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《中国的能源政策(2012)》白皮书前言中指出“能源是支撑人类文明进步的物质基础,是现代社会发展不可或缺的基本条件”。目前,全球市场能源消费继续增长,一次性能源越来越稀缺。为稳定能源供给,新兴国家和发达国家都将能源稳定作为一个重大战略问题来对待。  相似文献   

徐丽萍  王立  李金林 《中国环境科学》2012,32(11):2095-2102
针对各行业能源利用效率的评价比较问题,考虑能源、经济、环境之间相互依存和相互制约的关系,基于隐含能思想提出了行业完全能源效率的概念,构建了评价指标体系,并将投入产出模型和数据包络分析方法相结合建立了评价模型,模型综合考虑了行业生产中能源消耗和碳排放对经济社会发展与环境演变的作用与价值.通过实证分析,对北京市42个行业的完全能源效率进行了评价,鉴别其在生产全流程能源消费中存在的问题,并给出了提高行业完全能源效率的潜力和改进途径.实证研究结果表明,北京市第一产业的完全能源效率很低,有些服务业的完全能源效率也较低,相反地有些工业行业的完全能源效率却比较高.这说明,为了实现节能减排目标,政府不应该简单地限制所有工业行业发展,也不应该盲目地鼓励发展所有服务业,而应该参考各行业的完全能源效率情况,在充分衡量其对经济社会发展的贡献之后做出综合决策.  相似文献   

西门子新的"Sipaper Reject Power"工艺从先前未使用的废弃物中转换能量,这些废弃物来源于造纸过程和废纸中的木板,对环境的影响非常小.使用这项工艺,公司不仅对气候保护做出了贡献,而且还为工厂操作人员节约了能源供应和废物处理的成本.目前,这种工艺是大多数的中型造纸厂使用的同类方式中的唯一一种.  相似文献   

吴博任 《环境》2007,(8):52-53
人类社会要实现可持续发展,就必须尽快寻求和开发新能源,特别是可再生的、清洁的能源.可再生能源包括水能、风能、生物质能、太阳能、地热能和海洋能等.它们如何被人类开发利用?开发的潜力有多大?这些问题值得关注.  相似文献   

世界能源百年变局与国家能源安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在百年未有之大变局的背景下,我国当前所面临的能源形势日趋复杂,能源安全愈加成为攸关国家经济发展的重大战略。新形势下,无论是学科层面上世界能源地理与国家能源安全的科学问题、研究对象、研究方法等,还是国家现实需求上全球能源治理体系与国际能源合作等问题,都亟待专家学者们深入交流与讨论。通过"一问一答"的访谈方式,展示主持人与九位学界或业界访谈嘉宾基于不同视角的问答内容。分别围绕能源安全的内涵与全球能源治理模式、我国能源安全面临的挑战与对策、全球能源地缘政治形势的新变化、世界能源生产空间和消费空间不平等地理格局下的能源安全、全球能源低碳转型趋势下的中国能源高质量发展、重大突发公共卫生事件影响下的全球能源供需格局变化、未来能源地理学的研究前景与重要研究方向等一系列内容发表观点。以期达成一定共识,从而更好地研讨世界能源地理学的关键问题,并积极应对世界能源的百年变局,提出保障国家能源安全的应对措施等。  相似文献   

Whether we like it or not we are part of the nuclear age, and we are compelled to live with nuclear energy; with the possible exception of hydroelectric power the nuclear option is, on the record to date, the cheapest, the safest and the least environmentally harmful of any existing source of electricity generation.  相似文献   

吴博任 《环境》2006,(1):84-85
煤.石油和天然气等不可再生的矿物,被称为“化石能源”。自18世纪工业革命队来,这三种能源成为支撑现代文明的“三大支柱”。  相似文献   

论地缘能权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨宇 《自然资源学报》2020,35(11):2572-2584
权力与空间是透视与解析能源地缘政治、能源安全、国际能源合作与全球能源治理等问题的重要视角。从能源的基本地理属性出发,探讨能源的地缘政治属性,提出地缘能权的概念,阐述地缘能权的基本理论内涵,并借鉴经典地理学理论,提出地缘能权研究的地理学框架。研究认为:资源控制权、贸易控制权、技术控制权和资本控制权是最核心的四种能源权力。其中,资源控制权与贸易控制权是传统能源地缘政治的核心,技术控制权和资本控制权是新时代能源权力关注的新焦点,而经济全球化、区域一体化和全球能源治理等因素拓展了地缘能权的外延。从地理学的视角对地缘能权进行研究,其基本范式离不开能源地理的分布规律研究,能源权力从地点空间向流空间的转向研究,能源行为体的相互关系与全球能源治理研究以及面向国家能源安全的决策服务研究。  相似文献   

晓阳 《环境》2006,(3):72-73
最近,瑞典官方高调宣布:到2020年,瑞典将完全结束对石油的依赖,成为第一个完全使用可再生能源的国家。如果这一梦想成真,那么人类摆脱对化石能源依赖、面对无油世界的底气,无疑将会大大增强。[编者按]  相似文献   

可持续发展见报频繁 ,因为它关系到全人类的生存和发展。新世纪要走可持续发展之路 ,这是人们在付出沉重代价后作出的不二选择。地热能储量大、无污染、可再生 ,被认为是一种很有潜力同时也是十分现实的绿色新能源。当前 ,地热能已广泛应用于社会的方方面面 ,它的最大的好处是能满足社会可持续发展。地热能的最新发展趋势是最大限度地用以替代化石能源 ,减轻环境污染。  相似文献   

闻泽 《环境》2006,(5):64-65
2005年,对于广东的能源供应而言,可谓是多事之秋.错峰用电、油荒、气荒等,接踵而来.而据广东省发改委有关负责人透露,2006年,煤、电、油紧张仍然是广东经济发展面临的突出制约因素,预计2006年上半年电力最大缺口在400万千瓦左右.  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to this Special Issue of Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP), which contains thirteen, carefully selected articles from the 12th Conference, “Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction” – PRES'09. This issue builds upon the multi-year co-operation between the PRES conference planners and the JCLP. The articles cover important subjects of increased efficiency in energy generation and usage and in improvements in industrial process optimisation. The first group of five papers focuses upon recent advances in emissions reduction and the resulting energy penalties. The second group of four papers deals with improving the efficiency and reliability in the utilisation of renewable energy, where hydrogen and biodiesel are the key energy carriers. The final group of three papers focus on process integration challenges of sustainable energy systems and upon the challenges of industrial/societal integration of sustainable energy systems into regional sustainable development planning.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is the simultaneous management of two important industrial resources – energy and water. A class of industrial processes where heat transfer is accompanied by mass transfer (water evaporation and condensation) are concerned, and special attention is given to them where the transfer of heat is a limiting stage. These processes are considered not in isolation but in integration with all related processes and subsystems. More specifically, the set of processes and subsystems include cooling systems, systems of contact economizers for flue gas energy recovery, scrubbers, direct steam heaters, driers, related systems of coolers and the heat exchanger networks. The proposed preliminary design procedure is based on concepts and tools related to Pinch technology especially modified for consideration of simultaneous heat and mass transfer. The manipulated parameters include process' latent and sensible heat loads and systems' structural changes with efficiency criteria allowing sacrifice of quantity for quality of performance. Two specific procedures allow targeting of maximum flue gas energy recovery and minimum temperature of cooling water providing guidance to structural design and system operation. The application of the proposed methodology is designed to achieve water conservation through minimization of water evaporation losses. Its significance is demonstrated through three popular industrial applications (a power station, a brewery and a tissue factory).  相似文献   

Geographic and economic aspects of solar energy are linked with the various physical and chemical methods of solar energy conversion to heat, electricity, and endothermal chemical reactions. Principles of the conversion methods are summarized and the efficiencies of various methods reviewed briefly. Methods of concentrating the solar energy are described.  相似文献   

农村能源建设滞后制约着经济的发展,尤其是高效而稳定的持续农业的发展。本文从以沼气为纽带的生态农业出发,论述了农村能源建设是实现持续农业的重要前提,对农村整体具有经济,社会,生态效益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to shed light on the connection between income, dwelling type, tenure type and city living, in terms of both a household’s energy saving behaviours and direct residential energy consumption. This study employs data from the Household Energy Consumption Survey, Australia. Using a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) system of equations the results reveal some key mechanisms which may allow householders to realise lower levels of energy consumption and hence lower carbon emissions. The results indicate that there are characteristics unique to living in a city that are linked to higher levels of direct residential energy consumption. On a number of measures (e.g. household income, tenure type and dwelling type), the results point to a lower likelihood of engaging in energy saving behaviours in cities. Also, depending on the number of energy saving behaviours, these actions have the potential to more than offset higher direct residential energy consumption of householders residing in separate houses. Coupled with these findings renters, a more vulnerable social group, are found to be significantly disadvantaged, suffering from a much lower adaptive capacity. Specifically, householders who rent their home are 77% less likely to have solar electricity. A result which may reflect differences in access to opportunity. Further, householders who rent are less likely to engage in energy saving actions. A finding which may reflect difference in ontological security and the greater psychological burden associated with undertaking energy saving behaviours (a barrier) borne by renters not shared with home owners.  相似文献   

张学庆  王兴  刘睿  赵骞 《海洋环境科学》2016,35(1):20-26,67
河口的潮能通量和潮能耗散对河口的泥沙输运和地形地貌形成具有重要的参考价值,本文基于FVCOM(finite-volume coastal ocean model)模式研究了辽河口在潮流和径流相互作用下潮能通量和潮能耗散情况。结果表明:辽河口潮能通量最大的区域集中在盖州滩东南侧以及双台子河河口和大辽河口河道急剧缩窄及拐弯处;在两个河口随着径流量的增加,潮能耗散增强,丰水期耗散能量总体上大于平水期和枯水期;在大辽河口,大潮期间的各水期的耗能率约为小潮期间耗能率的两倍;一个潮周期内潮能通量最大值出现在高潮时刻,其值为56.08 KW/m,河流段最大值发生在河道拐角处,低潮时潮能通量最小。潮能通量和耗散的分布的研究结果对于了解辽河口海域的动力过程和河口沉积动力过程方面的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Government interventions have been identified as important for energy systems change, because they can either facilitate or hinder transitions toward more sustainable energy systems. This article analyses how bioenergy options have been framed in Finnish policy strategies and how the framing has changed over time. The empirical material includes the content of 15 government programmes and nine national energy/climate strategies. On the basis of this assessment, both the link between bioenergy framings in strategies and the actual transformation of Finnish bioenergy systems are explored.On the basis of bioenergy framings, the development of energy policy can be divided into three phases: support for domestic energy sources in 1979-1991, support for wood- and industry-based bioenergy in 1992-1998, and diversified bioenergy in the context of climate change in 1999-2010. For two decades, primarily wood-based bioenergy was supported despite alternative technological developments occurring elsewhere. After the turn of the millennium, the importance of climate policy increased and alternative bioenergy sources were raised on the government policy agenda, also resulting in some new policy instruments. Rather than adopting a visionary outlook to guide system transformation, climate and energy policy has strengthened those technological options that have been selected elsewhere. If public policies are to enhance the shift toward low-carbon, sustainable energy systems, they would need to be more comprehensive, be more consistent over time, and emphasise energy use more.  相似文献   

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