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Padhy PK  Varshney CK 《Chemosphere》2005,59(11):1643-1653
Foliar emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from common Indian plant species was measured. Dynamic flow enclosure technique was used and the gas samples were collected onto Tenax-GC/Carboseive cartridges. The Tenax-GC/Carboseive cartridges were attached to the thermal disorber sample injection system and the gas sample was analysed using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionisation detection (FID). Fifty-one local plant species were screened, out of which 36 species were found to emit VOC (4 high emitter; 28 moderate emitter; and 4 low-emitter), while in the remaining 15 species no VOC emission was detected or the levels of emission were below detection limit (BDL). VOC emission was found to vary from one species to another. There was a marked seasonal and diurnal variation in VOC emission. The minimum and maximum VOC emission values were < 0.1 and 87 microgg(-1) dry leaf h(-1) in Ficus infectoria and Lantana camara respectively. Out of the 51 plant species studied, 13 species are reported here for the first time. Among the nine tree species (which were selected for detailed study), the highest average hourly emission (9.69+/-8.39 microgg(-1) dry leaf) was observed in Eucalyptus species and the minimum in Syzygium jambolanum (1.89+/-2.48 microgg(-1) dry leaf). An attempt has been made to compare VOC emission from different plant species between present study and the literature (tropical and other regions).  相似文献   

The levels and distribution of 55 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were determined by purge and trap GC-MS on water samples from 30 sites within the urban rivers and estuaries of Osaka, a populated industrialized city of Japan. Forty of 55 target VOCs listed in the US EPA Method 524.2 were detected. Dichloromethane (DCM) was found at higher levels at all of the sampling sites. The distribution of dominant VOCs followed four different patterns. First, the most common VOCs (DCM, toluene, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene) showed concentration maxima in the river segments, and the sites of maximum concentration fluctuated due to irregular large spills and/or loadings. Second, one VOC (cis-1,2-dichloroethene) was evenly distributed in particular rivers due to fixed loadings. Both of these patterns were found in the upper and middle reaches. Third, some of VOCs (1,2,3-trichloropropane and benzene) were specific to a single industrial site and truceable to those sources. Finally, some VOCs showed no concentration maxima along the rivers and entered from multiple sources (chloroform and bromodichloromethane). Diurnal variations of VOCs at the border of the city area, receiving domestic and industrial discharges, provided information to interpret their observed downstream distribution and possible sources.  相似文献   

Surface ozone concentration and surface air temperature was measured hourly at three coastal sites, four low elevation inland sites and two high elevation inland sites in southwestern Sweden. Diurnal ozone concentration range (DOR) and diurnal temperature range (DTR) were strongly correlated, both spatially and temporally, most likely because both depended on atmospheric stability. Accumulated ozone exposure above a threshold concentration of x nmol mol1 (AOTx) was estimated from time-integrated ozone concentration (as from diffusive sampling) and measures of ozone concentration variability. Two methods both estimated 24-h AOTx with high accuracy (modelling efficiencies >90% for x ≤ 40 nmol mol−1). Daytime (08:00–20:00) AOTx could not be equally well estimated. Estimates were better for lower AOT thresholds. Diffusive ozone concentration sampling, combined with hourly temperature monitoring, could be a valuable complement to ozone concentration monitoring with continuous instruments.  相似文献   

An Open-Top Chambers experiment on Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings was conducted in order to compare the performance of an exposure-based (AOT40) and a flux-based approaches in predicting the appearance of ozone visible injuries on leaves. Three different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered; non-filtered; and open plots) and two soil moisture treatments (watered and non-watered plots) were performed. A Jarvisian stomatal conductance model was drawn up and parameterised for both species and typical South Alpine environmental conditions, thus allowing the calculation of ozone stomatal fluxes for every treatment. A critical ozone flux level for the onset of leaf visible injury in beech was clearly identified between 32.6 and 33.6 mmolO3 m(-2). In contrast, it was not possible to identify an exposure critical level using the AOT40 index. Water stress delayed the onset of the leaf visible injuries, but the flux-based approach was able to take it into account accurately.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) plants in two different soil moisture regimes were directly quantified and subsequently modeled over an entire growing season. Direct measurements captured the dynamic response of stomatal conductance to changing environmental conditions throughout the day, as well as declining gas exchange and carbon assimilation throughout the growth period beyond an early summer maximum. This phenomenon was observed in plants grown both with and without supplemental soil moisture, the latter of which should theoretically mitigate against harmful physiological effects caused by exposure to ozone. Seasonally declining rates of stomatal conductance were found to be substantial and incorporated into models, making them less susceptible to the overestimations of effective exposure that are an inherent source of error in ozone exposure indices. The species-specific evidence presented here supports the integration of dynamic physiological processes into flux-based modeling approaches for the prediction of ozone injury in vegetation.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds at swine facilities: A critical review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ni JQ  Robarge WP  Xiao C  Heber AJ 《Chemosphere》2012,89(7):769-788
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are regulated aerial pollutants that have environmental and health concerns. Swine operations produce and emit a complex mixture of VOCs with a wide range of molecular weights and a variety of physicochemical properties. Significant progress has been made in this area since the first experiment on VOCs at a swine facility in the early 1960s. A total of 47 research institutions in 15 North American, European, and Asian countries contributed to an increasing number of scientific publications. Nearly half of the research papers were published by U.S. institutions.Investigated major VOC sources included air inside swine barns, in headspaces of manure storages and composts, in open atmosphere above swine wastewater, and surrounding swine farms. They also included liquid swine manure and wastewater, and dusts inside and outside swine barns. Most of the sample analyses have been focusing on identification of VOC compounds and their relationship with odors. More than 500 VOCs have been identified. About 60% and 10% of the studies contributed to the quantification of VOC concentrations and emissions, respectively. The largest numbers of VOC compounds with reported concentrations in a single experimental study were 82 in air, 36 in manure, and 34 in dust samples.The relatively abundant VOC compounds that were quantified in at least two independent studies included acetic acid, butanoic acid (butyric acid), dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl sulfide, iso-valeric, p-cresol, propionic acid, skatole, trimethyl amine, and valeric acid in air. They included acetic acid, p-cresol, iso-butyric acid, butyric acid, indole, phenol, propionic acid, iso-valeric acid, and skatole in manure. In dust samples, they were acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, valeric acid, p-cresol, hexanal, and decanal. Swine facility VOCs were preferentially bound to smaller-size dusts.Identification and quantification of VOCs were restricted by using instruments based on gas Chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (LC) with different detectors most of which require time-consuming procedures to obtain results. Various methodologies and technologies in sampling, sample preparation, and sample analysis have been used. Only four publications reported using GC based analyzers and PTR-MS (proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry) that allowed continuous VOC measurement. Because of this, the majority of experimental studies were only performed on limited numbers of air, manure, or dust samples. Many aerial VOCs had concentrations that were too low to be identified by the GC peaks.Although VOCs emitted from swine facilities have environmental concerns, only a few studies investigated VOC emission rates, which ranged from 3.0 to 176.5 mg d−1 kg−1 pig at swine finishing barns and from 2.3 to 45.2 g d−1 m−2 at manure storages. Similar to the other pollutants, spatial and temporal variations of aerial VOC concentrations and emissions existed and were significantly affected by manure management systems, barn structural designs, and ventilation rates.Scientific research in this area has been mainly driven by odor nuisance, instead of environment or health concerns. Compared with other aerial pollutants in animal agriculture, the current scientific knowledge about VOCs at swine facilities is still very limited and far from sufficient to develop reliable emission factors.  相似文献   

Branch-level gas exchange provided the basis for assessing ozone flux in order to derive the dose-response relationship between cumulative O3 uptake (COU) and carbon gain in the upper sun crown of adult Fagus sylvatica. Fluxes of ozone, CO2 and water vapour were monitored simultaneously by climatized branch cuvettes. The cuvettes allowed branch exposure to an ambient or twice-ambient O3 regime, while tree crowns were exposed to the same O3 regimes (twice-ambient generated by a free-air canopy O3 exposure system). COU levels higher than 20mmolm(-2) led to a pronounced decline in carbon gain under elevated O3. The limiting COU range is consistent with findings on neighbouring branches exposed to twice-ambient O3 through free-air fumigation. The cuvette approach allows to estimate O3 flux at peripheral crown positions, where boundary layers are low, yielding a meso-scale within-crown resolution of photosynthetic foliage sensitivity under whole-tree free-air O3 fumigation.  相似文献   

Ozone and energy fluxes have been measured using the eddy covariance technique, from June to December 2004 in Castelporziano near Rome (Italy), and compared to similar measurements made in the previous year. The studied ecosystem consisted in a typical Mediterranean Holm oak forest. Stomatal fluxes have been calculated using the resistance analogy and by inverting the Penmann-Monteith equation. Results showed that the average stomatal contribution accounts for 42.6% of the total fluxes. Non-stomatal deposition proved to be enhanced by increasing leaf wetness and air humidity during the autumnal months. From a comparison of the two years, it can be inferred that water supply is the most important limiting factor for ozone uptake and that prolonged droughts alter significantly the stomatal conductance, even 2 months after the soil water content is replenished. Ozone exposure, expressed as AOT40, behaves similarly to the cumulated stomatal flux in dry conditions whereas a different behaviour for the two indices appears in wet autumnal conditions. A difference also occurs between the two years.  相似文献   

The Atmospheric Oxidation Program (AOP) is a computer program that estimates the rate constant for the atmospheric, gas-phase reaction between photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals (OH) and organic chemicals. It also estimates the rate constant for the gas-phase reaction between ozone and olefinic/acetylenic compounds. AOP, which uses estimation methods developed by Atkinson and co-workers, estimates more accurate rate constants than the PCFAP (Fate of Atmospheric Pollutants) program that was part of the U.S. EPA's Graphical Exposure Modeling System (GEMS). Due to its superior predictive ability, the EPA is currently using AOP to evaluate the atmospheric fate of compounds defined under Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  相似文献   

An experimental study on the formation and transport of ozone in ambient air was performed in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in order to investigate the processes affecting ozone levels and air quality. The special features of Tenerife (prevalence of the trade wind pattern (NE), orography and the specific location of the local ozone sources) permit to quantify the role of the ‘long-range transport from northern latitudes' versus the ‘formation and transport of ozone downwind of the main urban areas' of Tenerife. Levels of O3, NO2 and OX were monitored in different types of environments to achieve this purpose. The results showed that: (1) upwind of the urban areas ozone is mainly transported from the ocean by trade winds, (2) local ozone titration (by NO) and ozone replenishment from the ocean are the main causes of ozone variations in urban and suburban areas, and (3) photochemical ozone production occurs downwind of the urban areas. Photochemical production causes daylight O3 and OX levels downwind of urban areas to be frequently (60% and 35% days/year, respectively) higher than upwind of the urban sites (O3 and OX excess frequently in the range 5–20 ppbv). Due to the above processes, different daily ozone cycles occur in short distances (<30 km), with maximum O3 levels during daylight or night depending on the site. Ozone phytotoxicity was assessed by calculating the AOT40 index upwind and downwind of the main urban areas. The critical value for the 5-day-AOT40 index was simultaneously exceeded at the two sites (few times/year) during long-range transport events. During the additional exceedances of the critical value downwind of the urban area, relatively high 5-day-AOT40 values were recorded upwind of the urban site. Thus, long-range transport from northern latitudes may produce relatively high 5-days-AOT40 levels in the oceanic boundary layer. These results are important for the protection of the large number of endemic plants in the Canaries. The conceptual model discussed in this study may be qualitatively applied to other islands which possess features similar to those of Tenerife.  相似文献   

Ozone (O3) has become one of the most toxic air pollutants to plants worldwide. However, investigations on O3 impacts on crops health and productivity in South America countries are still scarce. The present study analyzed the differences on the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant system in foliar tissue of two subtropical Phaseolus vulgaris varieties exposed to high O3 concentration. Both varieties were negatively impacted by the pollutant, but the responses between each variety were quite distinct. Results revealed that Irai has higher constitutive levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ascorbate (AsA) concentration, but lower total thiol levels and catalase immunocontent. In this variety catalase protein concentration was increased after O3 exposure, indicating a better cellular capacity to reduce hydrogen peroxide. On the opposite, Fepagro 26-exposed plants increased ROS generation and AsA concentration, but had the levels of total thiol content and catalase protein unchanged. Furthermore, O3 treatment reduced the levels of chlorophylls a and b, and the relationship analysis between the chlorophyll ratio (a/b) and protein concentration were positively correlated indicating that photosynthetic apparatus is compromised, and thus probably is the biomass acquisition on Fepagro 26. Differently, O3 treatment of Irai did not affect chlorophylls a and b content, and loss on the protein content was lower. Altogether, these data suggest that early accumulation of ROS on Fepagro 26 are associated with an insufficient leaf antioxidant capacity, which leads to cell structure disruption and impairs the photosynthesis. Irai seems to be more tolerant to O3 toxic effects than Fepagro 26, and the observed differences on O3 sensitivity between the two varieties are apparently based on constitutive differences involved in the maintenance of intracellular redox homeostasis.  相似文献   

Ham JE  Wells JR 《Chemosphere》2011,83(3):327-333
Indoor environments are dynamic reactors where consumer products (such as cleaning agents, deodorants, and air fresheners) emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can subsequently interact with indoor oxidants such as ozone (O3), hydroxyl radicals, and nitrate radicals. Typically, consumer products consist of mixtures of VOCs and semi-VOCs which can react in the gas-phase or on surfaces with these oxidants to generate a variety of oxygenated products. In this study, the reaction of a pine-oil cleaner (POC) with O3 (100 ppb) on a urethane-coated vinyl flooring tile was investigated at 5% and 50% relative humidity. These results were compared to previous α-terpineol + O3 reactions on glass and vinyl surfaces. Additionally, other terpene and terpene alcohol mixtures were formulated to understand the emission profiles as seen in the POC data. Results showed that the α-terpineol + O3 reaction products were the prominent species that were also observed in the POC/O3 surface experiments. Furthermore, α-terpineol + O3 reactions generate the largest fraction of oxygenated products even in equal mixtures of other terpene alcohols. This finding suggests that the judicial choice of terpene alcohols for inclusion in product formulations may be useful in reducing oxidation product emissions.  相似文献   

The Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) receptor model and the Observation Based Model (OBM) were combined to analyze volatile organic compound (VOC) data collected at a suburban site (WQS) in the PRD region. The purposes are to estimate the VOC source apportionment and investigate the contributions of these sources and species of these sources to the O3 formation in PRD. Ten VOC sources were identified. We further applied the PMF-extracted concentrations of these 10 sources into the OBM and found "solvent usage 1", "diesel vehicular emissions" and "biomass/biofuel burning" contributed most to the O3 formation at WQS. Among these three sources, higher Relative Incremental Reactivity (RIR)-weighted values of ethene, toluene and m/p-xylene indicated that they were mainly responsible for local O3 formation in the region. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the sources of "diesel vehicular emissions", "biomass/biofuel burning" and "solvent usage 1" had low uncertainties whereas "gasoline evaporation" showed the highest uncertainty.  相似文献   

Forty native Mediterranean plant species were screened for emissions of the C5 and C10 hydrocarbons, isoprene and monoterpenes, in five different habitats. A total of 32 compounds were observed in the emissions from these plants. The number of compounds emitted by different plant species varied from 19 (Quercus ilex) to a single compound emission, usually of isoprene. Emission rates were normalised to generate emission factors for each plant species for each sampling event at standard conditions of temperature and light intensity. Plant species were categorised according to their main emitted compound, the major groups being isoprene, α-pinene, linalool, and limonene emitters. Estimates of habitat fluxes for each emitted compound were derived from the contributing plant species’ emission factors, biomass and ground cover. Emissions of individual compounds ranged from 0.002 to 505 g ha−1 h−1 (camphene from garrigue in Spain in autumn and isoprene from riverside habitats in Spain in late spring; respectively). Emissions of isoprene ranged from 0.3 to 505 g ha−1 h−1 (macchia in Italy in late spring and autumn; and riverside in Spain in late spring; respectively) and α-pinene emissions ranged from 0.51 to 52.92 g ha−1 h−1 (garrigue in Spain in late spring; and forest in France in autumn; respectively). Habitat fluxes of most compounds in autumn were greater than in late spring, dominated by emissions from Quercus ilex, Genista scorpius and Quercus pubescens. This study contributes to regional emission inventories and will be of use to tropospheric chemical modellers.  相似文献   

In the South-Eastern French Mediterranean region, high ozone concentrations were measured since many years and specific symptoms like chlorotic mottles were detected on Arolla pines. We presented results for the 2000-2008 period concerning the trend analysis for ambient ozone concentrations and related forest damages, with the Mann and seasonal Kendall tests. Ozone precursor’s emissions from Europe have been reduced over the last 20 years. Decreases in annual averages, median, 25th and 98th percentiles and maxima values were found. The seasonal trend analysis for the high-lying stations showed a decreasing trend for the warm season, when main ozone production is the photochemistry, and an increase for the cold period, caused by a reduced ozone titration. Statistics on Arolla Pine reveal strong correlations between mottling intensity and the high ozone concentrations. Finally, decreases for the ozone concentrations, and associated statistics, AOT40 values and for the mottling intensity on conifers needles were observed.  相似文献   

于2014年7月8日至8月13日在成都市城区和工业区选取两个点位开展挥发性有机物(VOCs)样品采集工作,分析结果显示,成都市夏季城区大气中VOCs质量浓度在34.1~458.8μg/m3,平均值为(137.3±91.8)μg/m3;工业区大气中VOCs质量浓度在26.7~474.9μg/m3,平均值为(135.9±103.5)μg/m3。早高峰时段(7:00~10:00)两个点位VOCs的浓度水平均高于其他时段,说明VOCs浓度受机动车排放的影响较为明显。用·OH消耗速率和臭氧生成潜势评估VOCs大气化学反应活性,结果显示,芳香烃和烯烃是影响大气化学反应活性的关键组分。城区和工业区的二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的生成潜势分别为4.859、4.559μg/m3,芳香烃不仅是臭氧生成潜势的关键活性组分,同时也是SOA的重要前体物。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of a yearlong continuous measurements of gaseous pollutants, NO, NO2, NOx and O3 in the ambient air at Kathmandu valley. Measured concentration of the pollutants in study area is a function of time. NO, NO2 and O3 peak occurred in succession in presence of sunlight. At the time of maximum O3 concentration most of the NOx are utilized. The diurnal cycle of ground level ozone concentrations, revealed mid-day peak with lower nocturnal concentrations and inverse relationship exists between O3 and NOx, which are evidences of photochemical O3 formation. The observed ground level ozone during monsoon is slight lower than the pre-monsoon value. Further, lack of rainfall and higher temperature, solar radiation in the pre-monsoon have given rise to the gradual build up of ozone and it is lowest during winter. Ground level ozone concentrations measured during bandha (general strike) and weekend are 19% and 13% higher than those measured during weekdays. The most effective ozone abatement strategy for Kathmandu Valley may be control of NOx emissions.  相似文献   

Vegetation samples from King George Island, Antarctica (62°05'S, 058°23'W) were collected in the austral summer of 2004-2005. Lichens (Usnea aurantiaco-atra and Usnea antarctica), mosses (Sanionia uncinata, Syntrichia princeps and Brachytecium sp.), and one angiosperm (Colobanthus quitensis) species were analyzed for persistent organic pollutants as well as δ(13)C and δ(15)N stable isotopes. The following contaminants were found above the method detection limit (MDL): HCB (0.141-1.06 ng g(-1) dry weight), HCHs (相似文献   

Plants react to O3 threat by setting up a variety of defensive strategies involving the co-ordinated modulation of stress perception, signalling and metabolic responses. Although stomata largely controls O3 uptake, differences in O3 tolerance cannot always be ascribed to changes in stomatal conductance but cell protective and repair processes should be taken into account. O3-driven ROS production in the apoplast induces a secondary, active, self-propagating generation of ROS, whose levels must be finely tuned, by many enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems, to induce gene activation without determining uncontrolled cell death. Additional signalling molecules, as ethylene, jasmonic and salicylic acid are also crucial to determine the spreading and the containment of leaf lesions. The main recent results obtained on O3 sensing, signal transduction, ROS formation and detoxification mechanisms are here discussed.  相似文献   

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