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Air pollution has become a serious problem in the Pearl River Delta, South China, particularly in winter due to the local micrometeorology. In this study, atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were monitored weekly in Shenzhen during the winter of 2006. Results indicated that the detected PAHs were mainly of vapor phase compounds with phenanthrene dominant. The average vapor phase and particle phase PAHs concentration in Shenzhen was 101.3 and 26.7 ng m???3, respectively. Meteorological conditions showed great effect on PAH concentrations. The higher PAHs concentrations observed during haze episode might result from the accumulation of pollutants under decreased boundary layer, slower wind speed, and long-term dryness conditions. The sources of PAHs in the air were estimated by principal component analysis in combination with diagnostic ratios. Vehicle exhaust was the major PAHs source in Shenzhen, accounting for 50.0% of the total PAHs emissions, whereas coal combustion and solid waste incineration contributed to 29.4% and 20.6% of the total PAHs concentration, respectively. The results clearly indicated that the increasing solid waste incinerators have become a new important PAHs source in this region.  相似文献   

Atmospheric dry deposition is an important nitrogen (N) input to farmland ecosystems. The main nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere include gaseous N (NH3, NO2, HNO3) and aerosol N (NH4 +/NO3 ?). With the knowledge of increasing agricultural effects by dry deposition of nitrogen, researchers have paid great attention to this topic. Based on the big-leaf resistance dry deposition model, dry N deposition velocities (V d) in a typical red soil agro-ecosystem, Yingtan, Jiangxi, Southeastern China, were estimated with the data from an Auto-Meteorological Experiment Station during 2004–2007. The results show that hourly deposition velocities (V dh) were in the range of 0.17–0.34, 0.05–0.24, 0.57–1.27, and 0.05–0.41 cm/s for NH3, NO2, HNO3, and aerosol N, respectively, and the V dh were much higher in daytime than in nighttime and had a peak value around noon. Monthly dry deposition velocities (V dm) were in the range of 0.14–0.36, 0.06–0.18, and 0.07–0.25 cm/s for NH3, NO2, and aerosol N, respectively. Their minimum values appeared from June to August, while their maximum values occurred from February to March each year. The maximum value for HNO3 deposition velocities appeared in July each year, and V dm(HNO3) ranged from 0.58 to 1.31 cm/s during the 4 years. As for seasonal deposition velocities (V ds), V ds(NH3), V ds(NO2), and V ds(aerosol N) in winter or spring were significantly higher than those in summer or autumn, while V ds(HNO3) in summer were higher than that in winter. In addition, there is no significant difference among all the annual means for deposition velocities (V da). The average values for NH3, NO2, HNO3, and aerosol N deposition velocities in the 4 years were 0.26, 0.12, 0.81, and 0.16 cm/s, respectively. The model is convenient and feasible to estimate dry deposition velocity of atmospheric nitrogen in the typical red soil agro-ecosystem.  相似文献   

The use of different moss species – Hylocomium splendens,Pleurozium schreberi, Eurhynchium angustirete, Sphagnum and Rhytidiadelphus – was tested for the investigation of atmosphericheavy metal deposition. Maps representing heavy metal depositionpattern in Lithuania are presented for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and V.The most suitable species for heavy metal deposition studies was Hylocomium splendens in which the concentrations of metalswere found to be up to 25% higher than in other species. Interspeciesand interelemental comparison was also performed. Several well definedlocal pollution sources were identified.  相似文献   

Understanding the exchange mechanism between stratosphere and troposphere is one of the most important concerns of meteorologists and climatologists for decades. Different methods are being adopted to study those mechanisms. One of those methods is the study upon the tropospheric concentration of conserve or passive entities with stratospheric origin. One of those passive entities is 7Be that is produced upon the incident of cosmic rays on light atmospheric nuclei in the stratosphere. The availability of 5 years observations of 7Be concentration in surface air in Tehran (35°41 N, 51°18 E) encouraged us to investigate meteorological condition effect on the surface concentration of 7Be. Also, the intention was to see if there was any intrusion of stratospheric air into the troposphere at the time of high surface concentration of 7Be and scavenging mechanism when the concentration was low. During the course of this study, it has been found that 7Be concentration is high whenever there is a jet stream over Tehran. Since high-level jet streams normally form near tropopause folding, it could be interpreted as a sign of the intrusion of stratospheric air into the troposphere. It was also found that high concentration of 7Be in the Tehran surface air in summer is associated with an upper ridge on 500 hPa surface located east of the city, and low concentration in winter is associated with an upper trough. The latter normally is seen whenever there is precipitation that suggests wet scavenging could be the reason for that observed low concentration.  相似文献   

The diurnal variation of atmospheric carbonyls and VOCs in a forest in south China were studied in summer 2004. Twenty kinds of carbonyls and eight kinds of VOCs were identified and quantified. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were the two most abundant carbonyls, while the most abundant VOCs were isoprene, followed by o-xylene. Most C3-C10 carbonyls had higher concentrations from 09:00 to 15:00, and their levels were lower during night-time and often reached the lowest in early morning. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, however, showed two high levels in their diurnal patterns partly due to their different sources and sinks. The VOCs had different diurnal patterns compared to most carbonyls. The highest concentrations were observed from 03:00 to 06:00 for 1-butene, from 06:00 to 12:00 for isoprene, and from 12:00 to 15:00 for α-pinene. The highest levels for aromatic hydrocarbons occurred during midnight and the lowest in late afternoon. According to the study, emissions from vegetation and photo-oxidation of gas-phase hydrocarbons were the main sources for some carbonyls and VOCs in this region. Other compounds, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and BTEX, showed anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

Air samples were collected at a residential site (Gulbahce, Bursa, Turkey) between August 2004 and April 2005 using a modified high volume air sampler. The mean of gas and particle phase concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were 468 ± 297 and 43 ± 37 pg m???3 (average ± standard deviation, SD), respectively. The dominated PCB homologs were 3-CBs, 4-CBs, and 5-CBs. The measured PCB concentrations were higher than the values of pristine sites. In order to assess the gas/particle partitioning fate, log K P–log $P_{\rm L}^o$ , log K P–log K OA and the Junge–Pankow model were applied to the data. Experimental K P was well correlated with $\log P_{\rm L}^o$ and log K OA at p?<?0.05. Then, dry deposition fluxes were estimated using atmospheric concentrations and dry deposition velocities obtained from literature. A correlation matrix was formed for PCB homologs including 27 congeners with concurrently measured 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and meteorological parameters. Most of PAH compounds were significantly correlated with 5-CBs and 6-CBs.  相似文献   

A maar lake is an excellent ecosystem to study the atmospheric deposition of pollutants, as its contaminants are primarily by atmospheric deposition. In this study, a sediment core from Sihailongwan Maar Lake, Northeast China, was collected and the historical atmospherically deposited polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed. The concentrations of TPAHs (the sum of the US EPA proposed 16 priority PAHs, excluding naphthalene and pyrene) ranged from 473.9 to 2289 ng g(-1) with a slow increasing stage in the deeper sediments and a sharp increasing stage in the upper sediments. The input rate of TPAHs, especially that of PAH(9) (the sum of fluoranthene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(ah)anthrathene, and benzo(ghi)perylene), correlated well to the Chinese historical socioeconomic data. This indicates that sediment PAHs were mainly derived from human activities and PAH(9) can be regarded as a better indicator of the local socioeconomic development. Source identification suggested that PAHs were originated primarily from mixed sources (e.g., coal and biomass burning and petroleum combustion), except for perylene which was mostly of diagenetic origin. In addition, the down-core PAHs profile clearly illustrated that PAHs sources in Northeast China experienced a transformation from low- and moderate temperature to high-temperature combustion processes, especially after the late 1980s. Additionally, an ecological risk assessment using two redefined biological thresholds (TEQ(ERL) and TEQ(ERM)) indicated that most of the PAHs measured in the present sediment core would not cause an immediate toxic effect; only FLU and PHEN are a potential source of concern for biological impairment.  相似文献   

Increasing consciousness about future sustainable agriculture and hazard free food production has lead organic farming to be a globally emerging alternative farm practice. We investigated the accumulation of air-borne heavy metals in edible parts of vegetables and in cultivated soil horizon in organic farming system in a low rain fall tropical region of India. The factorial design of whole experiment consisted of six vegetable crops (tomato, egg plant, spinach, amaranthus, carrot and radish) x two treatments (organic farming in open field and organic farming in glasshouse (OFG)) x seven independent harvest of each crop. The results indicated that except for Pb, atmospheric deposition of heavy metals increased consistently on time scale. Concentrations of heavy metals in cultivated soil horizon and in edible parts of open field grown vegetables increased over time and were significantly higher than those recorded in OFG plots. Increased contents of heavy metals in open field altered soil porosity, bulk density, water holding capacity, microbial biomass carbon, substrate-induced respiration, alkaline phosphatase and fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activities. Vegetable concentrations of heavy metal appeared in the order Zn > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cd and were maximum in leaves (spinach and amaranths) followed by fruits (tomato and egg plant) and minimum in roots (carrot and radish). Multiple regression analysis indicated that the major contribution of most heavy metals to vegetable leaves was from atmosphere. For roots however, soil appeared to be equally important. The study suggests that if the present trend of atmospheric deposition is continued, it will lead to a destabilizing effect on this sustainable agricultural practice and will increase the dietary intake of toxic metals.  相似文献   

Mass concentrations and chemical components (18 elements, 9 ions, organic carbon [OC] and elemental carbon [EC]) in atmospheric PM(10) were measured at five sites in Fushun during heating, non-heating and sand periods in 2006-2007. PM(10) mass concentrations varied from 62.0 to 226.3 μg m(-3), with 21% of the total samples' mass concentrations exceeding the Chinese national secondary standard value of 150 μg m(-3), mainly concentrated in heating and sand periods. Crustal elements, trace elements, water-soluble ions, OC and EC represented 20-47%, 2-9%, 13-34%, 15-34% and 13-25% of the particulate matter mass concentrations, respectively. OC and crustal elements exhibited the highest mass percentages, at 27-34% and 30-47% during heating and sand period. Local agricultural residuals burning may contribute to EC and ion concentrations, as shown by ion temporal variation and OC and EC correlation analysis. Heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu and Mn) from coal combustion and industrial processes should be paid attention to in heating and sand periods. The anion/cation ratios exhibited their highest values for the background site with the influence of stationary sources on its upper wind direction during the sand period. Secondary organic carbon were 1.6-21.7, 1.5-23.0, 0.4-17.0, 0.2-33.0 and 0.2-21.1 μg m(-3), accounting for 20-77%, 44-88%, 4-77%, 8-69% and 4-73% of OC for the five sampling sites ZQ, DZ, XH, WH and SK, respectively. From the temporal and spatial variation analysis of major species, coal combustion, agricultural residual burning and industrial emission including dust re-suspended from raw material storage piles were important sources for atmospheric PM(10) in Fushun at heating, non-heating and sand periods, respectively. It was confirmed by principal component analysis that coal combustion, vehicle emission, industrial activities, soil dust, cement and construction dust and biomass burning were the main sources for PM(10) in this coal-based city.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱/质谱联用技术(GC/MS)检测了柳州市大气颗粒物样品中的PAHs,比较了柳州市各区大气颗粒物中多环芳烃含量的差异以及不同季节对多环芳烃含量的影响,讨论了其分布规律及污染源.  相似文献   

Hypogymnia physodes was sampled from 179 sites of Scots pine forests regularly distributed throughout Norway. The purpose was to map the nitrogen and sulphur contents of lichen thalli on a large-scale geographical basis, and to relate these values to differences in atmospheric deposition and climate.The lichen nitrogen and sulphur concentrations showed large differences; the highest concentration values being 4–5 times greater than the lowest. The highest nitrogen and sulphur values occurred along the coast of southern Norway and on some sites in the inland of southern Norway. There was a close correlation between the two elements. The lichen N/S ratio decreased with increasing latitude.The nitrogen and sulphur contents ofHypogymnia physodes were both significantly correlated to estimated atmospheric deposition of these two elements in Norway. The degree of explanation improved when climatic variables such as temperature sum, altitude, annual precipitation and temperature were included. Factors promoting growth, such as high bark pH, mild winters, hot summers, high precipitation, high ammonium deposition and high evapotranspiration, were all associated with lower lichen nitrogen and/or sulphur concentrations. Unfavourable growth conditions, such as at high altitude, was related to higher concentrations than expected from deposition models. This indicates that differences in element concentration between nearby localities might be related to local differences in climate and lichen growth conditions. This should be taken into consideration whenever using lichens for biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is an open topic, not only because soil fertility is lost, but also because nutrients are spilled into water bodies, thereby causing pollution. Research carried out in this field has amply described this process, but the interaction between these factors is complex and experimental research is needed to understand the production of loads of nutrients for different land uses. This paper describes a long-term monitoring case study using high-resolution rainfall data and runoff samples, carried out in the Lake Vico basin (Central Italy) to determine the phosphorus (P) export during erosive rainfall events. State of the art GIS-based basin characterization and advanced rainfall-runoff models are employed in order to describe the relationship between nutrient export and rainfall or runoff time distribution. Results show that the phosphorus export is strongly related to such time distributions, and less to the cumulative amount of rainfall or runoff.  相似文献   

In this research, probable arsenic contamination in drinking water in the city of Ardabil was studied in 163 samples during four seasons. In each season, sampling was carried out randomly in the study area. Results were analyzed statistically applying SPSS 19 software, and the data was also modeled by Arc GIS 10.1 software. The maximum permissible arsenic concentration in drinking water defined by the World Health Organization and Iranian national standard is 10 μg/L. Statistical analysis showed 75, 88, 47, and 69% of samples in autumn, winter, spring, and summer, respectively, had concentrations higher than the national standard. The mean concentrations of arsenic in autumn, winter, spring, and summer were 19.89, 15.9, 10.87, and 14.6 μg/L, respectively, and the overall average in all samples through the year was 15.32 μg/L. Although GIS outputs indicated that the concentration distribution profiles changed in four consecutive seasons, variance analysis of the results showed that statistically there is no significant difference in arsenic levels in four seasons.  相似文献   

Along with their rapid progress, developing countries have had to deal with more environmental problems, which have been a cause for concern among policy makers and the public in general. This study cites two accidents that happened in China in 2006 that caused serious environmental problems in nearby communities and discusses the problems these accidents created and the resulting disputes among the concerned people. Pollution-causing accidents not only pose threats to the health of the victims but also give rise to environmental disputes that jeopardise national security and social stability. Conflicts normally ensue following a pollution-causing accident, which are more likely to happen within a development zone or industrial park. Few environmental conflicts in the past decades were resolved through litigation. Nevertheless, there are lapses in the regulatory system, which have to be addressed to ensure that the public's rights and interests are protected. Currently, reports on pollution-causing accidents are difficult to obtain and are often released very late. A majority of industrial firms operate without environmental clearance, thus highlighting the government's inefficiency in environmental management. It is about time that the Chinese government takes seriously the use of the Environmental Impact Assessment.  相似文献   

Monitoring air quality in large urban agglomerations is the key to the prevention of air pollution-related problems in emerging mega-cities. The city of Wuhan is a highly industrialised city with >9 million inhabitants in Central China. Simultaneous PM10 sampling was performed during 1 year at one urban and one industrial site. Mean PM10 daily levels (156 microg m(-3) at the urban site and 197 microg m(-3) at the industrial hotspot) exceed the US-EPA or EU annual limit values by 3-4 times. A detailed study of daily speciation showed that the mean chemical composition of PM10 presents minimal differences between peak and low PM episodes. This implies that PM10 aerosols in the study area result from local emissions, and air quality management and abatement strategies in Wuhan should thus focus on local anthropogenic sources. The levels of some elements of environmental concern are relatively high (409-615 ngPb m(-3), 66-70 ngAs m(-3), 116-227 ngMn m(-3), 10-12 ngCd m(-3)) due to industrial, but also urban emissions. Principal component analysis identified a mineral source (probably cement and steel manufacture) and smelting as the main contributors to PM10 levels at the industrial site (34%), followed by a coal fired power plant (20%) and the anthropogenic regional background (16%). At the urban site the major PM10 source is a mixed coal combustion source (31%), followed by the anthropogenic regional background (28%) and traffic (16%).  相似文献   

Combustion-derived black carbon has received attention as a form of refractory organic carbon that may be preferentially preserved in soils and sediments. However, little is understood about the environmental roles of black carbon in urban soils. This investigation represented the preliminary study to characterize black carbon (BC) concentrations and enrichment ratios in Xuzhou urban roadside topsoil. Data from 21 roadside topsoil samples showed that the median of BC concentrations is 21.8 mg/g, which is significantly higher than local background value that averages 3.8 mg/g. Hierarchical clustering analysis indicated that BC in Xuzhou urban roadside soils are mainly from the traffic emissions. The marked positive correlations between BC and the concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Sc; Pearson correlation coefficient, 0.623, 0.809, 0.846, 0.742 and 0.831, respectively) suggested that these heavy metals are likely to be strongly retained by BC present in roadside topsoil. The significant positive correlation between BC and specific magnetic susceptibility was also observed. Thus, the simple environmental magnetic method is potentially an efficient alternative technique for assessing BC concentration in roadside topsoil.  相似文献   

The future of the environment in China until the year 2050 has been forecasted through a heuristic approach. A questionnaire survey was given to a group of Japanese experts concerning 47 selected indices, including past data and reference data about other countries. The indices were related to aspects of the economy, population, food, energy, transportation, and the environment. The experts were requested to plot a graph for each index up to 2050 based on their intuition. The lines drawn by 60 experts were compiled along with their comments, and the characteristics of each index were analyzed. Different values for the indices regarding transportation and per capita GDP were forecasted by the experts, while rather similar values were obtained for those referencing population and food consumption. The respective fields of the experts were found to affect their perspectives on the future. Economists tended to show rather optimistic views, expressing a business-as-usual scenario, while engineers predicted limited growth but technological innovation.  相似文献   

The quality of sewage-sludge samples obtained in Kolkata region was evaluated. Both sewage water and sludge components were analyzed for a number of physico-chemical, microbiological parameters using standard laboratory procedures, some heavy metals by AAS method and pesticide contents by GC method. Some of the physical and chemical constituents of the samples are within the allowable levels while the rest are not. The samples are rich in nutrients and have suitable pH for agricultural uses. In terms of Electrical Conductivity and Sodium Adsorption Ratio, sewage water is not suitable for irrigation. Fecal and coliform bacterial population is high in all samples. Pesticide and heavy metals in some places are alarming. So sewage-sludge produced in Kolkata cannot be used for agricultural purpose without any treatment. Thus proper care, maintenance, treatment and disposal of sewage water and sludge are most vital and should be the prime thrust for the nation.  相似文献   

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are a major source of energy consumption in buildings, directly and indirectly contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the urban environment, and depending on local climatic conditions, air conditioning units attribute to these high energy demands. This study analyzes the use of residential air conditioning units and their associated global warming potential (GWP) between 2005 and 2030 for the city of Shenzhen, a fast-growing megacity located in Southern China. A life cycle assessment approach was adopted to quantify the GWP impacts which arise from both direct (refrigerant release) and indirect (energy consumption) sources, in combination with a materials flow analysis approach. The results show that the total GWP (expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents, CO2 eq.) from residential air conditioning systems increased from 2.2 ± 0.2 to 5.1 ± 0.4 million tonnes (Mt) CO2 eq. between 2005 and 2017, with energy consumption and refrigerant release contributing to 72.5% and 27.5% of the total demands, respectively. Immediate measures are required to restrict refrigerant release and reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning units, to help mitigate the predicted additional total emissions of 36.4 Mt. CO2 eq. potentially released between 2018 and 2030. This amount equals to approximately New Zealand's national CO2 emissions in 2017. The findings proposed in this study targets air conditioning units to reduce the GWP emissions in cities, and provide useful data references and insights for local authorities to incentivise measures for improving building energy efficiency management and performance.  相似文献   

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