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Supplementary feeding is often a knee‐jerk reaction to population declines, and its application is not critically evaluated, leading to polarized views among managers on its usefulness. Here, we advocate a more strategic approach to supplementary feeding so that the choice to use it is clearly justified over, or in combination with, other management actions and the predicted consequences are then critically assessed following implementation. We propose combining methods from a set of specialist disciplines that will allow critical evaluation of the need, benefit, and risks of food supplementation. Through the use of nutritional ecology, population ecology, and structured decision making, conservation managers can make better choices about what and how to feed by estimating consequences on population recovery across a range of possible actions. This structured approach also informs targeted monitoring and more clearly allows supplementary feeding to be integrated in recovery plans and reduces the risk of inefficient decisions. In New Zealand, managers of the endangered Hihi (Notiomystis cincta) often rely on supplementary feeding to support reintroduced populations. On Kapiti island the reintroduced Hihi population has responded well to food supplementation, but the logistics of providing an increasing demand recently outstretched management capacity. To decide whether and how the feeding regime should be revised, managers used a structured decision making approach informed by population responses to alternative feeding regimes. The decision was made to reduce the spatial distribution of feeders and invest saved time in increasing volume of food delivered into a smaller core area. The approach used allowed a transparent and defendable management decision in regard to supplementary feeding, reflecting the multiple objectives of managers and their priorities.  相似文献   

Foraging activity in social insects should be regulated by colony nutritional status and food availability, such that both the emission of, and response to, recruitment signals depend on current conditions. Using fully automatic radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to follow the foraging activity of tagged bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) during 16,000 foraging bouts, we tested whether the cue provided by stored food (the number of full honeypots) could modulate the response of workers to the recruitment pheromone signal. Artificial foraging pheromones were applied to colonies with varied levels of food reserves. The response to recruitment pheromones was stronger in colonies with low food, resulting in more workers becoming active and more foraging bouts being performed. In addition to previous reports showing that in colonies with low food successful foragers perform more excited runs during which they release recruitment pheromone and inactive workers are more prone to leave the nest following nectar influx, our results indicate that evolution has shaped a third pathway that modulates bumblebee foraging activity, thus preventing needless energy expenditure and exposure to risk when food stores are already high. This new feedback loop is intriguing since it involves context-dependent response to a signal. It highlights the integration of information from both forager-released pheromones (signal) and nutritional status (cue) that occurs within individual workers before making the decision to start foraging. Our results support the emerging view that responses to pheromones may be less hardwired than commonly acknowledged. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of nectar availability and competition on foraging preferences and revisit intervals of traplining female purple-throated caribs hummingbirds (Eulampis jugularis) to Heliconia patches shared by two individuals or visited solely by one individual. Birds at both shared and solitary patches preferred multiflowered to single-flowered inflorescences, but the magnitude of this preference depended on food availability and competition. During a year of low flower availability, females visited multiflowered inflorescences more frequently than single-flowered inflorescences only when nectar availability was experimentally enhanced; similarly, females at shared patches exhibited a significant preference for multiflowered inflorescences only after experimental increases in nectar availability. Experimental manipulations of nectar availability also had different effects on revisit intervals of birds at shared vs solitary patches. Birds at shared patches responded to patch-wide increases in nectar rewards by increasing the duration of their visit intervals, whereas birds at solitary patches did not. In contrast, birds at solitary patches responded to abrupt losses of nectar at flowers (simulating competition) by decreasing the duration of their visit intervals, whereas a bird at a shared patch did not alter its return interval. The contrasting results between shared vs solitary patches suggest that future studies of traplining behavior should incorporate levels of competition into their design.  相似文献   

This paper describes an individual-based model, MORPH, that has been designed to predict the effect of environmental change on foraging animal populations. The key assumptions of MORPH are that individuals within populations behave in order to maximise their perceived fitness, but that perceived fitness may not always be positively related to the actual chances of survival and reproduction. MORPH has been parameterised for coastal birds on several European sites and predicted the effect of environmental change, caused by factors such as habitat loss, disturbance from humans and sea-level rise, on the survival and body condition of these species. However, MORPH contains a basic framework to describe animal physiology and foraging behaviour, and the distribution and abundance of the resources required by these animals. Therefore, MORPH is not restricted to coastal birds, and is potentially applicable to a wider range of systems. To be applied to a forager system, MORPH requires parameters describing (i) the distribution of the food supply and how food quality and abundance changes through time; (ii) the rate at which foragers consume food given the abundance of food and competitors; (iii) the amount of food the forager must consume each day to survive; (iv) the distribution and seasonal changes in other factors which influence the foraging behaviour and survival of foragers. The purpose of this paper is to (i) describe MORPH, (ii) give examples of its application, (iii) describe the types of systems to which MORPH can be applied, and (iv) publish its source code and a user guide.  相似文献   

Summary A fundamental prediction of food-based economic models of territoriality is that animals will not defend territories if food is so abundant that defense will not improve access to food. Several studies of nectar-feeding birds support this prediction, with territoriality being rare or absent in years when nectar was particularly abundant. However, these results could potentially be an artefact of changes in bird density with nectar availability, and in at least some cases the correlations between territory defense and nectar availability could be purely coincidental. This paper reports the first experimental test of whether cessation of territory defense in nectar-feeding birds results from a direct response to abundance of nectar. New holland honeyeaters Phylidonyris novaehollandiae and white-cheeked honeyeaters P. nigra show pronounced changes in their levels of territorial aggression over the 7–8 months that they breed. These changes are predictable from economic considerations in that the birds are least aggressive in the months when nectar is extremely abundant. I tested whether the birds were responding to changes in nectar availability by providing sugar-water feeders at neutral locations that were easily accessible to territory holders, but far enough away from territories that intrusion rates were unaffected. I tested for responses at two time scales feeders were put out for 48-h periods in 1987, and were left out continuously from January to October 1988. The only effect was that territory holders visited feeders instead of flowers when floral nectar was scarce. They continued to defend their territories aggressively at those times, showed seasonal changes in aggressiveness similar to birds on a site without feeders, and did not shift their territories toward feeders. I conclude that the observed changes in aggressiveness are not responses to changes in nectar availability, and suggest alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) models predict that males singing to attract a mate should concentrate singing in what has been termed the dawn chorus. This is because male birds should have a variable surplus of fat in the morning that can be used to fuel singing, with the amount of fat available dependent upon such factors as his quality, foraging success and risk of predation. In this manner, the dawn chorus can act as an indicator of male quality in the context of female mate choice. We test a key prediction of SDP models of singing behaviour that males with greater fat levels should sing more. We conducted an experiment where we recorded the dawn chorus of male silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) on three consecutive days. Each male received supplementary food on the second day, which enabled us to sample his dawn chorus before, during and after food supplementation. We also collected data on the effect of supplementary food on the body mass of silvereyes. As predicted by SDP models, we found that silvereyes sang for a greater proportion of the time after receiving supplementary food. Supplementary food also had a significant effect on the complexity of a male song, indicating that males not only increased the quantity of their song but also the quality of their song when they received extra food. As the provision of supplementary food significantly increased the mass of fed birds, our results support a causal link between male energy reserves and his ability to perform the dawn chorus.  相似文献   

An efficient exploitation of carbohydrate food sources would be beneficial for social wasp species that store nectar within their nest. In the swarm-founding polistine wasp Polybia occidentalis, we now demonstrate that the decisions of when and where to forage are influenced by information from conspecifics. Only when foragers had been trained to collect at artificial carbohydrate feeders did newcomers (food-source-naive individuals) continuously arrive at these feeders during 2 h of experiment. In control tests, in which no forager had been trained, not a single newcomer alighted at any of the offered carbohydrate food sources. This indicates that, during the foraging process, a nest-based input provided by successful foragers must have stimulated nestmates to search for food. Once activated, the newcomers’ choice on where to collect was strongly influenced by field-based social information. The mere visual presence of accumulated conspecifics (wasp dummies placed on one of the feeders) attracted newcomers to the food sources. Interestingly, however, visual enhancement was not the only decision-biasing factor at the feeding site. In an experimental series where searching wasps had to choose between the experimental feeder at which 3 foragers continuously collected and the control feeder with nine wasp dummies, only 40% of the wasps chose the visually enhanced feeder. This points to the existence of additional mechanisms of local enhancement. The possibility that, in social wasps, recruitment is involved in the exploitation of carbohydrate food sources is discussed.  相似文献   

The location of an animal within a social group has important effects on feeding success. When animals consume quickly eaten food items, individuals located at the front edge of a group typically have greater foraging success. When groups feed at large clumped resources, dominant individuals can often monopolize the resource, leading to higher feeding success in the center of the group. In order to test these predictions, behavioral data relating foraging success to within-group spatial position were recorded from two habituated groups of ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua) in Iguazu, Argentina. Foraging success did not fit expected patterns. When feeding on small ground litter invertebrates, coatis had the same foraging success at all spatial positions. This pattern likely resulted from an abundance of invertebrates in the ground litter. When feeding on fruit, individuals in the front of the group had greater feeding success, which was driven by the relatively quick depletion of fruit trees. Dominant juveniles were often located in the front of the group which led to increased access to food. This resulted in higher feeding success on fruits but simultaneously increased their risk of predation. Although groups typically became more elongated and traveled faster when feeding on fruit, it did not appear that the coatis were drastically changing their spacing strategies when switching between the two food types. Paradoxically, spatial position preferences during invertebrate foraging appeared to be driven by fruit trees. Because fruit trees were encountered so frequently, juveniles ranging at the front edge of the group during invertebrate foraging were the first to arrive at fruit trees and thus had higher foraging success. This study demonstrates the importance of how food patch size and depletion rate affect the spatial preferences of individuals.  相似文献   

We studied the behavior of 13 radiotagged cranes dispersing from a communal roost over days when they changed their main daily foraging area between consecutive days during two winter seasons. Individuals went to a new foraging zone when on the previous day their morning food intake had fallen below their mean morning food intake measured over the whole winter. Food intake on the day before a change in foraging area was positively correlated with dominance rank. Dominant cranes changed to new zones with higher numbers of birds and food density, while subordinate cranes went to new zones with lower numbers of birds. As a result, all birds increased their food intake over that of the previous day. Dominant cranes remained more faithful to their most preferred foraging zone, where they spent 69% of the mornings, while subordinate birds were more mobile, switching among zones frequently. Dominant birds left the roost later than subordinate birds on the days they changed to a new zone, which could be used to track the main departing flows. The results suggest that the dynamics that led to a truncated phenotype-limited distribution were determined by social dominance and food abundance, with dominant cranes shifting to a new zone to maintain their high intake levels and subordinates changing more frequently whenever their daily intake did not reach the minimum metabolic requirements. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted after revision: 22 February 1997  相似文献   

How energy costs affect foraging decisions is poorly understood for marine animals. To provide data relevant to this topic, we examined the relationship between activity levels and foraging behavior by attaching activity recorders to 29 chick-rearing wing-propelled diving birds (thick-billed murres, Uria lomvia) in 1999–2000. We connected the activity during the final dive bout with the prey item we observed being fed to the chicks. After accounting for changes in activity level with depth, activity was highest during the final dive of a dive bout, reflecting maneuvring during prey capture. Pelagic prey items, especially invertebrates (amphipods), were associated with higher depth-corrected activity, leading to shorter dives for a given depth (presumably due to higher oxygen consumption rates) and, thus, shorter search times (lower bottom time for a given depth). Pelagic prey items were likely captured during active pursuit, with the birds actively seeking and pursuing schooling mid-water prey. In contrast, benthic prey involved low activity and extended search times, suggesting that the birds slowly glided along the bottom in search for prey hidden in the sediments or rocks. We concluded that activity levels are important in determining the foraging tactics of marine predators. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To detect threats and reduce predation risk prey animals need to be alert. Early predator detection and rapid anti-predatory action increase the likelihood of survival. We investigated how foraging affects predator detection and time to take-off in blue tits (Parus caeruleus) by subjecting them to a simulated raptor attack. To investigate the impact of body posture we compared birds feeding head-down with birds feeding head-up, but could not find any effect of posture on either time to detection or time to take-off. To investigate the impact of orientation we compared birds having their side towards the attacking predator with birds having their back towards it. Predator detection, but not time to take-off, was delayed when the back was oriented towards the predator. We also investigated the impact of foraging task by comparing birds that were either not foraging, foraging on chopped mealworms, or foraging on whole ones. Foraging on chopped mealworms did not delay detection compared to nonforaging showing that foraging does not always restrict vigilance. However, detection was delayed more than 150% when the birds were foraging on whole, live mealworms, which apparently demanded much attention and handling skill. Time to take-off was affected by foraging task in the same way as detection was. We show that when studying foraging and vigilance one must include the difficulty of the foraging task and prey orientation.Communicated by P.A. Bednekoff  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to examine in a long-lived seabird, the thin-billed prion (Pachyptila belcheri), how adults adjust their food provisioning strategy when their foraging abilities are reduced and when the chick's needs are increased. To reduce the foraging abilities of adults we impaired their flying ability by removing some flight feathers (handicapped), and to increase the food needs of the chick one parent was retained (single). Birds made either short foraging trips lasting 1–3 days, or long trips lasting 5–9 days. Control birds alternated long and short trips whereas single birds or handicapped birds made several successive short trips and thereafter a long trip. In each treatment, food loads tended to be heavier after long trips than after short trips, and single birds tended to bring heavier loads than control or handicapped birds. Birds in the three treatments lost similar amounts of mass after short trips and gained similar amounts of mass after long trips. However, the mass of handicapped birds declined through the experiment, while that of control and single birds remained stable. Although the proportion of chicks that died during the experiment was similar among the three treatments, the chicks fledged by a single bird were lighter than those in control nests. The results of the experiment suggest that thin-billed prions adjust their breeding effort differently to decreased flying ability or increased food demand by the chick. Single birds increase foraging effort without allowing their condition to deteriorate. Conversely, handicapped birds are unable to maintain their body condition while sustaining the chick at the same rate as control birds. It is suggested that in this long-lived seabird, adults probably adjust their breeding effort so that they do not incur the risk of an increased mortality, this risk being monitored by the body condition.  相似文献   

Pattern-oriented modeling of bird foraging and pest control in coffee farms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a model of how land use and habitat diversity affect migratory bird populations and their ability to suppress an insect pest on Jamaican coffee farms. Bird foraging—choosing which habitat patch and prey to use as prey abundance changes over space and time—is the key process driving this system. Following the “pattern-oriented” modeling strategy, we identified nine observed patterns that characterize the real system's dynamics. The model was designed so that these patterns could potentially emerge from it. The resulting model is individual-based, has fine spatial and temporal resolutions, represents very simply the supply of the pest insect and other arthropod food in six habitat types, and includes foraging habitat selection as the only adaptive behavior of birds. Although there is an extensive heritage of bird foraging theory in ecology, most of it addresses only the individual level and is too simple for our context. We used pattern-oriented modeling to develop and test foraging theory for this across-scale problem: rules for individual bird foraging that cause the model to reproduce a variety of patterns observed at the system level. Four alternative foraging theories were contrasted by how well they caused the model to reproduce the nine characteristic patterns. Four of these patterns were clearly reproduced with the “null” theory that birds select habitat randomly. A version of classical theory in which birds stay in a patch until food is depleted to some threshold caused the model to reproduce five patterns; this theory caused lower, not higher, use of habitat experiencing an outbreak of prey insects. Assuming that birds select the nearby patch providing highest intake rate caused the model to reproduce all but one pattern, whereas assuming birds select the highest-intake patch over a large radius produced an unrealistic distribution of movement distances. The pattern reproduced under none of the theories, a negative relation between bird density and distance to trees, appears to result from a process not in the model: birds return to trees at night to roost. We conclude that a foraging model for small insectivorous birds in diverse habitat should assume birds can sense higher food supply but over short, not long, distances.  相似文献   

We estimated the population sizes of the three species of columnar cacti that grow on the island of Curaçao using ground and aerial transects, and we examined the island's carrying capacity for two species of nectar-feeding bats that depend on nectar from the flowers of these cacti. We calculated carrying capacity based on the daily availability of mature flowers between January and December 1993 and the field energy requirements of bats as estimated from an equation for eutherian mammals (low estimate) and one for passerine birds (high estimate) based on body mass. Additional energy requirements of pregnancy and lactation were taken into account. We estimated that 461,172 columnar cacti were present on Curaçao (38% Subpilocereus repandus , 51% Stenocereus griseus , and 11% Pilosocereus lanuginosus ). May through September are the critical months when bats rely most heavily on cactus for food. July 1993 was a bottleneck with the smallest number of mature flowers per day. July and August were months of greatest energy demand because females were lactating. We estimate that the carrying capacity for Glossophaga longirostris in July, when the bat ( Leptonycteris curasoae ) population was 900, was near 1200, an estimate that fits the observed population size of nectar-feeding bats on the island. We suggest that the extensive removal of native vegetation occurring on Curaçao be strictly regulated because further destruction of the cacti will result in a decrease and potential loss of the already low populations of nectar-feeding bats.  相似文献   

Both birds and bats are important insect predators in tropical systems. However, the relative influence of birds and bats on insect populations and their indirect effects on leaf damage have not previously been investigated in tropical forest restoration sites. Leaf damage by herbivorous insects can negatively affect the growth and survival of tropical plants and thus can influence the success of tropical forest restoration efforts. We used an exclosure experiment to examine the top-down effects of birds and bats on insects and leaf damage in a large-scale forest restoration experiment. Given the potential influence of tree planting design on bird and bat abundances, we also investigated planting design effects on bird and bat insectivory and leaf damage. The experiment included two planting treatment plots: islands, where trees were planted in patches, and plantations, where trees were planted in rows to create continuous cover. In both types of plots, insect biomass was highest on tree branches where both birds and bats were excluded from foraging and lowest on branches without exclosures where both birds and bats were present. In the island plots, birds and bats had approximately equal impacts on insect populations, while in plantations bats appeared to have a slightly stronger effect on insects than did birds. In plantations, the levels of leaf damage were higher on branches where birds and bats were excluded than on branches where both had access. In island plots, no significant differences in leaf damage were found between exclosure treatments although potential patterns were in the same direction as in the plantations. Our results suggest that both birds and bats play important roles as top predators in restoration systems by reducing herbivorous insects and their damage to planted trees. Tropical restoration projects should include efforts to attract and provide suitable habitat for birds and bats, given their demonstrated ecological importance.  相似文献   

Nectar foraging in honey bees is regulated by several communication signals that are performed mainly by foragers. One of these signals is the tremble dance, which is consistently performed by foragers from a rich food source which, upon return to the hive, experience a long delay before unloading their nectar to a nectar receiver. Although tremble dancing has been studied extensively using artificial nectar sources, its occurrence and context in a more natural setting remain unknown. Therefore, this study tests the sufficiency of the current explanations for tremble dancing by free-foraging honey bees. The main finding is that only about half of the observations of tremble dancing, referred to as delay-type tremble dancing, are a result of difficulty in finding a nectar receiver. In the remaining observations, tremble dancing was initiated immediately upon entering the hive, referred to as non-delay-type tremble dancing. Non-delay tremble dancing was associated with first foraging successes, both in a forager's career and in a single day. More than 75% of tremble dancing was associated with good foraging conditions, as indicated by the dancer continuing to forage after dancing. However, at least some of the other cases were associated with deteriorated foraging conditions, such as the end of the day, after which foraging was discontinued. No common context could be identified that explains all cases of tremble dancing or the subset of non-delay-type tremble dancing. This study shows that the current explanations for the cause of the tremble dance are insufficient to explain all tremble dancing in honey bees that forage at natural food sources.  相似文献   

Summary To understand how a colony of honeybees keeps its forager force focussed on rich sources of food, and analysis was made of how the individual foragers within a colony decide to abandon or continue working (and perhaps even recruit to) patches of flowers. A nectar forager grades her behavior toward a patch in response to both the nectar intake rate of her colony and the quality of her patch. This results in the threshold in patch quality for acceptance of a patch being higher when the colonial intake rate of nectar is high than when it is low. Thus colonies can adjust their patch selectivity so that they focus on rich sources when forage is abundant, but spread their workers among a wider range of sources when forage is scarce. Foragers assess their colony's rate of nectar intake while in the nest, unloading nectar to receiver bees. The ease of unloading varies inversely with the colonial intake rate of nectar. Foragers assess patch quality while in the field, collecting nectar. By grading their behavior steeply in relation to such patch variables as distance from the nest and nectar sweetness, foragers give their colony high sensitivity to differences in profitability among patches. When a patch's quality declines, its foragers reduce their rate of visits to the patch. This diminishes the flow of nectar from the poor patch which in turn stimulates recruitment to rich patches. Thus a colony can swiftly redistribute its forager force following changes in the spatial distribution of rich food sources. The fundamental currency of nectar patch quality is not net rate of energy intake, (Gain-Cost)/Time, but may be net energy efficiency, (Gain-Cost)/Cost.  相似文献   

Evidence of declines in insect populations has recently received considerable scientific and societal attention. However, the lack of long-term insect monitoring makes it difficult to assess whether declines are geographically widespread. By contrast, bird populations are well monitored and often used as indicators of environmental change. We compared the population trends of European insectivorous birds with those of other birds to assess whether patterns in bird population trends were consistent with declines of insects. We further examined whether declines were evident for insectivores with different habitats, foraging strata, and other ecological preferences. Bird population trends were estimated for Europe (1990–2015) and Denmark (1990–2016). On average, insectivores declined over the study period (13% across Europe and 28% in Denmark), whereas omnivores had stable populations. Seedeaters also declined (28% across Europe; 34% in Denmark), but this assessment was based on fewer species than for other groups. The effects of insectivory were stronger for farmland species (especially grassland species), for ground feeders, and for cold-adapted species. Insectivory was associated with long-distance migration, which was also linked to population declines. However, many insectivores had stable populations, especially habitat generalists. Our findings suggest that the decline of insectivores is primarily associated with agricultural intensification and loss of grassland habitat. The loss of both seed and insect specialists indicates an overall trend toward bird communities dominated by diet generalists.  相似文献   

This study investigates the brief piping signals ("stop signals") of honey bee workers by exploring the context in which worker piping occurs and the identity and behavior of piping workers. Piping was stimulated reliably by promoting a colony's nectar foraging activity, demonstrating a causal connection between worker piping and nectar foraging. Comparison of the behavior of piping versus non-piping nectar foragers revealed many differences, e.g., piping nectar foragers spent more time in the hive, started to dance earlier, spent more time dancing, and spent less time on the dance floor. Most piping signals (approximately 99%) were produced by tremble dancers, yet not all (approximately 48%) tremble dancers piped, suggesting that the short piping signal and the tremble dance have related, but not identical, functions in the nectar foraging communication system. Our observations of the location and behavior of piping tremble dancers suggest that the brief piping signal may (1) retard recruitment to a low-quality food source, and (2) help to enhance the recruitment success of the tremble dance.  相似文献   

Restoration programs in the form of ex-situ breeding combined with reintroductions are becoming critical to counteract demographic declines and species losses. Such programs are increasingly using genetic management to improve conservation outcomes. However, the lack of long-term monitoring of genetic indicators following reintroduction prevents assessments of the trajectory and persistence of reintroduced populations. We carried out an extensive monitoring program in the wild for a threatened small-bodied fish (southern pygmy perch, Nannoperca australis) to assess the long-term genomic effects of its captive breeding and reintroduction. The species was rescued prior to its extirpation from the terminal lakes of Australia's Murray-Darling Basin, and then used for genetically informed captive breeding and reintroductions. Subsequent annual or biannual monitoring of abundance, fitness, and occupancy over a period of 11 years, combined with postreintroduction genetic sampling, revealed survival and recruitment of reintroduced fish. Genomic analyses based on data from the original wild rescued, captive born, and reintroduced cohorts revealed low inbreeding and strong maintenance of neutral and candidate adaptive genomic diversity across multiple generations. An increasing trend in the effective population size of the reintroduced population was consistent with field monitoring data in demonstrating successful re-establishment of the species. This provides a rare empirical example that the adaptive potential of a locally extinct population can be maintained during genetically informed ex-situ conservation breeding and reintroduction into the wild. Strategies to improve biodiversity restoration via ex-situ conservation should include genetic-based captive breeding and longitudinal monitoring of standing genomic variation in reintroduced populations.  相似文献   

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