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Rapid growth in urbanization and industrialization in developing countries may significantly contribute in heavy metal contamination of vegetables through atmospheric depositions. In the present study, an assessment was made to investigate the spatial and seasonal variations in deposition rates of heavy metals and its contribution to contamination of palak (Beta vulgaris). Samples of bulk atmospheric deposits and Beta vulgaris for analysis of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were collected from different sampling locations differing in traffic density and land use patterns. The results showed that the sampling locations situated in industrial or commercial areas with heavy traffic load showed significantly elevated levels of Cu, Zn and Cd deposition rate as compared to those situated in residential areas with low traffic load. The deposition rates of Cu, Zn and Cd were significantly higher in summer and winter as compared to rainy season, however, Pb deposition rate was significantly higher in rainy and summer seasons as compared to winter season. Atmospheric depositions have significantly elevated the levels of heavy metals in B. vulgaris collected during evening as compared to those collected in morning hours. The study further showed that local population has maximum exposure to Cd contamination through consumption of B. vulgaris. The present study clearly points out the urban and industrial activities of a city have potential to elevate the levels of heavy metals in the atmospheric deposits, which may consequently contaminate the food chain and thus posing health risk to the local population.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples (n = 18) were collected from the Algerian Mediterranean coasts and analyzed for seven metals using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry in order to asses the distribution and bioavailability of metals and to study the anthropogenic factors affecting their concentrations. Sediment samples were size-fractionated into three sizes: 1,080–500 (coarse), 500–250 (medium), and <250 mm (fine). Bulk sediments were subjected to both sequential extraction and total digestion to evaluate the reliability of the sequential extraction procedure (SEP), while the fractions have been only sequentially extracted for metals speciation. The metals were sequentially extracted into five phases namely exchangeable (P1), carbonates (P2), Fe–Mn oxides (P3), organic (P4) and residual (P5). Metal recoveries in sequential extractions were ±20% of the independently measured total metal concentrations; the high recovery rates indicate the good reliability of the SEP used in this study. Correlation coefficients indicated that the grain size has an effect on the distribution of metals in the investigated samples. The order of metal levels in the fractions was medium > fine > coarse for all the metals. The average total extractable metal concentrations for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn were 1.1, 8.8, 4.7, 1,291.3, 13.9, 5.7 and 20.4 μg/g, respectively. The northeastern shelf had the lowest metal levels while the highest were in northwestern part mainly due to the significant tourism activities in the northwestern part. Comparison of our results to Earth’s crust values and to previous studies points out that our samples were relatively unpolluted with respect to the heavy metals investigated; most of the metals are not from anthropogenic sources. Enrichment factors as the criteria for examining the impact of the anthropogenic sources of heavy metals were calculated, and it was observed that the investigated samples were not contaminated with Cr, Cu, and Fe, moderately contaminated with Ni, Pb, and Cd, and contaminated with Cd in some sites. The P5 phase had the highest percents of Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn. Cadmium and lead were predominant in the P4 phase, while Cu, Fe and Zn were distributed in the order P5 > P3 > P4 > P2 > P1. The following order of bioavailability was found with the heavy metals Pb > Cr > Cd > Ni > Zn > Cu > Fe.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate competitive sorption behaviour of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) under different management practices and identify soil characteristics that can be correlated with the retention and mobility of heavy metals using 65 calcareous soil samples. The lowest sorption was found for Mn and Ni in competition with the other metals, indicating the high mobility of these two cations. The Freundlich equation adequately described heavy metals adsorption. On the basis of Freundlich distribution coefficient, the selectivity sequence of the metal adsorption was Cu?>?Pb?>?Cd?>?Zn?>?Ni?>?Mn. The mean value of the joint distribution coefficient (K dΣsp) was 182.1, 364.1, 414.7, 250.1, 277.7, 459.9 and 344.8 l kg?1 for garden, garlic, pasture, potato, vegetables, wheat and polluted soils, respectively. The lowest observed K dΣsp in garden soil samples was due to the lower cation exchange capacity and lower carbonate content. The results of the geochemical modelling under low and high metal addition indicated that Cd, Ni, Mn and Zn were mainly retained via adsorption, while Pb and Cu were retained via adsorption and precipitation. Stepwise forward regression analysis showed that clay, organic matter and CaCO3 were the most important soil properties influencing competitive adsorption of Cd, Mn, Ni and Zn. The results in this study point to a relatively easy way to estimate distribution coefficient values.  相似文献   

With the aim of giving an overview on concentration and distribution of Cd, Cu, and Pb in fish from the coasts of Sinaloa state (SE Gulf of California), specimens with different feeding habits were collected in five locations. Sampling occurred between June 2003 and March 2004. Metal analyses on fish tissues were made by graphite furnace (Cd, Pb) and flame (Cu) atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Metal concentrations in tissues of carnivorous fish were grouped together and compared with corresponding concentrations in non-carnivorous fish; Cu and Pb levels were significantly (p?<?0.05) higher in liver of non-carnivorous species. Though no samples exceeded the maximum level set in international legislation for fish, from the perspective of the public health and considering the legal limits of fishery products for human consumption, Cu concentrations were exceeded (in tissues different from muscle) in four carnivorous and five non-carnivorous species according to the Australian legislation. In the case of Cd, two carnivorous species (Pomadasys leuciscus and Caulolatilus princeps) and one non-carnivorous species (Mugil cephalus), showed concentrations over the maximum level of 2 μg g???1 dry weight considered in the Mexican legislation. Considering average amounts of fish consumption in Mexico, daily mineral intake (DMI) values for Cu and percentage weekly intake (PWI) of Cd and Pb were estimated; none of the analyzed metals in edible portion of analyzed fish could be detrimental to humans.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the contents of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), aluminium (Al), and iron (Fe) (aqua regia-extractable) in 27 soil plots (54 samples) from Manresa, NE Spain, and to establish relationships between heavy metals and some soil properties. The main soil types were surveyed and the median concentrations (mg kg(-1)) obtained were Cd 0.28, Cu 20.3, Pb 18.6, Zn 67.4, Al 22,572, and Fe 21,551. Element concentrations for these soils were lower than the published values for the Valencia region (Spain) and Torrelles and Sant Climent municipal districts (Catalonia, Spain). In terms of soil properties, the results of this study suggest that, in Manresa soils, both trace element adsorption and retention are influenced by several properties such as clay minerals, carbonates, organic matter, and pH. All element contents were positively correlated with clay content. Pb and Zn were negatively correlated with pH and CaCO(3).  相似文献   

This study presents concentrations of iron, manganese, zinc, and copper in selected tissues of two fish species: pike (Esox lucius L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.) living in lakes Ińsko and Wisola, Northwestern Poland. The lakes differ in their trophic status. The effect of gender and environmental conditions on metals accumulation was also investigated. Metal analyses were performed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Considering all studied fish species and tissues, the average metal concentrations (micrograms per gram wet weight) in both lakes occurred in the following ranges: Fe 0.8–240.6, Mn 0.2–8.4, Zn 3.0–185.9, and Cu 0.14–7.76. The lowest levels of the studied metals were always detected in the muscles. The spleen, kidneys, and liver were found to accumulate the highest amounts of Fe. In the case of the other metals, the highest levels were found, as follows: Mn in skin, gills, and gonads, Zn in digestive tract and gills, Cu in liver. Heavy metal content in fish gonads was observed to be sex dependent.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Pb were measured in particulate and dissolved phases at 11 sites located upstream and near Athabasca oil sands development. The in situ discrimination between non-labile and labile dissolved metals was done using diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) devices. The DGT-labile fraction of Co and Ni was 30% lower near development sites whereas Cu, Cd and Pb showed minor changes spatially. It was found that an 8-fold increase in dissolved organic matter (DOM) near development induced a rapid decrease in DGT-labile metals. Dissolved metal concentrations were used along with DOM, major ions, nutrients, pH and conductivity to calculate the distribution of dissolved metal species using the speciation model WHAM. Labile-DGT metal concentrations agreed well with WHAM-predicted concentrations. It was also found that a significant amount of metals were associated with the non-DGT labile fraction (i.e. colloidal DOM) and colloid abundance was more important than suspended particulate matter abundance in influencing metal mobility near Athabasca oil soils development. Since changes in colloidal DOM levels are likely to be the result of surface mining activities, this confirms the serious effects of oil sands activities on metal biogeochemical cycles in the lower Athabasca River.  相似文献   

The dust samples from 52 different locations in central roads of Samsun City were collected in a study area of 40 km long for the purpose of determining total metal concentrations of dust samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations of Cu, Pb, Co, Zn, Ni, Mn, and Cd were found in the ranges of 11.92–352.43, 5.47–223.57, 4.52–41.69, 40.85–173.10, 18.71–131.29, 133.19–179.13, and 0.02–6.16 mg/kg, respectively. The results showed that metal levels were higher around the industrial area than other locations. Principal component analysis was also carried out to ascertain the possible contributing factors towards the metal concentrations. Validation of the analytical results was tested by analysis of the BCR 032 Moroccan phosphate rock certified reference material.  相似文献   

The accumulation of heavy metals in the environment may have a wide range of health effects on animals and humans. Thus, in this study, the concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) in the blood and tissues (liver and kidney) of Portuguese common buzzards (Buteo buteo) were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in order to monitor environmental pollution to these elements. In general, Hg and As were the elements which appeared in the highest and lowest concentrations, respectively. A highest percentage of non-detected concentration was found for blood Cd (94.6 %) but, in turn, it was the only metal that was detected in all kidney samples. The kidney was the analyzed sample which showed the highest concentrations of each element evaluated. Statistically, significant differences among blood, liver, and kidney samples were observed for As and Cd (P?相似文献   

Dewatered sewage sludge containing relatively high total concentrations of Cr (945 micrograms ml-1), Cu (523 micrograms ml-1), Ni (1186 micrograms ml-1) and Zn (2950 micrograms ml-1) was treated with quicklime and sawdust for sludge disinfection and post-stabilisation. The mobility of the heavy metals in the sludge samples was assessed by applying a modified five-step Tessier sequential extraction procedure. Water was added as a first step for estimation of the proportion of the easily soluble metal fractions. To check the precision of the analytical work the concentrations of heavy metals in steps 1-6 of the extraction procedure were summed and compared to the total metal concentrations. The mass balance agreed within +/- 3% for Cd, Cu, Cr, and Zn and within +/- 5% for Ni, Pb, Fe and Mn. Data from the partitioning study indicate that in the lime-treated sludge at a pH of 12 the mobility of Cu and Ni notably increased with the solubilisation of these metals from their organic and/or carbonate and Fe and Mn oxide and hydroxide fractions, respectively. Liming slightly decreased the proportion of other heavy metals in the easily soluble fractions while its impact on the partitioning between other sludge phases was almost insignificant. Due to the increased solubility of Ni and Cu as well as potential Cr oxidation at high pH, liming cannot be recommended for sludge disinfection. Addition of sawdust did not change the heavy metal partitioning.  相似文献   

The concentration of heavy metals including Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni and Fe in different parts of Rosmarinus officinalis medicinal plant grown in Jordan were evaluated. Medicinal plant samples and soil samples were collected from three different zones in Jordan (Irbid, Al-Mafraq and Ma’an). Samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after chemical treatments using acid digestion procedures. Heavy metal levels in washed and unwashed in each part of R. officinalis were analyzed and compared statistically. Results show that concentrations of investigated heavy metals were varied from plant part to another part of R. officinalis. For example, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in most parts of R. officinalis in the three zones were concentrated in the following order: flowers, leaves, stems, whereas Pb, Ni and Fe were concentrated in order as follows: leaves, flowers and stems. Heavy metal concentrations in soil samples was evaluated and correlated with their levels in R. officinalis. Two standard reference materials of plant (SRM 1790a; spinach leaves and CRM 281; rye grass) and one standard reference materials of soil (GBW 07406) were examined to validate the method used. Results show that high recoveries were obtained.  相似文献   

Heavy metal (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg and Se) concentrations in the muscle and bone of four fish species (Mullus barbatus, Merluccius merluccius, Micromesistius poutassou, and Scomber scombrus) from the central Adriatic Sea were measured and the relationships between fish size (length and weight) and metal concentrations in the tissues were investigated. Samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometry with automatic dual viewing. In the muscle, results of linear regression analysis showed that, except for mercury, significant relationships between metal concentrations and fish size were negative. Only mercury levels were positively correlated with Atlantic mackerel size (p?<?0.05). No significant variations of heavy metal concentrations were observed in muscles of the examined species, but a significant difference (p?<?0.01) was found for As, Cd, Pb, and Se concentrations in bone. All the investigated metals showed higher values in the muscle than in bone, except for lead and zinc. Regarding cadmium, lead, and mercury maximum levels, set for the edible portion by European legislation, several samples exceeded these values, confirming the heavy metal presence in species caught near the Jabuka Pit.  相似文献   

Distinguishing and quantifying anthropogenic trace metals and phosphorus accumulated in sediment is important for the protection of our aquatic ecosystems. Here, anthropogenic proportion and potential sources of trace metals and phosphorus in surface sediments of Chaohu Lake were evaluated based on the exhaustive geochemical data. The analysis shows that concentrations of major and trace metals, and phosphorus, displayed significant spatial diversity and almost all elements were over the pre-industrial background value, which should be related to the variations of sediment composition partially. Therefore, conservative element normalization was introduced and calculated enrichment factors (EFs) of the elements were referenced highlighting the human contamination. EFs of the major and trace metals, except Zn, Pb, and Cu, were all nearly 1.0, indicating the detrital origin. The EFs of Zn, Pb, Cu and phosphorus were 1.0–10.4, 1.0–3.8, 1.0–4.9, and 1.0–7.6, respectively, showing moderate to significant contamination. Higher EFs of Zn, Pb and Cu occurred in the mouth areas of Nanfei River and Zhegao River, and they decreased to the lake center in the northwest and northeast lake areas, respectively. We deduced that anthropogenic Zn, Pb, and Cu were mainly from urban and industrial point sources and the non-point sources of atmospheric deposition contributed little to their contamination. The EFs of phosphorus showed similar spatial degradation with that of Zn, Pb, and Cu. Moreover, higher EFs (>1) of phosphorus also occurred in other areas adjacent to the river mouths besides Nanfei River and Zhegao River. This indicated that the non-point agricultural source may also be responsible for the contamination of phosphorus in Chaohu Lake in addition to the urban sewage sources. Anthropogenic phosphorus was mainly concentrated in the speciation of NaOH-P, which had higher potential biological effects than the detrital proportion. Concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cu surpassed the threshold effect concentrations (TEC) of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines of freshwater ecosystems, especially in the contaminated northwest area of Chaohu Lake. This highlighted the contributions of anthropogenic contamination to the elevated potential biological effects of trace metals. Though there had been no obvious human contamination of Cr and Ni in Chaohu Lake, concentrations were all over the TECs, which may be due to higher background levels in the parent materials of soils and bedrocks in Chaohu Lake catchment.  相似文献   

A significant correlation between sedimentary metals, particularly the ‘bio-available’ fraction, and bioaccumulated metal concentrations in the native Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) tissues has been successfully demonstrated previously for Cu and Zn in a number of estuaries in New South Wales, Australia. However, this relationship has been difficult to establish in a highly modified estuary (Sydney estuary, Australia) where metal contamination is of greatest concern and where a significant relationship would be most useful for environmental monitoring. The use of the Sydney rock oyster as a biomonitoring tool for metal contamination was assessed in the present study by investigating relationships between metals attached to sediments and suspended particulate matter (SPM) to bioaccumulated concentrations in oyster tissues. Surficial sediments (both total and fine-fraction), SPM and wild oysters were collected over 3 years from three embayments (Chowder Bay, Mosman Bay and Iron Cove) with each embayment representing a different physiographic region of Sydney estuary. In addition, a transplant experiment of farmed oysters was conducted in the same embayments for 3 months. No relationship was observed between sediments or SPM metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) to tissue of wild oysters; however, significant relationship was observed against transplanted oysters. The mismatch between wild and farmed, transplanted oysters is perplexing and indicates that wild oysters are unsuitable to be used as a biomonitoring tool due to the involvement of unknown complex factors while transplanted oysters hold strong potential.  相似文献   

Heavy metal (Cu, Cd, Zn) concentration of the muscle, gill, and liver of Otolithes rubber, Pampus argenteus, Parastromateus niger, Scomberomorus commerson, and Onchorynchus mykiss are determined by anodic stripping voltammetry method. The results show that the concentration of Cu, Cd, and Zn varied between 0.44 and not detected, 0.585 and 0.001, and 0.450 and 0.005?μg/g, respectively. It is interesting that in O. mykiss, the mean value of copper concentration was more than other marine organisms of this study, while in P. niger, the mean value of copper was minimum. The results of this study indicate that in the different tissues of fish species (O. rubber, P. argenteus, P. niger, S. commerson, and O. mykiss), the concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn were significantly lower than the permissible FAO/WHO levels.  相似文献   

Studies concerning the lability and bioavailability of trace metals have played a prominent role in the search for contamination of water resources. This work describes the first application yet of the diffusive gradients in thin films technique (DGT) to the determination of the fraction of free plus labile metals in waters from the Amazon Basin. Due to the complexity of the use of DGT for samples with low ionic strength and high organic matter content (characteristic of Amazonian rivers), a new analytical procedure was developed. The method is based on the determinations of apparent diffusion coefficients (Dap) in the laboratory, by performing deployments in samples collected in the corresponding sites of study. The Dap thereby determined is then used for in situ measurements. The suitability of the proposed approach for determination of labile Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Zn in the Amazon River and Rio Negro (English: Black River) was evaluated. Except for Co, Mn (in a deployment at Rio Negro), Ni and Zn (in a deployment at Amazon River), labile in situ measurements were lower or similar to dissolved concentrations, indicating suitability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The concentrations of toxic heavy metals—Cd and Pb and micronutrients—Cu, Mn, and Zn were assessed in the surface soil and water of three different stages of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) fields, the stage I—the first stage in the field soon after transplantation of the paddy seedlings, holding adequate amount of water on soil surface, stage II—the middle stage with paddy plants of stem of about 40 cm length, with sufficient amount of water on the soil surface, and stage III—the final stage with fully grown rice plants and very little amount of water in the field at Bahour, a predominantly paddy cultivating area in Puducherry located on the southeast Coast of India. Comparison of the heavy metal and micronutrient concentrations of the soil and water across the three stages of paddy field showed their concentrations were significantly higher in soil compared with that of water (p?<?0.05) of the fields probably because of accumulation and adsorption in soil. The elemental concentrations in paddy soil as well as water was in the ranking order of Cd?>?Mn?>?Zn?>?Cu?>?Pb indicating concentration of Cd was maximum and Pb was minimum. The elemental concentrations in both soil and water across the three stages showed a ranking order of stage II?>?stage III?>?stage I. The runoff from the paddy fields has affected the elemental concentrations of the water and sediment of an adjacent receiving rivulet.  相似文献   

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