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Five oceanographic cruises were organized in the Sardinian Sea and Channel in May 2000, March 2001, September 2001, May 2002, and November 2002 to study the characterization of the water masses, Atlantic Water (AW) and Winter Intermediate Water (WIW), and their mesoscale variability. In the Sardinian Channel, an Algerian anticyclonic Eddy (AE) was observed in May 2000, along the Tunisian coast. This induced a greater minimum salinity in a wider and deeper layer than in November 2002, when no AE was observed. Some WIW was observed below it; nevertheless, no link could be established between AEs and WIW occurrences. In the Sardinian Sea, two AEs were observed during spring 2000, and a further two during spring 2002. One AE strongly influenced shelf circulation, in contrast to the other three that were off the continental slope. In the same area, during the end of September 2001, a vertical salinity inversion occurred in the first 30–50 m of depth over the whole sampling field, and a W–NW wind induced a coastal upwelling over the western Sardinian coast (south of 41° N). This upwelling increased the salinity from ~20 to 30 m below the surface to the surface and, thereby led to a lower salinity close to the coast than offshore. This was in contrast to a classical upwelling. Consequently, in the Sardinian Sea, the general circulation, mainly driven by AEs, can meet the coastal wind-driven circulation.  相似文献   

2000—2007年珠峰自然保护区植被时空变化与驱动因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用遥感与GIS相结合的方法研究了珠峰自然保护区2000—2007年之间的植被时空变化过程和驱动机制问题。通过一元线性回归斜率计算获取了基于EVI数据的珠峰自然保护区植被变化趋势,以及表现2000—2007年植被变化的矢量图层。利用GIS时间动画技术,建立了7个时间点内不同间隔的植被时空演化过程快照,并结合ArcEngine构建了植被变化监测的时序分析流程,提取和分析了植被变化过程的时空特征。依据年平均温和年降水量观测记录进行了植被变化的气候因子分析,依据道路、河流缓冲区的居民点密度与植被退化面积比例的相关性,分析了人类活动影响,并讨论了不同植被退化区域在多重因素作用下的变化驱动因子。拟合了主要社会经济发展指标与植被变化的相关性,从统计数据方面讨论了珠峰自然保护区社会经济发展对植被变化的影响作用。结果表明:珠峰自然保护区植被变化的总体趋势以稳定为主,但植被退化趋势超过了变好趋势。同时,核心区植被变好趋势明显,实验区植被退化趋势严重。保护区南坡植被受气候变化干扰小,保持了大部分变好趋势;北坡由于降水减少造成湿地植被退化,对草地的长势带来消极作用。人类活动与植被状态变化有密切关系,在沟谷地带的破坏作用明显。并且,植被退化趋势与农业耕地面积扩大以及放牧影响关联紧密,而牲畜饲养与林业发展都未对保护区植被变化造成明显影响。  相似文献   

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