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Plastic pollution is considered an important environmental problem by the United Nations Environment Programme, and it is identified, alongside climate change, as an emerging issue that might affect biological diversity and human health. However, despite research efforts investigating plastics in oceans, relatively little studies have focused on freshwater systems. The aim of this study was to estimate the spatial distribution, types, and characteristics of macro-, meso-, and microplastic fragments in shoreline sediments of a freshwater lake. Food wrappers (mainly polypropylene and polystyrene), bags (high- and low-density polyethylene), bottles (polyethylene terephthalate), and disposable Styrofoam food containers (expanded polystyrene) were the dominant macroplastics recorded in this study. Contrary to other studies, herein macroplastic item surveys would not serve as surrogates for microplastic items. This is disadvantageous since macroplastic surveys are relatively easier to conduct. Otherwise, an average of 25 mesoplastics (mainly expanded polystyrene) and 704 microplastic particles (diverse resins) were recorded per square meter in sandy sediments. Comparisons with other studies from freshwater and marine beaches indicated similar relevance of plastic contamination, demonstrating for the first time that plastic pollution is a serious problem in the Paraná floodplain lakes. This study is also valuable from a social/educational point of view, since plastic waste has been ignored in the Paraná catchment as a pollutant problem, and therefore, the outcome of the current study is a relevant contribution for decision makers.  相似文献   

This study has worked on the evaluation of the temporal and spatial evolution of heavy metal contamination in sediment taken from a shallow eutrophic lake, Lake Chaohu, China, over the last 100 years, and thereby used (137)Cs and (210)Pb dating, a PIRLA procedure, statistical analysis, geochemical normalization and a enrichment factor calculation (EF). Concentrations of 5174, 29?325, 10.7, 36.4, 20.4, 386.0, 21.1 and 38.4 mg kg(-1) for Ti, Fe, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn, respectively, are proposed as natural background values for the Lake Chaohu based on a PIRLA procedure. The contamination history from the last 100 years can be divided into two periods. Before the 1960s, heavy metal contamination did not occur and there was no spatial difference for heavy metal distribution. Since the 1960s, heavy metal enrichment and contamination has occurred, and the west half of the lake region showed a higher degree of contamination than the east half to various intensified anthropogenic activities. In the east half of the lake region, the anthropogenic source of heavy metals mainly originated from agricultural intensification, whereas in the west half of the lake it originated from city runoff and industry as well as agriculture. In all anthropogenic heavy metals, Co is only from industry.  相似文献   

Total mercury (Hg) concentrations were determined in the muscle tissue of fish from three reservoirs in Ghana, namely, Lake Bosomtwi, Kpong and Akosombo Hydroelectric Reservoirs. A total of 165 fish samples covering nine species were collected and analysed for total mercury. A mixture of HNO3, H2SO4 and HClO4 were used for complete oxidation of organic tissues. Hg was detected by the Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrometry technique using an automatic mercury analyzer. Total mercury concentrations in microg g(-1) (wet weight) ranged from below 0.001 to 0.070 for fish from Lake Bosomtwi, 0.010 to 0.275 for fish from Kpong Reservoir and from below 0.001 to 0.042 for fish from Akosombo Reservoir. All the results obtained are below the World Health Organization limit of 0.5 microg g(-1). The low levels of total mercury obtained in this study suggest that the three aquatic environments have not been significantly impacted by mercury contamination.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper are to determine the concentration of heavy metals namely cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) in water and sediment; and to investigate the effect of sediment pH and sediment organic matter on concentration of cadmium, copper and lead in sediment at oxidation fraction. For this purpose the concentration of heavy metals were measured in water and sediments at 15 sites from Tasik Chini, Peninsular Malaysia. The sequential extraction procedure used in this study was based on defined fractions: exchangeable, acid reduction, oxidation, and residual. The concentration of heavy metals in residual fraction was higher than the other fractions. Among the non-residual fractions, the concentration of heavy metals in organic matter fraction was much higher than other fractions collected from all sampling sites. The pH of the sediment in all sites was acidic. The mean pH ranges from 4.8 to 5.5 with the higher value observed at site 15. Results of organic matter analysis showed that the percentage of organic matter present in sediment samples varies throughout the lake and all sites of sediments were relatively rich in organic matter ranging from 13.0% to 34.2%. The highest mean percentage of organic matter was measured at sampling site 15, with value of 31.78%.  相似文献   

Water pollution from point sources has been considerably reduced over the last few decades. Nevertheless, some water quality problems remain, which can be attributed to non-point pollution sources, and in particular to agriculture. In this paper the results of a study intended to assess the consequences, in terms of NO3 water pollution, of growing a crop, whose impact in terms of P pollution is already well known, are presented. The potential consequences, in terms of water pollution from nitrates of a BMP expressly applied to reduce P pollution are also discussed. The study site is the Lake Vico basin, Central Italy, which has suffered a shift in trophic state since the mid 1990s, caused by P compounds used for intensive cultivation of hazelnut trees. The results of the monitoring campaign described in this paper allow to assert that hazelnut tree cropping has probably caused a considerable increase in nitrate concentration in the groundwater, although not in the lake water, because of the specific hydrogeological characteristics of the basin. The main conclusion is that monitoring is essential to single out environmental characteristics peculiar of a specific area, which even the most sophisticated model would not have been able to highlight. This is why monitoring and model simulations should be integrated.  相似文献   

In this study, the sediment profiles of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratios, total phosphorus, N/P ratios, C/P ratios, particle sizes, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ(13)C and δ(15)N) were used to investigate natural and anthropogenic impacts on Lake Chaohu over the past 100 years. Before 1960, Lake Chaohu experienced low productivity and a relatively steady and low nutrient input. The increasing concentration and fluxes of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, together with changes in the δ(13)C and δ(15)N of organic material in the sediment cores, suggested that the anthropogenic effects on trophic status first started because of an increase in nutrient input caused by a population increase in the drainage area. With the construction of the Chaohu Dam, an increase in the utilization of fertilizer and the population growth which occurred since 1960, stable depositional conditions and increasing nutrient input resulted in a dominantly algae-derived organic matter source and high productivity. Nutrient input increased most significantly around 1980 following the rapidly growing population, with concomitant urbanization, industrial and agricultural development. This study also revealed that the concentration and distribution of nutrients varied between different areas of sediment within Lake Chaohu because of the influence of different drainage basins and pollution sources.  相似文献   

The potential of Wolffia globosa, a profusely occurring rootless duckweed, was evaluated as an indicator of metal pollution in the water bodies. Plants of W. globosa were cultured in 3% Hoagland's nutrient medium which was supplemented with 0.05, 0.1, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/L of Cr and Cd. Plants showed substantial accumulation of both the metals at lowest concentrations. For example, at 0.05 ppm, the concentration factor (Cf) value for Cr was significantly higher (5616) than for Cd (1018). A high level of tolerance was shown by the plants to both Cr and Cd. The results show that the plants are sensitive to the variations in metal concentration and are capable of high metal enrichment at very low ambient concentration of the metals. This information may be useful for detecting metals in the water.NBRI Research Publication No. 401 (N.S.)  相似文献   

Distinguishing and quantifying anthropogenic trace metals and phosphorus accumulated in sediment is important for the protection of our aquatic ecosystems. Here, anthropogenic proportion and potential sources of trace metals and phosphorus in surface sediments of Chaohu Lake were evaluated based on the exhaustive geochemical data. The analysis shows that concentrations of major and trace metals, and phosphorus, displayed significant spatial diversity and almost all elements were over the pre-industrial background value, which should be related to the variations of sediment composition partially. Therefore, conservative element normalization was introduced and calculated enrichment factors (EFs) of the elements were referenced highlighting the human contamination. EFs of the major and trace metals, except Zn, Pb, and Cu, were all nearly 1.0, indicating the detrital origin. The EFs of Zn, Pb, Cu and phosphorus were 1.0–10.4, 1.0–3.8, 1.0–4.9, and 1.0–7.6, respectively, showing moderate to significant contamination. Higher EFs of Zn, Pb and Cu occurred in the mouth areas of Nanfei River and Zhegao River, and they decreased to the lake center in the northwest and northeast lake areas, respectively. We deduced that anthropogenic Zn, Pb, and Cu were mainly from urban and industrial point sources and the non-point sources of atmospheric deposition contributed little to their contamination. The EFs of phosphorus showed similar spatial degradation with that of Zn, Pb, and Cu. Moreover, higher EFs (>1) of phosphorus also occurred in other areas adjacent to the river mouths besides Nanfei River and Zhegao River. This indicated that the non-point agricultural source may also be responsible for the contamination of phosphorus in Chaohu Lake in addition to the urban sewage sources. Anthropogenic phosphorus was mainly concentrated in the speciation of NaOH-P, which had higher potential biological effects than the detrital proportion. Concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cu surpassed the threshold effect concentrations (TEC) of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines of freshwater ecosystems, especially in the contaminated northwest area of Chaohu Lake. This highlighted the contributions of anthropogenic contamination to the elevated potential biological effects of trace metals. Though there had been no obvious human contamination of Cr and Ni in Chaohu Lake, concentrations were all over the TECs, which may be due to higher background levels in the parent materials of soils and bedrocks in Chaohu Lake catchment.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns in water quality were studied for seven years within an embayment-river mainstem area of the tidal freshwater Potomac River. The purpose of this paper is to determine the important components of spatial and temporal variation in water quality in this study area to facilitate an understanding of management impacts and allow the most effective use of future monitoring resources. The study area received treated sewage effluent and freshwater inflow from direct tributary inputs into the shallow embayment as well as upriver sources in the mainstem. Depth variations were determined to be detectable, but minimal due mainly to the influence of tidal mixing. Results of principal component analysis of two independent water quality datasets revealed clear spatial and seasonal patterns. Interannual variation was generally minimal despite substantial variations in tributary and mainstem discharge among years. Since both spatial and seasonal components were important, data were segmented by season to best determine the spatial pattern. A clear difference was found between a set of stations located within one embayment (Gunston Cove) and a second set in the nearby Potomac mainstem. Parameters most highly correlated with differences were those typically associated with higher densities of phytoplankton: chlorophyll a, photosynthetic rate, pH, dissolved oxygen, BOD, total phosphorus and Secchi depth. These differences and their consistency indicated two distinct water masses: one in the cove harboring higher algal density and activity and a second in the river with lower phytoplankton activity. A second embayment not receiving sewage effluent generally had an intermediate position. While this was the most consistent spatial pattern, there were two others of a secondary nature. Stations closer to the effluent inputs in the embayment sometimes grouped separately due to elevated ammonia and chloride. Stations closer to tributary inflows into the embayment sometimes grouped separately due to dilution with freshwater runoff. Segmenting the datasets by spatial region resulted in a clarification of seasonal patterns with similar factors relating to algal activity being the major correlates of the seasonal pattern. A basic seasonal pattern of lower scores in the spring increasing steadily to a peak in July and August followed by a steady decline through the fall was observed in the cove. In the river, the pattern of increases tended to be delayed slightly in the spring. Results indicate that the study area can be effectively monitored with fewer study sites provided that at least one is located in each of the spatial regions.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment and nutrient loadings from agricultural watersheds have lead to habitat degradation in Lake Takkobu. To examine their relationships with land-use activities, we monitored sediment, nutrient and water discharges into the lake for a 1-year sampling period. The Takkobu River contributed the largest portion of the annual water discharge into the lake, compared with the other tributaries. During dry conditions, lake water flowed into the Kushiro River, and conversely during flooding, Kushiro River water flowed into the lake. Inflows from the Kushiro River had a high proportion of inorganic matter, with high concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, attributed to agricultural land-use development and stream channelization practiced since the 1960s in the Kushiro Mire. Nutrient loadings from these two rivers were significantly higher during flooding than in dry conditions. However, there was no clear correlation between river discharge and nutrient concentrations. Since land-use activities in the Kushiro River and Takkobu River watersheds were concentrated near rivers, nutrients easily entered the drainage system under low flow conditions. In contrast, water discharged from small, forest-dominated watersheds contained a low proportion of inorganic matter, and low nutrient concentrations. The suspended sediment delivered to the lake during the sample period was estimated as approximately 607 tons, while the total nitrogen and total phosphorus inflows were about 10,466 and 1,433 kg, respectively. Suspended sediment input into the lake was 65%, and total nitrogen and total phosphorus were 40% and 48%, respectively, being delivered by the Kushiro River.  相似文献   

Change of water quality in dam reservoir and aquifer complicates safe drinking water supply. Few parameters are monitored to control water quality in these sources. Adequate knowledge on the correlation structure, interaction effect, trends and seasonal variability of these parameters is essential to control water quality. This study applied time series and multivariate analyses on 15 water quality parameters, collected from the King Fahd dam reservoir (L1) and aquifer (L2) in Saudi Arabia during April 2010 to February 2012. Moderate to strong correlations were observed between sulfate, hardness, fluoride, chloride, magnesium, conductivity, turbidity and total dissolved solids (TDS), while separate clusters were visible for TDS-chloride-magnesium-conductivity; fluoride-turbidity; chloride-hardness; ammonia-nitrate; and calcium-magnesium-hardness. Four major principal components explained 81.1 % and 83.2 % of the overall variances in L1 and L2, respectively. The factor analysis showed that 53 % and 67 % of the data were necessary to explain 81.3 % and 83.2 % of total variances for L1 and L2, respectively, indicating the possibility of data reduction. Possible degradation of water quality in these sources was highlighted, while such degradation may require enhanced treatment for producing drinking water in future.  相似文献   

Structural and functional parameters of protozoan communities colonizing on PFU (polyurethane foam unit) artificial substrate were assessed as indicators of water quality in the Chaohu Lake, a large, shallow and highly polluted freshwater lake in China. Protozoan communities were sampled 1, 3, 6, 9 and 14 days after exposure of PFU artificial substrate in the lake during October 2003. Four study stations with the different water quality gradient changes along the lake were distinguishable in terms of differences in the community's structural (species richness, individual abundance, etc.) and functional parameters (protozoan colonization rates on PFU). The concentrations of TP, TN, COD and BOD as the main chemical indicators of pollution at the four sampling sites were also obtained each year during 2002-2003 for comparison with biological parameters. The results showed that the species richness and PFU colonization rate decreased as pollution intensity increased and that the Margalef diversity index values calculated at four sampling sites also related to water quality. The three functional parameters based on the PFU colonization process, that is, S(eq), G and T90%, were strongly related to the pollution status of the water. The number of protozoan species colonizing on PFU after exposure of 1 to 3 days was found to give a clear comparative indication of the water quality at the four sampling stations. The research provides further evidence that the protozoan community may be utilized effectively in the assessment of water quality and that the PFU method furnishes rapid, cost-effective and reliable information that may be useful for measuring responses to pollution stress in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of lethal (4.5 μg/l) and sublethal (0.45 μg/l) malathion levels on oxidative stress responses of the freshwater edible fish, Labeo rohita. Fish were exposed to lethal (1–4 days) and sublethal (1, 5, 10, and 15 days) periods. In the present study, catalase and protease activity, hydrogen peroxide, malondialdehyde, protein carbonyls, and free amino acids levels increased in the gill, liver, and kidney tissues of fish exposed to lethal and sublethal concentrations of malathion except protein content. Time- and concentration-dependent induction/reduction of the above parameters by lethal and sublethal concentrations of malathion was observed in the tissues (the gill, liver, and kidney) of L. rohita. Thus, the results clearly infer oxidative damage and decline in antioxidant defense due to malathion-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of sediments is a global concern and can be a serious problem in heavily industrialized parts of the world. Pollution by manganese is particularly common due to its ubiquitous natural occurrence, ease of mobilization, and extensive association with industry. In Ningxia, China, manganese pollution of Yellow River alluvial sediments was assessed by comparing manganese concentrations in 35 sediment samples with background values derived from similar sediments obtained at sites considered remote from potential sources of contamination. Natural background values of manganese were found to range from 192 to 323 mg/kg for surface sediments, and from 220 to 325 and 283 to 394 mg/kg for subsurface sediments at depths of 45–50 and 95–100 cm, respectively. In the study area, manganese content ranged from 565 to 1,363 mg/kg, indicating anthropogenic pollution extending to a depth of at least 1 m in the study area. All 35 samples were found to exceed the threshold effect concentration (TEC) of 460 mg/kg, below which adverse effects on sediment-dwelling organisms are not expected to occur, and one sample (T12) was found to exceed the probable effect concentration (PEC) of 1,100 mg/kg. PEC defines the threshold above which adverse effects are likely to be observed. Variogram analysis of the surface sediment manganese data revealed adherence to a Gaussian model, and ordinary kriging was used to generate a manganese distribution map. Analysis of the high nugget effect ratio indicates high, small-scale variations that are consistent with potential emissions from an adjacent electrolytic manganese plant.  相似文献   

The characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water, suspended particulate matter (SPM), sediments, and hydrophytes from Lake Baiyangdian, a shallow freshwater lake in China were studied. The low-molecular-weight PAHs (2-3 ring PAHs) predominated (61.2 to 84.5%) in all samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) of individual PAHs and the ratios of selected PAHs showed that the PAHs in the lake were mainly petrogenic inputs. The solid-liquid distribution coefficient (K(d)) in the water phase was much higher than the bioconcentration factor (BCF), and the leaf concentration factor (LCF) was higher than the root concentration factor (RCF) and stem concentration factor (SCF) in plant-sediment phase. Good linear log/log relationships were observed between the equilibrium partitioning coefficient (K(oc)) and the octanol-water partitioning coefficient (K(ow)), between RCF and K(ow), and between LCF and the octanol-air partitioning coefficient (K(oa)). These results indicated that PAHs accumulated more easily in SPM than in submerged aquatic plants, and some low-molecular-weight PAHs could accumulate and be translocated in the lake's media. Media characteristics, contamination sources, and physicochemical properties all affect the partitioning of PAHs among water, SPM, sediments, and hydrophytes.  相似文献   

The transfer of lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury, copper and molybdenum from soil to the tissues of small mammals inhabiting differently polluted areas in Slovenia was investigated. Metals were determined in soil samples and in the livers of 139 individuals of five small mammal species, collected in 2012 in the vicinity of a former lead smelter, the largest Slovenian thermal power plant, along a main road and in a control area. The area in the vicinity of former lead smelter differs considerably from other study areas. The soil from that area is heavily polluted with Pb and Cd. The mean metal concentrations in the liver, irrespective of species, varied in the following ranges—Pb: 0.40–7.40 mg/kg fw and Cd: 0.27–135 mg/kg fw and reached effect concentrations at which toxic effects can be expected in a significant proportion of the livers of the small mammal specimens (Pb 40 %, Cd 67 %). These findings indicate that the majority of small mammals trapped in the area of the former lead smelter are at risk of toxic effects due to the very high bioaccumulation of Pb and Cd in the organism. On the contrary, Pd and Cd concentrations in the livers of small mammals sampled in the vicinity of the thermal power plant and along the main road were comparable with reference values and considerably lower than effect concentrations. Additionally, the study suggests that Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus are very suitable biomonitors of metal pollution.  相似文献   

In spite of the large number of monitoring data on hydrography and nutrients collected from the Baltic Sea, it is still difficult to describe large-scale distribution patterns of these variables. We therefore suggest a stochastic approach that allows the spatial reconstruction of the fields for the entire sea. The Baltic Sea monitoring data on temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations from the years 1972–1991 are each divided into twenty data sets: five regions, times four seasons. The spatial regions are the Southern Baltic Proper, the Northern and Central Baltic Proper, both above and below halocline, and the region of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga. The four seasons consist of three-month periods: January–March (winter), April–June (spring), July–September (summer) and October–December (fall). Each monthly subset of a regional and seasonal data set is modeled as a sample out of a monthly realization of a random field. The data sets are decomposed into mean and fluctuational components. The mean is determined as an average over the space cells with dimensions of standard sampling depth intervals vertically, 10 in meridional (south-north), 20 in zonal (west-east) directions and over five-year periods in time. The fluctuation fields are considered second-order stationary, homogeneous and horizontally isotropic. Estimated horizontal (surface) and vertical (depth) components of the spatial correlations are approximated by Gaussian functions. The correlation scales for the fields of the Baltic Proper are mostly larger than 100 nautical miles horizontally and 40 m vertically and their dependence on the sea region or season is relatively weak. The most probable noise-to-signal ratio values of the data lie in the interval 0.6 to 1.2. The estimated correlation functions and noise-to-signal ratios allow the optimum analysis technique to assess the correctness of each datum of a sample on the background of the field statistics. The outliers of each monthly sample are excluded from the analysis. The observed fluctuations are interpolated into locations with missing data by an optimum interpolation procedure. The discrete cell-and-five-year mean values are interpolated by a different, piece-wise linear technique. Since the data number for the mean interpolation considerably exceeds the data number for the fluctuation interpolation, the interpolation errors for the mean are assumed negligible compared to the interpolation errors for the fluctuation. The sums of the mean and fluctuation, interpolated into the withheld observation points, are compared to the actually observed values and to some other linear interpolation estimates. In all test cases the optimum interpolation procedure performs the best.  相似文献   

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