern. Differences of an order of magnitude were common in the numbers of a given species recruited to different sites. Each site was preferred by at least one species. In each of 5 cases examined, the pattern of settlement of the species across the 4 sites changed significantly from one summer to the next. The distribution of recruits of a number of species corresponded to the distribution of adults, but for other species there was no correspondence. It is concluded that, at the spatial scale examined, patterns of recruitment of some taxa are consistently more variable than those of other taxa. The implications of spatial variability of recruitment for the distribution of adult fish is discussed and the importance of being able to discriminate such natural variability from other kinds of change is stressed.  相似文献   

Four populations of the predatory gastropodNucella lapillus were sampled at sites around the South West Peninsula of England in 1986, and analysed for allozyme variation at 18 enzyme loci. Two of these loci, Gpd-1 andHk-1, exhibited sex-specific phenotypes. An absolute locus association was observed between two other loci,Mdh-1 andEst-3. This association was only found at one site (Prawle), and it is suggested that the presence of chromosomal polymorphisms could explain this finding. As a measure of overall similarity, Nei's genetic identity statistic,I, was calculated; the mean for all populations was 0.989, with values ranging from 0.981 to 0.997. Although similar on this gross level, considerable interpopulation variation was evident. Observed mean heterozygosity (per locus) ranged from 0.043 to 0.104 (mean 0.074). Populations differed also in the loci at which significant heterozygote deficits were seen (of the seven deficits recorded only those at thePep-1 locus were consistent across sites) and in the presence of rare alleles undetected elsewhere. The variation observed showed no correlation to shell morphology or geographical distance and confirmed the conclusion that species of the genusNucella show considerable disjunct variation.  相似文献   

The settling cues used by larvae of Semibalanus balanoides (L.) were examined at large (1 m), medium (1 mm), and small (<300 m) spatial scales, corresponding roughly to choices made during broad and close exploration and final inspection within the settling zone. The experiments were carried out at two locations in Canada in May and June 1984. Samples of substratum surfaces from above (n=87 sites unselected by cyprids) and below (n=84 sites selected by cyprids) the upper limit of the barnacle zone were characterized according to 13 quantitative and semi-quantitative variables (diatom cover, macroalgae, detritus) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data were analysed using a stepwise logistic regression. At the large scale, the presence of an alga (Urospora wormskjoldii Mertens) in the upper uncolonized zone and a diatom (Achnantes parvula Kützing) within the settling zone are potential settlement cues. At the medium scale in the settling zone, larvae select clean sites, devoid of detritus and diatoms or on which detrital matter, when present, is of finer texture than on the unchosen sites within the settling zone. At the smallest scale (<300 m, equal to the average maximum width of the larvae), we tested the hypothesis that the larva seeks optimal microheterogeneity (presumably providing good adhesion). Microheterogeneity of the surface was measured immediately under the larva, around the settling organs, the antennules. Our results show that such surface microheterogeneity is significantly greater and the vertical center of gravity of the surface significantly lower on the sites selected by the cyprids than on the unselected contiguous sites. Fractal measurements carried out on selected and contiguous unselected surfaces indicate that larvae discriminate microheterogeneity levels below a step length of 35 m, a value approximately the size of the diameter of the antennular discs (40 m), which are used to explore the substratum and attach.Contribution to the programme of GIROQ (Groupe interuniversitaire de recherches océanographiques du Québec)  相似文献   

The length, growth and survivorship of mature sporophytes of Ecklonia radiata (C.Ag.) J. Agardh were measured on two patch reefs within the lagoon of a high-latitude, coralreef atoll (Easter Group, Houtman Abrolhos; 28° to 29° S; 113°35 to 114°03E) for 1 yr (1982–1983). The sites differed in their proximity to the perimeter reef, but had similar regimes of temperature, light, nutrient concentration and water movement. Kelp length, growth rate and survivorship differed significantly between sites, although plant density was similar (less than l m-2). At the site near the lagoon perimeter, the central lamina averaged 381 mm in length, grew at an annual mean rate of 1.28 mm d-1, and 56% of tagged individuals had died after one year. The corresponding values for the site near the centre of the lagoon were: 257 mm, 0.75 mm d-1 and 92%. Three other sites on the coastal limestone reefs near Perth (400 km to the south) were studied for various intervals over a 5 yr period (April 1979 to August 1984). The kelp from the low-latitude sites were smaller, grew more slowly, and suffered similar or greater mortality than their southern counterparts. Latitudinal comparisons were confounded by differences in kelp density between sites, but there is no evidence for density-dependent effects on the measured parameters across the range of natural densities observed. Growth rates at all sites were negatively correlated with ambient sea temperatures when these were above 20°C. There was no evidence of adaptation to the higher sea temperatures experienced at the Abrolhos, and temperature cannot be dismissed as a factor controlling the growth of the species near the northern limit of its distribution on the Western Australian coast. Other factors however must be involved in determining the latitudinal position of that limit.  相似文献   

Remote videography was used to investigate relationships between biological similarity and distance in Moreton Bay, Australia at site (1 km) and local (10 km) scales, and for separate biotic groups. Numerical analysis using Mantels tests to compare distance and similarity matrices showed that at both scales there was a negative correlation between similarity and distance, in that sites further apart were less similar than sites close together. The relationship, although significant (p <0.001), was quite weak (R2=5%) at the site-scale, with no significant (ANOVA with Tukeys pairwise comparisons, p >0.05) decline in similarity up to distances of 2.1–2.6 km. At the local-scale, between-site similarity was high (mean Bray-Curtis similarity >30% for 4th root transformed data) at scales of 10 km or less, and declined markedly with increasing distance. Scales of similarity for different broad taxonomic and functional groups within Moreton Bay were broadly consistent between groups and with the complete dataset. There was evidence of patchiness in the distributions of seagrass and anthozoans at scales less than 16 km. In other biotic groups there was an essentially monotonic decline in similarity with distance. The study showed that the spatial classification approach to habitat mapping is valid in this case, and that site spacing of less than 10 km is necessary to capture important components of biological similarity. Site spacing of less than 2.5 km does not appear to be warranted to capture additional components of biological similarity at the scales studied.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

Variability in shell growth and morphology of the wallplate junctions of Tesseropora rosea (Krauss) were studied in 1983 in New South Wales, Australia, at two sites with differing wave exposure. The wall-plate junctions, a combination of dado (geometrically interlocking) and lap bints, increase in complexity with age, but do not differ between sites. The number of parietal tubes is fixed at settlement and does not differ between sites, but differs among wall plates in a manner consistent with their evolutionary history (rostrum > laterals > carina). The number of secondary septa increases with age, but does not differ between sites. In epilithic T. rosea, growth of the alae contributes to orifice enlargement. Epizoic T. rosea (on limpets) have conspicuous radii and display diametric growth. At the more exposed site, the shell wall was sleeper, and the aperture length, height and weight of the shell increased at a faster rate than at the less exposed site, but the maximum height of the shell was less. These differences appear to be due to a combination of greater feeding rates and greater erosion rates at the exposed site. The greater maximum height attained at the more sheltered site may be due to greater individual longevity. Juveniles at the sheltered site had thinner septa in the laterals than those at the exposed site. Septa in adults were rhinner at the exposed site, but this is due to age differences between sites in the adult populations.  相似文献   

Comparisons between invertebrate communities hosted by similar foundation species under different environmental conditions permit identification of patterns of species distributions that might be characteristic of the different ecosystems. Similarities and differences in community structure between two major types of chemosynthetic ecosystems were assessed by analyzing samples of invertebrates associated with Bathymodiolus heckerae Gustafson et al. mussel beds at the Florida Escarpment seep (Gulf of Mexico, 26°01.8N; 84°54.9W; October 2000) and B. puteoserpentis von Cosel et al. mussel beds at the Snake Pit vent (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 23°22.1N; 44°56.9W; July 2001). Macrofaunal species richness was nearly twice as high in the seep mussel bed compared to the vent mussel bed, and only a single morphospecies, the ophiuroid Ophioctenella acies Tyler et al., was shared between the sites. Similarities between the two faunas at higher taxonomic levels (genus and family) were evident for only a small percentage of the total number of taxa, suggesting that evolutionary histories of many of these seep and vent macrofaunal taxa are not shared. The taxonomic distinctiveness of the seep and vent mussel-bed macrofaunal communities supports the hypothesis that environmental and oceanographic barriers prevent most taxa from occupying both types of habitats. Macrofaunal community heterogeneity among samples was similar in seep and vent mussel beds, indicating that spatial scales of processes regulating community variability may be similar in the two types of ecosystems. Suspension feeders were not represented in the macrofauna of seep or vent mussel beds. Primary consumers (deposit feeders and grazers) contributed more to the total abundance of macrofauna of seep mussel beds than vent mussel beds; secondary consumers (polychaetes and shrimp) were more abundant in the vent mussel beds.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-004-1304-z.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

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