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我国签署《蒙特利尔议定书》(伦敦修正案)已整整10年了,在过去的10年里,我国通过国际合作,成功地引进了很多淘汰ODS的先进技术,本文浅析了属行《议定书》(伦敦修正案)中影响技术引进的因素,供我国履行其他国际环境公约引进环境技术时参考。  相似文献   

Hilb.  JC 《世界环境》1998,(4):27-28
加拿大在联邦和省两级政府体制下履行《蒙特利尔议定书》NationalImplementationoftheMontrealProtocolinCanadaintheContextoftheProvincialandFederalStstem加拿大环保...  相似文献   

本文介绍了《蒙特利尔议定书》的背景、目标和影响对象,通过分析中国执行议定书的形势,对执行的行政可操作性和效果进行评估,为履行国际环境公约提供借鉴。  相似文献   

朱云 《环境保护》2013,(19):70-71
《蒙特利尔议定书》是人类历史迄今为止最成功的全球环境合作案例之一,本文总结和评估了其在实施过程中的成功经验,为识别全球合作关键因素、推动全球环境问题的解决提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

周新  曹凤中 《环境保护》1999,(11):36-39
我国于1991年6月正式签署加入了联合国《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》。为了执行《议定书》中的规定,国家先后制定了消耗臭氧层的逐步淘汰方案和一些行粉敷衍臭氧层物质淘汰计划。这些计划的实施将涉及到国家的多个经济部门。  相似文献   

中国履行《蒙特利尔议定书》面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<保护臭氧层维也纳公约>及其<议定书> 臭氧层作为地球的屏障,保护生命免遭紫外线的伤害.臭氧层的恶化会损害人的免疫系统,阻止植物的叶茎生长,还可能导致全球平均气温上升,使海平面升高,使肥沃的土地变成沙漠,最终导致人类及生物的消亡.  相似文献   

谢石 《世界环境》2012,(6):57-59
在距离地球表面15—50公里的高空平流层,有一层包围在地球外围空间的臭氧层。由于具有吸收太阳辐射的绝大部分有害紫外线的功能,臭氧层对保护人体和其他生物免遭有致癌和杀伤作用的短波辐射的照射起到举足轻重的作用,并因此被亲切地称为“地球的保护伞”。  相似文献   

当今世界,全球气候变化、臭氧层破坏、生物多样性锐减、持久性有机污染物污染、森林破坏、土地荒漠化、汞污染等等环境问题,严重威胁着全人类的生存和发展。这些与每个人息息相关的全球环境问题,已经超越种族,突破国界,纵横各领域,没有任何一个国家能够单独面对,需要全人类携手应战。过去40年,国际社会为保护全球环境签署了200多项与环境和资源有关的国际公约,其中《关于消耗臭  相似文献   

我国于1991年6月正式签署加入了联合国《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》(下简称《议定书》。为了执行《议定书》中的规定,国家先后制定了消耗臭氧层物质的逐步淘汰方案和一些行业使用消耗臭氧层物质的淘汰计划。这些计划的实施将涉及到国家的多个经济部门。因此,执行《议定书》对中国的经济究竟产生多大的影响呢?本文利用行业综合评价模型,针对我国家用电冰箱行业进行了定量的模拟分析,再结合对新飞电冰箱厂的典型案例研究,具体说明执行《议定书》对中国经济的影响。  相似文献   

荒漠化本身在广大的亚洲有许多不同的形式。在总共43亿公顷的土地中,从地中海沿岸到太平洋海岸的亚洲拥有17亿公顷的干旱、半干旱和半湿润干旱地区。退化的地区包括中国、印度、伊朗、蒙古和巴基斯坦正在扩大的沙漠。叙利亚的沙丘,尼泊尔被侵蚀的陡峭山坡以及老挝人民民主共和国被砍伐的森林和过度放牧的高地。从荒漠化和干旱所影响的人数而言,亚洲是最严重的大陆。为了提高效率,荒漠化的防治活动必须谨慎地根据每个国家的特殊情况和特殊需要做出安排。  相似文献   

邹晶 《世界环境》2006,(6):96-96
美国妇女环境与发展组织(WEDO)是当今世界妇女运动中最活跃、最有影响的妇女环保组织,它大力倡导妇女在全球政策中的平等性,并努力探索使妇女能够成为获取经济、社会和性别平等,建设健康和平的地球以及所有人权的决策者。  相似文献   

本文分析了在博茨瓦纳有效执行<蒙特利尔议定书>中遇到的困难;并就在发展中国家执行国际协定问题时如何向决策者提出建议提供了一个总的认识.对臭氧耗损物质(ODSs)的正式和非正式用户进行的问卷调查表明:所散发的有关ODSs的信息,对于用户们选择制冷气体几乎没有什么影响,而且这个信息偏向有利于ODSs的正式用户.因此,ODS使用数量的年统计资料可能估计偏低.困难在于,要在短期内从老技术转向新技术,成本较高.回收废气和处理废旧硬件设备的基础设施缺乏或不足.这些问题的解决需要一个全面的政策,它能满足所有ODSs用户的要求;还需要把经济发展与环境保护结合起来进行考虑.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the evolution of the global policy on sustainable consumption and production, and highlights some of the activities that have been undertaken by the Division of Technology, Industry and Economics of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP DTIE).  相似文献   

No mandatory national program currently exists to mitigate climate change in the US Consequently, voluntary programs and mandatory state-level programs are multiplying to allow users to register emission-offset activities, creating multiple often contradictory measurement and recording standards.For the land use sector we examined a hypothetical project: tree planting on rangelands in California. We apply four sets of protocols from the following registries – the California Climate Action Registry, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the USDOE 1605(b) program – and compare the results to the ‘actual’ net sequestration and also briefly compare them to international protocols such as the relevant Clean Development Mechanism methodology. Carbon in land use can be estimated accurately, precisely and cost-effectively, but to achieve this requires good protocols. As predicted, the consequence of applying different protocols for reportable carbon was significant. The choice of measurement pools, the handling of the baseline and the issue of uncertainty led to a baseline estimate of 0–66,690 t CO2-e, and final sequestered carbon totals (after 60 years) that varied between 118,044 and 312,685 t CO2-e—a factor of 2.5 difference. The amount reported under 1605(b) is the closest to “actual” with CCX entity reporting the most divergent.  相似文献   

Environmental mitigation plays an important role in the environmentally sustainable development of hydropower resources. However, comprehensive data on mitigation required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) at United States (US) hydropower projects is lacking. Therefore, our objective was to create a comprehensive database of mitigation required at non-federal hydropower projects and provide a synthesis of available mitigation data. Mitigation data was collated for over 300 plants licensed or relicensed from 1998 through 2013. We observed that the majority of FERC mitigation requirements deal with either hydrologic flows or recreation and that hydropower plants in the Pacific Northwest had the highest number of requirements. Our data indicate opportunities exist to further explore hydropower mitigation in the areas of environmental flows, fish passage, and water quality. Connecting these data with ecological outcomes, actual flow data, and larger landscape level information will be necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation and ultimately inform regulators, managers, and planners.  相似文献   

The complexities inherent in land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities have led to contentious and prolonged debates about the merits of their inclusion in the 2008–2012 first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. Yet the inclusion of these activities played a key role in agreement on the general framework of the Kyoto Protocol, and LULUCF will likely continue to play a substantial part in negotiations on national commitments post-2012. The Marrakech Accords dictate which LULUCF activities are to be included under the Kyoto Protocol and provide rules on how they are to be accounted in the first commitment period. However, these rules have limitations and drawbacks that may be avoided in the structure of future commitments beyond 2012. Through adherence to the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the incorporation of several critical features, a future framework can more effectively address the mitigation challenges and opportunities of this sector.  相似文献   

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