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现阶段,高校贫困大学生的就业问题已逐渐引起人们的重视,以马克思主义人才观为指导思想,对高校贫困大学生职业生涯规划进行研究,有利于帮助广大高校贫困大学生正确地进行自我认知、职业认知,科学合理地规划和定位自己的职业人生,克服或摆脱各种心理障碍或现实困境的制约,为自己的职业人生发展奠定坚实的基础.同时,高校贫困大学生的职业生涯规划教育,对于整个社会、大学校园的和谐发展也具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会对人才的培养提出了更高的要求,而大学综合素质档案的建立正是在“一切束缚发展的做法的规定都要坚决改变”指引下进行的,它的建立有助于高校的教学和管理,也有利于高校的教学改革,能促进大学生综合素质的全面发展,使大学生主观愿望顺应市场经济对人才需求的发展方向.  相似文献   

高校贫困学生群体问题已经成为带有普遍社会性的问题.“政府、学校、家庭、社会”如何对高校贫困学生群体进行正确引导和有效管理,直接影响高校当前的发展与稳定,现对高校贫困学生群体的引导和管理进行探讨.参5.  相似文献   

该文主要阐述了加强高校图书馆阅览室管理和服务的必要性和可行性,针对现行高校图书馆所存在的问题,提出了阅览室管理的具体措施,阐述了阅览室服务的主要内容和方法.  相似文献   

《预算法》对高校推行了新的预算管理方法,对高校教育事业的发展推进起了一定的作用,同时也暴露出一些存在的问题.预算管理改革是财政改革的一项重大任务,高校作为教育部门的基层单位,国家预算管理制度的改革必然会对高校的工作产生重大影响.本文拟根据我国预算管理的改革内容,深入分析其对高校产生的影响,阐述高校部门预算编制应注意的要点.  相似文献   

高校档案信息资源是各项管理工作的依据和基础,能够为学校各项管理工作和师生获取信息提供服务,可对全校师生进行爱国爱校宣传教育.高校档案信息资源开发主要存在问题是高校体制改革对档案信息资源开发的影响、馆藏结构单一、档案编研工作滞后、档案工作者服务意识不强与服务手段单一.高校档案信息资源的开发对策是:大力加强队伍建设,全面提高档案管理人员的整体素质;观念创新,强化全面主动、及时准确的服务意识;加强对档案用户的宣传;丰富馆藏,提高馆藏质量;深层次开发档案信息资源;要加强收集和编研工作,提高编研材料档次,积极为学校和社会服务;要加快高校数字化校园网的建设,积极推行档案的现代化管理.  相似文献   

内部审计工作是一种组织内部的独立客观的监督和评价活动,它通过审查和评价经营活动及内部控制的适当性、合法性和有效性来促进组织目标的实现.近年来,内部审计在加强高校经济管理、促进提高效益等方面发挥着越来越大的作用,这在客观上对内涵建设(质量控制)提出了新的要求.本文运用质量控制理论,针对目前高校内部审计工作现状,围绕高校内部审计质量控制问题进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

21世纪是网络时代,在高校扩招、并轨的背景下,高校管理者必须以一种新的全球思维方式重新思考组织人事管理的角色.本文分析了高校人事管理网络化的优势,并就如何在网络化的背景下实现招聘、培训、岗位管理、薪酬管理、绩效管理等方面进行了讨论,提了建议.参5.  相似文献   

Moser.  M 《产业与环境》1994,16(4):17-21
环境与商业管理学会(MEB)创立于1990年,旨在对试图把环境问题引进其课程中的学校和计划提供支持,并促进公司直接参与教育过程,很多大学已经发展或正在发展环境管理课程,本文描述了环境与商业管理学会的环境管理教育试验计划,其目是的发展能使环境问题与商业学校教育有效好一体化的模式,本文也评论了商业学校提供环境教育的战略主要组成部分,并列举了许多实例。  相似文献   

介绍了西藏自治区保护区事业的发展概况和现状,指出了目前保护区建设与管理中存在的主要问题,对今后保护区的规划与发展提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

随着高等教育体制改革的不断深入和高校自主办学的不断扩大,高校所处的角色发生了巨大的变化,其财务管理已无法再适应其发展的需求,根据高校财务管理中所存在的问题进行分析,并针对相应的问题提出改进的策略.  相似文献   

新环境下高校财务风险研究是一个全新的研究领域;给高校财务管理带来了知识资本确认、计量及资源配置等难题.建立我国高校财务风险防范与管理机制,积极支持多元化办学,拓宽高校资金来源渠道,加强财务监督,扩大办学规模、增强整体竞争力、提高办学效益已成为各个高校发展的共同趋势.拟从分析高校财务风险面临新环境开始,进而提出防范财务风险的对策,为高校决策者如何降低高校财务风险进行有益的探索.参7.  相似文献   

耕地保护中的政府责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汤建东  梁山然 《生态环境》2005,14(5):798-802
认为各级政府是耕地保护的主体,负有建设、管理和保护耕地的责任。十几年来,由于政府耕地保护责任的缺失,全国出现了相关法律法规缺乏协调、政策不连贯、执法力度不够、违法用地现象普遍等问题。今后应进一步落实政府责任制,为耕地保护创造良好的工作机制和条件,管理部门要提高耕地管理水平,公开政务信息,疏通司法审判渠道,切实保障农民的合法权益。  相似文献   

论述了高校运用责任会计进行财务管理工作的必要性及其可能性,提出了高校财务管理应用责任会计的某些构想,最后指出了高校全面推行责任会计存在的几个问题。  相似文献   

随着教育产业化程度的不断提高,高校投资力度迅速扩张,高校资产显著增加,但因体制不全,家底不清,监管乏力,致使国有资产管理混乱,闲置浪费严重,资产流失现象严重.加强高校国有资产管理,促进国有资产的保值、增值,提高资产的使用效益已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

Ecosystem management addresses transboundary, interdisciplinary and multiparty issues from an ecosystem perspective. In this regard, public participation of ecosystem management is particularly important for achieving a successful outcome. However, public attitudes and perceptions on ecosystem management in project construction are often ignored in the developing countries. Large project construction in China is booming, for example, oil/gasoline pipelines, water diversion projects, highway networks and high-speed railway networks. These projects may have important impacts on China's economy, as well as ecosystems. The perception of local people on these projects is crucial for their safe fulfilment. In this paper, the West-to-East Pipeline Project (WEPP), a large project in China built in 2004 to transport gas from the north-west to the south-east, was used as a case study to examine public participation and perceptions on ecosystem management. Field interviews were conducted in the summer of 2005 for data collection, and logistic regression models were used for data analysis. Modelling results show that public attitudes to WEPP construction are closely related to education, occupation and place of residence. Generally, interviewees with higher education and more involvement in WEPP have a positive attitude. However, local people have a poor understanding of ecological restoration and ecosystem management. For safe implementation of WEPP, some adjunct projects are required to improve the local economy and ecosystem functions, and different economic compensation schemes should be designed for stakeholders by region. Additionally, development strategies, such as offering part-time jobs, education and training to local farmers, are necessary to change attitudes and improve awareness on ecosystem management. It is also important to strengthen public participation in the early stages of project construction.  相似文献   

The Kuna are a strong and independent culture, however outside influences are imposing growing pressure on their people. Overpopulation and large-scale overfishing are among the most severe threats. The Kuna have developed their own management strategies to address these pressing issues. This study presents local perceptions and attitudes towards marine resource management of six indigenous fishing communities in Kuna Yala, Panama. Results highlight significant general and comparative differences in fishermen's attitudes and perceptions based on socio-cultural structures of communities, occupation and role in local decision-making. The level of cultural survival in communities was a strong indicator for different priorities and attitudes. Differences were also evident based on the level of marine resources used for income generation. Participation in local decision-making processes had positive impacts on levels of knowledge and information, and fostered critical thinking among participants. In addition, the results also denoted that conservation and development were more effective in the long term if the host population could develop strategies and plans for biodiversity conservation. Ownership and empowerment were strong indicators that influenced local livelihood to promote sustainable use of marine resources.  相似文献   

我国城市污水处理的有效措施   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我国水环境污染和水资源短缺,促进了污水处理厂的建设,而污水处理工艺在很大程度上决定了污水处理厂的投资、基建费用、用地和运行管理费用。文章介绍了我国有污水处理厂的工艺、投资和运行费用。结合我国的基本国情,提出了建立经济有效的处理工艺的措施。  相似文献   

二十一世纪高校体育师资的综合素质提出了更新、更高、更全面的要求,体育老师要跟上时代的步伐,适应现代体育改革与发展的需要就必须进一步提高自身的素质,这是未来高校体育工作的基础和关键.  相似文献   

Forest degradation in the tropics is often associated with roads built for selective logging. The protection of intact forest landscapes (IFL) that are not accessible by roads is high on the biodiversity conservation agenda and a challenge for logging concessions certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). A frequently advocated conservation objective is to maximize the retention of roadless space, a concept that is based on distance to the nearest road from any point. We developed a novel use of the empty‐space function – a general statistical tool based on stochastic geometry and random sets theory – to calculate roadless space in a part of the Congo Basin where road networks have been expanding rapidly. We compared the temporal development of roadless space in certified and uncertified logging concessions inside and outside areas declared IFL in 2000. Inside IFLs, road‐network expansion led to a decrease in roadless space by more than half from 1999 to 2007. After 2007, loss leveled out in most areas to close to 0 due to an equilibrium between newly built roads and abandoned roads that became revegetated. However, concessions in IFL certified by FSC since around 2007 continuously lost roadless space and reached a level comparable to all other concessions. Only national parks remained mostly roadless. We recommend that forest‐management policies make the preservation of large connected forest areas a top priority by effectively monitoring – and limiting – the occupation of space by roads that are permanently accessible.  相似文献   

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