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Permethrin drift from two aerial applications at each of two sites in a potato growing area in Ontario were measured to a maximum distance of 61 m outside the treatment area. Droplet drift did not enter the adjacent surface water streams at either study site, since there was little or no wind on the four occasions. The concentration of the insecticide in soil as a result of drifting off site was significantly lower than the amount deposited on the treatment area. The spray drifting off-target was generally made up of droplets <100 m. Permethrin residues were detected in the water and sediment samples collected after treatment along the Bailey Creek and Beeton Creek; however, these levels did not cause lethal or sublethal effects to aquatic invertebrates and fish species. Based on the conditions and results of this study, it is concluded that a buffer zone of 65 m around sensitive and productive bodies of water would be effective and practical.  相似文献   

The English-Wabigoon River system in Northwestern Ontario, Canada, was one of the most heavily mercury-contaminated waterways in the world due to historical discharges in the 1960s from a chlor-alkali plant. This study examines long-term (1970-2010) monitoring data to assess temporal trends in mercury contamination in Walleye, Northern Pike and Lake Whitefish, three species important for sport and subsistence fishing in this region, using dynamic linear modeling and piecewise regression. For all lakes and species, there is a significant decline (36-94%) in mercury concentrations through time; however, there is evidence that this decline is either slowing down or levelling off. Concentrations in the English-Wabigoon fish are elevated, and may still present a potential health risk to humans consuming fish from this system. Various biotic and abiotic factors are examined as possible explanations to slowing rates of decline in mercury concentrations observed in the mid-1980s.  相似文献   

The objective of this two-year study was to determine the efficacy of an automated limestone slurry doser to neutralize acidic pulses and improve water quality conditions for enhancing survival of early life stages of migratory fish species in a Maryland coastal plain stream. Implications for survival of early life stages of migratory fish species such as yellow perch (Perca flavescens), white perch (Morone americana), blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) and alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) are discussed based on the improved chemical conditions in the dosed area of the stream. Despite problems with overdosing in 1991 and failure of the stage transducer to work properly in 1992, the doser was generally effective in neutralizing acidic pulses (pH depressions) in the stream during three major rain events in both years. Chemical conditions (pH and inorganic monomeric aluminum) reported in the non-dosed area during major rainfall events were potentially stressful to both alewife and blueback herring although neither species was reported spawning in the stream during either year. Mitigating the potential impact of acidic conditions on early life stages of important migratory fish species was not sufficient to ensure spawning. It is therefore recommended that habitat improvement measures and well designed fish stocking programs be implemented concurrently with doser operations if the goal is to create optimum spawning conditions for migratory species.  相似文献   

Seasonal sampling was carried out at four sites on a pampeanstream that receives industrial effluent from two textile factories. To evaluate water quality, several physical and chemical parameters were examined and the periphyton growing oncattail (Typha latifolia L.) were analyzed.Water quality and periphyton structure differed significantlybetween sites upstream and downstream of the discharge. Differences in temperature and also in concentrations of phosphate, dissolved oxygen, and phaeopigment were detected. At the same time, changes in the dominant algae groups wereobserved. Downstream of the industrial discharge, the numberof Bacillariophyta decreased, while species of Cianophyta andEuglenophyta were more abundant. This abundance correlated withincreased phosphate and organic matter content and decreased oxygen concentration. Although this study did not detect a reduction in the number of species, similarity between stands decreased downstream of the industrial discharge. Changes incommunity structure were readily detected in this situation because the communities of the polluted and unpolluted zones were qualitatively different. Periphyton growing naturally on Typha latifolia is a useful indicator of the impact of waste waters on the biota and can also be used to evaluate water body recovery.  相似文献   

The emission factors of mercury and calculation of annual emission into the atmosphere from different industrial sources in Poland are presented. The emission factors in turn depend on mercury concentration in raw materials, as well as on the character of a technological process. The combustion of hard coal and lignite was found to be the major emission source of mercury into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

In order to assess the metal pollution status of agricultural lands of Mandi Bahauuddin receiving industrial wastewater, 35 top soil samples were investigated for the determination of selected metal levels, i.e., Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ca, Ni, and Pb by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy under optimum analytical conditions. The distribution of these metals in different operationally defined chemical fractions was also determined by using the sequential extraction technique. The highest mean total concentration was found for Fe while the least one was observed for Pb. All the studied metals were found to be present at levels much enhanced than national and international standards. Moreover, most of the metals were distributed principally in residual fraction with the exception of Ni which was found to be associated mainly with oxidizable fraction. The significant correlations were observed between Fe-Mn oxide-bound and residual fractions and exchangeable and oxidizable fractions for most of the metals. The highest mobility was exhibited by Ni that evidenced its enhanced bioavailability in the soil. The multivariate statistical analyses in terms of principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) revealed multiple sources for various geochemical fractions of different metals. CA also revealed that the nonresidual fractions of most of the metals were very closely associated while PCA presented a distinctive behavior of Ca in the soil. It was therefore suggested that in order to avoid the metal contamination arising from industrial wastewater, appropriate remediation strategies must be adopted.  相似文献   

Total mercury (Hg) concentrations were determined in the muscle tissue of fish from three reservoirs in Ghana, namely, Lake Bosomtwi, Kpong and Akosombo Hydroelectric Reservoirs. A total of 165 fish samples covering nine species were collected and analysed for total mercury. A mixture of HNO3, H2SO4 and HClO4 were used for complete oxidation of organic tissues. Hg was detected by the Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrometry technique using an automatic mercury analyzer. Total mercury concentrations in microg g(-1) (wet weight) ranged from below 0.001 to 0.070 for fish from Lake Bosomtwi, 0.010 to 0.275 for fish from Kpong Reservoir and from below 0.001 to 0.042 for fish from Akosombo Reservoir. All the results obtained are below the World Health Organization limit of 0.5 microg g(-1). The low levels of total mercury obtained in this study suggest that the three aquatic environments have not been significantly impacted by mercury contamination.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of a commonly used preservation technique on mercury concentration in fish tissue. After fixing fish muscle tissue in formalin followed by preservation in isopropanol, we found that mercury concentration in fish muscle tissue increased by 18%, reaching an asymptote after 40 days. We used formalin–isopropanol-preserved longear sunfish (Lepomis megalotis) from the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History to examine historical changes and predict current mercury concentrations in fish from two rivers in southeastern Oklahoma. Glover River was free-flowing, while Mountain Fork River was impounded in 1970 and a coldwater trout fishery was established upstream from the collection site in 1989. Mercury concentrations in longear sunfish from Glover River showed no historical changes from 1963 to 2001. Mercury concentrations in longear sunfish from Mountain Fork River showed no change from 1925 to 1993 but declined significantly from 1993 to 2003. We also compared mercury concentrations of the most recently collected longear sunfish in the museum to mercury concentrations of unpreserved fish collected from the rivers in 2006. Concentrations of mercury in museum fish were not significantly different from mercury concentrations in unpreserved fish we collected from the rivers. Our study indicates that preserved museum fish specimens can be used to evaluate historical changes and predict current levels of mercury contamination in fish.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) is a toxic metal that bioaccumulates in aquatic organisms and along food chain. Many studies have reported the problem of mercury exposure in aquatic systems from Amazon basin, but very few have focused on the potential risks to wild fish. The present study reports the bioaccumulation of mercury and alterations in target organs of the predator fish Hoplias malabaricus (traíra) from Samuel reservoir, Amazon basin, Northern Brazil. About 18% of fish had mercury levels in muscle exceeding the safe limit for ingestion through food, established by WHO (0.5 μg Hg g(-1)). Fish were separated in two groups according to mercury bioaccumulation in liver (<0.2 μg Hg g(-1)-group I and >0.2 μg Hg g(-1)-group II) for biomarker comparisons. Catalase activity and number of macrophage centers were statistically higher in group II, confirming the potential of Hg to interfere with redox balance and to recruit defense cells to the liver. Conversely, erythrocyte nuclear alterations were less frequent in group II, indicating a more rigorous selection of erythrocytes or hormesis pattern of response. Glutathione S-transferase activity, lipid peroxidation, and histopathological analyses were not statistically different in the liver and gills of both groups. Comparison of lipid peroxidation levels of these fish with others captured in Southern Brazil during another study and the high incidence of morphological alterations in the liver and gills suggest that the bioaccumulation of mercury during continuous exposure is posing potential risks to the species.  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metals in the environment could constitute a hazard to food security and public health. These can be accumulated in aquatic animals such as fish. In the present paper, three heavy metals (mercury, selenium, and tin) in canned products produced and sold in Iran were studied: longtail tuna, Kawakawa, Kilka, and yellowfin tuna were determined using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometer and a direct mercury analyzer. Analytical results were validated by spiking the samples with various concentrations of these metals to test recovery. The metal contents, expressed in micrograms per gram, wet weight, varied depending upon the species studied. The levels of Hg ranged from 0.0003 to 0.408 μg/g, the levels of Sn ranged from 0.036 to 0.480 μg/g, while the levels of Se ranged from 0.130 to 4.500 μg/g. Comparative evaluation of these metals in different brands of canned fish showed that the average concentrations of Hg, Sn, and Se of all species is significantly lower than adverse level for the species themselves and for human consumption when compared with FAO/WHO permissible limits. Therefore, their contribution to the total body burden of these heavy metals can be considered as negligibly small.  相似文献   

The choice of spatial and temporal scale used in environmental assessments may influence the observed results. One method of assessing the impact of stream habitat alterations involves the comparison of response variables among treatment categories (i.e., impacted and unimpacted sites). The influence of spatial resolution on patterns of response variables among treatment categories in assessments of stream channelization and other types of habitat alterations has not been evaluated. We examined how patterns of 10 community response variables among channel types and our interpretations of channelization impacts on fish and macroinvertebrate communities differed among three spatial resolutions in a warmwater stream in Mississippi and Alabama. Four fish and three macroinvertebrate community response variables exhibited different patterns among channel types at different spatial resolutions. Our interpretations of the impacts of channelization on fish and macroinvertebrate communities differed among spatial resolutions. Channelization had a negative influence on fish communities either with or without evidence of potential community recovery in one channel type. Channelization impacts on macroinvertebrate communities ranged from a negative influence to no effect. Our results suggest that spatial resolution can influence the observed results and interpretations derived from assessments of stream habitat alterations.  相似文献   

This work centered on a 1-year evaluation campaign of point source pollution from a sewage treatment oxidation pond and its receiving stream. Water samples were collected from the sewage treatment oxidation pond and the receiving stream during July 2002 and June 2003. Concentrations of heavy metals were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) after a triple acid digestion of samples using open beaker method. Generally, the results showed high levels of toxic metals such as Cd, Pb, As, Al, Cr, Mn, Co, and Fe in the influent and effluent samples as well as in the receiving stream. The annual mean concentration of metals in the sewage samples ranged from 11.90 to 16.05, 64.96 to 88.27, 38.91 to 76.35, 17.46 to 24.45 mug/L for Cd, As, Pb, Co, and 4.31 to 8.77, 1.71 to 2.45, 0.46 to 0.74 and 13.82 to 20.47 mg/l for Al, Cr, Mn and Fe, respectively; while in the receiving stream, the concentrations were between 6.89 to 10.45, 35.50 to 59.26, 22.85 to 35.94, 11.33 to 18.83 mug/l for Cd, As, Pb, Co, and 1.99 to 3.49, 1.35 to 2.08, 0.21 to 0.48, and 8.93 to 14.15 mg/l for Al, Cr, Mn and Fe, respectively. The discharge of the effluent from the sewage pond into the receiving stream has therefore led to increase in the concentrations of some heavy metals downstream, thus impacting the receiving stream negatively and could pose a serious health hazard to aquatic ecosystems and humans particularly for rural dwellers and peasant farmers downstream that utilize the water from the receiving stream for various domestic and agricultural purposes untreated.  相似文献   

Industrial waste is one of the main causes of environmental pollution. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was applied to detect the toxic metals in the sludge of industrial waste water. Sludge on filter paper was obtained after filtering the collected waste water samples from different sections of a water treatment plant situated in an industrial area of Kanpur City. The LIBS spectra of the sludge samples were recorded in the spectral range of 200 to 500 nm by focusing the laser light on sludge. Calibration-free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (CF-LIBS) technique was used for the quantitative measurement of toxic elements such as Cr and Pb present in the sample. We also used the traditional calibration curve approach to quantify these elements. The results obtained from CF-LIBS are in good agreement with the results from the calibration curve approach. Thus, our results demonstrate that CF-LIBS is an appropriate technique for quantitative analysis where reference/standard samples are not available to make the calibration curve. The results of the present experiment are alarming to the people living nearby areas of industrial activities, as the concentrations of toxic elements are quite high compared to the admissible limits of these substances.  相似文献   

Electrofishing is considered a reliable tool to assess the assemblages and biodiversity of fish in wadeable streams. The most widely used electrofishing techniques (point [P], single-pass [S-P], and multiple-pass [M-P]) vary as to the effort needed for sample collection, and this may potentially influence the degree of accuracy. Moreover, little is known about the comparability of the methods and their specific performance in streams with different fish assemblages. The aim of this investigation was to validate (using M-P sampling as reference) the use of P and S-P electrofishing techniques to accurately assess the richness, density and size distribution of fishes in small streams at both regional and global scale independently of fish assemblages and geographical region. We sampled 50-m-long reaches in a total of 33 lowland stream reaches that were located in different climatic and biogeographical regions (Uruguay and Denmark) and hosted different fish assemblages. Subtropical fish communities exhibited higher richness (Uy: 12–32, Dk: 1–9) and densities (Uy: 1.3–5.2, DK: 0.1–4.9 in. m?2) than temperate streams. We applied both "global models" using the entire database (33 sites) and "local models" including the same number of sites but using the climatic region as a model variable. Regression analyses revealed that the P, S-P and M-P methods all provided an adequate picture of the species composition and size distribution, and transfer equations for comparison between methods are thus not required. Conversely, richness was better predicted by S-P and by P techniques for regional and global models, respectively. Transfer equations obtained for abundance revealed that the P and S-P models can accurately transform catch data into M-P estimations. The transfer equations provided here may have great relevance as they allow relatively reliable comparisons to be made between data obtained by different techniques. We also show that less intensive sampling techniques may be equally useful for monitoring purposes as those requiring more intensive efforts (and costs). We encourage validation of our developed transfer equations on data from other regions of the world.  相似文献   

The present work aims at identification of multiple drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria in a selected stretch, namely, Puri on the Bay of Bengal, India. Six stations at the coast of Puri were selected and samples of water and sediment were collected during the winter of 2008 and 2009 for this study. Thirty-eight pathogenic bacteria were isolated and identified from both the water and the sediment of 6 fixed stations (PU-1a, PU-1b, PU-2, PU-3, PU-4, and PU-5). The identified pathogens were Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Proteus mirabilis. Antibiotic sensitivity of the isolated bacteria was studied by using 12 selected antibiotics, commonly used for the medication of human beings and animals. The isolated pathogens from both the water and the sediment samples showed lowest resistance to chloramphenicol (C-30 μg) where as the pathogens showed highest level of resistance to ampicillin (10-μg) among the antibiotics used for the study. Among the isolated pathogens E. faecalis (PU-1a), P. aeruginosa (PU-2 and PU-3), E. coli (PU-3 and PU-4), and K. pneumonia (PU-4) showed resistance to more than four antibiotics. Out of the isolated species, 57.8% pathogens were multi-drug resistant. Antibiotic resistance indexes of all the stations were calculated and found to be in the range of 0.066 to 0.083.  相似文献   

推导了 BOD5稀释系数的量值关系 ,得出 BOD5稀释系数与样品的可生化性成正比 ,与稀释后水样的耗氧量成反比 ,并据此进一步分析了如何对样品的可生化性和稀释后水样的耗氧量进行预期。在此基础上从实际出发 ,根据工作经验简化和优化了稀释倍数的计算 ,达到提高测定准确度 ,降低劳动强度的目的  相似文献   

Consumption of marine fish provides both benefits (lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids and essential nutrients) and risks (main source of mercury (Hg) exposure for humans). Mercury is a potent neurotoxin and the source of more fish advisories nationwide than any other toxicant. Despite the widespread nature of Hg, it is unknown whether local Hg contamination reflects national and regional levels often used as bases to inform consumers of potential fish consumption risk. Thus, the objectives of our study were to examine Hg levels of six commonly consumed marine species harvested locally off the North Carolina coast and to compare our results to published regional (Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch List) and national (Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, and Food and Drug Administration, FDA) Hg averages, action levels, and guidelines. We found significant differences in Hg concentrations among collected species, and we identified correlations between Hg concentration and fish length and trophic levels. Collected mahi mahi and triggerfish were below the EPA fish tissue action level (0.3ppm). Wahoo and grouper exceeded the EPA action level but were below the FDA action level (1.0ppm). King mackerel had the highest Hg concentration among targeted species, exceeding both EPA and FDA action levels. Further, our local results were not always consistent with calculated averages from EPA and FDA databases for the same species, and although many of our findings were consistent with Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch List (southeast region), recommendations based on Hg levels would conflict with recommendations they provide based on sustainability. We find regional and national averages are not always reflective of local Hg contamination and suggest local data may be needed to accurately assess consumer risk.  相似文献   

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