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Ozone and urban forests in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozone levels along urban-to-rural gradients in three Italian cities (Milan, Florence, Bari) showed that average AOT40 values at rural and suburban sites were 2.6 times higher than those determined at urban sites. However, O3 also exceeded the European criteria to protect forest health at urban sites, even when the standards for human health protection were met. For protecting street trees in Mediterranean cities, the objectives of measurement at urban sites should extend from the protection of human health to the protection of vegetation as well. A review of forest effects on O3 pollution and of O3 pollution on forest conditions in Italian cities showed that it was not possible to distinguish the effect of O3 in the complex mixture of urban pollutants and stressors. A preliminary list of tree species for urban planning in the Mediterranean area shows the average tree capacity of O3 removal and VOC emission.  相似文献   

Two-week average concentrations of ozone (O3), nitric acid vapor (HNO3) and ammonia (NH3) were measured with passive samplers during the 2002 summer season across the central Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, along the San Joaquin River drainage. Elevated concentrations of the pollutants were determined with seasonal means for individual sites ranging between 62 and 88 ppb for O3, 1.0-3.8 μg m−3 for HNO3, and 2.6-5.2 μg m−3 for NH3. Calculated O3 exposure indices were very high, reaching SUM00-191 ppm h, SUM60-151 ppm h, and W126-124 ppm h. Calculated nitrogen (N) dry deposition ranged from 1.4 to 15 kg N ha−1 for maximum values, and 0.4-8 kg N ha−1 for minimum values; potentially exceeding Critical Loads (CL) for nutritional N. The U.S., California, and European 8 h O3 human health standards were exceeded during 104, 108, and 114 days respectively, indicating high risk to humans from ambient O3.  相似文献   

This study examines ozone (O3) predictions from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 4.5 and discusses potential factors influencing the model results. Daily maximum 8-h average O3 levels are largely underpredicted when observed O3 levels are above 85 ppb and overpredicted when they are below 35 ppb. Using a clustering approach, model performance was examined separately for several different synoptic regimes. Under the most common synoptic conditions of a typical summertime Bermuda High setup, the model showed good overall performance for O3, while associations have been identified here between other, less frequent, synoptic regimes and the O3 overprediction and underprediction biases. A sensitivity test between the CB-IV and CB05 chemical mechanisms showed that predictions of daily maximum 8-h average O3 using CB05 were on average 7.3% higher than those using CB-IV. Boundary condition (BC) sensitivity tests show that the overprediction biases at low O3 levels are more sensitive to the BC O3 levels near the surface than BC concentrations aloft. These sensitivity tests also show the model performance for O3 improved when using the global GEOS-CHEM BCs instead of default profiles. Simulations using the newest version of the CMAQ model (v4.6) showed a small improvement in O3 predictions, particularly when vertical layers were not collapsed. Collectively, the results suggest that key synoptic weather patterns play a leading role in the prediction biases, and more detailed study of these episodes are needed to identify further modeling improvements.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to assess the atmospheric concentrations and seasonal variations of selected POPs in a sub-alpine location where few data are available. A monitoring and research station was set up at the JRC Ispra EMEP site (Italy). We present and discuss a one-year data set (2005-2006) on PCB air concentrations. ∑7PCBs monthly averaged concentration varied from 31 to 76 pg m−3. Concentrations in the gas phase (21-72 pg m−3) were higher than those in the particulate phase (3-10 pg m−3). Advection of air masses and re-volatilization from local sources seem to play a dominant role as drivers of PCB atmospheric concentrations in the area. Indications of seasonal variation affecting PCB congener patterns and the gas/particulate partitioning were found. Modeling calculations suggest a predominant importance of the wet deposition in this region (1 μg m−2 yr−1 ∑7PCBs yearly total wet deposition flux; 650-2400 pg L−1 rainwater concentrations).  相似文献   

Sacred natural sites (SNS) are instances of biocultural landscapes protected for spiritual motives. These sites frequently host important biological values in areas of Asia and Africa, where traditional resource management is still upheld by local communities. In contrast, the biodiversity value of SNS has hardly been quantitatively tested in Western contexts, where customs and traditions have relatively lost importance due to modernization and secularization. To assess whether SNS in Western contexts retain value for biodiversity, we studied plant species composition at 30 SNS in Central Italy and compared them with a paired set of similar but not sacred reference sites. We demonstrate that SNS are important for conserving stands of large trees and habitat heterogeneity across different land-cover types. Further, SNS harbor higher plant species richness and a more valuable plant species pool, and significantly contribute to diversity at the landscape scale. We suggest that these patterns are related not only to pre-existent features, but also to traditional management. Conservation of SNS should take into account these specificities, and their cultural as well as biological values, by supporting the continuation of traditional management practices.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0738-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In the frame of a European research project on air quality in urban agglomerations, data on ozone concentrations from 23 automated urban and suburban monitoring stations in 11 cities from seven countries were analysed and evaluated. Daily and summer mean and maximum concentrations were computed based on hourly mean values, and cumulative ozone exposure indices (Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40), AOT20) were calculated. The diurnal profiles showed a characteristic pattern in most city centres, with minimum values in the early morning hours, a strong rise during the morning, peak concentrations in the afternoon, and a decline during the night. The widest amplitudes between minimum and maximum values were found in central and southern European cities such as Düsseldorf, Verona, Klagenfurt, Lyon or Barcelona. In the northern European cities of Edinburgh and Copenhagen, by contrast, maximum values were lower and diurnal variation was much smaller. Based on ozone concentrations as well as on cumulative exposure indices, a clear north–south gradient in ozone pollution, with increasing levels from northern and northwestern sites to central and southern European sites, was observed. Only the Spanish cities did not fit this pattern; there, ozone levels were again lower than in central European cities, probably due to the direct influence of strong car traffic emissions. In general, ozone concentrations and cumulative exposure were significantly higher at suburban sites than at urban and traffic-exposed sites. When applying the newly established European Union (EU) Directive on ozone pollution in ambient air, it was demonstrated that the target value for the protection of human health was regularly surpassed at urban as well as suburban sites, particularly in cities in Austria, France, northern Italy and southern Germany. European target values and long-term objectives for the protection of vegetation expressed as AOT40 were also exceeded at many monitoring sites.  相似文献   

This paper summarises some of the main results of a two-year experiment carried out in an Open-Top Chambers facility in Northern Italy. Seedlings of Populus nigra, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior have been subjected to different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered and non-filtered air) and soil moisture regimes (irrigated and non-irrigated plots). Stomatal conductance models were applied and parameterised under South Alpine environmental conditions and stomatal ozone fluxes have been calculated.The flux-based approach provided a better performance than AOT40 in predicting the onset of foliar visible injuries. Critical flux levels, related to visible leaf injury, are proposed for P. nigra and F. sylvatica (ranging between 30 and 33 mmol O3 m−2). Soil water stress delayed visible injury appearance and development by limiting ozone uptake. Data from charcoal-filtered treatments suggest the existence of an hourly flux threshold, below which may occur a complete ozone detoxification.  相似文献   

Long term trend analysis of bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil solution elemental fluxes from 12 years monitoring at 10 ICP Level II forest sites in the UK reveal coherent national chemical trends indicating recovery from sulphur deposition and acidification. Soil solution pH increased and sulphate and aluminium decreased at most sites. Trends in nitrogen were variable and dependant on its form. Dissolved organic nitrogen increased in bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil solution at most sites. Nitrate in soil solution declined at sites receiving high nitrogen deposition. Increase in soil dissolved organic carbon was detected - a response to pollution recovery, changes in soil temperature and/or increased microbial activity. An increase of sodium and chloride was evident - a possible result of more frequent storm events at exposed sites. The intensive and integrated nature of monitoring enables the relationships between climate/pollutant exposure and chemical/biological response in forestry to be explored.  相似文献   

This work compares the WRF/Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting – Chemistry) simulated O3 concentrations in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) with measurements from the ground-based RAMA network during the MILAGRO (Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations) period. The model resolves the observations reasonably well in terms of diurnal cycle and mean magnitude as reflected by high correlation coefficients and low root-mean-square errors. Stations located in the center of the MCMA generally exhibit higher correlation coefficients and lower model biases than those stations located in the peripheral of the MCMA. Large temporal variations in the observed and simulated O3 concentrations are noted from station to station during the MILAGRO period. Sensitivity analyses of O3 concentrations to changes in NOx and VOC emissions rates suggest that O3 production in the MCMA is VOC-sensitive, and VOC-emissions reduction appears to be an effective strategy for reducing high surface O3 concentrations in the MCMA.  相似文献   

Onofrio M  Spataro R  Botta S 《Chemosphere》2011,82(5):708-717
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are ubiquitous contaminants, mainly released into the environment during combustion processes (point sources), but also from other sources (traffic, uncontrolled combustion).This study aims at investigating the contribution of a steel plant in NW Italy (700 000 tons of steel year−1) to the air concentrations of PCDDs/PCDFs at local level, through the analysis of measured, modelled and literature data. The study was carried out in an area of 600 km2, using air quality data measured by the institutional monitoring network, data obtained from AERMOD simulations and literature data.The measured air concentrations were consistent with literature values for similar areas, and both the homologue profiles and PCA analyses showed a clear distinction between the monitoring stations and the source profiles.All the previous results were confirmed by the air dispersion model (AERMOD), that predicted PCDD/F air concentrations due to the steel plant from four to two orders of magnitude lower than those measured in the monitoring stations, highlighting the presence of other sources.This study outlines the limited influence of the source in the local PCDD/F air concentrations and at the same time the usefulness of a joint analysis of measured, literature and calculated data to correctly evaluate the role of a source to the local pollution. The study also highlights the usefulness of AERMOD as a complementary tool to define the correct placement of monitoring stations and to locate those areas expected to have the highest air concentrations deriving from a source.  相似文献   

The combination of stomatal-dependent ozone flux and total ascorbate level is currently presented as a correct indicator for determining the degree of sensitivity of plants to ozone. However, the large changes in carbon metabolism could play a central role in the strategy of the foliar cells in response to chronic ozone exposure, participating in the supply of reducing power and carbon skeletons for repair and detoxification, and modifying the stomatal mode of functioning. To reinforce the accuracy of the definition of the threshold for ozone risk assessment, it is proposed to also consider the redox pool (NAD(P)H), the ratio between carboxylases and the water use efficiency as indicators of the differential ozone tolerance of plants.  相似文献   

A review of the export of carbon in river water: fluxes and processes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review summarizes data on exports of carbon from a large number of temperate and boreal catchments in North America, Europe and New Zealand. Organic carbon losses, usually dominated by dissolved organic matter, show relatively little variation, most catchments exporting between 10 and 100 kg C ha(-1) yr(-1). Inorganic carbon exports occur at a similar rate. However, a lack of information on the flux of particulate organic carbon and dissolved CO2 is highlighted, particularly for rivers in Europe. Processes regulating the flux of organic carbon to streams and its subsequent fate in-stream are reviewed, along with the effects of land use and acidification on these processes. The size of the global riverine flux of carbon in relation to the global carbon cycle and the possible effects of environmental change on the export of carbon in rivers are considered.  相似文献   

Measurements of chemical species and meteorological parameters were made at a site located 440 m above the mean basin level of Mexico City, over a two-week period in November during Project Azteca. Data from three of the stations of Mexico City's air quality monitoring network (Red Automática de Monitoreo Ambiental, RAMA) were also used to estimate the dilution in concentration experienced by pollutants as they are transported upslope during the course of the day. Both carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide show a dilution of up to 50%, while ozone is usually more concentrated at the elevated site. These comparisons clearly highlight the intrinsic differences between primary and secondary gases, which are supported also by time–space, cross correlation analysis. The thermal mesoscale wind circulation dominates concentrations of pollutants at the research site: upslope during the day and downslope during the night. The data present clear evidence that downslope flows during the night contribute to ozone concentration at basin sites.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted to quantitatively assess the effects of ethylenediurea (EDU) on ozone (O3) injury, growth, physiology and productivity of plants grown in ambient air conditions. Results indicated that EDU significantly reduced O3-caused visible injury by 76%, and increased photosynthetic rate by 8%, above-ground biomass by 7% and crop yield by 15% in comparison with non-EDU treated plants, suggesting that ozone reduces growth and yield under current ambient conditions. EDU significantly ameliorated the biomass and yield of crops and grasses, but had no significant effect on tree growth with an exception of stem diameter. EDU applied as a soil drench at a concentration of 200-400 mg/L has the highest positive effect on crops grown in the field. Long-term research on full-grown tree species is needed. In conclusion, EDU is a powerful tool for assessing effects of ambient [O3] on vegetation.  相似文献   

Seven metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Pb) were monitored at the Seine-Aval wastewater treatment plant during 6 sampling campaigns in April 2004. Particulate and dissolved metals have been measured in 24 h composite samples at each treatment stage (primary settling, secondary activated sludge and tertiary flocculation by FeCl3). In addition, the diffusive gradient in thin film technique (DGT) was used to determine the dissolved inert and labile metal fraction. Although all treatment stages were able to decrease particulate metals concentrations in wastewater, most dissolved metals concentrations were mainly affected during primary settling. This unexpected result was attributed to tertiary sludge filtrate recirculation. Metals added via the FeCl3 reagent at the tertiary treatment were shown to lower the overall Cr removal from wastewater and to enrich Ni in effluents. The plant operating conditions (recirculation and reagent addition) appear therefore as important as treatment processes for the metals removal. Total metal fluxes were highly decreased by the whole treatment plant for Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb and to a lesser extend for Co and Ni. However, the labile metal fluxes were poorly decreased for Cu (18%), not significantly decreased for Ni and increased for Fe. The labile fraction of Cd, Co and Cr was not detectable at any stage of the plant. Discharged labile fluxes, at least for Ni, were potentially significant compared to the labile metal fluxes in the river measured downstream the plant. Treated urban wastewater discharges should be carefully considered as a possible source of bioavailable trace metals.  相似文献   

- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.01.004 Background, Aim and Scope Environmental contamination by pharmaceuticals is an emerging issue. Until recently, information on medicinal substances released into the environment was scant, but several studies have now been published. Data are, however, usually scattered and a systematic approach to this subject is generally lacking. Moreover, because of differences in the prevalence of diseases, treatment habits and options, or simply for market reasons, the pollution profile can differ significantly in different countries. The aim of this work is to review the papers dealing with environmental contamination by pharmaceuticals in Italy, with the aim of providing a comprehensive view on a national scale. Methods Papers related to environmental contamination by pharmaceuticals in Italy were reviewed, in order to offer a comprehensive view of this subject. Topics included analysis, occurrence, monitoring, modelling, treatment, control of the emissions, and ecotoxicological effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment. Results and Conclusion The literature suggests that pharmaceuticals are widespread contaminants, entering the environment from a myriad of scattered points. Patients, in case of drugs for human use, or animals for veterinary drugs, are the main sources of contamination. Pharmaceuticals can be ranked according to environmental loads, predicted by multiplying sales figures by the rate of metabolism in man or animals. Priority pharmaceuticals, i.e. the molecules of concern for the environment, can be measured in waste and surface water by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and the loads detected are generally comparable to the predicted ones. Pharmaceuticals are designed to stimulate a response in humans and animals at low doses, with a very specific target, so the implications for human health and the environment need to be assessed. In vitro and in vivo studies suggest that pharmaceutical principles, taken singularly or in combinations, and concentrations close to those detected in the environment, may have ecotoxicological effects. The sewage system is an important point in the control of contamination, but sewage treatment plants are not able efficiently to abate a substantial part of water-borne pharmaceuticals. Several variables play a role, however, in the processes of waste water treatment, and could be specifically adjusted to improve the efficiency of drug abatement, mitigating the potential environmental hazards. Recommendation and Perspective Pharmaceuticals in the environment are becoming a subject of global concern, with potential environmental consequences. Further knowledge of the causes, occurrence and effects of drugs as environmental pollutants is necessary for a better understanding of this ecological issue, as well as to improve abatement strategies, and to mitigate subtle environmental consequences.  相似文献   

Susan Solomon 《Ambio》2021,50(1):44
Crutzen (1974) and Crutzen and Ehhalt (1977) presented two key papers in Ambio that in Ambioexemplify how science first revealed to humankind the potential for damage to our ozone shield in the Anthropocene. Crutzen’s (1974) review is a sweeping summary of the risks to the ozone layer from supersonic aircraft, chlorofluorocarbons, as well as nuclear weapons testing and nuclear war. Crutzen and Ehhalt (1977) described how the nitrous oxide produced from fertilizers could pose another threat to the stability of the stratospheric ozone layer. The two papers are part of a body of influential scientific work that led to the pioneering Montreal Protocol to Protect the Earth’s Ozone Layer to phase out production of chlorofluorocarbons (in 1987), as well as national decisions that slowed or stopped production of supersonic planes (in the 1970s). They remain guideposts today for ongoing international negotiations regarding reducing emissions from fertilizer and limiting nuclear testing.  相似文献   

Stomatal ozone uptake, determined with the Jarvis' approach, was related to photosynthetic efficiency assessed by chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance measurements in open-top chamber experiments on Phaseolus vulgaris. The effects of O3 exposure were also evaluated in terms of visible and microscopical leaf injury and plant productivity. Results showed that microscopical leaf symptoms, assessed as cell death and H2O2 accumulation, preceded by 3-4 days the appearance of visible symptoms. An effective dose of ozone stomatal flux for visible leaf damages was found around 1.33 mmol O3 m−2. Significant linear dose-response relationships were obtained between accumulated fluxes and optical indices (PRI, NDI, ΔF/Fm). The negative effects on photosynthesis reduced plant productivity, affecting the number of pods and seeds, but not seed weight. These results, besides contributing to the development of a flux-based ozone risk assessment for crops in Europe, highlight the potentiality of reflectance measurements for the early detection of ozone stress.  相似文献   

The scientific literature for fate and effects of non-nutrient contaminant concentrations is skewed for reports describing sediment contamination and bioaccumulation for trace metals. Concentrations for at least 22 trace metals have been reported in mangrove sediments. Some concentrations exceed sediment quality guidelines suggesting adverse effects. Bioaccumulation results are available for at least 11 trace metals, 12 mangrove tissues, 33 mangrove species and 53 species of mangrove-habitat biota. Results are specific to species, tissues, life stage, and season and accumulated concentrations and bioconcentration factors are usually low. Toxicity tests have been conducted with 12 mangrove species and 8 species of mangrove-related fauna. As many as 39 effect parameters, most sublethal, have been monitored during the usual 3 to 6 month test durations. Generalizations and extrapolations for toxicity between species and chemicals are restricted by data scarcity and lack of experimental consistency. This hinders chemical risk assessments and validation of effects-based criteria.  相似文献   

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