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Research on the job involvement-organizational tenure relationship has shown no consistent relationship, but recent job and career experience models suggest that a relationship should be found. Using data from three organizations (n = 216), polynomial regression analysis revealed a curvilinear job involvement-organizational tenure relationship. This finding is discussed with reference to changes in workplace sensemaking that occur as work experience is accumulated.  相似文献   

We examined the role of social embeddedness in creating positive perceptions of organizational support among managerial and staff employees (n = 72) of a large manufacturing firm. We operationalized social embeddedness as the size, density, and quality of employees' networks of multiplex, reciprocated exchange relationships with colleagues. After controlling for support from supervisors and upper management, we found all three aspects of social embeddedness to be associated with perceived organizational support (POS). This research suggests that in addition to the top‐down influence of the organizational hierarchy, POS results from the organizational community within which employees are embedded through their social network in the workplace. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Safety barriers include physical and non-physical means in different industries for preventing the occurrences of hazardous events and mitigating the consequences in case they have occurred. After clarifying the relevant terminologies, this article reviews the literature in the domain of safety barriers in the recent decade, and categorizes these studies into barrier theory, barrier engineering and barrier management. Classifications of barriers, performance measures, modeling approaches and data-driven analysis for safety barriers are reviewed as parts of barrier theories. In the engineering section, the research advances are presented in accordance with design for reliability and safety, test and maintenance strategies, responses to dependent failures, and diagnosis and prognosis of degradations. Then, project and process management, human and organizational factors, and standardization and compliance management of safety barriers are summarized. Based on the review of literature, research perspectives on safety barriers for resilience, digital safety, security of barriers, utilizing data, and dealing with intelligence, are highlighted and potential challenges are mentioned. This study is therefore expected to be beneficial to the researchers of system and safety engineering, with systematically streamlining and innovatively categorizing the recent findings and insights.  相似文献   

This paper argues for a reconceptualization of careers as repositories of knowledge. Careers are visualized as accumulation of information and knowledge rather than simply progressions of work experiences. This definition is considered in light of theories which characterize organizations as knowledge creators. The paper then applies this perspective to the emerging phenomenon of boundaryless careers and concludes that a knowledge perspective provides significant insight into the implications of such careers for individuals and organizations.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years after passage of the Civil Rights Act, the full integration of racial minorities in the Unites States workforce has still not been achieved. Recent demographic trends indicating that the workforce will be increasingly composed of racial minorities make this a critical issue for academics and practitioners alike. This paper reports on a review of journal research addressing issues of race in organizations. Articles published in twenty major outlets for organization behavior research between 1964 and 1989 were reviewed. Data on the quantity, types and topics of published work are presented. Results indicate that the amount of total published research is small relative to the importance of the topic, that the recent trend is for less rather than more research, that the designs and research questions have been very narrow, and that the topics covered are not representative of the domain of organization behavior. Based upon the findings, some suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Research in the field of workplace aggression has rapidly developed in the last two decades, and with this growth has come an abundance of overlapping constructs that fall under the broad rubric of workplace aggression. While researchers have conceptually distinguished these constructs, it is unclear whether this proliferation of constructs is adding appreciably to our knowledge, or whether it is constraining the questions we ask. In this paper, I consider five example constructs (i.e., abusive supervision, bullying, incivility, social undermining, and interpersonal conflict) and argue that the manner in which we have differentiated these (and other) aggression constructs does not add appreciably to our knowledge of workplace aggression. I then provide supplementary meta‐analytic evidence to show that there is not a predictable pattern of outcomes from these constructs, and propose a restructuring of the manner in which we conceptualize workplace aggression. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A recursive causal model is presented in which individual and work factors are hypothesized to be predictive of workers' labelling an incentive compensation program as potentially injurious to their well-being. The individual factors include the dispositional variable, negative affectivity, and financial needs and resources. The work factors consist of prior incentive compensation, experienced job insecurity, and experienced control. The model was tested using questionnaire responses of 165 managers and professionals. While it was found that the overall model did not fit the data that well, negative affectivity was found to be positively associated and experienced control negatively associated with the incentive compensation program being labelled negatively. The somewhat surprising finding that financial needs and resources were not found to be significantly associated with labelling is discussed. The importance of disposition and experienced control for the labelling of potentially threatening or harmful job conditions as well as some hypothesized antecedents of control also are discussed.  相似文献   

Applying Higgins' regulatory focus theory, we hypothesized that the effect of positive/negative feedback on motivation and performance is moderated by task type, which is argued to be an antecedent to situational regulatory focus (promotion or prevention). Thus, first we demonstrated that some tasks (e.g., tasks requiring creativity) are perceived as promotion tasks, whereas others (e.g., those requiring vigilance and attention to detail) are perceived as prevention tasks. Second, as expected, our tests in two studies of the moderation hypothesis showed that positive feedback increased self‐reported motivation (meta‐analysis across samples: N = 315, d = 0.43) and actual performance (N = 55, d = 0.67) among people working on promotion tasks, relative to negative feedback. Positive feedback, however, decreased motivation (N = 318, d = ?0.33) and performance (N = 55, d = ?0.37) among individuals working on prevention tasks, relative to negative feedback. These findings suggest that (a) performance of different tasks can affect regulatory focus and (b) variability in positive/negative feedback effects can be partially explained by regulatory focus and task type. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

af Wåhlberg AE  Dorn L 《Journal of Safety Research》2012,43(1):83-5; discussion 85-99
A previously published meta-analysis of the predictive power of the Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) versus road traffic crashes is criticized upon a number of counts, including the incomplete handling of common method variance, failure to control for exposure and how the correction for unreliability of the accident variable was undertaken. It is concluded that the results reported, and the conclusions drawn from these, are too favorable to the DBQ, despite the effect sizes being

Common method variance

The main problem associated with the interpretation of the DBQ/accidents association is common method variance (i.e., systematic biases in the self-reports used), which create part or all of the associations found (Chang et al., 2010, Podsakoff et al., 2003). Common method variance may be due to a number of different factors, and in some studies, substantial effects have been found (e.g., Hessing, Elffers, &; Weigel, 1988; for reviews see Cote and Buckley, 1987, Podsakoff et al., 2003). This


To summarize, we believe that the meta-analysis of de Winter and Dodou is somewhat too favorable to the DBQ by failing to make the above points. Yet we paradoxically agree with de Winter and Dodou in one of their conclusions and recommendations; more studies using other-source criteria are needed. The self-report-source only data are not reliable, and conclusions about the predictive power of the DBQ factors versus traffic safety are not yet possible to draw.

以河床井水为应急水源的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决城市水源地突发污染事故引起的自来水厂断水问题,提出了以河床井水代替受污染河水作为应急水源的应急预案,在取水口附近的河床打一口水井,当城市水源地发生突发污染事故时,关闭取水头水阀,开启水井水阀,以河床井水作为应急水源,并通过模拟试验验证了其可行性.结果表明,在细沙体积分数为40%的土壤条件下,原水苯胺质量浓度分别为952 mg/L、781 mg/L、580 mg/L、452mg/L、352mg/L、182mg/L的试验中,出水苯胺质量浓度开始超标的时间随土壤渗透系数减小而延迟,与原水苯胺质量浓度无关.当土壤渗透系数为1.94×10-5~ 3.64×10-5 cm/s时,出水苯胺质量浓度开始超标的时间为84~ 144h,以河床井水作为应急水源可以避免由河水突发污染引起的84h内的自来水厂断水事故.土壤对苯胺的吸附量仅占原水中苯胺含量的14.95%~ 2.86%,其对出水苯胺质量浓度开始超标的时间的影响可以忽略,出水苯胺开始出现的时间主要由土壤渗透系数决定.出水苯胺最大质量浓度随原水苯胺质量浓度增大呈线性增加,线性方程为y =0.4979x-3.7029,R2=0.9775.研究表明,以河床井水作为应急水源,能够有效地降低城市因突发污染事故而引起的自来水厂断水的可能性.  相似文献   

Occupational role stress has received increased attention in recent years. However, there have been few systematic efforts to review potential moderators of the role stress–strain relationship. The few narrative reviews that do exist conclude that the evidence for individual difference moderators is mixed and inconclusive. The purpose of this review was to utilize meta-analysis to determine whether intolerance of ambiguity represents a significant vulnerability factor in the role stress–strain relationship. Results indicated that intolerance of ambiguity does moderate the impact of role ambiguity. The implications of this finding for future job stress research and stress management programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Focusing on interpersonal conflict as a work stressor, the authors used a within‐subjects research design to examine the effect of conflict episodes on employees' negative affect on the job. The roles of agreeableness and social support in moderating the negative effects of conflict episodes were also examined. A two‐week experience‐sampling study revealed that interpersonal conflict influenced employees' intraindividual fluctuations in negative affect. As predicted, agreeableness and social support influenced individuals' patterns of affective responses to conflict, such that conflict was more strongly associated with negative affect for agreeable employees, and for those with lower levels of social support at work. Overall, the results suggest that both personality (agreeableness) and context (social support) significantly moderate the affective implications of interpersonal conflict at work. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

城市生态系统是自然-社会-经济复合生态系统,探讨其内部各要素的相互作用机制对于实施可持续发展战略、建设生态城市具有理论指导意义.本文尝试将自然生态系统承载力理论扩展到城市生态系统,以分析其内部诸要素间的相互作用机制,提出了城市生态系统承载机制的水桶模型.采用层次分析法构建了城市生态系统承载机制定量评估模型,并以长江三角洲具有代表性的八城市为操作对象进行了研究.案例结果表明,长三角八城市的综合承载指数排序由大到小依次为: 无锡、南京、杭州、上海、常州、宁波、苏州、扬州.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to suggest an effective procedure to eliminate a major deficiency in impressed current cathodic protection (CP). Current work describes performed activities through jetty cathodic protection troubleshooting as a case study. Although CP troubleshooting is straightforward, sometimes it is very complicated and confusing. To eliminate the appeared imperfection, different procedures were carried out; the root cause of the trouble in the system was shown to be in reversed current. Here the current which passed throughout installed junction were measured to survey reversed current. Current work offers a new approach in CP troubleshooting.  相似文献   

易灿南  胡鸿  刘美英  张一夫  皮子坤 《安全》2019,40(10):51-55
为培养符合新工科人才能力要求、工程教育专业认证人才培养要求的安全工程人才,根据CDIO理念以及工业通风课程特征,论文提出以通风系统设计过程为导向的工业通风模块式教学模式,形成了6个基本能力训练项目和1个综合能力训练项目为核心的能力培养体系,提出了能力达成的教学方法以及着重能力培养过程评价的课程考核方法。  相似文献   

结合对谭家山煤矿矿区地质环境破坏、环境污染等灾害现状的调查与研究,探讨煤矿生产所导致的地面塌陷及裂缝、矿震、边坡失稳与滑坡、矿区土地损毁、大气污染、水污染、土壤污染等灾害所引发的矿区人居环境安全问题;提出煤矿住区的建设不但要遵循一般的建设原则;还要针对威胁人居安全的各种具体灾害采取特殊的建设技术。笔者认为,可以通过对住区功能环境、环保环境、安全环境、人文环境等方面的建设,来实现矿区人居环境安全的改善,以减轻煤矿区不利的环境因素对住区的影响。  相似文献   

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