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The Kohonen neural network was applied to hydrochemical data from the Detritic Aquifer of the Lower Andarax, situated in a semiarid zone in the southeast of Spain. An activation map was obtained for each of the sampling points, in which the spatial distribution of the activated neurons indicated different water qualities. To extract the information contained in the activation maps, they were divided into nine quadrats. Cartesian coordinates were assigned to each quadrant (x, y), and for each sampling point, three derived variables were selected, which were assigned the values x and y of the corresponding quadrat. A classification was defined based on this simple matrix system which allows an easy and rapid means of evaluating the water quality. This assessment highlights the various processes that affect groundwater quality. The method generates output that is easier to interpret than from traditional statistical methods. The information is extracted from the activation maps without significant loss of information. The method is proposed for assessing water quality in hydrogeochemically complex areas, where large numbers of observations are made.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the fate and transport of two significant anions through soil to explore their potential as groundwater contaminants. The retention properties of chloride and sulfate in soils having several significantly different characteristics (soil‐1 and soil‐2) were determined using adsorption test and adsorption‐diffusion column experiments. The maximum adsorption capacity of chloride was 3.7 and 1.16 mg/g, respectively, in soil‐1 and soil‐2, with organic matter (OM) content of 3.92% and 4.69%, respectively. The sulfate adsorption obtained was 24.09% and 13.83%, respectively, in the two soils. The anions exhibited monolayer adsorption in the soils with replacement of hydroxyl ions from soils as the major mechanism of adsorption. On the other hand, the adsorption capacities obtained from the adsorption‐diffusion column experiment were about 100 times lower compared to that of the column tests of both of the soils. The maximum adsorption capacity of chloride was 0.03 mg/g and 0.01 mg/g, respectively, in soil‐1 and soil‐2, whereas that of sulfate was 0.04 mg/g and 0.03 mg/g. The empirical relation for depth of penetration (d) from a known spillage onto the soil surface was determined as a function of sorption capacity (S) and initial anion concentration (C) as = 0.0073e(?57S)C and = 0.0038e(?35S)C for chloride and sulfate, respectively.  相似文献   

The present research deals with the quantification of health hazard in a fluorosis prone area from east-coast of India. The average health hazard quotients are 2.09, 2.42, 1.79, and 1.69 for infants, children, male, and female adults, respectively. These values are more than the tolerance limit (1) in 92% groundwater samples and 96% of the study area. The children are more vulnerable to fluorosis than infants and adults. Ca2+/ Na+ versus HCO3/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ versus Mg2+/Na+ plots suggest silicate weathering as the prime factor while linear relationship of TDS versus NO3 + (Cl/HCO3) supports the anthropogenic input of F to the aquifer system. The study suggests that the F ions are chiefly derived from fluorite, apatite, biotite, and hornblende present in the granitic basement under alkaline environment. The secondary sources are domestic and industrial sewage as well as return flow from irrigation with ingredients of phosphate fertilizers. The adverse effects of fluorosis can be minimized by mass awareness programmes, alternative source of potable drinking water, defluoridation techniques, dilution of high F concentration in groundwater, and minimizing the use of phosphate fertilizers.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA) was used to determine if enterococci of human origin were present in a stream (Spout Run) that passes through a rural nonsewered community (Millwood, VA). Millwood consists of 82 homes, all served by individual septic systems, and Spout Run drains a 5,800-ha karst topography watershed that contains large populations of livestock and wildlife. Periodic monitoring by state regulatory officials had resulted in Spout Run being placed on the Virginia impaired stream list and Millwood being categorized as an at-risk community. Stream samples were collected monthly and analyzed for fecal coliforms and enterococci (May 1999-May 2000); ARA was performed on enterococci stream isolates on a quarterly basis. All 117 stream samples were positive for fecal coliforms, and 32% exceeded the Virginia recreational water standard (1,000 fecal coliforms/100 mL). A library of 1,174 known source Enterococcus isolate antibiotic resistance profiles was constructed, and yielded correct classification rates of 94.6% for 203 human isolates, 93.7% for 734 livestock isolates, and 87.8% for 237 wildlife isolates. Antibiotic resistance analysis of 2,012 enterococcal isolates recovered from stream samples indicated isolates of human origin appeared throughout the stream as it passed through Millwood, with a yearly average of approximately 10% human, 40% wildlife, and 50% livestock. There were no human origin isolates in samples collected upstream from Millwood, and the percent human origin isolates declined downstream from Millwood. While a human signature was found in Spout Run, it was small compared with the proportion of isolates from livestock and wildlife.  相似文献   

The weights of evidence (WofE) modeling technique has been used to analyze both natural and anthropogenic factors influencing the occurrence of high nitrate concentrations in groundwater resources located in the central part of the Po Plain (Northern Italy). The proposed methodology applied in the Lodi District combines measurements of nitrate concentrations, carried out by means of a monitoring net of 69 wells, with spatial data representing both categorical and numerical variables. These variables describe either potential sources of nitrate and the relative ease with which it may migrate towards groundwater. They include population density, nitrogen fertilizer loading, groundwater recharge, soil protective capacity, vadose zone permeability, groundwater depth, and saturated zone permeability. Once conditional dependence problems among factors have been solved and validation tests performed, the statistical approach has highlighted negative and positive correlations between geoenvironmental factors and nitrate concentration in groundwater. These results have been achieved analysing the calculated statistical parameters (weights, contrasts, normalized contrasts) of each class by which each factor has been previously subdivided. This has permitted to outline: the overall influence each factor has on the presence/absence of nitrate; the range of their values mostly influencing this presence/absence; the most and least critical combination of factor classes existing in each specific zone; areas where the influence of impacting factor classes is reduced by the presence of not impacting factor classes. This last aspect could represent an important support for a correct land use management to preserve groundwater quality.  相似文献   

The elevated level of nitrate in groundwater is a serious problem in Korean agricultural areas. To control and manage groundwater quality, the characterization of groundwater contamination and identification of the factors affecting the nitrate concentration of groundwater are significant. The characterization of groundwater contamination at a hydrologically complex agricultural site in Yupori, Chuncheon (Korea) was undertaken by analyzing the hydrochemical data of groundwater within a statistical framework. Multivariate statistical tools such as cluster analyses and Tobit regression were applied to investigate the spatial variation of nitrate contamination and to analyze the factors affecting the NO3-N concentration in a shallow groundwater system. The groundwater groups from the cluster analysis were consistent with the land use pattern of the study area. The clustered group of a gentle-slope area with lower elevations showed higher NO3-N contamination of groundwater than groups on a hillside with higher elevations. Tobit regression results indicated that the agricultural activity in the vegetable fields and barns were the major factors affecting the elevated NO3-N concentration while the land slopes and elevations were negatively correlated with the NO3-N concentration. This shows that topographic characteristics such as land slopes and elevations should be considered to evaluate the land use impact on shallow groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Awareness of groundwater protection has increased substantially in recent decades. In the Province of Quebec, Canada, the Groundwater Catchment Regulation (GWCR) was promulgated in 2002 to protect water quality in public wells. The goal of the present study was to document groundwater protection in the context of emerging regulations and identify factors explaining the propensity of municipalities applying protection strategies. Two types of information were used in this study: data from a questionnaire-based survey conducted among 665 municipalities in the Province of Quebec and complementary information gathered from various sources. Data from the survey revealed that fewer than half of the municipalities have been able to comply with the GWCR, mainly because of financial limitations. Also, close to half of the municipalities have either identified or are expecting land use conflicts to arise between protection areas required by the GWCR and other land usage, with agriculture being the main conflicting activity. Multivariate logistic regression models served to identify factors explaining the likelihood of municipalities to take groundwater protection measures. Those factors were municipality revenue, history of water contamination in distribution systems, land use near wellheads, location of municipalities within a provincial priority watershed and the importance of groundwater use in a region. Results of the study may prove helpful for government authorities in better understanding the groundwater protection issue and in implementing strategies that improve the ability of municipalities to protect groundwater.  相似文献   

In developing countries, several unregulated landfills exist adjacent to large cities, releasing harmful contaminants to the underlying aquifer. Normally, landfills are constructed to hold three types of waste, namely hazardous waste, municipal solid waste, and construction and demolition waste. Hazardous waste and municipal solid waste landfills are of greater importance as these pose greater hazard to groundwater, in comparison with landfills holding waste from construction and demolition. The polluting landfills need to be prioritized to undertake necessary control and remedial measures. This paper assesses existing site hazard rating systems and presents a new groundwater contamination hazard rating system for landfills, which can be used for site prioritization. The proposed system is based on source-pathway-receptor relationships and evaluates different sites relative to one another. The system parameters have been selected based on literature. The Delphi technique is used to derive the relative importance weights of the system parameters. The proposed system is compared with nine existing systems. The comparison shows that the site hazard scores produced by the existing systems for hazardous waste, municipal solid waste, and construction and demolition waste landfills are of the same order of magnitude and tend to overlap each other but the scores produced by the proposed system for the three types of landfills vary almost by an order of magnitude, which shows that the proposed system is more sensitive to the type of waste. The comparison further shows that the proposed system exhibits greater sensitivity also to varied site conditions. The application of different systems to six old municipal solid waste landfills shows that whereas the existing systems produce clustered scores, the proposed system produces significantly differing scores for all the six landfills, which improves decision making in site ranking. This demonstrates that the proposed system makes a better tool for prioritization of landfills for adopting control measures and remediation.  相似文献   

Probabilistic capture zones are combined with a regression model and used as buffer zones around wells for Tobit regression analysis to predict contaminant concentration of groundwater in an agricultural region. A backward transport equation, which is a mathematical model based on the physical processes of solute transport, is used to delineate probabilistic capture zones. The probabilistic capture zone defines the area where contaminant discharge can have a direct influence, with pertinent probability, on the quality of groundwater pumped from a well. Tobit regression analysis is used to find the relationship between independent regression variables and a dependent variable, which is contaminant concentration in this study. The capture zone and the regression are combined into a model, and its applicability for prediction of nitrate concentration is tested in a small agricultural basin in Chuncheon, Korea, which is occupied mainly by vegetation fields, orchards, and small barns. Three cases of Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3 are compared in which buffer zones are circles, capture zones with probability over 0.1, and capture zones divided into sections with different probabilities, respectively. The resulting regression model describes nitrate concentration in terms of selected independent variables. When the concentrations are calculated with the model, the best fit with the observed concentrations was in Model 3. This result supports the applicability of the method proposed in this study to prediction of contaminant concentration of groundwater.  相似文献   

An integrated fuzzy-stochastic risk assessment (IFSRA) approach was developed in this study to systematically quantify both probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties associated with site conditions, environmental guidelines, and health impact criteria. The contaminant concentrations in groundwater predicted from a numerical model were associated with probabilistic uncertainties due to the randomness in modeling input parameters, while the consequences of contaminant concentrations violating relevant environmental quality guidelines and health evaluation criteria were linked with fuzzy uncertainties. The contaminant of interest in this study was xylene. The environmental quality guideline was divided into three different strictness categories: "loose", "medium" and "strict". The environmental-guideline-based risk (ER) and health risk (HR) due to xylene ingestion were systematically examined to obtain the general risk levels through a fuzzy rule base. The ER and HR risk levels were divided into five categories of "low", "low-to-medium", "medium", "medium-to-high" and "high", respectively. The general risk levels included six categories ranging from "low" to "very high". The fuzzy membership functions of the related fuzzy events and the fuzzy rule base were established based on a questionnaire survey. Thus the IFSRA integrated fuzzy logic, expert involvement, and stochastic simulation within a general framework. The robustness of the modeling processes was enhanced through the effective reflection of the two types of uncertainties as compared with the conventional risk assessment approaches. The developed IFSRA was applied to a petroleum-contaminated groundwater system in western Canada. Three scenarios with different environmental quality guidelines were analyzed, and reasonable results were obtained. The risk assessment approach developed in this study offers a unique tool for systematically quantifying various uncertainties in contaminated site management, and it also provides more realistic support for remediation-related decisions.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems, through their unique position in the agricultural landscape and ability to influence nutrient cycles, can potentially reduce NO3 loading to surface and ground waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the fate of NO3 in shallow groundwater moving along a lateral flowpath from a grass seed cropping system through an undisturbed mixed-species herbaceous riparian area. Soil A (30-45 cm) and C horizon (135-150 cm) NO3, dissolved oxygen, and nitrous oxide concentrations were significantly higher in the cropping system than the adjacent riparian area. Nitrate concentrations in both horizons of the riparian soil were consistently at or below 0.05 mg N L(-1) while cropping system concentrations ranged from 1 to 12 mg N L(-1). Chloride data suggested that NO3 dilution occurred from recharge by precipitation. However, a sharp decrease in NO3/Cl ratios as water moved into the riparian area indicated that additional dilution of NO3 concentrations was unlikely. Riparian area A horizon soil water had higher dissolved organic carbon than the cropping system and when the riparian soil became saturated, available electron acceptors (O2, NO3) were rapidly reduced. Dissolved inorganic carbon was significantly higher in the riparian area than the cropping system for both horizons indicating high biological activity. Carbon limitation in the cropping system may have led to microbial respiration using primarily O2 and to a lesser degree NO3. Within 6 m of the riparian/cropping system transition, NO3 was virtually undetectable.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of four European aquifers with different hydrogeological and climatic characteristics was evaluated using the COP method. The results obtained were statistically analyzed by determination coefficients to measure which factor has greater importance in the vulnerability index. Furthermore, a new parameter has been designed to measure the vulnerability for the whole of the aquifer. The results demonstrate that COP is a useful method to assess the vulnerability of the test sites under consideration. The results obtained are coherent with the conceptual model of each pilot aquifer and the available hydrogeological information (hydrographs, isotopic data, tracer tests). Fissured carbonate aquifers (diffuse flow systems) are less vulnerable than karst aquifers (conduit flow systems) and the vulnerability index is more positively correlated with the O factor (unsaturated zone protection capacity) in the first case. The karst aquifers are more vulnerable than fissured aquifers and they show a higher correlation between the C factor (karst features) and the vulnerability index. Climatic variation (precipitation for example) influences the final vulnerability index of the aquifers according to the weight in the index and the spatial distribution.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship among groundwater productivity data including specific capacity (SPC) and transmissivity (T) as well as its related hydrogeological factors in a bedrock aquifer, and subsequently, to produce the regional groundwater productivity potential (GPP) map for the area around Pohang City, Korea using a geographic information system (GIS) and a weights-of-evidence (WOE) model. All of the related factors, including topography, lineament, geology, forest, and soil data were collected and input into a spatial database. In addition, SPC and T data were collected from 83 and 81 well locations, respectively. Four dependent variables including SPC values of ≥6.25 m3/d/m (Case 1) and T values of ≥3.79 m2/d (Case 3) corresponding to a yield (Y) of ≥500 m3/d, and SPC values of ≥3.75 m3/d/m (Case 2) and T values of ≥2.61 m2/d (Case 4) corresponding to a Y of ≥300 m3/d were also input into a spatial database. The SPC and T data were randomly selected in an approximately 70:30 ratio to train and validate the WOE model. Tests of conditional independence were performed for the used factors. To assess the regional GPP for each dependent variable, W+ and W- of each factor's rating were overlaid spatially. The results of the analysis were validated using area under curve (AUC) analysis with the existing SPC and T data that were not used for the training of the model. The AUC of Cases 1, 2, 3 and 4 showed 0.7120, 0.6893, 0.6920, and 0.7098, respectively. In the case of the dependent variables, Case 1 had an accuracy of 71.20% (AUC: 0.7120), which is the best result produced in this analysis. Such information and the maps generated from it could be used for groundwater management, a practice related to groundwater resource exploration.  相似文献   

Landfills are sources of groundwater and soil pollution due to the production of leachate and its migration through refuse. This study was conducted in order to determine the extent of groundwater and soil pollution within and around the landfill of Seri Petaling located in the State of Selangor, Malaysia. The condition of nearby surface water was also determined. An electrical resistivity imaging survey was used to investigate the leachate production within the landfill. Groundwater geochemistry was carried out and chemical analysis of water samples was conducted upstream and downstream of the landfill. Surface water was also analyzed in order to determine its quality. Soil chemical analysis was performed on soil samples taken from different locations within and around the landfill in the vadose zone (unsaturated zone) and below the water table (in the soil saturated zone). The resistivity image along line L–L1 indicated the presence of large zones of decomposed waste bodies saturated with highly conducting leachate. Analysis of trace elements indicated their presence in very low concentrations and did not reflect any sign of heavy metal pollution of ground and surface water or of soil. Major ions represented by Na, K, and Cl were found in anomalous concentrations in the groundwater of the downstream bore hole, where they are 99.1%, 99.2%, and 99.4%, respectively, higher compared to the upstream bore hole. Electrical conductivity (EC) was also found in anomalous concentration downstream. Ca and Mg ions represent the water hardness (which is comparatively high downstream). There is a general trend of pollution towards the downstream area. Sulfates (SO4) and nitrates (NO3) are found in the area in low concentrations, even below the WHO standards for drinking water, but are significantly higher in the surface water compared to the groundwater. Phosphate (PO4) and nitrite (NO2), although present in low levels, are significantly higher at the downstream. There is no significant difference in the amount of fluoride (F) in the different locations. In the soil vadose zone, heavy metals were found to be in their typical normal ranges and within the background concentrations. Soil exchangeable bases were significantly higher in the soil saturated zone compared to the vadose zone, and no significant difference was obtained in the levels of inorganic pollutants. With the exception of Cd, the concentration ranges of all trace elements (Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, and Ni) of Seri Petaling landfill soils were below the upper limits of baseline concentrations published from different sources.  相似文献   

Water is a natural resource key to human and environmental health. China has suffered serious contamination of its water sources in the past decade, which has had severe consequences on the water supplies of millions of residents. Frequent polluting accidents and the amount of wastewater discharged have caused concern for the safety of drinking water. Fortunately, those at various levels of government have realized the importance of protecting the sources of drinking water and confirmed a list of 175 nationally important sources. Measures have also been adopted to control water pollution, including infrastructural, physical, chemical, ecological, administrative, and legal measures. While helpful, some areas in need of more attention are rural water, groundwater, agricultural pollution, and domestic sewage. Based on the lessons learned from experiences in developed countries, we offer some suggestions for improving, inter alia, funding, legal construction, management, and awareness‐raising, as well as present proposals for the future protection of our sources of drinking water. Future work should focus on water quality standards, quantitative research, high technology and legislation.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are an important source of contamination of groundwater supplies in Massachusetts and many parts of the United States. One local response is to require sewering in wellhead protection areas as an easily enforceable policy designed to reduce the probability of VOC contamination of groundwater. Data were collected for 238 wellhead protection areas in Massachusetts on VOC contamination levels and the sewered and unsewered land uses in those aquifer recharge areas. Logistic regression procedures were used to see whether sewering had any statistical effect on likelihood of contamination of well water. The results provided limited, but not overpowering, support for the idea that requiring commercial and industrial land uses to use sewers would reduce the chance of VOC contamination.  相似文献   

Most bacterial source tracking (BST) methods are too expensive for most communities to afford. We developed targeted sampling as a prelude to BST to reduce these costs. We combined targeted sampling with three inexpensive BST methods, Enterococcus speciation, detection of the esp gene, and fluorometry, to confirm the sources of fecal contamination to beaches on Georgia's Jekyll and Sea Islands during calm and stormy weather conditions. For Jekyll Island, the most likely source of contamination was bird feces because the percentage of Ent. faecalis was high (30%) and the esp gene was not detected. For the Sea Island beach during calm conditions, the most likely sources of fecal contamination were leaking sewer lines and wildlife feces. The leaking sewer lines were confirmed with fluorometry and detection of the esp gene. For the Sea Island beach during stormflow conditions, the most likely sources of fecal contamination were wildlife feces and runoff discharging from two county-maintained pipes. For the pipes, the most likely source of contamination was bird feces because the percentage of Ent. faecalis was high (30%) and the esp gene was not detected. Sediments were also a reservoir of fecal enterococci for both Jekyll and Sea Islands. Combining targeted sampling with two or more BST methods identified sources of fecal contamination quickly, easily, and inexpensively. This combination was the first time targeted sampling was conducted during stormy conditions, and the first time targeted sampling was combined with enterococcal speciation, detection of the esp gene, and fluorometry.  相似文献   

Some of the greatest challenges for managing residential development occur at the interface between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems--in a lake's riparian area. Land use planners need a framework they can use to identify development hotspots, areas were the next push for development will most likely occur. Lake riparian development profiles provide a framework for linking ecological and social factors important to development. In a test of this framework in northern Minnesota, researchers identified seven constructs influencing riparian area development: current general development, current housing development, and availability, accessibility, suitability, aesthetics, and proximity to services. Profiles display a lake's value for each construct relative to the range of values for all lakes in the county. Maps, developed using indicators for several constructs, allow us to identify how the factors interact and are dispersed across the landscape. These profiles help policy makers, planners, and managers identify lakes that are potential development hotspots so they can take timely steps to manage development or control the impacts of development.  相似文献   

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