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生物多样性是由生物及其生存环境共同构成的综合资源,经自然长期演化而来,它不仅地球生物圈的重要组成部分,也是人类赖以生存和发展的宝贵财富。提出将生物多样性保护纳入国家国土资源开发以及全球经济发展与合作规划中。  相似文献   

曾宗永 《绿叶》2011,(9):95-100
生物多样性是人类健康的基础,它保障人类的食物安全,并为人类提供药物资源和医疗研究资源。生物多样性在传染病的出现和传播中起着双重的作用,一方面,生物多样性可能是一个大的潜在新病原体源,另一方面,科学研究又表明,生物多样性能够抑制已有疾病传播或新疾病的出现。鉴于生物多样性对人类健康的极端重要性,在生物多样性受到严重破坏的今天,我们有必要采取积极的应对措施。  相似文献   

生物多样性的研究及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴民  陈波 《青海环境》1996,6(2):58-64
作为现代生态学三大研究热点之一,生物多样性的研究和保护已引起世界的广泛关注。本文对生物多样性的概念和研究作了简要综述,着重探讨了生物多样性分布和形成的机制及有关理论,同时指出研究生物多样性的最终目的在于生物多样性的保护及持续利用。  相似文献   

地球是我们和生活在这个星球上的所有生物共有的家园。想一想,如果有一天,地球上其他的生物都消失了,人类成为地球上唯一的生物,我们的世界会变成什么样?人类还能够生存在地球上吗?生物多样性是人类赖以生存的物质基础,请你不要随意捕杀野生生物。  相似文献   

郭耕 《环境教育》2008,(5):58-58
地球日这天,麇鹿苑降生了一只小糜鹿,在5月22日生物多样性日,小麇鹿满月了。这真是大自然给我们的礼物。麋鹿作为濒临灭绝而因人类的保护而最终脱离险境的代表物种,为我们保护更多的物种提供了借鉴。人类应该为地球生物多样性的繁荣而付出更多的努力。让我们来听听小麇鹿降生的目睹者——糜鹿苑副馆长郭耕来讲述小糜鹿的降生吧。  相似文献   

云南省以其得天独厚的自然条件孕育了丰富而又脆弱的生物多样性资源,然而外来物种入侵破坏了云南的生物多样性,威胁到国家的生态安全。分析了外来物种入侵、生物多样性及生态安全三者之间的关系,提出生物多样性资源是我国的核心竞争力所在,要将维护生态安全提升到国家战略高度予以重视,同时采取多种措施防范外来物种入侵。  相似文献   

地球日这天,麇鹿苑降生了一只小糜鹿,在5月22日生物多样性日,小麇鹿满月了。这真是大自然给我们的礼物。麋鹿作为濒临灭绝而因人类的保护而最终脱离险境的代表物种,为我们保护更多的物种提供了借鉴。人类应该为地球生物多样性的繁荣而付出更多的努力。让我们来听听小麇鹿降生的目睹者——糜鹿苑副馆长郭耕来讲述小糜鹿的降生吧。  相似文献   

保护生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类因为有朋友而不孤单,地球因为有丰富多彩的生命而格外美丽。生物多样性如同一曲交响曲,演绎了这个蓝色星球最美的篇章。然而,有很多陪伴过我们的生物由于各种原因已经灭绝或者正在走向灭绝的深渊,全球生物多样性正在遭受严重的威胁并逐渐丧失。作为全球环境保护的热点问题,保护生物多样性需要我们共同的努力。从本期开始,我们特设"保护生物多样性"专栏,期待生物多样性保护工作引起更多的重视,吸引更广的参与。  相似文献   

生物多样性是地球上的生命经过几十亿年发展进化的结果,也是人类赖以生存的物质基础,其中的每一个物种都有着它存在的价值,一个物种的消失,我们可能注意不到,但是自然系统却已经发生了变化。爱因斯坦就曾经预言,如果蜜蜂从地球上消失,人类最多能活4年。而如今,随着人口的膨胀、环境的污染和人为破坏,世界上的生物物种正在以每小时一种的速度消失。太多物种消失了,我们人类将面临着什么?  相似文献   

论生物多样性保护与社会经济持续发展的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯维波 《四川环境》1995,14(4):32-37
在介绍生物多样性的概念及斟前失现状的基础上,重点分析了生物多样性保护与社会经济持续发展的关系,指出二者是当今人类社会面临的同一重大问题的两个方面,是一个相互依赖、相互促进的有机整体,即生物多样性保护是社会经济持续发展的物质基础,社会经济持续发展为生物多样性保护提供了物质保障。虽然生物多样性丧失这一问题产生于经济发展,但是也必然会随着社会经济的持续发展而得到解决。  相似文献   

本文通过对居室环境概念的阐述,剖析了人与居室环境功能的关系,并指出了居室环境对人行为的规范作用及营造良好居室环境的重要性。  相似文献   

1月29日发布的《中共中央国务院关于加快水利改革发展的决定》,是新世纪以来中央关注“三农”的第八个“一号文件”,也是新中国成立62年来中央文件首次对水利工作进行全面部署。水利和水资源,成了党和政府以及全国人民关心注目的一个重大话题。  相似文献   

Biodiversity action plans (BAPs), which are designed to protect and enhance wildlife, can also provide additional benefits to the local economy in terms of job creation and income generation. This paper considers the socio-economic benefits of implementing the BAP for species-rich hedges in Devon. It identifies employment and income generation for hedge contractors, farm labour, trainers, suppliers, processors of hedge products and the tourist industry as a result of 1 million expenditure on hedge restoration work to meet BAP targets. Using data from a survey of hedgerow contractors and key informants in related industries a multiplier analysis identified that funding for hedge restoration can have significant employment and income generation impacts on the local economy. In particular, this multiplier effect is enhanced because both hedge contractors and materials are largely sourced locally.  相似文献   

Policy Development for Biodiversity Offsets: A Review of Offset Frameworks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biodiversity offsets seek to compensate for residual environmental impacts of planned developments after appropriate steps have been taken to avoid, minimize or restore impacts on site. Offsets are emerging as an increasingly employed mechanism for achieving net environmental benefits, with offset policies being advanced in a wide range of countries (i.e., United States, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, and South Africa). To support policy development for biodiversity offsets, we review a set of major offset policy frameworks—US wetlands mitigation, US conservation banking, EU Natura 2000, Australian offset policies in New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia, and Brazilian industrial and forest offsets. We compare how the frameworks define offset policy goals, approach the mitigation process, and address six key issues for implementing offsets: (1) equivalence of project impacts with offset gains; (2) location of the offset relative to the impact site; (3) “additionality” (a new contribution to conservation) and acceptable types of offsets; (4) timing of project impacts versus offset benefits; (5) offset duration and compliance; and (6) “currency” and mitigation replacement ratios. We find substantial policy commonalities that may serve as a sound basis for future development of biodiversity offsets policy. We also identify issues requiring further policy guidance, including how best to: (1) ensure conformance with the mitigation hierarchy; (2) identify the most environmentally preferable offsets within a landscape context; and (3) determine appropriate mitigation replacement ratios.  相似文献   

Biodiversity goals are becoming increasingly important in stream restoration. Typical models of stream restoration are based on the assumption that if habitat is restored then species will return and ecological processes will re-establish. However, a range of constraints at different scales can affect restoration success. Much of the research in stream restoration ecology has focused on habitat constraints, namely the in-stream and riparian conditions required to restore biota. Dispersal constraints are also integral to determining the timescales, trajectory and potential endpoints of a restored ecosystem. Dispersal is both a means of organism recolonization of restored sites and a vital ecological process that maintains viable populations. We review knowledge of dispersal pathways and explore the factors influencing stream invertebrate dispersal. From empirical and modeling studies of restoration in warm-temperate zones of New Zealand, we make predictions about the timescales of stream ecological restoration under differing levels of dispersal constraints. This process of constraints identification and timescale prediction is proposed as a practical step for resource managers to prioritize and appropriately monitor restoration sites and highlights that in some instances, natural recolonization and achievement of biodiversity goals may not occur.  相似文献   

Towards a Duty of Care for Biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The decline in biodiversity is a worldwide phenomenon, with current rates of species extinction more dramatic than any previously recorded. Habitat loss has been identified as the major cause of biodiversity decline. In this article we suggest that a statutory duty of care would complement the current mix of policy options for biodiversity conservation. Obstacles hindering the introduction of a statutory duty of care include linguistic ambiguity about the terms ‘duty of care’ and ‘stewardship’ and how they are applied in a natural resource management context, and the absence of a mechanism to guide its implementation. Drawing on international literature and key informant interviews we have articulated characteristics of duty of care to reduce linguistic ambiguity, and developed a framework for implementing a duty of care for biodiversity at the regional scale. The framework draws on key elements of the common law ‘duty of care’, the concepts of ‘taking reasonable care’ and ‘avoiding foreseeable harm’, in its logic. Core elements of the framework include desired outcomes for biodiversity, supported by current recommended practices. The focus on outcomes provides opportunities for the development of innovative management practices. The framework incorporates multiple pathways for the redress of non-compliance including tiered negative sanctions, and positive measures to encourage compliance. Importantly, the framework addresses the need for change and adaptation that is a necessary part of biodiversity management.  相似文献   

We propose a biodiversity credit system for trading endangered species habitat designed to minimize and reverse the negative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation, the leading cause of species endangerment in the United States. Given the increasing demand for land, approaches that explicitly balance economic goals against conservation goals are required. The Endangered Species Act balances these conflicts based on the cost to replace habitat. Conservation banking is a means to manage this balance, and we argue for its use to mitigate the effects of habitat fragmentation. Mitigating the effects of land development on biodiversity requires decisions that recognize regional ecological effects resulting from local economic decisions. We propose Landscape Equivalency Analysis (LEA), a landscape-scale approach similar to HEA, as an accounting system to calculate conservation banking credits so that habitat trades do not exacerbate regional ecological effects of local decisions. Credits purchased by public agencies or NGOs for purposes other than mitigating a take create a net investment in natural capital leading to habitat defragmentation. Credits calculated by LEA use metapopulation genetic theory to estimate sustainability criteria against which all trades are judged. The approach is rooted in well-accepted ecological, evolutionary, and economic theory, which helps compensate for the degree of uncertainty regarding the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on endangered species. LEA requires application of greater scientific rigor than typically applied to endangered species management on private lands but provides an objective, conceptually sound basis for achieving the often conflicting goals of economic efficiency and long-term ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

生物多样性保护领域中的国际条约设有知识产权条款,知识产权条款发挥鼓励创新的基本功能。现有生物多样性利用中存在的知识产权问题集中在获取和惠益分享、遗传资源公开和利用知识产权产生的利益三方面。随着数字开源运动和数据库的大量兴起,协调型知识产权规则因缺乏强制力,使知识产权条款发挥的效力大打折扣。加之知识产权的专有属性和产业化,使得知识产权和多样性保护之间的冲突加剧。中国积极参与生物多样性保护全球治理,由被动参与者转换为积极推动者,确认和实施知识产权规则,关注数字序列信息的发展并加强农民权利的表达。  相似文献   

徐姝  沈一 《四川环境》2010,29(6):76-80
生物多样性保护是全球关注的热点话题。为更好地指导城市生物多样性保护规划,在这里以大英县为例,结合大英县生物多样性现状、经济发展状况及地理气候条件,依据生物多样性保护相关法律法规,对其生物(植物)多样性保护规划的布局作一探讨。  相似文献   

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