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A network of five water quality monitoring stations has been established in Long Island Sound, measuring temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen since 1999. The stations are located in areas of extreme water quality degradation (western Long Island Sound) as well as in pristine areas (eastern Long Island Sound). The data from these stations are collected every 15 minutes and posted to the project web site in real time as provisional data. After subsequent quality assurance procedures, the data are archived to the project File Transfer Protocol (FSP) site for downloading by the user community. The network of stations is in part supported logistically by a number of partners, including state and local agencies, schools, and non-governmental organizations. Data from the monitoring programs of some of these partners are also published to the project website providing a more comprehensive and complete picture of the status of the Sound than can be provided independently. This repository of information is used by marine educators, resource managers, scientists, and the general public, each with a different end purpose. We use the data from two of the stations to show that these high frequency time series measurements can be used to complement and enhance other monitoring programs within the Sound, documenting in greater detail the occurrence and duration of hypoxic events.  相似文献   

Data from toxicity tests of the pore water extracted from Puget Sound sediments were compiled from surveys conducted from 1997 to 2009. Tests were performed on 664 samples collected throughout all of the eight monitoring regions in the Sound, an area encompassing 2,294.1 km2. Tests were performed with the gametes of the Pacific purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, to measure percent fertilization success as an indicator of relative sediment quality. Data were evaluated to determine the incidence, degree of response, geographic patterns, spatial extent, and temporal changes in toxicity. This is the first survey of this kind and magnitude in Puget Sound. In the initial round of surveys of the eight regions, 40 of 381 samples were toxic for an incidence of 10.5 %. Stations classified as toxic represented an estimated total of 107.1 km2, equivalent to 4.7 % of the total area. Percent sea urchin fertilization ranged from >100 % of the nontoxic, negative controls to 0 %. Toxicity was most prevalent and pervasive in the industrialized harbors and lowest in the deep basins. Conditions were intermediate in deep-water passages, urban bays, and rural bays. A second round of testing in four regions and three selected urban bays was completed 5–10 years following the first round. The incidence and spatial extent of toxicity decreased in two of the regions and two of the bays and increased in the other two regions and the third bay; however, only the latter change was statistically significant. Both the incidence and spatial extent of toxicity were lower in the Sound than in most other US estuaries and marine bays.  相似文献   

In developed, non-agricultural, unsewered areas, septic systems and fertilizer application to lawns and gardens represent two major sources of nitrogen to coastal groundwater, in addition to atmospheric input. This study was designed to distinguish between these two possible nitrogen sources by analyzing groundwater samples for pharmaceutical residuals, because fertilizers do not contain any of these pharmaceuticals, but domestic wastewater commonly does. In addition, several herbicides and insecticides used in lawn treatment were analyzed as indicators of nitrogen delivery to groundwater from fertilizers. Groundwater samples were taken through piezometres at shoreline sites in unsewered areas surrounding Northport Harbor and in sewered areas adjacent to Manhasset Bay (hereafter referred to as "Northport" and "Manhasset", respectively), both in northwestern Long Island, USA. Excessive nitrogen loading has led to reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations in Long Island Sound, and the groundwater contribution to the nitrogen budget is poorly constrained. The frequent detection of the anticonvulsant compound carbamazepine in groundwater samples of the Northport Harbor area (unsewered), together with the fact that few pesticides associated with lawn applications were detected, suggests that wastewater input and atmospheric input are the likely sources of nitrogen in the Northport groundwater. High concentrations of nitrogen were also detected in the Manhasset (sewered) groundwater. The low detection frequency and concentration of carbamazepine, however, suggest that the sewer system effectively intercepts nitrogen from wastewater there. The likely sources of nitrogen in the Manhasset groundwater are atmospheric deposition and lawn fertilizers, as this area is densely populated.  相似文献   

利用GC-ECD检测了山美水库流域表层沉积物中DDTs农药含量,分析了其残留与组成特征及生态风险.结果表明,表层沉积物中DDTs平均含量为4.07 ng/g,其含量范围为0.96~8.20 ng/g;DDTs含量大小顺序为桃溪与湖洋溪汇流(8.20 ng/g)>湖洋溪(4.67 ng/g)>桃溪(4.59 ng/g)>山美水库(1.96 ng/g).表层沉积物中新的DDTs输入量比较少;沉积物中DDTs主要来自于早期残留或是施用农药长期风化后的土壤;大多数采样点DDTs发生好氧生物降解,降解产物以DDE为主.对照Ingersoll风险评估标准,表层沉积物中DDTs农药残留具有较高的生态风险.  相似文献   

The contamination of organochlorine pesticides hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and their eco-environmental assessment in surface sediments from Lake Dongting, the second-largest freshwater lake in China, were studied. Concentrations of ∑HCH (=α-HCH + β-HCH + γ-HCH +δ-HCH) were 0.21--9.59 ng/g dry weight and those of ∑ DDT = p,p'-DDD+p,p'-DDE+o,p'-DDT+p,p'-DDT) ranged from under detectable limit to 10.15 ng/g dry weight. The ratios of α-HCH to γ-HCH were above 7 at most sampling sites while no or a small amount of β-HCH were found at all sites, suggesting the degradation of HCH used in the history and possibly current use of HCH in the region. The low ratios (below 2.0 in most cases) of (p,p'-DDE+p,p'-DDD) to p,p'-DDT and high levels of individual isomers of DDT at some sites also suggested that there have still been fresh inputs of DDT into Lake Dongting. Through the comparison between concentrations of HCH and DDT residues in sediments of Lake Dongting and those from other places in China and also from the results of our eco-environmental assessment, it can be concluded that Lake Dongting is the water body with high contamination of both HCH and DDT in its sediments in comparison with other water bodies in China.  相似文献   

新鲜农用地土壤经快速溶剂萃取后,萃取溶液中含有水分。建立了采用快速溶剂萃取-气相色谱法测定农用地土壤中六六六和滴滴涕农药残留的方法,在加速溶剂萃取液中加入纯水,用减压蒸馏法将丙酮和正己烷去除,用正己烷液液萃取剩下的溶液,浓缩净化后进气相色谱仪检测。方法检出限为4.90×10-3~ 4.80×10-2 mg/kg,曲线的相关系数均>0.999,方法加标回收率为76.2%~91.2%,相对标准偏差为1.2%~6.1%。该方法准确可靠,可用于实际农用地土壤中六六六和滴滴涕的测定。  相似文献   

测定了不同典型农业生产功能区土壤中有机氯农药(OCPs)残留,六六六(HCHs)、滴滴涕(DDTs)各同分异构体均有不同程度检出。结果表明,DDTs含量占有机氯农药含量的56%~95%,是污染的主要贡献污染物。HCHs中γ-HCH占45%~79%,DDTs中DDE>40%。其畜禽养殖基地和污水灌溉区污染指数(DDTs)分别为1.6(重污染)和0.6(中污染),其余均小于0.5(轻污染)。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the consequence of changing land use from agriculture land to other use purposes with respect to OCPs non-cancer and cancer risk on human health, based on concentrations of DDTs and HCHs in soils collected from 55 locations representing 12 different land use types. There were no non-cancer risks of DDTs and γ-HCHs on adults and children, and there were very low cancer risks of DDD, o,p'-DDE, DDT, α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH based on their total concentrations in all samples. Nonetheless, there were significant correlations of DDT to its metabolites (DDE and DDD) (r = 0.506 and r = 0.648) and DDE to DDD (r = 0.438) both at p < 0.01. OCP levels should be routinely monitored in different environmental media and food in order to verify whether there is fresh input. Their potential risks on human health should also be assessed.  相似文献   

Ozone concentrations were measured in Zagreb at four sites from May 1999 to April 2001 in order to categorize the air quality with respect to ozone. In the summer of 2000, the ozone measurements were also extended to four sites in the suburbs of Zagreb. Methods of active and passive sampling with nitrite ion as a reagent were used. In the northern part of the town ozone was analyzed by an automatic device. Automatic device measurements in the years 1999 and 2000 showed that hourly averages of ozone concentrations did not exceed the Croatian recommended value of the 98th percentile (180 g m–3). Over the two-year period, 24-h averages occasionally exceed 110 g m–3 in city center and in the northern part of the town. Regardless of these isolated examples, ozone was well within acceptable concentrations. Ozone concentrations measured in summer 2000 were higher in the suburbs of Zagreb than in the city. The 98th percentile values higher than 110 g m–3 were recorded at three sites.  相似文献   

于2006年4月到2007年8月在泰安市城北设立采样点收集降水样品,对样品中的13种美国环保署(US EPA)优控多环芳烃(PAHs)及NO3-、SO42-等无机阴、阳离子进行了定量分析.测定结果表明,雨水样品中∑13PAHs含量范围在11.3~179.4ng/L之间,平均浓度为89.8ng/L;NO3-、SO42-分别在16.35~186.4ueq/L及53.83~721.9ueq/L之间;样品中无机阴、阳离子总和之比∑(+)/∑(-)的平均值为0.93.相关分析表明,样品中菲、芴、萤蒽等3、4环多环芳烃化合物含量较高;样品中的PAHs浓度与季节存在一定的相关性,但与样品中的NO3-、SO42-浓度间无明显的相关性;样品中的多环芳烃主要来源于煤炭、木材及石油的不完全燃烧.  相似文献   

采用隔声窗作为典型道路的交通噪声控制措施,探索隔声性能的现场监测方法。分别选取真空玻璃窗与中空玻璃窗进行监测,两种隔声窗对交通噪声1000 Hz 和2000 Hz 两个倍频带的隔声量最大,真空玻璃隔声窗对500 Hz 倍频带及以下的噪声比中空玻璃隔声窗更有效,如果采用两种隔声窗进行组合,在全频带的隔声量达到25 dB。  相似文献   

Cadmium and lead were determined simultaneously in seawater by differential pulse stripping voltammetry (DPSV) preceded by adsoptive collection of complexes with 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) on to a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). In preliminary experiments the optimal analytical condition for oxine concentration was found to be 2.10−5 M, at pH 7.7, the accumulation potential was −1.1 V, and the initial scannig potential was −0.8 V. The peak potentials were found −0.652 V for Cd and −0.463 V for Pb At the 60 s accumalation time. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitatification (LOQ) were found to be by voltammetry as 0.588 and 1.959 μg l−1 (RSD, 5.50%) for Cd and 0.931 and 3.104 μg l−1 (RSD, 4.10%) for Pb at 60 s stirred accumulation time respectively. In these conditions the most of the seawater samples are amenable for direct voltammetric determination of cadmium and lead using a HMDE. An adsorptive stripping mechanism of the electrode reaction was proposed. For the comparison, seawater samples were also analysed by ICP-atomic emission spectrometry method (ICP-AES). The applied voltammetric technique was validated and good recoveries were obtained.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, manganese) and selenium in the feathers of herring gulls (Larus argentatus) from a nesting colony at Captree, Long Island, New York were examined from 1989 to 1993 to determine if there were differences from year to year, and between males and females, adult and young, and dead versus live gulls. Variation in metal levels in regression models was explained by age (all metals), year (all except manganese), and whether the feathers were from live or dead birds (all except lead and chromium). The feathers of adults had significantly higher levels of mercury, lead and manganese than those of young, but lower levels of selenium and cadmium than those of young. Levels in down and fledgling feathers were similar for lead, cadmium and selenium, but fledgling feathers had higher levels for mercury, chromium, and manganese. There were no gender differences in metal levels for adult feathers except for lead (females had higher levels). Levels of mercury and manganese were higher in feathers of live adults whereas levels of cadmium and selenium were higher in the feathers of dead adults.  相似文献   

Beryllium concentrations in atmospheric particulate and soil samples in and around a Beryllium Processing Facility (BPF) have been measured. The mean air concentration level of beryllium in and around the fence line of the BPF is 0.48 ± 0.43 ng m-3 (n = 397) and is mostly influenced by diurnaland seasonal changes. The observed air concentration levelswere well below the prescribed ambient air quality (AAQ)standard of 10 ng m-3. The soil concentration levels ofberyllium in the study area were found to be in the range of 1.42–2.75 g g-1. The mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD)of beryllium aerosols in ambient air was found to be 6.9 m.Source identification using the Enrichment Factor (EF) approachindicates soil as the predominant contributory source for air concentrations at the site.  相似文献   

利用丽水城区中心及其近郊2个站点的逐时水汽压资料,定义了干(湿)岛强度指数及干(湿)岛强度等级,并发现了丽水小城区干(湿)岛变化强度、频次及时空分布规律,研究发现城区中心的干岛现象与热岛现象之间存在着正相关.湿岛的形成与露、雾、结冰、霜、雨等天气现象有关.  相似文献   

Urban and agricultural areas affect the hydraulic patterns as well as the water quality of receiving drainage systems, especially of catchments smaller than 50 km(2). Urban runoff is prone to contamination due to pollutants like pesticides or pharmaceuticals. Agricultural areas are possible sources of nutrient and herbicide contamination for receiving water bodies. The pollution is derived from leaching by subsurface flow, as well as wash-off and erosion caused by surface runoff. In the Luxembourgish Mess River catchment, the pharmaceutical and pesticide concentrations are comparable with those detected by other authors in different river systems worldwide. Some investigated pesticide concentrations infringe current regulations. The maximum allowable concentration for diuron of 1.8 μg l(?-?1) is exceeded fourfold by measured 7.41 μg l(?-?1) in a flood event. The load of dissolved pesticides reaching the stream gauge is primarily determined by the amount applied to the surfaces within the catchment area. Storm water runoff from urban areas causes short-lived but high-pollutant concentrations and moderate loads, whereas moderate concentrations and high loads are representative for agricultural inputs to the drainage system. Dissolved herbicides, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, analgesics and hormones can be used as indicators to investigate runoff generation processes, including inputs from anthropogenic sources. The measurements prove that the influence of kinematic wave effects on the relationship between hydrograph and chemographs should not be neglected in smaller basins. The time lag shows that it is not possible to connect analysed substances of defined samples to the corresponding section of the hydrograph.  相似文献   

土壤和河流沉积物中六六六和滴滴涕残留的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用密闭微波提取、超声波提取、索氏提取对土壤和河流沉积物进行前处理,提取液经弗罗里硅土柱净化或浓硫酸净化.通过回收率实验和精密度实验对三种提取方法和两种净化方法进行比较,建立了微波提取土壤和河流沉积物中六六六和滴滴涕,浓硫酸净化,气相色谱一质谱测定的分析方法,方法回收率在84%~110%之间,精密度(RSD)在2.8%~9.9%之间.采用该方法对阜阳市废弃农药厂周围的土壤和河流沉积物中六六六和滴滴涕进行了监测.  相似文献   

南四湖上级湖表层沉积物中多环芳烃的含量及分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对南四湖上级湖表层沉积物中的15种美国环保暑(US EPA)优控多环芳烃(PAHB)进行了定量分析.测定结果表明,沉积物中15种PAHs总合量范围为163.0~2983.8ng/g dry wt..相关分析表明,南四湖上级湖表层沉积物中PAHs浓度的空间分布受入湖河流影响较大,与入湖河流两岸的工农业布局和城市分布存在一定的相关性;南四湖上级湖表层沉积物中的多环芳烃主要来源于煤炭、木材及石油的不完全燃烧;目前南四湖上级湖表层沉积物样品中的PAHs含量处于低风险水平,尚未对生物造成显著的负面影响.  相似文献   

太湖水体溶解态磷的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2010年太湖西岸区北段、湖心北区、贡湖、梅梁湾、竺山湾、西岸区南段、湖心南区、南岸区和湖心区9个研究点位水体中的溶解态总磷(TSP)、溶解态反应磷(SRP)和叶绿素a(Chl-a)进行了长达1年的动态监测,全面分析了太湖不同月份、不同区域水体溶解态磷含量的时空动态变化特征及其与藻类生长的相关性。全湖月平均TSP变化范围为(0.027±0.019)~(0.054±0.042)mg/L,SRP变化范围为(0.009 ± 0.006)~(0.035 ± 0.020) mg/L,夏秋季SRP含量高于春冬季。北太湖区溶解态磷含量普遍高于南太湖区,近岸溶解态磷含量高于离岸。各点位年均TSP变化范围为(0.019±0.011)~(0.104±0.038) mg/L,SRP变化范围为(0.009±0.006)~(0.041±0.022)mg/L。全年SRP变异(53.2%)高于TSP(23.4%)、近岸变异高于离岸、表层高于底层。溶解态磷含量日变化特征不明显,外源磷输入影响太湖水体溶解态磷分布。全年中太湖水体TSP、SRP与Chl-a呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.313(P<0.01)、0.284(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

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