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Micronutrient malnutrition is a major health problem in China. According to a national nutritional survey, approximately 24% of all Chinese children suffer from a serious deficiency of iron (Fe) (anemia), while over 50% show a sub-clinical level of zinc (Zn) deficiency. More than 374 million people in China suffer from goiter disease, which is related to iodine (I) deficiency, and approximately 20% of the Chinese population are affected by selenium (Se) deficiency. Micronutrient malnutrition in humans is derived from deficiencies of these elements in soils and foods. In China, approximately 40% of the total land area is deficient in Fe and Zn. Keshan and Kaschin-Beck diseases always appear in regions where the soil content of Se in low. The soil–plant system is instrumental to human nutrition and forms the basis of the “food chain” in which there is micronutrient cycling, resulting in an ecologically sound and sustainable flow of micronutrients. Soil-plant system strategies that have been adopted to improve human micronutrient nutrition mainly include: (1) exploiting micronutrient-dense crop genotypes by studying the physiology and genetics of micronutrient flow from soils to the edible parts of crops; (2) improving micronutrient bioavailability through a better knowledge of the mechanisms of the enhancers’ production and accumulation in edible parts and its regulation through soil-plant system; (3) improving our knowledge of the relationship between the content and bioavailability of micronutrients in soils and those in edible crop products for better human nutrition; (4) developing special micronutrient fertilizers and integrated nutrient management technologies for increasing both the density of the micronutrients in the edible parts of plants and their bioavailability to humans.  相似文献   


The natural selenium poisoning due to toxic Se levels in food chain had been observed in humans and animals in Lower Cambrian outcrop areas in Southern Shaanxi, China. To find out the distribution pattern of selenium and other hazardous elements in the plant, soil and water of Lower Cambrian in Southern Shaanxi, China, and their possible potential health risk, a total of 30 elements were analyzed and the health risk assessment of 18 elements was calculated. Results showed that the soil, plant and natural water of Lower Cambrian all had relatively high Se levels. In Lower Cambrian, the soil was enriched with Se, As, Ba, Cu, Mo, Ni, Zn, Ga, Cd and Cr (1.68 < Igeo < 4.48, Igeo; geo-accumulation index). In same plants, the contents of Se, Cd and Zn (except Cd in corn and rice, Zn in potato and corn) of Lower Cambrian were higher than that of the other strata. Ba and Ga in natural water were higher than that of the other strata, while K and Cs were opposite. The health risk assessment results showed that the people living in outcrop areas of Lower Cambrian had both high total non-carcinogenic risk of 18 elements (HI = 16.12, acceptable range: < 1) and carcinogenic risk of As (3.98E−04, acceptable range: 10−6–10−4). High contents of Se, As, Mo and Tl of Lower Cambrian may pose a health risk to local people, and food intake was the major pathway. For minimizing potential health risk, the local inhabitants should use the mix-imported food with local growing foods.


Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The causes of Kashin–Beck disease (KBD) in children are multifactorial, and particular consideration has been given to childhood selenium (Se)...  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The accumulation of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in terrestrial ecosystems has become a global concern, as PTEs may exert a wide range of negative...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the bulk chemical composition as well as the extent and severity of heavy metal contamination in the paddy soil of Kočani Field (eastern Macedonia). The results revealed that the paddy soil of the western part of Kočani Field is severely contaminated with Pb, Zn, As and Cd in the vicinity of the Zletovska River due to irrigation with riverine water that is severely affected by acid mine and tailing effluents from the Pb–Zn mine in Zletovo. The detected total concentrations of these metals are far above the threshold values considered to be phytotoxically excessive for surface soil. The paddy soil in the vicinity of the Zletovska River was also found to exhibit elevated levels of Ba, Th, U, V, W, Mo, Cu, Sb, Bi, Ag, Au, Hg and Tl, with concentrations above their generally accepted median concentration values obtained during this study. A correlation matrix revealed that the Mn and Fe oxides/hydroxides are the most important carrier phase for several trace elements, with the exception of rare earth elements (REEs). These also represent a major sink for the observed heavy metal pollution of the soil. REEs are mostly associated with two phases: light (L)REEs are bound to K-Al, while heavy (H)REEs are bound to Mg-bearing minerals. Although there is no direct evidence of a health risk, the paddy soil in the vicinity of Zletovska River needs further investigation and an assessment should be made of its suitability for agricultural use, particularly in view of the highly elevated concentrations of Pb, Zn, As and Cd.  相似文献   

Numerous smelter sites are surrounded by rural land. The entrance of non-essential metals such as lead or cadmium into the food chain is very likely as well as phytotoxicity effects of zinc. Finding a realistic solution for these large-scale contaminations was one aim of this study. Previous results from pot experiments showed a high potential for the reduction of metals entering the food chain via crops grown on smelter-contaminated soils from Arnoldstein, Austria, by the use of amendments for immobilisation. A further aim was to optimise a field experiment for overcoming the gap between pot and field experiments and to look for long-term efficiency of the treatments [lime (CA), red mud (RM), gravel sludge + red mud (GS + RM)]. Field experiment results were obtained for 5 years. Besides soil and soil pore water samples, the following harvests were yielded: spring barley (Hordeum distichon ssp. L.) (2004–2005), narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) (2006–2007) and velvet grass (Holcus lanatus L.) (2007–2008). The long-term efficiency of GS + RM led us to conclude that their application seems to be a realistic and practical measure for extensively contaminated land, best in combination with metal excluding cultivars.  相似文献   

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