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中国东部海域发生海啸的可能性分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
由强地震引发的印度洋大海啸在短短几个小时内就演变成了一场巨大的人间惨剧。这样的2004年12月26日自然灾害,人类能不能预防?它的形成机制是什么?我国历史上发生过海啸吗?在未来我国哪些地区会发生海啸?就上述问题,作了可能性分析。印度洋海啸的发生可以说既是天灾,也是人祸。人类虽说还不能控制地震、海啸等天灾的发生,但可以通过预报等措施来减轻它们造成的损失。我国历史时期曾发生过多次海啸,台湾周围海域是海啸的高发区域,其次是大陆架区域,渤海是低发区域。在未来,东海、南海,特别是台湾岛附近海域具备产生海啸的条件,即海南、台湾存在成灾条件;其次是上海,广州,也存在潜在的海啸危险;沿海其它城市亦应居安思危。 相似文献
沈水龙 《防灾减灾工程学报》2006,26(1):122-122
大家知道,2004年12月26日印度尼西亚爪硅岛的印度洋近岸地震引起了印度洋的海啸,对南亚、东南亚,印度洋上的几个岛国造成了巨大的人员及财产损失。其影响甚至到了2000km外的东非地区。据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,直接死亡近15万人,失踪4万多人。而且,南亚、东南亚的港湾及海岸设施也遭受了空前的损坏。为修复被破坏的沿岸地区是海岸工程师,海岸岩土工程面临的巨大挑战。 相似文献
地震震级大,震源浅 2004年12川26日发生在印度尼西亚苏门答腊附近海域的地震震级达8.7级,属于特大地震。地震发牛在澳大利亚板块与印度板块两大全球构造板块的交界处。地震区内,印度板块,相对缅甸板块,以6厘米/年速度向西北方向运动,住巽他海槽斜向俯冲收敛。印度板块向缅甸板块下长期俯冲,积累了巨大的应力和能量,突然释放,引起地壳剧烈震动。又由于震源浅(仅10公里),对海水的扰动强烈,从而引发了巨大的海啸。 相似文献
灾害防御工程的费用和效益问题浅议 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
在分析现有的灾害防御工程费用效益计算方法的基础上,提出灾害防御工程应遵循从整个国家和社会的角度进行分析的原则,并对如何应用国民经济评价方法,以影子价格来衡量灾害防御工程项目对国民经济的真正影响作了初步的讨论。这对于正确评价和选择灾害防御工程方案有重要的理论和现实意义。 相似文献
苏沪浙海岸的地震海啸增水 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
江苏、上海和浙江地区的地震海啸增水研究自20世纪80年代开始,研究结果为沿海重大工程建设提供了地震海啸设防的基本数据。地震海啸历史文献记录表明,可能在该地区产生显著增水的海啸主要发生在南黄海海域和台湾附近海域。在琉球隆褶区发生的地震海啸受到冲绳海槽、钓鱼岛隆褶带的阻滞,在向东海陆架浅水区传播过程中进一步衰减,由此产生的海啸增水只有在现代仪器记录上才能分辨出来,通常不会在该地区产生灾害。在识别该研究区的潜在海啸源工作的基础上,用数值方法分析研究了海啸波传播过程,结果认为该地区受到的地震海啸影响不大于风暴潮,这一结论与历史记录相符。 相似文献
城市地下工程建设中的环境工程地质问题--预防与控制 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
近年来,为了缓解城市用地矛盾,已开始大规模地开发利用地下空间,由此引起的环境工程地质问题也日趋严重,因此,加强城市地下工程建设的环境工程地质研究,有重要理论与实际意义.分析了城市地下工程建设中引起或遇到的地面变形、洞室围岩失稳、地下水环境变异和地质生态环境恶化等环境工程地质问题,研究了城市地下工程建设环境工程地质研究应解决的关键问题,提出了城市地下工程建设环境工程地质问题的预防途径和措施. 相似文献
Non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) are widely believed to raise their flag in humanitarian hotspots with a strong media presence in order to attract higher private donations. We assess this hypothesis by comparing the changes in donations between US‐based NGOs with and without aid operations in the four countries most affected by the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. Simple before‐after comparisons tend to support the hypothesis that ‘flying the flag’ helps attract higher private donations. However, performing a difference‐in‐difference‐in‐differences (DDD) approach, we find only weak indications that private donors systematically and strongly preferred NGOs with operations in the region. Extended specifications of the baseline regressions reveal that our major findings are robust. NGO heterogeneity matters in some respects, but the DDD results hold when accounting for proxies of the NGOs’ reputation and experience. 相似文献
《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3):249-265
This paper discusses insights from post-tsunami early warning system (EWS) development in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia by analysing selected elements of resilience, based on the Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) framework, and by distinguishing between the cognitive, normative and procedural dimensions of EWSs. The findings indicate that (1) recent calls to develop participatory and people-centred EWSs as promoted by the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005—2015 have not been sufficiently translated into action in the implementation of national policies and strategies for early warning; (2) policy and guidance places significantly more emphasis on the procedural compared to the normative and cognitive dimensions of EWSs; (3) practitioners engaged in early warning and disaster risk reduction operate in contexts shaped by multiple stakeholder agendas and face considerable challenges in negotiating diverse needs and priorities; and (4) few platforms currently exist that enable stakeholders to coordinate and reconcile agendas, negotiate joint targets, share knowledge and critically reflect on lessons learnt, and to improve the integration of early warning with other priorities such as livelihoods improvement, natural resource management and community development. 相似文献
城市土地工程能力评价的GIS方法 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
城市土地工程能力评价是城市进行合理规划,保持城市可持续发展的一项重要内容。本文以大庆市城区为例,分析了城市工程地质的特征,建立了城市工程地质信息系统,实现了工程地质空间特征的管理,分析及操作。通过Bayes决策方法,研究了空间地质特征的相关性,提出了用地理信息系统(GIS)进行土地工程能力评价的方法,该方法能提高城市工程地质信息管理的层次,有助于城市土地工程能力评价工作方法的规范化和程序化。 相似文献
In this paper we explore the concept of ‘natural disasters’ as opportunities for influencing public perceptions of the environment through the media. We provide a critical analysis of the discourse in a selection of newspaper articles and identify the way in which various actors have utilised UK national newspaper coverage of the Asian tsunami to promote particular agendas and to legitimise policies and actions. A systematic and iterative sampling approach was developed that allowed us to combine quantitative and qualitative methods to search for articles that contained content directly related to the environmental aspects of the tsunami. Three main themes emerged; coastal ecosystems, the fisheries sector, and redevelopment. The discourse within these areas was markedly different. While the coastal ecosystems discourse was hegemonic in terms of narratives and actor coalitions, the fisheries and redevelopment discourse incorporated a more diverse set of actors and storylines that perhaps reflects the lack of consensus on the best way of achieving sustainable solutions. We also contrast the limited discussion and representation of tsunami-related environmental issues within UK national newspapers with the more detailed discussion within the peer-reviewed literature and the grey literature. We argue that ‘natural disasters’ provide both opportunities and risks for raising awareness of environmental issues, mobilising funding and directing action to environmentally and socially vulnerable areas of the world, and that consequently NGOs, intergovernmental bodies and government departments should be mindful of the long-term consequences of global media attention. 相似文献