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Abstract: Small forests in agricultural landscapes are generally thought to be population sinks where the nesting success of Neotropical migrant songbirds is too low to sustain populations. In 1996 and 1997, we assessed the nesting success and productivity of Wood Thrushes (  Hylocichla mustelina ) and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (  Pheucticus ludovicianus ) in the Region of Waterloo, a highly fragmented agricultural landscape with 14% forest cover in southwestern Ontario. We located 154 Wood Thrush nests and 63 Rose-breasted Grosbeak nests in 26 small forest fragments (3–14 ha) and 15 large fragments (26–140 ha). We used the Mayfield method to determine nesting success. Across all sites nesting success was 51% for Wood Thrushes and 46% for Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. Nesting success and productivity rates were used in a simple population growth model that suggested that the Wood Thrushes but not the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were a self-sustaining population. Forest size and distance of nests to the nearest forest edge (measured in five distance classes ranging from 0 to over 100 m) did not significantly affect the nesting success or productivity of either species. Brown-headed Cowbirds (   Molothrus ater ) parasitized 47% of all Wood Thrush nests and 10% of all Rose-breasted Grosbeak nests; parasitism significantly reduced Wood Thrush productivity but not that of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. Our findings challenge the prevailing notion that small woodlots in a farmed landscape are invariably habitat sinks and offer additional incentive for habitat protection in settled landscapes where small forest fragments are often all that remain for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Extraterritorial Movements of a Forest Songbird in a Fragmented Landscape   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract: Forest isolation resulting from fragmentation is thought to impede the movement of forest songbirds. Because of the difficulty of tracking birds continuously, however, few data exist documenting the influence of isolation and landscape features on avian movements. During the breeding season, male Hooded Warblers (    Wilsonia citrina ) leave their small (<2.5 ha), isolated forest patches to travel between forest fragments. We documented a total of 106 forays (  n = 20 males) and found that individuals traveled up to 2.5 km away from their resident forest patch, primarily to solicit covert extra-pair copulations. Forays occurred despite the absence of forested corridors connecting fragments; even when corridors were present, males most often chose to fly directly across open fields. Resident patch size and distance to forests visited were not correlated with the frequency of forays. The maximum distance males flew over open fields did not exceed 465 m, and longer distances likely inhibit males from traveling outside their woodlots. If territorial establishment depends on the availability of extra-pair partners, then higher degrees of isolation between forests could explain why some species avoid settling in extremely fragmented landscapes. Conservation efforts should limit isolation between forest stands, thereby preserving the ability of animals to move within fragmented landscapes during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Abstract: Conservation strategies for forest-breeding, Neotropical migratory birds focus on the identification and preservation of source habitats. In sources, populations maintain relatively high levels of reproductive success, whereas in sinks, reproductive success is consistently below net replacement rate. In agricultural regions of the midwestern United States, forest patches of various sizes appear to act as sinks for Neotropical migrants. In 1994–1996 I monitored Wood Thrush (   Hylocichla mustelina ) nests in four forest patches in an agricultural landscape in northern Indiana. Given the prevailing estimates of adult and juvenile survival, I report productivity data that show substantial annual variation and that are sufficient to suggest the maintenance of temporal sources. Indeed, some Wood Thrush populations may act as source habitats in regions with relatively high levels of Brown-headed Cowbird (   Molothrys ater ) parasitism and nest predation because pairs produce multiple clutches and have the ability to fledge cowbirds and their own young from parasitized nests. My results and those from other studies of Wood Thrushes in landscapes with fragmented forests illustrate the variable ways in which source-sink dynamics are affected by habitat fragmentation. In some agricultural regions, populations in small forest patches may act as sources for Wood Thrushes and may be a legitimate focus of conservation efforts aimed at some migratory songbirds.  相似文献   

The Early Development of Forest Fragmentation Effects on Birds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The early development of forest fragmentation effects on forest organisms is poorly understood partly because most fragmentation studies have been done in agricultural or suburban landscapes, long after the onset of fragmentation. We develop a temporal model of forest fragmentation effects on densities of forest-breeding birds and provide data from an active industrial forest landscape to test the model. The model and our empirical data indicate that densities of several forest-dwelling bird species can increase within a forest stand soon after the onset of fragmentation as a result of displaced individuals packing into remaining habitat. Along with higher densities in the newly formed fragments, pairing success in one species, the Ovenbird ( Seiurus aurocapillus ), was lower in fragments than nonfragments, possibly due to behavioral dysfunction resulting from high densities. Thus, density was inversely related to productivity. The duration and extent of increased densities following onset of fragmentation depends on many factors, including the sensitivity of a species to edge and area effects, the duration and rate of habitat loss and fragmentation, and the proximity of a forest stand to the disturbance. Incipient forest fragmentation may affect populations differently from later stages of fragmentation when the geometry of the landscape has reached a more stable configuration. Our model and data indicate, for reasons unrelated to traditional edge effects, that large tracts of forest can be important because they are relatively free from the variety of plant and animal population dynamics that might take place near new edges, including the encroachment of individuals displaced by habitat loss.  相似文献   

Abstract: We analyzed the structure and composition of a bird assemblage in a fragmented relict temperate forest located in northcentral Chile ( Fray Jorge National Park). In terms of species composition, the bird assemblage we found in Fray Jorge was more similar to southern temperate forest sites, located more than 1200 km south of Fray Jorge, than to localities found in nearby scrub habitats. The relict character and long-term isolation of the Fray Jorge forest provides a natural experiment with which to establish the potential long-term effects of fragmentation and isolation on southern Chilean temperate forests. Between May 1996 and March 1997, we conducted seasonal surveys of birds in six forest fragments, ranging in size from 0.5 to 22.5 ha, at Fray Jorge. The number of bird species at each forest fragment was positively correlated with fragment area during all seasons. The relict forest system had a steeper species-area slope than that reported for similar temperate-forest bird assemblages in forest fragments within Chiloé Island and for islands across the Chiloé Archipelago in southern Chile. In this regard, this bird fauna resembled a depauperate oceanic archipelago. This difference in area effects is likely a consequence of the minimization of rescue effects because of the absence of large source forest areas nearby and the long-term isolation of the system. In addition, the distribution of species among forest fragments in Fray Jorge was not random, showing a nested subset pattern. Thus, some species occur across all fragments, regardless of their area, and therefore are less affected by habitat fragmentation and less prone to local extinction. These results suggest that, for south-temperate forest birds, large fragments (or reserves) should afford better protection against extinction than small forest patches.  相似文献   

Effects of Restoring Oak Savannas on Bird Communities and Populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Efforts to restore and maintain oak savannas in North America, with emphasis on the use of prescribed fire, have become common. Little is known, however, about how restoration affects animal populations, especially those of birds. I compared the breeding densities, community structure, and reproductive success of birds in oak savannas maintained by prescribed fire (12 sites) with those in closed-canopy forests (13 sites). All sampling was conducted in Illinois (U.S.A.). Of the 31 bird species analyzed, 12 were more common in savannas, 14 were not affected by habitat structure, and 5 were more common in forest habitat. The species favored by disturbance and restoration included Northern Bobwhites ( Colinus virginianus ), Mourning Doves (  Zenaida macroura ), Red-headed Woodpeckers (  Melanerpes erythrocephalus ), Indigo Buntings (  Passerina cyanea ), and Baltimore Orioles ( Icterus galbula ). Those more common in closed-canopy forest included Ovenbirds ( Seiurus aurocapilla ) and Wood Thrushes (  Hylocichla mustelina ). Few species were unique to one type of habitat, but overall avian community structure in oak savannas and closed-canopy forests was generally distinctive. Estimates of nesting success (derived from 785 nests) revealed that 6 of the 13 species considered experienced greater productivity in the savanna habitat. Rates of brood parasitism were unaffected by restoration and habitat structure. Within savannas, tract size had little effect on breeding abundances and reproductive success. My results illustrate that restoration techniques can significantly affect the ecology of constituent animal populations and communities and have key implications regarding avian conservation and the management of forest habitat in fragmented landscapes. Small patches of forest habitat that regularly function as population sinks may offer far better prospects for birds if they are subjected to disturbance and ecosystem restoration.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Few researchers have investigated the synergistic effects of tropical forest fragmentation and disturbance on species persistence and abundance. We examined effects of both forest-patch metrics and forest disturbance in determining richness and abundance of midsized to large-bodied mammal species in a highly fragmented Amazonian forest landscape. Twenty-one forest fragments, ranging from 2 to 14,480 ha, and two continuous forest sites were sampled based on sightings, tracks, line-transect censuses, armadillo burrow censuses, and camera trapping. Patch occupancy of 37 species recorded ranged from 4% to all forest sites surveyed. Forest fragment size was the strongest predictor of species persistence, explaining 90% of the variation in species richness. Information-theoretic analysis confirmed that fragment area was the most important explanatory variable for the overall species richness and abundance of mammal species, followed by surface fires, which affected the abundance of seven species. Large mammal species were typically absent from fragments <100 ha, whereas some ubiquitous species were favored by fragmentation, exhibiting hyperabundance in small patches. Our findings highlight the importance of large (>10,000 ha), relatively undisturbed forest patches to maximize persistence and maintain baseline abundances of Neotropical forest mammal species.  相似文献   

Low Recruitment of Trees Dispersed by Animals in African Forest Fragments   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract: We investigated the effects of forest fragmentation on the disappearance of fruit-eating animals and the recruitment of animal-, wind-, and gravity-dispersed trees in 80-year-old forest patches in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. We compared adult and juvenile trees in forest transects in a 3500–ha submontane forest with those in four forest fragments of 521, 30, 9, and 0.5 ha. Preliminary results show that recruitment of seedlings and juveniles of 31 animal-dispersed tree species was more than three times greater in continuous forest and large forest fragments (≥30 ha) than in small forest fragments (≤9 ha), whereas recruitment of eight wind- and gravity-dispersed trees of the forest interior was unaffected. Recruitment of 10 endemic, animal-dispersed tree species was 40 times lower in small fragments than in continuous forest or large fragments. Counts of diurnal primates and birds in all five sites indicated that frugivorous species have declined with decreasing fragment size. These results are consistent with the idea that loss of dispersal agents depresses tree recruitment in the course of forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Tropical rain forests are rapidly cleared, fragmented, and degraded in sub-Saharan Africa; however, little is known about the response of species and even of key ecological groups to these processes. One of the most intriguing (but often neglected) ecological phenomena in African rain forests is the interaction between swarm-raiding army ants and ant-following birds. Similar to their well-known Neotropical representatives, ant-following birds in Africa track the massive swarm raids of army ants and feed on arthropods flushed by the ants. In this study we analyzed the effect of habitat fragmentation and degradation of a mid-altitude Congo-Guinean rain forest in western Kenya on the structure of ant-following bird flocks. Significant numbers of swarm raids were located in all forest fragments and in both undegraded and degraded forest. Fifty-six different species of birds followed army ant raids, forming bird flocks of one to 15 species. We quantitatively differentiated the bird community into five species of specialized ant-followers and 51 species of opportunistic ant-followers. Species richness and size of bird flocks decreased with decreasing size of forest fragments and was higher in undegraded than in degraded habitat. This was caused by the decrease of the species richness and number of specialized ant-followers at swarms, while the group of opportunistic ant-followers was affected little by habitat fragmentation and degradation. The composition of bird flocks was more variable in small fragments and degraded forest, compared to undegraded habitat in large fragments. The effect of habitat fragmentation on flock structure was best explained by the strong decline of the abundance of specialized ant-followers in small forest fragments. To conserve the association of army ants and ant-following birds in its natural state, vast areas of unfragmented and undegraded tropical rain forest are necessary.  相似文献   

Abstract: Forest fragmentation may negatively affect populations typically found within continuous forest tracts. Some effects, such as absence from small fragments, are obvious, but other effects may be subtle and easily overlooked. We evaluated the hypothesis that forest birds dwelling in fragments, where microclimatic conditions have been shown to be hotter and drier than in continuous forest, may be in poorer physiological condition than those in the forest interior. We studied two bird species, the Wedge-billed Woodcreeper (  Glyphorynchus spirurus ) and the White-crowned Manakin (    Pipra pipra ), common to the fragmented landscape north of Manaus, Brazil. We analyzed feather growth rates in Pipra and Glyphorynchus captured in 1-, 10-, and 100-ha forest fragments and continuous forest. Mean daily feather growth rates of the outer right rectrix of birds captured in fragments were significantly slower than feather growth rates of birds captured in continuous forest. Based on recapture data, Wedge-billed Woodcreepers probably grew their feathers in sites where they were first captured. White-crowned Manakins, however, were highly mobile and were recaptured rarely. Although we cannot conclusively show that fragmentation caused birds to be in poorer physiological condition, the data indicate that birds in poorer physiological condition were more likely to be captured in fragments than in continuous forest. Thus, our data suggest that forest fragmentation may have subtle but important effects on species that are relatively common after landscape alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite many studies on fragmentation of tropical forests, the extent to which plant and animal communities are altered in small, isolated forest fragments remains obscure if not controversial. We examined the hypothesis that fragmentation alters the relative abundance of tree species with different vegetative and reproductive traits. In a fragmented landscape (670 km2) of the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil, we categorized 4056 trees of 182 species by leafing pattern, reproductive phenology, and morphology of seeds and fruit. We calculated relative abundance of traits in 50 1‐ha plots in three types of forest configurations: forest edges, small forest fragments (3.4–83.6 ha), and interior of the largest forest fragment (3500 ha, old growth). Although evergreen species were the most abundant across all configurations, forest edges and small fragments had more deciduous and semideciduous species than interior forest. Edges lacked supra‐annual flowering and fruiting species and had more species and stems with drupes and small seeds than small forest fragments and forest interior areas. In an ordination of species similarity and life‐history traits, the three types of configurations formed clearly segregated clusters. Furthermore, the differences in the taxonomic and functional (i.e., trait‐based) composition of tree assemblages we documented were driven primarily by the higher abundance of pioneer species in the forest edge and small forest fragments. Our work provides strong evidence that long‐term transitions in phenology and seed and fruit morphology of tree functional groups are occurring in fragmented tropical forests. Our results also suggest that edge‐induced shifts in tree assemblages of tropical forests can be larger than previously documented.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated the persistence of three medium-sized (2–9 kg), rare forest mammals in the fragmented mist-belt Podocarpus forests of the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. We recorded patch occupancy of blue duiker (   Philantomba monticola ), tree hyrax (   Dendrohyrax arboreus ), and samango monkey ( Cercopithecus mitis labiatus ) in 199 forest patches. Their rarity is ascribed to the fragmentation and destruction of their forest habitat. Incidence functions, derived from presence and absence data, were formulated as generalized linear models, and environmental effects were included in the fitted logistic models. The small and mostly solitary hyrax and duiker persisted in smaller patches than the large and social monkey. Although this result follows expectations based on relative home-range sizes of each species, the incidence probability of the samango monkey was invariant with increasing isolation, whereas a gradual decrease with increasing isolation was observed for the hyrax and duiker. Group dynamics may inhibit dispersal and increase the isolation effect in social species such as samango monkeys. A mainland-island metapopulation model adequately describes patterns of patch occupancy by the hyrax and duiker, but the monkeys' poor dispersal ability and obvious area-dependent extirpation suggest that they exist in transient, nonequilibrium (declining) metapopulations. Through identification of large forest patches for careful protection and management, the survival of all three species—especially the monkey—could be prolonged. Because no functional metapopulation may exist for the monkey, however, this is an emergency measure. For the duiker and hyrax, larger patches should form part of a network of smaller and closer patches in a natural matrix.  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1991, we studied the postfledging dispersal of 31 radio-tagged White-crowned Pigeons ( Columba leucocephala ) from three natal keys in Florida Bay. Immature birds dispersed from the natal keys at 26–45 days after batching, and most young dispersed more than 20 km during the first 10 days postdispersal. Dispersing birds flew either north to the Florida mainland or east to northeast to the mainline Florida Keys. On the mainland, immature birds fed nearly exclusively within Everglades National Park or an adjacent state wildlife management area. On the mainline keys, White-crowned Pigeons selectively used 5.01–20 ha forest fragments (p < 0.10) during the first 72 hours postdispersal. After this period, dispersing birds showed no preference among fragment size classes but used deciduous seasonal forests more frequently than suburban habitat(p < 0.10). The spatial pattern of dispersal on the mainline keys suggests that, during the first 72 hours postdispersal. White-crowned Pigeons are not able to reach northern Key Largo, where 69% of the deciduous seasonal forests are protected in state or federal ownership. Protection of large forest fragments, especially on southern Key Largo, should be a priority for maintaining populations of White-crowned Pigeons. These forests provide a series of "stepping stones" that enable dispersing immature White-crowned Pigeons to fly to more distant areas where habitat availability is less restricted. This species is threatened in Florida and may play an important role in maintaining plant species diversity in the seasonal deciduous forests of south Florida by dispersing seeds of at least 37 species of trees and shrubs. Protection of sufficient habitat to allow successful postfledging dispersal of this important seed disperser will also protect the ecosystem's biodiversity.  相似文献   

Abstract:  To better understand responses of reptiles and amphibians to forest fragmentation in the lowland Neotropics, we examined community and population structure of frogs and lizards in the fragmented landscape surrounding La Selva Biological Station in the Sarapiquí region of northeastern Costa Rica. We used diurnal quadrats and nocturnal transects to sample frogs and lizards in nine forest fragments (1–7 ha each) and La Selva (1100 ha). Species richness in all fragments combined was 85% of that found in La Selva with comparable sampling effort. Richness varied from 10 to 24 species among forest fragments, compared with 36 species at La Selva. Lizard density was higher and frog density was lower in forest fragments than in La Selva. Community composition varied among sites and by fragment size class, and species occurrence was nested with respect to fragment area. Isolation and habitat variables did not significantly affect species richness, composition, or nestedness. We classified 34% of species as fragmentation sensitive because they were absent or occurred at low densities in fragments. Nevertheless, the relatively high diversity observed in the entire set of fragments indicates that preserving a network of small forest patches may be of considerable conservation value to the amphibians and reptiles of this region.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Habitat degradation alters the dynamics and composition of anuran assemblages in tropical forests. The effects of forest fragmentation on the composition of anuran assemblages are so far poorly known. We studied the joint influence of forest fragmentation and degradation on leaf-litter frogs. We specifically asked whether the processes structuring leaf-litter anuran assemblages in fragmented forests are the same as those in continuous forests. We analyzed anuran assemblages with respect to habitat characteristics, including fragmentation and degradation parameters. In comparison with continuous forests, species richness and diversity were lower and assemblage composition was altered in forest fragments. These changes seemed to be mainly caused by habitat degradation rather than forest fragmentation. Availability of aquatic sites for breeding, vegetation structure (including those variables indicating degradation), and leaf-litter cover had the most influence on the presence of single species. The comparatively small impact of fragmentation on anurans might be due to the location of the study area; it still possessed large tracts of continuous forest. These forest blocks may stabilize the regional rainforest climate and thus weaken the effects of fragmentation .  相似文献   

Many explorations of extinction probability have had a global focus, yet it is unclear whether variables that explain the probability of extinction at large spatial extents are the same as those at small spatial extents. Thus, we used nearly annual presence-absence records for the most recent 40 years of a 110-year data set from Palenque, Mexico, an area with ongoing deforestation, to explore which of >200 species of birds have probabilities of extirpation that are likely to increase. We assessed associations between long-term trends in species presence (i.e., detection in a given year) and body size, geographic range size, diet, dependence on forest cover, taxonomy, and ecological specialization. Our response variable was the estimated slope of a weighted logistic regression for each species. We assessed the relative strength of each predictor by means of a model ranking scheme. Several variables associated with high extinction probability at global extents, such as large body size or small geographic range size, were not associated with occurrence of birds over time at our site. Body size was associated with species loss at Palenque, but occurrence trends of both very large and very small species, particularly the latter, have declined, or the species have been extirpated. We found no association between declining occurrence trend and geographic range size, yet decline correlated with whether a species depends on forest (mean occupancy trend =-0.0380, 0.0263, and 0.0186 for, respectively, species with high, intermediate, or low dependence on forest) and with complex combinations of diet and foraging strata (e.g., occurrence of canopy insectivores and terrestrial omnivores has increased, whereas occurrence of mid-level frugivores and terrestrial granivores has decreased). Our findings emphasize that analyses of local areas are necessary to explicate extirpation risk at various spatial extents.  相似文献   

In western North American conifer forests, wildfires are increasing in frequency and severity due to heavy fuel loads that have accumulated after a century of fire suppression. Forest restoration treatments (e.g., thinning and/or burning) are being designed and implemented at large spatial and temporal scales in an effort to reduce fire risk and restore forest structure and function. In ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests, predominantly open forest structure and a frequent, low-severity fire regime constituted the evolutionary environment for wildlife that persisted for thousands of years. Small mammals are important in forest ecosystems as prey and in affecting primary production and decomposition. During 2006-2009, we trapped eight species of small mammals at 294 sites in northern Arizona and used occupancy modeling to determine community responses to thinning and habitat features. The most important covariates in predicting small mammal occupancy were understory vegetation cover, large snags, and treatment. Our analysis identified two generalist species found at relatively high occupancy rates across all sites, four open-forest species that responded positively to treatment, and two dense-forest species that responded negatively to treatment unless specific habitat features were retained. Our results indicate that all eight small mammal species can benefit from restoration treatments, particularly if aspects of their evolutionary environment (e.g., large trees, snags, woody debris) are restored. The occupancy modeling approach we used resulted in precise species-level estimates of occupancy in response to habitat attributes for a greater number of small mammal species than in other comparable studies. We recommend our approach for other studies faced with high variability and broad spatial and temporal scales in assessing impacts of treatments or habitat alteration on wildlife species. Moreover, since forest planning efforts are increasingly focusing on progressively larger treatment implementation, better and more efficiently obtained ecological information is needed to inform these efforts.  相似文献   

I quantified local species richness of birds in different forest types and of beetles in spruce forests at different altitudes. In both cases I quantified timber production as a measure of land acquisition cost and used the ratio between the species richness and timber production as a measure of conservation cost-efficiency. I found a positive correlation between timber production and local species richness of birds as well as beetles, indicating that the forests most valuable for forestry are also the ones most valuable for biodiversity conservation. I used different selection procedures for combining sites in a reserve network to find the minimum set of sites that included all vulnerable species. The minimum set of sites for birds was 30% spruce forest, 30% pine forest, and 40% broad-leaved forest (the three main forest types). The minimum set of sites for the beetles was uniformly distributed along the altitudinal gradient. Both minimum sets were most cost-efficient for species conservation. I suggest that equal coverage of different productivity classes is more efficient for optimizing biodiversity conservation than over-representing low productivity sites. Less than 1% of Norwegian boreal forests have been protected as nature reserves. The reserve network is fairly representative with respect to altitude, but it is seriously skewed toward low productivity sites. The current network is suboptimal with respect to forest type representativeness, species protection, and cost-efficiency. This is a result of an inefficient strategy of selecting reserve sites and an unfortunate combination of selection criteria.  相似文献   

Biodiversity declines and ecosystem decay follow forest fragmentation; initially, abundant species may become rare or be extirpated. Underlying mechanisms behind delayed extirpation of certain species following forest fragmentation are unknown. Species declines may be attributed to an inadequate number of breeding adults required to replace the population or decreased juvenile survival rate due to reduced recruitment or increased nest predation pressures. We used 10 years of avian banding data, 5 years before and 4 years after fragment isolation, from the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, carried out near Manaus, Brazil, to investigate the breeding activity hypothesis that there is less breeding activity and fewer young after relative to before fragment isolation. We compared the capture rates of active breeding and young birds in 3 forest types (primary forest, fragment before isolation, and fragment after isolation) and the proportion of active breeding and young birds with all birds in each unique fragment type before and after isolation. We grouped all bird species by diet (insectivore or frugivore) and nesting strategy (open cup, cavity, or enclosed) to allow further comparisons among forest types. We found support for the breeding activity hypothesis in insectivorous and frugivorous birds (effect sizes 0.45 and 0.53, respectively) and in birds with open-cup and enclosed nesting strategies (effect sizes 0.56 and 0.44, respectively) such that on average there were more breeding birds in fragments before isolation relative to after isolation. A larger proportion of birds in the community were actively breeding before fragment isolation (72%) than after fragment isolation (11%). Unexpectedly, there was no significant decrease in the number of young birds after fragment isolation, although sample sizes for young were small (n = 43). This may have been due to sustained immigration of young birds to fragments after isolation. Together, our results provide some of the strongest evidence to date that avian breeding activity decreases in response to fragment isolation, which could be a fundamental mechanism contributing to ecosystem decay.  相似文献   

Intensification of food production in tropical landscapes in the absence of land‐use planning can pose a major threat to biological diversity. Decisions on whether to spatially integrate or segregate lands for production and conservation depend in part on the functional relations between biological diversity and agricultural productivity. We measured diversity, density, and species composition of birds along a gradient of production intensification on an agricultural frontier of the Argentine Chaco, where dry tropical forests are cleared for cattle production. Bird species diversity in intact forests was higher than in any type of cattle‐production system. Bird species richness decreased nonlinearly as cattle yield increased. Intermediate‐intensity silvopastoral systems, those in which forest understory is selectively cleared to grow pastures of non‐native plants beneath the tree canopy, produced 80% of the mean cattle yield obtained in pastures on cleared areas and were occupied by 70–90% of the number of bird species present in the nearest forest fragments. Densities of >50% of bird species were significantly lower in open pastures than in silvopastoral systems. Therefore, intermediate‐intensity silvopastoral systems may have the greatest potential to sustain cattle yield and conserve a large percentage of bird species. However, compared with low‐intensity production systems, in which forest structure and extent were intact, intermediate‐intensity silvopastoral systems supported significantly fewer forest‐restricted bird species and fewer frugivorous birds. These data suggest that the integration of production and conservation through intermediate‐intensity silvopastoral systems combined with the protection of forest fragments may be required to maintain cattle yield, bird diversity, and conservation of forest‐restricted species in this agricultural frontier. Compromisos entre la Producción de Ganado y la Conservación de Aves en una Frontera Agrícola del Gran Chaco de Argentina  相似文献   

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