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为明晰长江流域水质时空分布特征并解析污染源,基于长江流域21个水质监测断面2008—2018年的pH、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)及氨氮质量浓度([NH3-N])数据,采用M-K趋势检验、相关性分析和层次聚类分析,对流域内水质时空动态变化趋势及特征进行综合识别,并结合绝对主成分回归分析法(APCS-MLR)解析污染物来源。结果表明,研究区内重点断面水质类别以II类为主,占71.39%。在时间上,水质污染程度表现为汛期(5—10月)劣于非汛期(1—4月和11、12月),汛期主要污染指标为DO和CODMn,非汛期主要污染指标为[NH3-N];在空间上,21个监测断面聚类为3组,其水质优劣排序为GⅢ(四川乐山岷江大桥、湖南长沙新港、江西南昌滁搓站点)>GⅡ(中下游及下游)>GⅠ(上游及中上游)。结合主成分分析和多元回归分析得出,在所基于的指标中CODMn和NH3-N是研究区内典型污染物,GⅠ组水体主要受营养盐面源污染和耗氧有机物蓄积污染;GⅡ组水质受工业生产和人类活动影响其营养盐和有机物污染严重,而自然因素影响较弱;GⅢ组站点属局部污染严重,污染源主要是有机物,其次是营养盐。上述研究结果可为长江流域针对性水环境治理、污染控制和改善提供参考。  相似文献   

In the routine São Paulo state (Brazil) surface water quality-monitoring program, which includes the Salmonella microsome mutagenicity assay as one of its parameters, a river where water is taken and treated for drinking water purposes has repeatedly shown mutagenic activity. A textile dyeing facility employing azo-type dyes was the only identifiable source of mutagenic compounds. We extracted the river and drinking water samples with XAD4 at neutral and acidic pH and with blue rayon, which selectively adsorbs polycyclic compounds. We tested the industrial effluent, raw, and treated water and sediment samples with YG1041 and YG1042 and compared the results with the TA98 and TA100 strains. The elevated mutagenicity detected with YG-strains suggested that nitroaromatics and/or aromatic amines were causing the mutagenicity detected in the samples analyzed. Positive responses for the blue rayon extracts indicated that mutagenic polycyclic compounds were present in the water samples analyzed. The mutagen or mixture of mutagens present in the effluent and water samples cause mainly frameshift mutations and are positive with and without metabolic activation. The Salmonella assay combined with different extraction procedures proved to be very useful in the identification of the origin of the pollution and in the identification of the classes of chemical compounds causing the mutagenic activity in the river analyzed.  相似文献   

Ashley K  Cordell D  Mavinic D 《Chemosphere》2011,84(6):737-746
The element phosphorus has no substitute in sustaining all life and food production on our planet. Yet today’s phosphorus use patterns have resulted in both a global environmental epidemic of eutrophication and led to a situation where the future availability of the world’s main sources of phosphorus is uncertain. This paper examines the important history of human interference with the phosphorus cycle from initial discovery to present, highlighting key interrelated events and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, Sanitation Revolution and Green Revolution. Whilst these events led to profound advances in technology, public health and food production, they have fundamentally broken the global phosphorus cycle. It is clear a ‘Fourth Revolution’ is required to resolve this dilemma and ensure humanity can continue to feed itself into the future while protecting environmental and human health.  相似文献   

To investigate the chemical characteristics of precipitation in the polluted coastal atmosphere, a total of 46 event-based precipitation samples were collected using a wet-only automatic precipitation collector from September 2006 to October 2007 at metropolitan Newark, New Jersey in the US East Coast. Samples were analyzed by ion chromatography for the concentrations of major inorganic ions (Cl, NO3, SO42−, F, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and organic acid species (CH3COO, HCOO, CH2(COO)22−, C2O42−). Selected trace metals (Sb, Pb, Al, V, Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd) in samples were determined by ICPMS. Mass concentration results show that SO42− was the most dominant anion accounting for 51% of the total anions, controlling the acidity of the precipitation. NH4+ accounted for 48.6% of the total cations, dominating the precipitation neutralization. CH3COO and HCOO were the two dominant water-soluble organic acid species, accounting for 42% and 40% of the total organic acids analyzed, respectively. Al, Zn and Fe were the three major trace metals in precipitation, accounting for 34%, 27%, and 25% of the total mass of metals analyzed. The pH values in precipitation ranged from 4.4 to 4.9, indicating an acidic nature. Enrichment Factor (EF) Analysis showed that Na+, Cl, Mg2+ and K+ in the precipitation were primarily of marine origin, while most of the Fe, Co and Al were from crust sources. Pb, V, Cr, Ni were moderately enriched with EFs ranging 43–410, while Zn, Sb, Cu, Cd and F were highly enriched with EFs > 700, indicating significant anthropogenic influences. Factor analysis suggests 6 major sources contributing to the observed composition of precipitation at this location: (1) nitrogen-enriched soil, (2) secondary pollution processes, (3) marine sources, (4) incinerations, (5) oil combustions, and (6) malonate–vanadium enriched sources. To further explore the source–precipitation event relationships and seasonality, cluster analysis was performed for all precipitation events. Results show that about half of the precipitation events were characterized by mixed sources. Significant influences of nitrogen-enriched soil and marine sources were associated with precipitation events in spring and autumn, while secondary pollution processes, incineration and oil combustion contributed greatly in summer.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市不同区域大气降尘中重金属污染及来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步了解城市不同区域间大气降尘中重金属含量及其差异性,沿城市走向梯度布设降尘采样点采集样品。采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)仪测定样品中Cu、Cr、Mn、Fe、Ni、Zn、Cd、Pb和As等重金属含量,并计算富集因子来判断不同区域间的污染源类型,通过因子分析方法探讨污染的来源。结果显示,所测重金属元素中除Mn外,均受到人为源的影响,且十分严重。从贡献率来看,不同区域间第一因子的贡献率虽有差异,但均为来自土壤的风沙扬尘造成;第二因子的贡献率也不尽相同,主要是燃煤产生的污染;第三因子出现了差异,市南区和市北区主要是受金属冶炼的影响,而市中区的影响可能来自垃圾焚烧;市南区未出现第四因子,而市中区和市北区的污染源也不相同。分析表明,城市大气降尘污染依然严重,做好防控风沙和建筑扬尘,减少煤炭消耗,调整能源结构和产业布局是整体减少大气降尘的关键。  相似文献   

VOCs是臭氧和二次有机气溶胶等复合型污染的前驱体。基于原辅料和生产工艺的角度,构建江苏省内人造板、印刷、电子、橡胶和塑料、制药、化工、喷涂为代表的典型工业行业VOCs成分谱。通过最大增量反应活性系数(MIR) 、气溶胶生成系数(FAC),依据原辅料、产品和工艺的区别,分析各行业、企业VOCs 组分区别与臭氧生成潜势和二次颗粒物生成潜势。结果表明:橡胶和塑料行业单位OFP最高,约为4.09 g·g−1;SOA较高的印刷、制药、涂装、橡胶和塑料行业,其值约为1.5 g·g−1;通过MIR 和FAC 系数模型可知,橡胶和塑料行业是O3污染管控重点,印刷、制药、涂装、橡胶和塑料行业是二次气溶胶的管控重点。基于江苏省典型工业行业VOCs特征,分析我国现行VOCs治理技术指南推荐工艺与现存低效治理工艺的差异,以估算全国典型工业行业VOCs年产污量和污染特性减排潜力,可为VOCs管理相关法规政策制定提供依据。  相似文献   

南苕溪支流锦溪水质时空变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
综合运用灰色聚类法、综合污染指数法、等级聚类法就南苕溪支流锦溪近年水质时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明,锦溪入青山水库断面水质2005—2009年逐年改善,2007年后达到灰色聚类等级Ⅲ类水质要求;2009年秋季至2010年夏季期间秋、冬两季的污染程度高于春、夏季节;枯水期综合污染指数最高,但TN、TP污染分指数在丰水期最高,表明污染源中面源污染已占相当比例。空间变化方面从玲珑桥到江桥锦溪水质的综合污染指数不断提升,到江桥时达到极值13.25,锦溪末端三眼桥断面水质较江桥断面有所改善;SPSS空间聚类分析可分为轻污染区(从玲珑桥到冬韵桥)、重污染区(从群利桥到江桥)和中度污染区(从江桥到三眼桥)。锦溪上游农业区对河水中的COD、TN和TP的贡献率分别为66%、54%和49%,农业面源污染已成为制约锦溪水质改善的主要因素。  相似文献   

Wang X  Sato T  Xing B 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):2440-2448
Aerosol samples were collected from Kanazawa, Japan to examine the size distribution of 12 elements and to identify the major sources of anthropogenic elements. Key emission sources were identified and, concentrations contributed from individual sources were estimated as well. Concentrations of elements V, Ca, Cd, Fe, Ba, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sr, Zn, Co and Cu in aerosols were determined with ICP-MS. The results showed that Ca, Mg, Sr, Mn, Co and Fe were mainly associated with coarse particles (>2.1 μm), primarily from natural sources. In contrast, the elements Zn, Ba, Cd, V, Pb and Cu dominated in fine aerosol particles (<2.1 μm), implying that the anthropogenic origin is the dominant source. Results of the factor analysis on elements with high EFCrust values (>10) showed that emissions from waste combustion in incinerators, oil combustion (involving waste oil burning and oil combustion in both incinerators and electricity generation plants), as well as coal combustion in electricity generation plants were major contributors of anthropogenic metals in the ambient atmosphere in Kanazawa. Quantitatively estimated sum of mean concentrations of anthropogenic elements from the key sources were in good agreement with the observed values. Results of this study elucidate the need for making pollution control strategy in this area.  相似文献   

This study showed that NH3 emitted from geothermal power plants affects the surrounding epiphytic lichen vegetation and diversity, confounding the interpretation of lichen diversity counts in terms of air pollution by H2S. The presence of nitrophytic lichen species around geothermal installations, determined by NH3, caused relatively high diversity values that were not related with the levels of air pollution by H2S. It is recommended that in the presence of NH3 emission, nitrophytic species are excluded from the calculation of lichen diversity values.  相似文献   

Long-range transport of pollutants influenced by anthropogenic and natural emission sources in East Asia is investigated by using backward trajectory analysis along the NASA TRACE-P flight tracks and a numerical simulation with the three-dimensional chemical transport model (STEM-2k1). Observation-based regional distributions of trace gases are reconstructed using the observations obtained by measurements on board the DC-8 and P3-B aircrafts. Systematic features of the spatial distribution for each species are identified. It is found that the observed concentrations of CO and some NMHCs, and the ratios between these species, are highly associated with the source distribution features and their regional characteristics. Reconstructed fields of the observed and modeled ethane/CO and ethane/propane are found to reproduce well the estimated emission ratios in East Asia. We also investigated the time rate of change of the concentration of species and their ratio along the trajectory. From this analysis the propane/ethane and propane/acetylene ratios are shown to preserve their emission ratios during regional transport. However systematic differences in the propane vs. acetylene/CO relationships are found between the model and observation values. This analysis suggests that further efforts are needed to improve the estimates of biomass burning emissions in SE Asia. The results presented in this paper also suggest ways to further extend the capabilities to derive observation-based inventories.  相似文献   

Both eutrophication and SO4 pollution can lead to higher availability of nutrients and potentially toxic compounds in wetlands. To unravel the interaction between the level of eutrophication and toxicity at species and community level, effects of SO4 were tested in nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich fen mesocosms. Biomass production of aquatic and semi-aquatic macrophytes and colonization of the water layer increased after fertilization, leading to dominance of highly competitive species. SO4 addition increased alkalinity and sulphide concentrations, leading to decomposition and additional eutrophication. SO4 pollution and concomitant sulphide production considerably reduced biomass production and colonization, but macrophytes were less vulnerable in fertilized conditions. The experiment shows that competition between species, vegetation succession and terrestrialization are not only influenced by nutrient availability, but also by toxicity, which strongly interacts with the level of eutrophication. This implies that previously neutralized toxicity effects in eutrophied fens may appear after nutrient reduction measures have been taken.  相似文献   

Ambient aerosols adversely affect human health and visibility and impact climate. Identification of sources of particulate matter and its precursors is necessary for developing control strategies. The goal of this research is to utilize long-term speciated particulate matter data and back-trajectory cluster analyses to determine trends and sources of particulate matter in the Superstition Wilderness, a rural area east of Phoenix, Arizona. Twenty-four hour back-trajectories were calculated for every hour of every 24-h particulate matter sample obtained by IMPROVE from 1991 to 2004. Days that included back-trajectories with considerable spatial variance were excluded from further analyses. To minimize uncertainties inherent in single trajectories, all calculated trajectories for each sampling day were averaged to represent the air mass sampled during that day. Cluster analysis of trajectories identified four unique regions, including a region with Phoenix, a region with copper smelters, and one with coal-fired power plants. Yearly averages of sulfate, nitrate, soil, and carbon concentrations were calculated for each region. Statistically significant trends in species concentrations by region and independent of region and differences in concentrations between regions were examined.Sulfate concentrations from the region with smelters were higher than other regions but decreased during the study period. Emissions data from the smelters indicate that much of the sulfate from the region was due to the smelters. The overall 2.2% year−1 decrease in sulfate concentrations at TNM is likely due to decreased emissions from the copper smelters. A 3.6% year−1 increase in nitrate concentrations was driven largely by increasing NOx concentrations from Phoenix and to a lesser extent the region southwest of the site which includes Tucson and suburban/urban areas between Phoenix and Tucson. Soil concentrations were higher from regions with deserts than the region without desert. This method could not identify trends or source regions of carbonaceous aerosols at this site.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the efficiency and effects of addition of aluminium sulphate on soft water quality of a shallow eutrophic lake. Almost all the controlled variables improved with treatment, especially nutrient concentrations such as soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and transparency. However, aluminium sulphate was not added in sufficient quantity to reduce the total phosphorus content. SRP concentration was significantly reduced in the short term. Moreover, external loading of phosphorus was high and not taken into account by the in-lake treatments. Finally, resuspension of sediment (polymictic lake) removed the alum hydroxide layer on the sediment surface, which reduced treatment effectiveness. No significant pH decrease was noted following alum addition. According to bibliographical toxicological data, monomeric aluminium content does not show any toxic effect on aquatic fauna and flora. In spite of low SRP in the water column, the treatment did not prevent appearance of Microcystis sp. colony (> 10 colony per ml) approximately 30 days after alum application.  相似文献   

阿什河水系枯水期氮污染特征与同位素源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在阿什河水系设置20个采样点,采用水质监测技术和稳定氮同位素示踪技术,研究了枯水期阿什河氮污染特征和硝酸盐氮污染来源。结果表明:(1)阿什河枯水期大部分采样点氨氮浓度较低,大部分区域达到或优于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)中Ⅲ类。上游河段硝酸盐氮浓度较低,中游河段较高,到下游河段略有降低。总氮浓度较高,最高达19.4mg/L。(2)阿什河水系采样点15 N的丰度(δ15 N)主要处于0.11%~0.21%、0.42%~0.78%、0.83%~0.88%和1.09%~1.26%。稳定15 N同位素示踪解析阿什河硝酸盐氮污染来源表明,阿什河上游污染源主要为大气沉降、土壤有机氮和人工化肥;中游主要受畜禽养殖污水和生活污水污染;下游主要受城镇生活污水和工业废水影响。  相似文献   

Harvesting beach-cast can help mitigate marine eutrophication by closing land-marine nutrient loops and provide a blue biomass raw material for the bioeconomy. Cost–benefit analysis was applied to harvest activities during 2009–2018 on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, highlighting benefits such as nutrient removal from the marine system and improved recreational opportunities as well as costs of using inputs necessary for harvest. The results indicate that the activities entailed a net gain to society, lending substance to continued funding for harvests on Gotland and assessments of upscaling of harvest activities to other areas in Sweden and elsewhere. The lessons learnt from the considerable harvest experience on Gotland should be utilized for developing concrete guidelines for carrying out sustainable harvest practice, paying due attention to local conditions but also to what can be generalized to a wider national and international context.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01641-8.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of major VOC emission sources in the Seoul atmosphere   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Na K  Kim YP  Moon I  Moon KC 《Chemosphere》2004,55(4):585-594
This paper describes a chemical analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for five emission sources in Seoul. The source categories included motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline evaporation, paint solvents, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). These sources were selected because they have been known to emit significant quantities of VOCs in the Seoul area (more than 5% of the total emission inventory). Chemical compositions of the five emission sources are presented for a group of 45 C2-C9 VOCs. Motor vehicle exhaust profiles were developed by conducting an urban tunnel study. These emissions profiles were distinguished from the other emission profiles by a high weight percentage of butanes over seasons and propane in the wintertime. It was found that this is due to the wide use of butane-fueled vehicles. To obtain gasoline vapor profiles, gasoline samples from five major brands for each season were selected. The brands were blended on the basis of the marketshare of these brands in Seoul area. Raoult's law was used to calculate gasoline evaporative compositions based on the liquid gasoline compositions. The measured and estimated gasoline vapor compositions were found to be in good agreement. Vehicle and gasoline evaporation profiles were made over seasons because of the seasonal change in their compositions. Paint solvent emissions profiles were produced based on a product-use survey and sales figures. These profiles are a composite of four major oil-based paints and thinning solvent. The source profile of natural gas was made on a methane-free basis. It was found that Ethane and propane were the most abundant compounds accounting for 95% of the natural gas composition. LPG was largely composed of propane and ethane and the remaining components were minor contributors.  相似文献   

It is difficult to estimate vehicular emission factors at traffic junctions for use in dispersion modelling studies. Firstly, because the vehicles are in various modes of operation and secondly, it is difficult to delineate the effects of other contributing sources, mainly the effects of road dust and deposited constituents, which are very prominent at traffic junctions in India. Factor analysis-multiple regression (FA-MR), a receptor modelling technique has been used in this study for apportioning the contributing sources. The measurement data consist of one year's temporal variation of suspended particulate matter (SPM), analysed for its trace metal constituents, and two gaseous components NO2 and SO2 at two traffic junctions in Mumbai (India). FA-MR apportioned 40% of the observed SPM to road dust and 15% to vehicular sources. Of the total Pb observed in the SPM, FA-MR apportioned 60% to vehicular sources and 20% to road dust. The field-observed vehicular counts, meteorological parameters and road geometry were used in California line source dispersion model to estimate the effective vehicular emission factor for Pb at one traffic junction. This derived emission factor was used to predict the Pb concentration at second (independent observation) traffic junction. The result was found to be more satisfactory than using default emission factors obtained from literature. Similarly, effective vehicular emission factor for NO2 was also evaluated for one site and tested for predicting concentrations at the other site.  相似文献   

The appearance of cyanobacteria ( > 10 colony per ml) was not prevented after alum treatment. In order to prevent cyanobacteria efflorescences in a small shallow polymictic lake (Courtille, France), copper sulfate was applied. Treatment level was 63 microg 1(-1) as Cu2+ from CUSO4, 5 H2O. Cyanobacteria were kept under control during the summer. Microcystis sp. completely disappeared, which allowed swimming in the lake throughout the tourist season. Microcystis only reappeared 2 months after the treatment. Copper content in the water column only returned to its background level 2 months after copper addition. This high residence time of copper in the water might have been caused by complexation and adsorption of copper on natural organic matter, whose level was high in the ecosystem studied. A mechanism of transfer of 'truly' dissolved copper towards particulate copper has been underlined and explains the disappearance of this fraction of copper in the water column.  相似文献   

为了解大辽河水环境中重金属污染来源及其污染程度,对大辽河上游来水以及主要排污口的表层水体和表层沉积物主要重金属(Cr、Co、Cd、Mn、Zn、Ni、Cu、Pb、As)浓度进行了研究,并分别采用综合污染指数评价法和地累积指数评价法对表层水体和表层沉积物污染程度进行了评价。结果表明,大辽河上游来水中Cr、Cd、Zn、Cu、As、Pb元素浓度均低于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅰ类标准规定的限值;太子河中Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb元素浓度较高,海城河Mn、As元素浓度较高;主要排污口水体中Cr、Cu、As、Cd、Pb元素浓度均低于GB 3838—2002的Ⅰ类标准规定的限值,其中纱厂潮沟、港监潮沟排污口水体重金属浓度较高。大辽河沉积物重金属浓度表现出自上游向下游递减的特征,西潮沟、港监潮沟排污口沉积物重金属浓度高于其他排污口。综合污染指数评价法表明,大辽河水质情况较好,太子河存在较高的潜在污染风险;而地累积指数评价法表明,大辽河主要汇入河流和主要污染源沉积物重金属污染程度大多为清洁,只有西潮沟排污口沉积物中As处于轻度污染,需要引起注意。  相似文献   

湘江株洲段镉污染动态模拟与情景分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究利用美国环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的WASP水质分析模拟软件,对湘江株洲段2009年的镉浓度进行动态模拟,并进行总量控制的情景分析。对水文条件变化和源强变化2种情景下的河道镉浓度进行了预测。结果表明,WASP模型能较好重现镉浓度的时间变化规律。情景分析表明,水文条件和源强条件对镉浓度的影响在霞湾和马家河断面较为明显,且在枯水月份表现得更为明显。  相似文献   

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