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针对当前火力发电企业安全管理中普遍存在的问题,以黔北发电总厂为例,提出以发电企业落实文化为基础,采取多种措施,构筑火力发电企业安全防御机制,为火力发电企业安全管理提供了可供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

针对环保行业的特点,阐述了环保企业建立和实施质量、环境、职业安全健康一体化管理体系的必要性,并提出了建立一体化管理体系的主要方法和步骤。  相似文献   

ISO14001环境管理体系与火力发电企业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了ISO14000环境管理系列标准的核心-环境管理体系的主要内容,阐述了火力发电企业建立环境管理体系将有利于电力可持续发展,有利于节能降耗,减污增效,有利于提高企业的环境管理水平和整体管理水平,有利于树立企业全新的环境保护形象。  相似文献   

通过对30家火电厂92台机组电缆安全状况的调查,研究了火电厂电缆安全技术管理体系的建立和执行情况、电缆设备状况、电缆安全技术措施以及运行管理状况。指出火电厂电缆安全状况在安全管理体系不健全、电缆设备安全隐患较多、安全技术措施不到位且运行管理相对较为松懈等问题,加大了火电厂电缆事故发生机率。针对电缆安全技术现状和管理现状,提出了提高和改善火电厂电缆安全水平的技术和管理措施。  相似文献   

在核文化建设的过程中,提高公众对核电发展的认知度,即核文化泛众化,是一项复杂而艰巨的任务。根据核文化的特点,探讨了核文化泛众化传播的SWC模型,即“主体一方式一内容”一体化模型,目的是通过社会、政府、行业和企业四种传播主体,借助媒体宣传、政府主导、行业推动和教育普及等传播方式,对核电优势、核电技术、核电安全和核电科普等内容进行传播,以提高公众对核电发展的认可度,为核电发展创造良好的文化氛围。  相似文献   

大坝安全监测的现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了大坝安全监测的内涵及意义。分别从大坝安全监测的内容、思维、分析方法和技术手段四个方面介绍了大坝安全监测的现状和发展趋势,并指出自动化、数字化、一体化、效益化是大坝安全监测的最终发展方向。  相似文献   

受宁波市供销社和宁波市再生资源行业协会邀请,中华全国供销合作总社天津再生资源研究所派出专业培训老师于2018年12月3—14日分别在宁波市、海曙、江北、鄞州、慈溪、余姚、奉化、宁海、象山、北仑、镇海等地对再生资源行业从业人员进行培训,培训1000余人。培训内容包括:新时代再生资源产业发展机遇、新形势下再生资源企业环保要求和案例分析、再生资源行业环评新规解读及企业环境风险控制、企业安全生产和危险废物规范化管理、再生资源相关法律法规。培训工作成效显著,培训老师的专业性,培训内容的针对性,受到了宁波市再生资源行业协会和学员们的一致好评。  相似文献   

危险化学品安全管理现状及对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
分析了我国危险化学品的安全管理形势、现状与评价方法,提出了加强危险化学品安全管理的若干对策。  相似文献   

阐述了环境安全的概念及特征,探讨了我国能源利用给环境安全带来的影响。从环境安全的角度研究了微电网技术发展,重点探讨了微电网产生背景、定义演化过程和微电网发展优势。研究指出,微电网技术发展应尽快制定相关技术标准和实施方案,形成一个环境安全高效灵活的新系统。  相似文献   

财建[2012]163号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财政局:为维护家电以旧换新参与企业的利益,保障财政资金安全,请抓紧做好家电以旧换新财政补贴资金清算工作。经商商务部、环境保护部同意,现就相关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

This paper discusses safety culture in the petrochemical sector and the causes and consequences of safety culture. A sample of 520 responses selected by simple random sampling completed questionnaires for this survey, the return rate was 86.75%. The research instrument comprises four sections: basic information, the safety leadership scale (SLS), the safety climate scale (SCS), and the safety performance scale (SPS). SPSS 12.0, a statistical software package, was used for item analysis, validity analysis, and reliability analysis. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that (1) SLS abstracted three factors such as safety caring, safety controlling, and safety coaching; (2) SCS comprised three factors such as emergency response, safety commitment, and risk perception; and (3) SPS was composed of accident investigation, safety training, safety inspections, and safety motivation. We conclude that the SLS, SCS, and SPS developed in this paper have good construct validity and internal consistency and can serve as the basis for future research.  相似文献   

李政禹 《化工环保》2000,20(4):51-54
国际化学品安全卡(ICSC)是联合国国际化学品;安全规划处(IPCS)与欧洲聪明委员会合作编写的一套权威性化学品信息卡片。文中论述了推广使用ICSC的重要意义,介绍了安全卡的内容以及如何正确使用ICSC。  相似文献   

Petroleum hydrocarbon suppliers affect a mine's goals for environmental performance because of the extensive reach of petroleum hydrocarbon products into the mining and minerals product life cycle, their impact on operational efficiencies, cost, and mine viability, and their potential for leaving negative environmental as well as safety legacies. The supplied petroleum hydrocarbon life cycle is a framework that enables structured engagement between supplier and customer on a range of environmental performance issues because it is an example of input into the mining industry that affects the entire mining and minerals processing value chain. Engagement with suppliers in a proactive manner can be a risk management strategy. Questions for businesses to ask in relation to suppliers and their role in minimizing business risks and creating new value are offered.  相似文献   

电站锅炉的酸洗可以有效地清除管道内的氧化物、污垢、焊渣等,提高水汽品质和机组运行的安全性能。针对锅炉材料及酸洗中易出现的问题,提出了酸洗工作应注意清洗液选配、酸洗管路设计、酸洗关键参数控制、酸洗后废液处理及酸洗中安全事项等关键技术,可为锅炉酸洗提供技术指导,保证酸洗工作的有效性和安全性。  相似文献   

Almost everyone who has been involved in a site remediation project has seen schedules slip and costs escalate due to political pressure from the public or the press. While focusing on remediation technologies and containment techniques to control costs, many organizations have neglected a major cost driver—public opinion. This article examines community relations from the perspective of an organization trying to control costs during a site remediation project. It details the strong correlation between the cost of a site cleanup and the level of public dissatisfaction and provides an organization with specific strategies on how to use proven communications techniques to lower costs. Examination of several case studies is provided, including a study involving a site in which community representatives actively worked to reduce project costs. It is clear that any responsible cleanup must be protective of public health and the environment. But it is becoming increasingly apparent that wise allocation of available resources has a profound effect on the program's ability to ensure public and environmental safety. In many cases, it has been proven that some costly cleanups—for example, involving excavation—sometimes actually increase risk by creating an exposure pathway where none existed before. In turn, such cleanups waste resources that are needed elsewhere. The challenge in dealing with this complicated issue is to help stakeholders understand the true ramifications of the choices that are faced at each site. If these stakeholders feel uninformed, powerless, or excluded from the process, it is likely that they will be unable to enter a productive discussion. The community relations programs outlined in documents such as a Superfund guidance can be helpful in familiarizing the community with site-related issues and with gathering public input. These activities act as a baseline for the programs discussed in this article. However, existing programs are not focused on providing a strategic advantage in reaching cleanup solutions and balancing health and environmental considerations with economic considerations.  相似文献   

智能电网技术可以将各种分布式再生能源迅速接入电网,对环境安全具有重要的促进作用。介绍了智能电网的发展现状及关键技术,从能源防御体系、土地利用和电力生产等方面对智能电网与环境安全之间的关系进行了分析。智能电网技术的兴起与发展可以真正做到减少碳的排放量,提高用电系统的抗击灾害能力,同时也可以有效的保护环境、集约利用土地。智能电网技术是将来电力环境安全体系中重要的组成环节。  相似文献   

火电机组调试安全管理的优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
既保证工期又保证安全的情况下做好火电厂的调试工作,是所有调试单位都面临的最重要的课题。介绍了目前国内火电调试的情况,分析了调试中的安全问题,给出了一部分安全控制措施并提出了建议。  相似文献   

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