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Pesticide mineralization and sorption were determined in 75 soil samples from 15 individually drilled holes through the vadose zone along a 28 km long transect of the Danish outwash plain. Mineralization of the phenoxyacetic acid herbicide MCPA was high both in topsoils and in most subsoils, while metribuzine and methyltriazine-amine was always low. Organic matter and soil pH was shown to be responsible for sorption of MCPA and metribuzine in the topsoils. The sorption of methyltriazine-amine in topsoil was positively correlated with clay and negatively correlated with the pH of the soil. Sorption of glyphosate was tested also high in the subsoils. One-dimensional MACRO modeling of the concentration of MCPA, metribuzine and methyltriazine-amine at 2 m depth calculated that the average concentration of MCPA and methyltriazine-amine in the groundwater was below the administrative limit of 0.1 μg/l in all tested profiles while metribuzine always exceeded the 0.1 μg/l threshold value.  相似文献   

Phenylurea herbicides are used worldwide, and often pollute surface- and groundwater in concentrations exceeding the limit value for drinking water (0.1 μg l−1). Bacteria degrade phenylurea herbicides by successive N-dealkylation to substituted aniline products. Little is known about the corresponding fungal pathways, however. We here report degradation of chlorotoluron, diuron, isoproturon and linuron by the soil fungus Mortierella sp. Gr4. Degradation was fastest with linuron and resulted in successively dealkylated metabolites and 3,4-dichloroaniline. A major new metabolite was detected that has not yet been fully identified. Thin layer chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy indicate that it is a non-aromatic diol. Degradation of isoproturon, chlorotoluron and diuron involved successive N-demethylation and, in the case of isoproturon and chlorotoluron, additional hydroxylation. A new hydroxylated isoproturon metabolite was detected. The study thus shows that the fungal pathways differ from the bacterial pathways and yield new metabolites of possible environmental concern.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine centimeter-scale spatial variation in mineralization potential in diffusely polluted soil. To this end we employed a 96-well microplate method to measure the mineralization of 14C-labeled organic compounds in deep-well microplates and thereby compile mineralization curves for 348 soil samples of 0.2-cm3. Centimeter-scale spatial variation in organic matter and the mineralization of glucose, benzoic acid, and PAHs (phenanthrene and pyrene) was determined for urban road-side soil sampled as arrays (7 × 11 cm) of 96 subsamples. The spatial variation in mineralization was visualized by means of 2-D contour maps and quantified by means of semivariograms. The geostatistical analysis showed that the easily degradable compounds (glucose and benzoic acid) exhibited little spatial variation in mineralization potential, whereas the mineralization was highly heterogeneous for the PAH compounds that require specialized degraders. The spatial heterogeneity should be taken into account when estimating natural attenuation rates.  相似文献   

In situ stabilization of toxic elements in contaminated soils by the addition of amendments is being considered as an effective technique for remediation. In this paper, we performed both kinetics and equilibrium-based sorption experiments of three toxic elements (As, Cd and Tl) in soils amended with two by-products (phosphogypsum and sugar foam, rich in gypsum and calcium carbonate, respectively) to ascertain the feasibility of their application for improving the sorption capacity of As, Cd and Tl from the soil at 25, 35 and 50 °C. Kinetic studies indicated that the sorption follows a pseudo-second-order (PSO) kinetics and the sorption is a two-step diffusion process where both film and intraparticle diffusion played important roles in the sorption mechanisms of the elements. The Langmuir isotherms applied for sorption studies showed that the estimated maximum sorption capacity of the elements in control and amended soils decreased in the order of Cd > As > Tl. Using the thermodynamic equilibrium parameters obtained at different temperatures, the thermodynamic constants of sorption (ΔG, ΔH and ΔS) were also evaluated, indicating spontaneous and endothermic nature of the process, except Tl which was exothermic. An optimal scaling procedure was undertaken to determine the relationships between the kinetic and equilibrium sorption parameters. By means of statistical analysis it was seen that these inter-parametric relationships are dependent on the element nature.  相似文献   

Air pollution control officials often make the simplifying assumption that air pollutant concentrations are independent samples from a stationary probability distribution. If the parent distribution really is stationary and correctly chosen, maximum likelihood estimation almost always will provide the best possible estimate of its parameters. However, the air pollution literature makes little if any mention of this fact and often suggests using the method of moments or the method of fractiles to estimate the parameters of an assumed distribution, and using the results for computing design values to determine the control level required to meet an air quality standard. No estimate is made in the air pollution literature of the magnitude of the difference produced by these different methods.This paper investigates the effectiveness of three different approaches for estimating parameters using a lognormal distribution as an example: (a) method of fractiles; (b) method of moments and (c) method of maximum likelihood. The error associated with each approach for computing emission controls is determined by sampling from a true stationary lognormal distribution using computer simulation. These results then are compared with a fourth approach, direct empirical linear rollback, in which no model is used and design values are calculated using raw observations. The latter approach often is used in practical situations by air pollution control personnel.In 100 simulated years at a site experiencing the same lognormally distributed air pollution in the precontrol state, the correct control level was 50%. The following control levels were calculated: Empirical rollback, 22–82%; Method of fractiles, 32–64%; Method of moments, 41–59% and Method of maximum likelihood, 46–54%, with most years very close to the true value of 50%.Thus, the maximum likelihood approach effectively reduces the variance by ‘filtering out’ the effect of random phenomena occurring during the year and would be the method of choice if the observations are indeed distributed as they are assumed.  相似文献   

Jiang L  Hu X  Yin D  Zhang H  Yu Z 《Chemosphere》2011,82(6):822-828
Water samples were collected from 19 sampling sites along the Huangpu River in June and December 2009. The occurrence, distribution and seasonal variation of 22 antibiotics, including four tetracyclines, three chloramphenicols, two macrolides, six fluoroquinolones, six sulfonamides and trimethoprim were investigated. It was found that all 19 sampling sites were contaminated by antibiotics. Four antibiotics (sulfamerazine, norfloxacin, fleroxacin and sarafloxacin) were not detected. The detection frequencies of the other 18 antibiotics were in the range of 5.3-100%. The median concentrations of the detected antibiotics ranged from quantification limits to 36.71 ng L−1 (tetracycline) in June and to 313.44 ng L−1 (sulfamethazine) in December. The number of detected antibiotics and the overall antibiotic concentrations were higher in December than in June due to the different river flow conditions. Different dominant antibiotics were observed for each group of antibiotics between June and December. Higher total concentrations of veterinary antibiotics such as tetracyclines were observed in suburban sampling sites than in unban sites, indicating the role of livestock and agricultural activities as an important source of antibiotic contamination.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of long-term abiotic processes during aging of organic pollutants in soil on their microbial degradability and formation of non-extractable residues. The specific aims of our study were to investigate how the fate of p353-nonylphenol (NP) and phenanthrene (Phe) in soils might be affected by: (i) saturation of soil by cations with different valency (Na+, Ca2+ or Al3+), (ii) addition of organic substrate (wood flour) during incubation period and (iii) different soil moisture levels.  相似文献   

At a field-scale (6.7 ha), 100 surface soil samples were collected from a vegetable field to determine total concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni and Zn. To identify possible sources of these metals and characterize their spatial variation, classic statistic and geostatistic techniques were applied. Through correlation and geostatistical analysis, it was found that the primary inputs of Co, Mn and Ni were due to pedogenic sources, whereas the sources of Hg and Cd were mainly due to human activities. Because of their different sources, their variations followed: Hg > Cd ≈ Cu > Zn ≈ Co ≈ Mn ≈ Ni. Based on their relationships with other soil properties, co-kriging was used to minimize sampling density. Sampling numbers for Cd, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co and Ni can be reduced from 100 to 90, 80, 70, 60, 60 and 60, respectively, without losing accuracy relative to ordinary kriging.  相似文献   

Uptake of Pd, Cd and Pb by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, has been studied in the presence of an anionic (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS), cationic (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide; HDTMA) and non-ionic (Triton X-100; TX) surfactant. Compared with the surfactant-free system, metal sorption was reduced in the presence of SDS or TX. Neither surfactant, however, had any measurable impact on cell membrane permeability, determined by leakage of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA), or on metal internalisation. We attribute these observations to the stabilisation of aqueous Cd and Pb by SDS and the shielding of otherwise amenable sorption sites by TX. Presence of HDTMA resulted in a reduction in the extent of both sorption and internalisation of all metals and a significant increase in the leakage of DFAA. Thus, by enhancing membrane permeability, HDTMA exerts the greatest influence on metal behaviour in the presence of U. lactuca.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical and multivariate statistical interpretations of 16 physicochemical parameters of 45 groundwater samples from a riverside alluvial aquifer underneath an agricultural area in Osong, central Korea, were performed in this study to understand the spatial controls of nitrate concentrations in terms of biogeochemical processes occurring near oxbow lakes within a fluvial plain. Nitrate concentrations in groundwater showed a large variability from 0.1 to 190.6 mg/L (mean = 35.0 mg/L) with significantly lower values near oxbow lakes. The evaluation of hydrochemical data indicated that the groundwater chemistry (especially, degree of nitrate contamination) is mainly controlled by two competing processes: 1) agricultural contamination and 2) redox processes. In addition, results of factorial kriging, consisting of two steps (i.e., co-regionalization and factor analysis), reliably showed a spatial control of the concentrations of nitrate and other redox-sensitive species; in particular, significant denitrification was observed restrictedly near oxbow lakes. The results of this study indicate that sub-oxic conditions in an alluvial groundwater system are developed geologically and geochemically in and near oxbow lakes, which can effectively enhance the natural attenuation of nitrate before the groundwater discharges to nearby streams. This study also demonstrates the usefulness of multivariate statistical analysis in groundwater study as a supplementary tool for interpretation of complex hydrochemical data sets.  相似文献   

The benzonitriles dichlobenil, bromoxynil and ioxynil are important broad-spectrum or selective herbicides used in agriculture, orchards and public areas worldwide. The dichlobenil metabolite 2,6-dichlorobenzamide is the most frequently encountered groundwater contaminant in Denmark, which suggests that the environmental fate of these three structurally related benzonitrile herbicides should be addressed in detail. This review summarises the current knowledge on microbial degradation of dichlobenil, bromoxynil and ioxynil with particular focus on common features of degradation rates and pathways, accumulation of persistent metabolites and diversity of the involved degrader organisms.  相似文献   

Three methods for predicting element mobility in soils have been applied to an iron-rich soil, contaminated with arsenic, cadmium and zinc. Soils were collected from 0 to 30 cm, 30 to 70 cm and 70 to 100 cm depths in the field and soil pore water was collected at different depths from an adjacent 100 cm deep trench. Sequential extraction and a column leaching test in the laboratory were compared to element concentrations in pore water sampled directly from the field. Arsenic showed low extractability, low leachability and occurred at low concentrations in pore water samples. Cadmium and zinc were more labile and present in higher concentrations in pore water, increasing with soil depth. Pore water sampling gave the best indication of short term element mobility when field conditions were taken into account, but further extraction and leaching procedures produced a fuller picture of element dynamics, revealing highly labile Cd deep in the soil profile.  相似文献   

Open-focused microwave-assisted extraction and ICP-OES determination of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn from surface sediments of the estuary of Bilbao (Basque Country, North of Spain) was carried out. All the samples were collected at three different tributaries of the estuary (Asua, Galindo and Nerbioi-Ibaizabal) every two months during 1999. The digestion procedure was proposed from the conclusions of a fractionated factorial design, and the precision and accuracy of the method was verified using a certified reference sediment (RTC008-050). The results of the analysis were statistically treated by means of principal component analysis and correlation analysis. The principal component analysis of sediment data (32 samples × 9 metals) indicated different patterns of contamination regarding the tributary and sampling station. The two main patterns observed were a steady increment of the metal concentration along all the campaigns in the samples collected in the Galindo River and a seasonal variation in the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River, with higher metallic content during summertime and lower content during wintertime.  相似文献   

Delphin JE  Chapot JY 《Chemosphere》2006,64(11):1862-1869
A field experiment was conducted on a Calcaric Cambisol soil to study the consequences of the penetration depth and properties of pesticides on the risk of subsequent leaching. Three pesticides with different mobility characteristics and bromide were injected at 30 cm (where soil organic matter (OM) was 2%) and 80 cm (soil OM 0.5%) on irrigated plots without a crop. The migration of injected solutes was assessed for two years by sampling the soil solution using six porous cups installed at 50 and 150 cm depth and by relating solute contents to drainage water flux estimated by the STICS model (Simulateur mulTIdisciplinaire pour les Cultures Standard). Pesticides injected at 30 cm were strongly retained so that no metolachlor or diuron was detected at 50 and 150 cm. The ratio of atrazine peak concentration in the soil solution to concentration in the injected solution (C/C0) was 1 × 10−3 and 0.2 × 10−3, respectively, at 50 and 150 cm. When injected at 80 cm, (C/C0) of atrazine, metolachlor and diuron were 10 × 10−3, 1 × 10−3 and 0.3 × 10−3 at 150 cm, respectively; 1/(C/C0) was correlated with Koc values reported from databases. The ratio of drainage volume to the amount of water at field capacity in the soil layer between the injection point at 30 cm and the water sampling level (V/V0) at 50 and 150 cm was 0.6 and 0.9, respectively, for bromide and 1.6 and 1.0 for atrazine. V/V0 of the injected solutes at 80 cm was for bromide, atrazine, metolachlor and diuron 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 and 1.7, respectively; pesticide V/V0 was correlated with Koc. The retardation factor was a good indicator of migration risk, but tended to overestimate retardation of molecules with high Koc. Atrazine desorption represented an additional leaching risk as a source of prolonged low contamination. The large variability in soil solution of bromide and pesticide concentrations in the horizontal plane was attributed to flow paths and clods in the tilled soil layer. This heterogeneity was assumed to channel water fluxes into restricted areas and thereby increase the risk of groundwater contamination. The methodology used in the field proves to provide consistent results.  相似文献   

A method for the identification and quantification of pesticide residues in water, soil, and sediment samples has been developed, validated, and applied for the analysis of real samples. The specificity was determined by the retention time and the confirmation and quantification of analyte ions. Linearity was demonstrated over the concentration range of 20 to 120 µg L?1, and the correlation coefficients varied between 0.979 and 0.996, depending on the analytes. The recovery rates for all analytes in the studied matrix were between 86% and 112%. The intermediate precision and repeatability were determined at three concentration levels (40, 80, and 120 µg L?1), with the relative standard deviation for the intermediate precision between 1% and 5.3% and the repeatability varying between 2% and 13.4% for individual analytes. The limits of detection and quantification for fipronil, fipronil sulfide, fipronil-sulfone, and fipronil-desulfinyl were 6.2, 3.0, 6.6, and 4.0 ng L?1 and 20.4, 9.0, 21.6, and 13.0 ng L?1, respectively. The method developed was used in water, soil, and sediment samples containing 2.1 mg L?1 and 1.2% and 5.3% of carbon, respectively. The recovery of pesticides in the environmental matrices varied from 88.26 to 109.63% for the lowest fortification level (40 and 100 µg kg?1), from 91.17 to 110.18% for the intermediate level (80 and 200 µg kg?1), and from 89.09 to 109.82% for the highest fortification level (120 and 300 µg kg?1). The relative standard deviation for the recovery of pesticides was under 15%.  相似文献   

This study identifies the natural background, anthropogenic background and distribution of contamination caused by heavy metal pollutants in soil in Chunghua County of central Taiwan by using a finite mixture distribution model (FMDM). The probabilities of contaminated area distribution are mapped using single-variable indicator kriging and multiple-variable indicator kriging (MVIK) with the FMDM cut-off values and regulation thresholds for heavy metals. FMDM results indicate that Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn can be individually fitted by a mixture model representing the background and contamination distributions of the four metals in soil. The FMDM cut-off values for contamination caused by the metals are close to the regulation thresholds, except for the cut-off value of Zn. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve validates that indicator kriging and MVIK with FMDM cut-off values can reliably delineate heavy metals contamination, particularly for areas lacking background information and high heavy metal concentrations in soil.  相似文献   

The amphipod Hyalella azteca was exposed for 28 d to different combinations of Zn contaminated sediment and food. Sediment exposure (+clean food) resulted in increased Zn body burdens, increased mortality and decreased body mass when the molar concentrations of simultaneously extracted Zn were greater than the molar concentration of Acid Volatile Sulfide (SEMZn-AVS > 0), suggesting that dissolved Zn was a dominant route of exposure. No adverse effect was noted in the foodexposure (+clean sediment), suggesting selective feeding or regulation. Combined exposure (sediment + food) significantly increased adverse effects in comparison with sediment exposure, indicating contribution of dietary Zn to toxicity and bioaccumulation. The observed enhanced toxicity also supports the assumption on the presence of an avoidance/selective feeding reaction of the amphipods in the single sediment or food exposures. During 14 d post-exposure in clean medium, the organisms from the same combined exposure history received two feeding regimes, i.e. clean food and Zn spiked food. Elevated Zn bioaccumulation and reduced reproduction were noted in amphipods that were offered Zn spiked food compared to the respective organisms that were fed clean food. This was explained by the failure of avoidance/selective feeding behavior in the absence of an alternative food source (sediment), forcing the amphipods to take up Zn while feeding. Increasing Zn body burdens rejected the assumption that Zn uptake from food was regulated by H. azteca. Our results show that the selective feeding behavior should be accounted for when assessing ecological effects of Zn or other contaminants, especially when contaminated food is a potential exposure route.  相似文献   


Carpobrotus dimidiatus is an indigenous South African medicinal plant species from the Aizoaceae family that bears edible fruit that is consumed for nutritional value. In this study, the elemental distribution in C. dimidiatus fruit and growth soil from fifteen sites in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) was determined along with soil pH, soil organic matter and cation exchange capacity, to assess for nutritional value and the effect of soil quality on elemental uptake. The results showed elemental concentrations in fruit to be in decreasing order of Ca (6235–32755?mg kg?1) > Mg (2250–5262?mg kg?1) > Fe?>?Mn?>?Zn (20.9–50.6?mg kg?1) > Cu (3.83–20.6?mg kg?1) > Pb?>?Cr?>?Cd?>?As?~?Co?~?Ni?~?Se and no potential health risk due to metal toxicity from average consumption. For sites that had high levels of Cd and Pb, bioaccumulation occurred from atmospheric deposition. Concentrations of elements in soil were found to be in decreasing order of Fe (1059–63747?mg kg?1) > Ca (1048–41475?mg kg?1) > Mg?>?Mn (9.76–174?mg kg?1) > Cr (1.55–135?mg kg?1) > Zn (0.76–58.2?mg kg?1) > Se?>?Cu?>?Ni?>?Pb?>?Co?>?As?~?Cd with no evidence of heavy metal contamination. This study revealed that the plant inherently controlled uptake of essential elements according to physiological needs and that the concentrations of essential elements in the fruit could contribute positively to the diet.  相似文献   

通过网室盆栽试验,研究了施加磷矿粉(PR)、羟基磷矿粉(HA)、豆渣(SM)、骨碳(BC)及硫酸亚铁等土壤改良剂对油菜(Brassica oleracea L.)自铀矿区污染农田土壤吸收铀(238U)、镭(226Ra)及钍(232Th)的影响.结果表明,不同处理下油菜茎叶对238U、226Ra及232Th的富集系数分别在3.6×10-3~6.2×10-3、6.2×10-3~10.0×10-3及0.9×10-4~2.0×10-4之间.上述不同改良剂处理均能在一定程度上降低植物对238U、226Ra及232Th的吸收,以SM、HA处理效果较显著,其中SM处理下238U、226Ra及232Th的富集系数分别比对照降低42.9%、39%和71%.SM及HA对降低铀矿区污染土壤中植物对上述核素的吸收和富集具有潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

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