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中国进出口贸易中的隐含碳估算   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
采用投入产出法。估算了1997-2006年中国进出口贸易中的隐含碳。对进出口商品都采用中国的碳耗水平所作的保守估计发现:1997-2006年,通过产品的形式,我国为国外排放了大量的碳,1997-2004年。隐含碳净出口占当年碳排放总量的比倒在0.5%-2.7%之间,2004年之后迅速增加。2006年该数字达10%左右。按照日本的碳耗效率对进口产品进行调整后的乐观估计发现。中国为j国该外转移排放的碳数量更为惊人。1997-2002年隐含碳净出口量占当年碳排放总量的12%~14%。2002年之后迅速增加,到2006年,该数字已达29.28%。作为生产者和消费者,中国和其出口国都是这些碳排放的受益者,都应该对气候变化负责。一味对中国增长的碳排放进行指责是不全面的。  相似文献   


In recent years, scientists have been increasingly interested in the energy embodied in traded goods among countries. In this article, the direct energy intensities in various economic sectors of China were calculated with the data of energy consumption and output value of each sector, and the input–output table was used to estimate the external energy consumption. The total energy intensity of all sectors was then obtained. From the data of international trade, the energy embodied in goods trade of China was estimated for the period of 1994–2001. During this period, the average energy intensity of imported goods was always higher than that of exported ones. As a country with a surplus in international goods trade, China actually imported net embodied energy in the past few years. The net embodied energy imported was at the same magnitude of the imported energy in the form of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

In recent years, scientists have been increasingly interested in the energy embodied in traded goods among countries. In this article, the direct energy intensities in various economic sectors of China were calculated with the data of energy consumption and output value of each sector, and the input-output table was used to estimate the external energy consumption. The total energy intensity of all sectors was then obtained. From the data of international trade, the energy embodied in goods trade of China was estimated for the period of 1994-2001. During this period, the average energy intensity of imported goods was always higher than that of exported ones. As a country with a surplus in international goods trade, China actually imported net embodied energy in the past few years. The net embodied energy imported was at the same magnitude of the imported energy in the form of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

In recent years, China’s energy demand and Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have grown very fast, quite an amount of which was exported as energy embodied in goods in international trade rather than consumed domestically. Starting from the concept of embodied energy, based on input-output energy analysis approach, in this paper the energy embodied in goods in international trade of China during the period from 2001 to 2006 is calculated. The results show that although China has become a net importer of petroleum since 1993, China is a net exporter of embodied energy due to international trade in goods. In 2002, the total amount of energy embodied in exported goods was about 410 million tce (ton of coal equivalent, hereinafter referred to as "tce"). Eliminating the amount of energy embodied in imported goods of about 170 million tce, the net export of embodied energy was about 240 million tce, accounting for 16% of the aggregate primary energy consumption of that very year in China, and the net export of embodied emissions was about 150 million tons of carbon. With the rapid growth of China’s international trade, assuming no structural input-output changes of among sectors, in 2006 the net export of embodied energy went up to about 630 million tce, an increase of 162 % over 2002. In addition, this paper also analyzes the possible sources of error in calculation, and also discusses the policy implications according to the result of the calculation.  相似文献   


In recent years, China’s energy demand and Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have grown very fast, quite an amount of which was exported as energy embodied in goods in international trade rather than consumed domestically. Starting from the concept of embodied energy, based on input-output energy analysis approach, in this paper the energy embodied in goods in international trade of China during the period from 2001 to 2006 is calculated. The results show that although China has become a net importer of petroleum since 1993, China is a net exporter of embodied energy due to international trade in goods. In 2002, the total amount of energy embodied in exported goods was about 410 million tce (ton of coal equivalent, hereinafter referred to as “tce”). Eliminating the amount of energy embodied in imported goods of about 170 million tce, the net export of embodied energy was about 240 million tce, accounting for 16% of the aggregate primary energy consumption of that very year in China, and the net export of embodied emissions was about 150 million tons of carbon. With the rapid growth of China’s international trade, assuming no structural input-output changes of among sectors, in 2006 the net export of embodied energy went up to about 630 million tce, an increase of 162 % over 2002. In addition, this paper also analyzes the possible sources of error in calculation, and also discusses the policy implications according to the result of the calculation.  相似文献   

本文运用1998-2007年中国工业32个行业面板数据,将工业各行业研发总支出划分为自主研发、国外技术引进和国内技术转移三个部分,在估算自主研发存量和技术引进存量的基础上,研究了自主研发、技术引进对工业能源消耗强度的影响,并考察了能源相对价格、FDI的进入程度以及工业内部行业结构等因素.研究表明,自主研发和国外技术引进对能源强度的影响存在行业差异.自主研发对全工业行业和高能源强度行业的能源强度有显著负效应,对低能源强度行业的影响不显著;国内技术转移对全工业行业和低能源强度行业的能源强度有显著负的影响,对高能源强度行业的影响不显著;国外技术引进在所有样本中对能源强度的影响均不显著.研究还发现,在低能源强度行业中,自主研发并没有与国外技术引进互为补充共同促进能源强度的下降;在高、低能源强度行业样本中,自主研发没有与国内技术转移形成互补优势,有助于能源强度的下降.  相似文献   

Carbon emissions embodied in international trade of China during 1997-2007 are accounted by input-output method based on Chinese input-output table and global trade analysis project database.It is revealed that carbon emissions embodied in imports and exports both increased during 1997-2007,but carbon emissions embodied in exports are greater than those embodied in imports,China is a net export nation in embodied carbon.The net exports of embodied carbon account for about 10.82% of the total carbon emissions in 1997,dropped to 7.15% in 2002,increased to13.13% in 2006,and slightly dropped to 12.64% in 2007.Low-end position of international industry division is an objective factor of being a net exporter of embodied carbon for China,and usage of a large amount of obsolete energy-using equipments wasted much energy and increased carbon emissions embodied in exports.Importers should take more responsibilities for carbon emissions embodied in trade,and China should take a certain responsibility for unreasonable energy dissipations too.  相似文献   


Carbon emissions embodied in international trade of China during 1997–2007 are accounted by input–output method based on Chinese input–output table and global trade analysis project database. It is revealed that carbon emissions embodied in imports and exports both increased during 1997–2007, but carbon emissions embodied in exports are greater than those embodied in imports, China is a net export nation in embodied carbon. The net exports of embodied carbon account for about 10.82% of the total carbon emissions in 1997, dropped to 7.15% in 2002, increased to 13.13% in 2006, and slightly dropped to 12.64% in 2007. Low-end position of international industry division is an objective factor of being a net exporter of embodied carbon for China, and usage of a large amount of obsolete energy-using equipments wasted much energy and increased carbon emissions embodied in exports. Importers should take more responsibilities for carbon emissions embodied in trade, and China should take a certain responsibility for unreasonable energy dissipations too.  相似文献   

中国出口贸易中隐含碳排放增长的结构分解分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
作为出口贸易大国,中国的出口贸易中隐含碳排放总量相当可观,而且还呈现出不断增长的态势。采用投入产出分析方法,对1997和2007年中国出口贸易中隐含碳排放进行了核算,结果分别为290.61Mt和940.69Mt,占中国生产活动碳排放总量的比重分别为28.47%和45.53%。进而构建结构分解分析模型,将影响出口贸易隐含碳排放变化的因素分解为4种:直接碳排放强度效应、中间生产技术效应、出口总量效应和出口结构效应。并以1997-2007年为样本期,进行了实证分析。结果显示,上述4个因素的贡献值分别为-638.95Mt、132.41 Mt1、266.38 Mt和-109.77Mt。可见造成出口贸易隐含碳排放增加的主要原因就在于出口总量的不断增长;其次是中间生产技术的变化。虽然直接碳排放强度下降和出口结构改善都产生了一定的减排效应,但是相对于巨大出口量所产生的增排效应,仍显得微不足道,因而中国的出口贸易隐含碳排放还是呈不断增长态势。  相似文献   

In this paper,using the input-output model,the author first calculated the CO 2 emissions embodied in exports of China in 2002 and 2007.Then,the author empirically analyzed problems existing in the composition of exported products and analyzed its possible reasons.The research results of this paper are as follows:Since China’s entry into WTO,the CO 2 emissions embodied in exports of China have been increasing rapidly;the value of exported products of high-carbon emissions industries accounts for a relatively higher proportion to China’s total exports value because China’s carbon intensive products have a certain competitive advantage.Additionally,this paper has put forward relevant suggestions based on these results.  相似文献   

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