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The effect of mountain relief and industrial air pollution on biometric parameters of pine stands was studied. The empirical–statistical models of the dependence of biometric characteristics on the parameters of forest sites were developed using raster modeling and multivariate analysis. The possibility of predicting changes in the biometric parameters at any site on the basis of these models is shown.  相似文献   

The methods of identification and scaling of phenes of forest plants are described. The phene identification consists of five stages. Specific features of studies at each stage are shown using identification of the phenes of seed color, cone color, and seed scale structure in Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) as examples. The method of phene scaling is based on the comparison of phene frequencies in a bog and in adjacent upland populations of pine. At the boundary between the bog and dry land, the frequencies of population-level phenes change, whereas those of superpopulation-level phenes remain unchanged.  相似文献   

实现产业结构的调整升级是当今世界各国经济发展的普遍趋势,也是提升经济增长速度和水平的有效途径。青海省作为我国西部重要省份之一,不仅经济发展水平相对落后,而且生态环境也十分脆弱。随着西部大开发进程的不断推进,青海省经济加速发展,由此产生的污染风险也日趋提高。因此,研究青海省产业结构调整对提炼西部生态脆弱区协调经济增长与污染排放的关系并实现污染风险的有效监管具有重大意义。本文依据经济增长-环境质量回归模型研究了青海省产业结构升级与污染物排放的关系,发现青海省经济增长与污染物排放之间存在倒U型曲线关系。研究发现,青海省仍然处于污染物排放随经济增长而增长的阶段,且距离拐点仍有一定的距离。此外,本文分析了青海省不同产业随时间的变化趋势,虽然三大产业均有增长的态势,但是各占GDP比例变化却各不相同。其中,第一产业的比例不断下降,第二产业的比例不断增长,而第三产业在增长到一定比例后,有小幅减少的趋势。在此基础上,本文利用青海省不同产业占全国相同产业的比例,分析了青海省产业结构的变化趋势,并利用环境投入-产出模型计算了产业结构调整和升级过程中造成的污染物排放量,评价了产业结构升级可能带来的污染风险。虽然青海省第一产业占该区域GDP比例呈减少态势,但占全国比例并未发生明显变化,这表明了青海省农林牧渔业的发展趋势和速度基本与全国平均水平持平;第二产业占全国比例大部分呈减少的态势,而第三产业却有一定的增长态势,这在一定程度上反映了青海省产业发展正在向加大第三产业的发展并控制污染较严重的第二产业的发展的方向转变。产业结构的提升对不同产业污染物的排放也产生了不同的影响。其中,机械电子设备制造业、住宿餐饮和零售业和房地及租赁产业的提升导致了污染物排放小幅增长,而其他产业尤其是建筑业、金属制品业等的扩张则对污染物排放均有不同程度的抑制作用。因此,虽然其经济发展会在一定程度上加重环境污染风险,并且污染排放量会随经济的进一步发展而不断加大,但2002-2007年青海省产业结构变化对废水、废气等污染的排放产生了一定的控制作用,从而降低了青海省环境污染的风险。研究结论为青海省调整产业结构以抑制环境污染风险并保障区域经济发展和环境保护的协调提供重要的决策参考信息。  相似文献   

The accumulation of fluorine in the trunk wood and branches of Larix gmelinii growing on soils with a naturally increased fluoride content and of L. sibirica growing in a zone affected by atmospheric emissions from an aluminum plant has been studied. Based on results of in vivo and in vitro experiments, it is concluded that larch trees manifest individual differences in their response to fluorine.  相似文献   

The effects of probable climate change—an increase in atmospheric CO2(by two times), air temperature, precipitation—on CO2exchange and temperature dependence of net photosynthesis in the larch and Siberian stone pine undergrowth formed in the light larch forests of West Siberia were studied in chambers with an artificial climate. The change of the aforementioned ecological factors caused an increase in the temperature optima of photosynthesis and the range of optimum temperatures (in the case of Siberian stone pine, to a slightly greater degree). Therefore, the ranges of both species may broaden, and the Siberian stone pine can expand to the north, displacing larch tree stands.  相似文献   

Chinese pine, Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., a species that ranges broadly across northeastern to southwestern China, plays a vital role in the maintenance of the structure and function of these ecosystems. In this study, we examined the genetic diversity of five widespread populations in Shanxi Plateau, the distribution center of Chinese pine, using 15 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers and five inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers in 140 individual tree samples. Similar genetic differentiation results were obtained from the data of RAPD and ISSR. Based on the two sets of data, Nei’s genetic diversity was 0.2842 and 0.3078 and Shannon’s indices of diversity were 0.4332 and 0.4468. Genetic diversity at the species level was found high relative to that for other genera of Pinaceae. The greatest diversity was observed in the Lingkong Mountain population (0.3860), while the lowest was recorded in the Luya Mountain population (0.3352), most likely as a result of natural adaptation and anthropogenic perturbation. The relative magnitude of differentiation among populations (G ST) was 0.1491 and 0.1356, respectively, implying that most genetic variation was within the populations (∼0.8509), rather than among populations. Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2008, No. 1, pp. 36–42. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

Fish of a polymorphic and evolutionarily young species Coregonus lavaretusfrom a subarctic lake that has been polluted for more than 60 years are used as an example for analyzing principal trends in the dynamics of structural and functional organization of fish populations. It is shown that fish exposed to sublethal doses of toxic substances for a long time have a smaller body size, the period of their sexual maturation becomes more variable, and the frequency of spawning and life span decrease. The biochemical and bioenergetic mechanisms of variation in populations are analyzed. The ecological expediency of change in the life cycle strategy corresponding to r-selection (conversion to a short reproductive cycle) is substantiated.  相似文献   

The relationship between growth indices and renewal rates of the Siberian larch (Larix sibiricaLedeb.) stands that have grown at the timberline in the Kuznetsk Ala Tau mountains during the past 350 years was analyzed. The age generations of larch were formed in the 1640s, 1660s, 1680s, 1700s, 1720s, 1740s, 1760s–1770s, 1800s–1810s, 1850s, 1870s–1880s, 1900s, 1920s, and 1930s–1940s. It was shown that the formation of these age generations coincided with 10- to 30-year periods of increased growth of larch and improved temperature conditions in summer.  相似文献   

The ecological phytoindication scales proposed by Tsyganov (1983) were used for characterizing biotopes at the northern limit of the distribution of three nemoral species:Ajuga reptans, Asarum europaeum, andPulmonaria obscura. Regional ecological amplitudes of the model species were determined. The environmental factors approaching the lower limit of species amplitudes in Tsyganov's scales were classified as unfavorable.  相似文献   

An abnormal cranial variation in the sable (Martes zibellinaL.) from the extreme Russian Northeast was studied. In the populations formed as a result of reacclimation, the proportion of animals with morphological cranial anomalies proved to be significantly higher than in the parental populations (from which the animals for reintroduction were taken). Probable factors responsible for this effect are discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of populations has been studied in two rodent species inhabiting the subzone of meadow steppes of the steppe zone of Omsk oblast: the narrow-sculled vole (Microtus gregalis Pall.) and steppe lemming (Lagurus lagurus Pall.). Their populations are represented by combinations of territorial family groups whose structure and spatial distribution vary by season depending on population density, the phase of the population cycle, and the status of their members in the population. In the areas cohabited by M. gregalis and L. lagurus, the pattern of territory use and the rhythm of animal activity during the day depend primarily on their total density: under conditions of low density, the population groups of both species are spatially separated; at increased density, they are distributed with respect to the pattern of daily activity. Both species jointly use part of the territory but at different times of day: M. gregalis, mainly at night and in the morning; L. lagurus, in the daytime.  相似文献   


In light of the practical need for research to inform policy in Beijing, this study evaluates the economic cost of the impact of PM10 pollution in Beijing from 2001 to 2006, taking health as the main impact, and mortality as the main outcome. Based on the literature review, this study adopts relatively conservative parameters as the basis for calculating the health impacts. It concludes that nearly 30% of mortality among registered residents above age 30 in Beijing can be attributed to PM10 pollution, and that the economic cost equals 0.8%–1.2% of the city’s GDP over the same period. This is lower than the results of previous studies, but still high enough to warrant a commitment to solve the city’s air pollution problem.  相似文献   

Long-lasting expansion of haze pollution in China has already presented a stern challenge to regional joint prevention and control. There is an urgent need to enlarge and reconstruct the coverage of joint prevention and control of air pollution in key area. Air quality models can identify and quantify the regional contribution of haze pollution and its key components with the help of numerical simulation, but it is difficult to be applied to larger spatial scale due to the complexity of model parameters. The time series analysis can recognize the existence of spatial interaction of haze pollution between cities, but it has not yet been used to further identify the spatial sources of haze pollution in large scale. Using econometric framework of time series analysis, this paper developed a new approach to perform spatial source apportionment. We applied this approach to calculate the contribution from spatial sources of haze pollution in China, using the monitoring data of particulate matter (PM2.5) across 161 Chinese cities. This approach overcame the limitation of numerical simulation that the model complexity increases at excess with the expansion of sample range, and could effectively deal with severe large-scale haze episodes.  相似文献   

Some up-to-date methods of analysis of the spatial and age structures of populations, including local population density maps and Ripley’s functions, are described using 20 cenopopulations (CPs) of Adonis vernalis L. as an example. Pregenerative plants have been found to be the most contagious, irrespective of climatic and phytocenotic conditions and land use type. The spatial distribution pattern and structure of A. vernalis are mainly determined by generative plants forming a tussock, irrespective of the climate and vegetation type. This is explained by higher competitiveness of generative plants, which results in a reduced vegetation density at small distances from them (25–50 cm). Within wider areas, plant distribution may be random due to uniformity of local conditions in microhabitats. The formation of distinct plant aggregations is accounted for by insufficient water supply and the intensity and type of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Animal censuses and assessment of mortality in the sea otter subpopulation of Bering Island (the Commander Islands) have shown that indices of seasonal mortality may be used as a criterion for estimating well-being of this animal group. In 1999, the subpopulation of Bering Island entered a phase of stabilization of its spatial, age, and sex structure, with the stabilization process proper taking approximately three years after a peak of mortality. Mortality in the course of this process proved to be relatively high in age groups older than eight years but insignificant among middle-aged reproductive animals. As the age and sex structure of the insular group varies during the year and in different coastal areas, the data obtained by collecting dead animals cannot be used for estimating the structure of the whole population.  相似文献   

The results of comprehensive morphophysiological and population studies on Ajuga reptansL., a species of the nemoral floristic complex, at the northern boundary of its range (in the middle taiga subzone of the Komi Republic) are reviewed. Adaptations at the cell, organism, and biocenotic levels are revealed. The maintenance and survival of the species at the boundary of its range are provided for by its physiological plasticity, resistance to low temperatures, and multiple variants of ontogeny. Prognosis of Ajuga reptansfuture status under conditions of global climate change and expansion of anthropogenically disturbed areas is favorable.  相似文献   

Variation in the content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe has been analyzed in the needles of 19 spruce species growing in the natural and urbanized ecosystems of Siberia and Central Asia. The results have shown that similarity in the content of biophilic elements in one-year-old needles of different species is conditioned by biochemical processes, which confirms the status of these species as passive bioindicators of environmental quality. The contents of trace elements in perennial needles, except color variations of chlorophyll, deserve further study as prospective indicators of environmental quality.  相似文献   

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