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在县域间旅游业发展进度不快、旅游资源趋同的情况下,通过县域间的旅游合作,实现资源、空间结构、产业结构的优化,是县域间旅游业发展的必然趋势。通过分析滨州市县域合作及生态化发展的影响因素:旅游资源、市场客源、区位条件、经济发展水平、文化底蕴和县域旅游发展政策,运用实证的研究方法,采取旅游业生态化可持续发展的思路对滨州市县域间旅游业发展进行了深入研究,提出了完善交通网络、政府参与、打造统一品牌、联动开发的发展策略。  相似文献   

丽水市乡镇工业崛起迅速,乡镇经济发展成绩明显,但经济增长方式仍以粗放型为主,环境污染出现了蔓延。技术落后、自主创新能力不足,资金短缺、融资困难,行政生态环境有待完善三方面因素阻碍了丽水市乡镇经济生态化建设。为了促进乡镇经济生态化与生态环境协调发展,针对上述问题提出了以优化产业结构、完善金融服务、加快服务型政府建设为基础,以循环经济、特色经济、生态旅游等生态经济化为发展模式,以生态资源有偿使用、生态环境补偿机制为保障的对策。  相似文献   

根据小金河流域水质监测结果,分析小金河水质现状特点、污染源现状特点,井进行水质评价与污染原因分析;预测小金河水质发展趋势;提出保护中小河流水质综合整治措施,即实施流域可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

为解决土壤与地下水污染问题,近几年开展污染土壤与地下水修复的地块越来越多。土壤与地下水修复工程属于生态环境工程,隐蔽性和复杂性是其突出特点,极易引发二次污染问题。环境监理是土壤与地下水修复工程中的关键环节,对控制土壤与地下水修复工程效果、二次污染防控起到关键作用。以某地块污染土壤与地下水修复工程环境监理实践经验为例,阐述土壤修复工程环境监理要点、技术方法,以期对类似修复工程开展环境监理工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

以天津市宝坻区林亭口镇为例,阐述了平原区城镇环境建设的基本思路,提出了村镇环境综合整治、农村工业污染防治、农业面源污染防治以及农村生态环境建设的内容与方法。  相似文献   

生态城市建设指标体系的建立是衡量生态城市的规划、建设和管理成效的主要依据。运用生态城市理论与评价指标体系进行了分析,并根据层次分析法原理,对山东省17个生态城市建立了评价指标体系,在此基础上运用DPS计算机软件进行了聚类分析,获得各城市的当前生态信息,再针对山东省生态城市建设提出了对策与措施。  相似文献   

郑州市的发展对河南省构建"中原经济区"战略,促进中原崛起具有重大而深远的意义.探讨了城市生态化发展的内涵,分析了郑州市生态化发展面临的突出问题,构建了郑州市生态产业模型,并从转变经济增长方式、人口问题、环境保护和生态城市规划等方面为郑州市的生态化发展提出建议.  相似文献   

红色旅游产业的生态化开发对彰显红色旅游教育价值,构建资源节约型、环境优化型两型产业具有十分重要的意义.通过随机拦截问卷和抽样访谈等方法,对湖南省湘潭市韶山红色旅游产业生态化开发的现状及问题进行了初步的调查研究.研究发现,当前红色旅游产业的总体生态化水平不高,在旅游产品与服务、交通出行与餐饮住宿等旅游基础设施条件、纪念品产业及市场、对游客生态消费行为的培育等方面存在较突出的问题.在对其原因进行探讨的基础上,提出了促进红色旅游产业生态化开发的对策与建议.  相似文献   

在分析会展旅游目的地形象内涵与构成要素的基础上,以苏州为例,通过实地调研与访谈获取数据,并根据IPA理论分析苏州会展旅游目的地形象的基本特点,提出城市会展旅游目的地形象的提升策略,以期为同类型城市发展会展旅游提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

旅游业是国民经济的战略性产业。基于生命周期理论,分析了旅游地生命周期的发展对旅游业发展的影响。以张家界市为例,分析了影响旅游地生命周期发展阶段的因素及张家界旅游生命周期阶段,提出了通过推动旅游地旅游产品推陈出新,加强景区利益协调和推动低碳环保的张家界旅游发展路径。  相似文献   

滨海旅游作为我国海洋经济的龙头产业,在产业规模快速发展和产业地位稳步提升的同时,面临着日趋严重的资源环境约束问题.基于生态文明理念与滨海旅游转型发展的作用关系,阐述了生态文明建设与滨海旅游发展方式转变的内在关联,探讨了我国沿海地区旅游碳排放量现状特征和发展水平,提出生态文明理念下我国滨海旅游产业低碳化转型发展的对策建议.  相似文献   

人工生态恢复技术在三江源区矿山环境治理工作中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在阐述三江源区生态环境质量现状及生态环境质量下降原因的基础上,依三江源区自然环境特点,对三江源区生态环境恢复的技术措施与方法进行了较为详细的阐述,认为人工生态环境恢复重点是复坑平整及选用合理的植被种类。  相似文献   

The Ecological Water Transfer and Rehabilitation Project in the arid inland area of northwest China is an important measure in restoring a deteriorated ecosystem. However, the sustainability of the project is affected by many socio-economic factors. This article examines the attitudes of the local populace toward the project, its impact on the livelihood of the people, and the positive effects of water-efficient agricultural practices in Ejina County. Related data were collected through questionnaire surveys and group discussions. The results identified three critical issues that may influence the sustainability of the project in the study area. The first issue relates to the impact of the project on the livelihood of local herdsmen. The potential for the sustainability of the project is compromised because the livelihood of the herdsmen greatly depends on the compensation awarded by the project. The second issue is that the project did not raise the water resource utilization ratio, which may undermine its final purpose. Finally, the compensation provided by the project considers losses in agriculture, but neglects the externalities and public benefit of eco-water. Thus, appropriate compensation mechanisms should be established and adopted according to local economic, environmental, and social conditions. Some recommendations for improving the sustainability of the project are provided based on the results of this study.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that ecological restoration projects are more likely to gain public support if they simultaneously increase important human services that natural resources provide to people. River restoration projects have the potential to influence many of the societal functions (e.g., flood control, water quality) that rivers provide, yet most projects fail to consider this in a comprehensive manner. Most river restoration projects also fail to take into account opportunities for revitalization of large-scale river processes, focusing instead on opportunities presented at individual parcels. In an effort to avoid these pitfalls while planning restoration of the Sacramento River, we conducted a set of coordinated studies to evaluate societal impacts of alternative restoration actions over a large geographic area. Our studies were designed to identify restoration actions that offer benefits to both society and the ecosystem and to meet the information needs of agency planning teams focusing on the area. We worked with local partners and public stakeholders to design and implement studies that assessed the effects of alternative restoration actions on flooding and erosion patterns, socioeconomics, cultural resources, and public access and recreation. We found that by explicitly and scientifically melding societal and ecosystem perspectives, it was possible to identify restoration actions that simultaneously improve both ecosystem health and the services (e.g., flood protection and recreation) that the Sacramento River and its floodplain provide to people. Further, we found that by directly engaging with local stakeholders to formulate, implement, and interpret the studies, we were able to develop a high level of trust that ultimately translated into widespread support for the project.  相似文献   

The watershed of the Neuse River, a major tributary of the largest lagoonal estuary on the U.S. mainland, has sustained rapid growth of human and swine populations. This study integrated a decade of available land cover and water quality data to examine relationships between land use changes and surface water quality. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis was used to characterize 26 subbasins throughout the watershed for changes in land use during 1992–2001, considering urban, agricultural (cropland, animal as pasture, and densities of confined animal feed operations [CAFOs]), forested, grassland, and wetland categories and numbers of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). GIS was also used together with longitudinal regression analysis to identify specific land use characteristics that influenced surface water quality. Total phosphorus concentrations were significantly higher during summer in subbasins with high densities of WWTPs and CAFOs. Nitrate was significantly higher during winter in subbasins with high numbers of WWTPs, and organic nitrogen was higher in subbasins with higher agricultural coverage, especially with high coverage of pastures fertilized with animal manure. Ammonium concentrations were elevated after high precipitation. Overall, wastewater discharges in the upper, increasingly urbanized Neuse basin and intensive swine agriculture in the lower basin have been the highest contributors of nitrogen and phosphorus to receiving surface waters. Although nonpoint sources have been emphasized in the eutrophication of rivers and estuaries such as the Neuse, point sources continue to be major nutrient contributors in watersheds sustaining increasing human population growth. The described correlation and regression analyses represent a rapid, reliable method to relate land use patterns to water quality, and they can be adapted to watersheds in any region.  相似文献   

Biological elements, such as benthic macroinvertebrates and fish, have been used in assessing the ecological quality of rivers according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. However, the concurrent use of multiple organism groups provides a broader perspective for such evaluations, since each biological element may respond differently to certain environmental variables. In the present study, we assessed the ecological quality of a Greek river (RM4 type), during autumn 2003 and spring 2004 at 10 sites, with benthic macroinvertebrates and fish. Hydromorphological and physicochemical parameters, habitat structure, and riparian vegetation were also considered. Pollution sensitive macroinvertebrate taxa were more abundant at headwaters, which had good/excellent water quality according to the Hellenic Evaluation System (HES). The main river reaches possessed moderate water quality, while downstream sites were mainly characterised as having bad or poor water quality, dominated by pollution-tolerant macroinvertebrate taxa. Macroinvertebrates related strongly to local stressors as chemical degradation (ordination analysis CCA) and riparian quality impairment (bivariate analysis) while fish did not. Fish were absent from the severely impacted lower river reaches. Furthermore, external pathological signs were observed in fish caught at certain sites. A combined use of both macroinvertebrates and fish in biomonitoring programs is proposed for providing a safer assessment of local and regional habitat impairment.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展和工业化的推进,建设用地规模扩张趋势日趋明显。基于信息熵模型和主成分分析法,以天津市为例,分析了2002—2013年建设用地结构时序演变过程,识别影响建设用地变化的关键因子。分析结果显示:建设用地结构信息熵指标、均衡度指标变化趋势为平稳—降低—升高,最后又趋于稳定,而优势度指标趋势变化与之相反。天津市建设用地结构时序变化的主要驱动因素有:人口结构和经济发展因子、劳动量因子和区域产业结构因子,从而为城市土地的集约利用和建设用地优化配置提供参考。  相似文献   

River restoration is becoming a priority in many countries because of increasing the awareness of environmental degradation. In Europe, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) has significantly reinforced river restoration, encouraging the improvement of ecological status for water bodies. To fulfill the WFD requirements, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment developed in 2006 a National Strategy for River Restoration whose design and implementation are described in this paper. At the same time many restoration projects have been conducted, and sixty of them have been evaluated in terms of stated objectives and pressures and implemented restoration measures. Riparian vegetation enhancement, weir removal and fish passes were the most frequently implemented restoration measures, although the greatest pressures came from hydrologic alteration caused by flow regulation for irrigation purposes. Water deficits in quantity and quality associated with uncontrolled water demands seriously affect Mediterranean rivers and represent the main constraint to achieving good ecological status of Spanish rivers, most of them intensively regulated. Proper environmental allocation of in-stream flows would need deep restrictions in agricultural water use which seem to be of very difficult social acceptance. This situation highlights the need to integrate land-use and rural development policies with water resources and river management, and identifies additional difficulties in achieving the WFD objectives and good ecological status of rivers in Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

基于能值理论,结合生态足迹方法,构建能值生态赤字/盈余、渔业足迹强度(D)、社会发展压力指数(I)和经济协调指数(Q)参数评价海岛可持续性,选取典型海岛城市浙江省舟山市作为案例研究。结果显示:2003—2017年舟山能值足迹、能值承载力均呈上升趋势;人均能值生态足迹共增加15.78 hm2,增幅为63.26%;人均能值承载力增加5.20×102 hm2,增幅为82.86%;其中,化石能源用地能值足迹增加最多,社会经济承载力增加最多,而自然承载力却有所下降。能值生态赤字/盈余和经济协调指数不能完全反映区域可持续性,区域渔业足迹强度的不断增加表明当前的渔业经济模式不满足可持续发展要求,社会发展压力指数增大也进一步表明舟山的发展状况偏离了可持续性的轨道。  相似文献   

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