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The Student Advisory Council is the speaking tube of SETAC Europe??s students aiming to support young researchers in becoming fully-fledged members of the Society. In this article we report our latest activities during the 6th SETAC World Congress/SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany, and the upcoming 3rd Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting in Krakow, Poland.  相似文献   

This report provides a brief review of the fourth joint meeting of the German Language Branch of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC GLB) and the Working Group "Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology" of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) held from 6th to 9th of September 2010 at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in Dessau-Rosslau (Germany). For the first time a governmental institution was responsible for the local organization, a novelty that was expressed in the meeting's main theme "From insight to decision (making)". 366 participants discussed 105 oral and 125 poster presentations and three invited key speakers from government, academia and industry. The best oral and poster presentations of the meeting were awarded. Moreover, the annual young scientist award of SETAC GLB for the best diploma and doctoral thesis and the best publication award of the GDCh-Working Group "Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology" were officially handed over. The reader of the meeting (mostly in German language) including the meeting program and all abstracts is for free available via: http://www.setac-glb.de  相似文献   

This contribution highlights the role and importance of ecotoxicology in regulatory decisions of chemicals legislation focussing on the responsibilities of the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA). Therefore, organisational structures and processes relevant for making decisions concerning the risks of chemicals to men and the environment are described. As any regulatory decision starts with scientific findings, a brief overview of UBA’s activities with regard to own research and to initiate research in the area of ecotoxicology is provided. In addition, the vast importance of standardisation and international harmonisation of guidelines for testing and assessment of chemicals is illustrated, including the time- and ressource consuming character of these harmonisation processes. Subsequently, the involvement of regulatory decision making in intense and controversial scientific and political debates is emphasised. The transparency of these discussions and the independence of science is critically addressed in this context. In a final chapter the job requirements and options for qualification in Germany are described, ending up with a brief summary of the positive experiences with UBA’s contribution to the new advanced training course in ecotoxiciology realised by GDCh/SETAC GLB. A summary of the discussions on these different topics emphasises the specific challenge in regulatory ecotoxicology: To generate knowledge relevant for decision making, while acting in an area of conflict between scientific demands and economical as well as political interests.  相似文献   

Seasoned conservation researchers often struggle to bridge the research–implementation gap and promote the translation of their work into meaningful conservation actions. Graduate students face the same problems and must contend with obstacles such as limited opportunities for relevant interdisciplinary training and a lack of institutional support for application of research results. However, students also have a crucial set of opportunities (e.g., access to academic resources outside their degree programs and opportunities to design research projects promoting collaboration with stakeholders) at their disposal to address these problems. On the basis of results of breakout discussions at a symposium on the human dimensions of the ocean, a review of the literature, and our own experiences, we devised recommendations on how graduate students can create resources within their academic institutions, institutionalize resources, and engage with stakeholders to promote real‐world conservation outcomes. Within their academic institutions, graduate students should foster links to practitioners and promote knowledge and skill sharing among students. To institutionalize resources, students should cultivate student leaders and faculty sponsors, systematically document their program activities, and engage in strategic planning to promote the sustainability of their efforts. While conducting research, students should create connections to and engage actively with stakeholders in their relevant study areas and disseminate research results both to stakeholders and the broader public. Our recommendations can serve as a template for graduate students wishing to bridge the research–implementation gap, both during their current studies and in their future careers as conservation researchers and practitioners. Recomendaciones Prácticas para Ayudar a Estudiantes a Vencer la Brecha entre Investigación e Implementación y Promover la Conservación  相似文献   

Development of skills in science communication is a well‐acknowledged gap in graduate training, but the constraints that accompany research (limited time, resources, and knowledge of opportunities) make it challenging to acquire these proficiencies. Furthermore, advisors and institutions may find it difficult to support graduate students adequately in these efforts. The result is fewer career and societal benefits because students have not learned to communicate research effectively beyond their scientific peers. To help overcome these hurdles, we developed a practical approach to incorporating broad science communication into any graduate‐school time line. The approach consists of a portfolio approach that organizes outreach activities along a time line of planned graduate studies. To help design the portfolio, we mapped available science communication tools according to 5 core skills essential to most scientific careers: writing, public speaking, leadership, project management, and teaching. This helps graduate students consider the diversity of communication tools based on their desired skills, time constraints, barriers to entry, target audiences, and personal and societal communication goals. By designing a portfolio with an advisor's input, guidance, and approval, graduate students can gauge how much outreach is appropriate given their other commitments to teaching, research, and classes. The student benefits from the advisors’ experience and mentorship, promotes the group's research, and establishes a track record of engagement. When graduate student participation in science communication is discussed, it is often recommended that institutions offer or require more training in communication, project management, and leadership. We suggest that graduate students can also adopt a do‐it‐yourself approach that includes determining students’ own outreach objectives and time constraints and communicating these with their advisor. By doing so we hope students will help create a new culture of science communication in graduate student education. Estrategias Prácticas para la Comunicación Científica para Estudiantes de Posgrado  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾生命周期管理   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
生命周期评价是一种全面的环境管理工具,具有潜在的发展前景。0它通过对产品,产品系统,工艺活动整个生命周期的环境影响环境改善的机会进行评价。根据国际环境毒理与化学学会1993年和ISO14000环境管理体系中关于生命周期评价的技术框架,本文应生命周期评价在城市生产垃圾管理系统中的作用及管理系统的清单分析,影响评价和改善评价进行研究。  相似文献   

The high demand for conservation work is creating a need for conservation‐focused training of scientists. Although many people with postsecondary degrees in biology are finding careers outside academia, many programs and mentors continue to prepare students to follow‐in‐the‐footsteps of their professors. Unfortunately, information regarding how to prepare for today's conservation‐based job market is limited in detail and scope. This problem is complicated by the differing needs of conservation organizations in both economically developed and developing regions worldwide. To help scientists identify the tools needed for conservation positions worldwide, we reviewed the current global conservation job market and identified skills required for success in careers in academia, government, nonprofit, and for‐profit organizations. We also interviewed conservation professionals across all conservation sectors. Positions in nonprofit organizations were the most abundant, whereas academic jobs were only 10% of the current job market. The most common skills required across sectors were a strong disciplinary background, followed by analytical and technical skills. Academic positions differed the most from other types of positions in that they emphasized teaching as a top skill. Nonacademic jobs emphasized the need for excellent written and oral communication, as well as project‐management experience. Furthermore, we found distinct differences across job locations. Positions in developing countries emphasized language and interpersonal skills, whereas positions in countries with advanced economies focused on publication history and technical skills. Our results were corroborated by the conservation professionals we interviewed. Based on our results, we compiled a nondefinitive list of conservation‐based training programs that are likely to provide training for the current job market. Using the results of this study, scientists may be better able to tailor their training to maximize success in the conservation job market. Similarly, institutions can apply this information to create educational programs that produce graduates primed for long‐term success.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析男护生现状,探讨临床教学对策,以提高男护生临床教学质量.方法:通过对22名男护生临床实习中存在的问题进行总结分析.结果:发现男护生专业态度不稳定,心理应对能力、工作积极主动性、人际沟通能力欠缺、职业安全意识比较淡薄.结论:在临床教学工作中,注意对其进行展望专业前景,稳定职业心态;增强其挫折承受力,适当保护男护生自尊,增强其自信心和工作积极性,培养良好的沟通能力,注意个性的培养,强化职业安全教育等对提高临床教学质量,帮助他们顺利走上护理工作岗位具有重要意义.参5.  相似文献   

Utilization of ash residues, including coal ash, oil ash, and municipal solid waste combustion ash, for the construction of artificial reefs at sea has been investigated by many researchers throughout the world for nearly 20 years. Both laboratory and field studies have shown that an artificial reef made of stabillized ash-concrete (SAC) has had no adverse effect on the marine environment. Indeed, published studies have shown that fish counts increase around SAC reefs owing to an abundance of colonizing organisms and to protection provided by cavities within the reef structures. However, public and regulatory resistance to the use of SAC for artificial reef construction at sea is still very strong in certain countries due to concern for possible negative environmental impacts, primarily in the area of bioaccumulation of elements or compounds originating from the ash component of SAC.

In this paper, technological feasibility of using ash residues for artificial reef construction is presented, based on the available 20 years of scientific data, including engineering workability, physical integrity, chemical leaching potential and biological effects. More important, we also identify conceptual barriers for the acceptance of using SAC for the construction of ocean reefs and suggest approaches to overcome these barriers.  相似文献   

Abstract: The influence of conservation biology can be enhanced greatly if it reaches beyond undergraduate biology to students at the middle and high school levels. If a conservation perspective were taught in secondary schools, students who are not interested in biology could be influenced to pursue careers or live lifestyles that would reduce the negative impact of humans on the world. We use what we call the ecology‐disrupted approach to transform the topics of conservation biology research into environmental‐issue and ecology topics, the major themes of secondary school courses in environmental science. In this model, students learn about the importance and complexity of normal ecological processes by studying what goes wrong when people disrupt them (environmental issues). Many studies published in Conservation Biology are related in some way to the ecological principles being taught in secondary schools. Describing research in conservation biology in the language of ecology curricula in secondary schools can help bring these science stories to the classroom and give them a context in which they can be understood by students. Without this context in the curriculum, a science story can devolve into just another environmental issue that has no immediate effect on the daily lives of students. Nevertheless, if the research is placed in the context of larger ecological processes that are being taught, students can gain a better understanding of ecology and a better understanding of their effect on the world.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Undergraduate Interagency Resource Teams at the White Mountain Research Station of the University of California were created in 1994 to support resource-agency mandates and academic research objectives by providing qualified students who can learn, apply, and improve research and agency monitoring protocols. Drawing from documented elements of other successful internship programs, we identified four basic components that we believe may enhance the potential success of the interns: (1) self-directed learning methodologies, (2) multidisciplinary approaches to science, (3) reflection on and documentation of intern learning, and (4) principles of a positive work environment, including teamwork, conflict resolution, and effective communication. During a 10-week summer session, the Interagency Resource Teams expose approximately 17 students to the professional worlds of natural resource agencies and research scientists. In this environment, we have also observed that the internship program not only exposes students to resource management careers but may also help bridge the gap between resource agency specialists and academic researchers.  相似文献   

Utilization of ash residues, including coal ash, oil ash, and municipal solid waste combustion ash, for the construction of artificial reefs at sea has been investigated by many researchers throughout the world for nearly 20 years. Both laboratory and field studies have shown that an artificial reef made of stabillized ash-concrete (SAC) has had no adverse effect on the marine environment. Indeed, published studies have shown that fish counts increase around SAC reefs owing to an abundance of colonizing organisms and to protection provided by cavities within the reef structures. However, public and regulatory resistance to the use of SAC for artificial reef construction at sea is still very strong in certain countries due to concern for possible negative environmental impacts, primarily in the area of bioaccumulation of elements or compounds originating from the ash component of SAC.

In this paper, technological feasibility of using ash residues for artificial reef construction is presented, based on the available 20 years of scientific data, including engineering workability, physical integrity, chemical leaching potential and biological effects. More important, we also identify conceptual barriers for the acceptance of using SAC for the construction of ocean reefs and suggest approaches to overcome these barriers.  相似文献   

离子液体具有极低挥发性等良好理化性质而被公认为是传统有机溶剂的替代品,然而其较强的水溶性对水环境造成的潜在威胁受到关注。本文归纳总结了国内外有关不同类型离子液体对不同营养级水生生物个体、组织器官、细胞、酶等的毒性影响,并对碳链长度、阴阳离子以及环境因子等毒性影响因素的最新研究进展进行了综述,为设计绿色离子液体及合理控制管理水环境提供参考。  相似文献   

Sand dunes are complex systems that contain several habitats, often as mosaics or transitions between types. Several of these habitats are afforded protection under European Legislation and in the UK nationally within Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Natural England has a statutory duty to report to Europe on the conservation status and condition of sand dunes; and is required to report to the UK Government on designated sites. To achieve this we have sought ways of capturing, analysing and interpreting data on the extent and location of sand dune habitats. This requires an ability to be able to obtain data over large areas of coastline in an efficient way. Natural England and Environment Agency Geomatics have worked collaboratively for over 16 years, sharing data and ecological knowledge. In 2012 work started to evaluate the use of remote sensing to map UK BAP and Annex I sand dune habitats. A methodology has now been developed and tested to map sand dune habitats. The key objective was to provide an operational tool that will help to map these habitats and understand change on sites around England. This has been achieved through analysis of LIDAR and Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data using Object Orientated Image Analysis. Quality Control (QC) and accuracy assessments have shown this approach to be successful and 11 sites have been mapped to date. These techniques are providing a new approach to monitoring change in coastal vegetation communities and informing management of protected sites.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Some educational psychologists and researchers have argued that there are multiple ways of being intelligent. In the early 1980s, Howard Gardner presented a theory of multiple intelligences by proposing that humans can be described not by a single kind of intelligence, or intelligence quotient score, but rather by a variety of kinds of intelligence. This idea of considering multiple views of intelligence has helped educators look at intelligence from a less rigid, more expansive perspective. I considered how the relatively new concept of naturalistic intelligence, which is the cognitive potential to process information that is exhibited by expert naturalists, might influence the design of undergraduate biology curricula. Naturalistic intelligence can be fostered in undergraduate biology students by emphasizing the need for well-rounded scientific naturalists; developing curricula that involves students in outdoor inquiry-based projects; and helping students learn how to observe both the natural world and their own learning, skills that are essential to developing expert naturalistic knowledge. Professors, graduate students, and administrators can improve the naturalistic intelligence of undergraduate biology students by giving these students opportunities to be involved in outdoor research. Time spent outdoors alone and among people with expertise in natural history, ecology, and conservation biology will have important influences on the knowledge and skills biology undergraduates learn, the careers they pursue, and the contributions they make to conserving Earth's biodiversity.  相似文献   

Globally, marine protected areas (MPAs) have been relatively unsuccessful in meeting biodiversity objectives. To be effective, they require some alteration of people's use and access to marine resources, which they will resist if they do not perceive associated benefits. Stakeholders’ support is crucial to ecological success of MPAs, and their support is likely to depend on their capacity to adapt to and benefit from MPAs. We examined the influence of social adaptive capacity (SAC) on perceived benefits of MPAs in Siquijor, Philippines, in the Coral Triangle. This region has substantial biodiversity and a population of over 120 million people, many of them dependent on marine resources for food and income. The region has many MPAs, most of which are managed under decentralized governance systems. We collected survey data from 540 households in 19 villages with associated MPAs. We evaluated the influence of multiple SAC variables (e.g., occupational multiplicity and social capital) on perceived benefits with decision trees (CHAID) and qualitatively analyzed this relationship with respect to types and recipients of benefits. Our models revealed the key role of social capital, particularly trust in leadership, in influencing perceptions of benefits (χ2 = 14.762, p = 0.000). A path analysis revealed that perceptions of distributional equity were a key mechanism through which social capital affected perceived MPA benefits (root mean‐square error of approximation = 0.050). Building social capital and equity within communities could lead to more effective management of MPAs and thus to expenditure of fewer resources relative to, for example, regulation enforcement.  相似文献   

To recycle the sludge resource from sewage treatment plants and solve the problem of odor pollution, the sludge was converted into an adsorbent by carbonized pyrolysis and the process was optimized by orthogonal experiments. The capability for odor removal as well as the structure of the adsorbent was studied with H2S as a target pollutant. The results indicate that the main factor affecting the deodorization performance of the adsorbent is the activating time. The sludge adsorbent sample SAC1 prepared under optimum conditions exhibits the best deodorization performance with a H2S breakthrough time of 58 min and an iodine value nearly that of the coal activated carbon. The breakthrough time of H2S is much longer than that on the coal activated carbon. On the other hand, characterization results from X-ray diffractometer (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques show that SAC1 is composed of mainly graphite carbon with lower oxygen content on the surface. The bulk of SAC1 exhibits a honeycomb structure with well developed porosity and a high specific surface area of 120.47 m2·g-1, with the average pore diameter being about 5 nm. Such a structure is in favor of H2S adsorption. Moreover, SAC1 is detected to contain various metal elements such as Zn, Fe, Mg, etc., leading to a superior deodorization property to that of coal activated carbon.  相似文献   

Graduate education programs in conservation science generally focus on disciplinary training and discipline‐specific research skills. However, nonacademic conservation professionals often require an additional suite of skills. This discrepancy between academic training and professional needs can make it difficult for graduate students to identify the skills and experiences that will best prepare them for the conservation job market. We analyzed job advertisements for conservation‐science positions and interviewed conservation professionals with experience hiring early‐career conservation scientists to determine what skills employers of conservation professionals seek; whether the relative importance of skills varies by job sector (government, nonprofit, and private); and how graduate students interested in careers in conservation science might signal competency in key skills to potential employers. In job advertisements, disciplinary, interpersonal, and project‐management skills were in the top 5 skills mentioned across all job sectors. Employers’ needs for additional skills, like program leadership, conflict resolution and negotiation, and technical and information technology skills, varied across sectors. Our interview results demonstrated that some skills are best signaled to employers via experiences obtained outside thesis or dissertation work. Our findings suggest that graduate students who wish to be competitive in the conservation job market can benefit by gaining skills identified as important to the job sector in which they hope to work and should not necessarily expect to be competent in these skills simply by completing their chosen degree path. Guía para el Estudiante de Grado de las Habilidades Necesarias para Carreras de Conservación Académicas  相似文献   

● Decentralized composting (DC) is a profitable KW treating technology. ● SAC and BEC were economically attractive in rural area, while HDC was unprofitable. ● KW handling subsidy plays a vital role in making DC profitable. ● SAC and BEC have great potential in promoting rural KW treatment. This study was designed to evaluate whether the decentralized rural kitchen waste (KW) composting technologies used in China can be widely applied. To this end, we completed a techno-economic analysis of three typical types of KW compositing, namely solar-assisted (SAC), bio-enhanced (BEC), and heat-dewatering composting (HDC). These evaluations revealed that all three technologies produce composting products that meet China’s organic fertilizer standard and that both SAC and BEC are economically self-sustaining and generate net profits (18824.94 and 17791.52 US$/a) and positive net present values (32133.11 and 25035.93 US$). Subsequent sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the KW-handling subsidy plays a critical role in making decentralized composting economically attractive. Based on these analyses, we believe that reducing the coverage area of SAC, reducing the operating cost of BEC and HDC, upgrading composting products, and strengthening secondary pollution control would aid in supporting the technological improvement of these processes. Moreover, providing appropriate subsidies and promulgating specific standards and policies for KW fertilizer are key strategies for decentralized rural KW composting management.  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation (SAC) is frequently encountered in most spatial data in ecology. Cellular automata (CA) models have been widely used to simulate complex spatial phenomena. However, little has been done to examine the impact of incorporating SAC into CA models. Using image-derived maps of Chinese tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.), CA models based on ordinary logistic regression (OLCA model) and autologistic regression (ALCA model) were developed to simulate landscape dynamics of T. chinensis. In this study, significant positive SAC was detected in residuals of ordinary logistic models, whereas non-significant SAC was found in autologistic models. All autologistic models obtained lower Akaike's information criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc) values than the best ordinary logistic models. Although the performance of ALCA models only satisfied the minimum requirement, ALCA models showed considerable improvement upon OLCA models. Our results suggested that the incorporation of the autocovariate term not only accounted for SAC in model residuals but also provided more accurate estimates of regression coefficients. The study also found that the neglect of SAC might affect the statistical inference on underlying mechanisms driving landscape changes and obtain false ecological conclusions and management recommendations. The ALCA model is statistically sound when coping with spatially structured data, and the adoption of the ALCA model in future landscape transition simulations may provide more precise probability maps on landscape transition, better model performance and more reasonable mechanisms that are responsible for landscape changes.  相似文献   

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