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在对凉山州安宁河流域5个县市的泥石流灾害进行野外调查和资料收集的基础上,进行了以乡镇为单元的小区域泥石流危险性评价。评价结果表明:在研究区129个乡镇中,31个乡镇处于泥石流极高危险区,60个乡镇处于泥石流高度危险区,34个乡镇处于泥石流中度危险区,4个乡处于泥石流低度危险区;其中喜德县泥石流危险性最大,德昌县和西昌市次之,然后是冕宁县和会理县。 相似文献
"We all knew that a cyclone was coming": disaster preparedness and the cyclone of 1999 in Orissa, India 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Imagine that a cyclone is coming, but that those living in the affected areas do nothing or too little to protect themselves. This is precisely what happened in the coastal state of Orissa, India. Individuals and communities living in regions where natural hazards are a part of daily life develop strategies to cope with and adapt to the impacts of extreme events. In October 1999, a cyclone killed 10,000 people according to government statistics, however, the unofficial death toll is much higher. This article examines why such a large loss of life occurred and looks at measures taken since then to initiate comprehensive disaster-preparedness programmes and to construct more cyclone shelters. The role of both governmental organisations and NGOs in this is critically analysed. The good news is that, based on an assessment of disaster preparedness during a small cyclone in November 2002, it can be seen that at community-level awareness was high and that many of the lessons learnt in 1999 were put into practice. Less positive, however, is the finding that at the state level collaboration continues to be problematic. 相似文献
基于问卷调查的四川民众地震灾害响应能力分区评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于前期对四川省德阳市民众地震灾害认知与响应特点与规律的问卷调查数据及分析结果,构建了以性别、年龄和受教育程度为核心评价参数的县市社会民众地震灾害响应能力的综合评价模型;然后将该评价模型应用于四川省,实现了对四川省社会民众地震灾害响应能力大小的分县市计算与评价。结果表明,四川省东部县市民众的地震灾害响应能力普遍比西部县市民众大,省会成都市周围的区、县(市)居民的地震灾害响应能力普遍较强,西部三个自治州民众的响应能力普遍较差,其中,成都市青羊区民众的响应能力最强,凉山彝族自治州金阳县民众的能力最弱,全省呈现出以成都市各区县(市)为中心向周围地区递减的总体趋势。 相似文献
汶川地震陕西重灾区地质灾害风险区划探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以汶川地震陕西的勉县、宁强、略阳三个重灾县的地质灾害防治区划为研究对象,借鉴国际上的自然灾害风险概念,基于1∶5万地质灾害详细调查精度,在勉、略、宁地区地质灾害危险性评价和承灾体地质灾害社会经济易损性评价基础上,通过GIS平台,进行了勉县、略阳、宁强地区的地质灾害风险区划初步研究,划分了勉、略、宁地区地质灾害风险区划结果。研究结果表明:勉、略、宁地区地质灾害风险区划属于细观层面的地质灾害风险区划。勉、略、宁地区地质灾害风险区可以划分为高、中、低和极低4级风险区,高中风险区占到全区面积的60%,是今后勉略宁地区地质灾害防治的重点。 相似文献