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建立同时测定吴茱萸中吴茱萸碱、吴茱萸次碱和柠檬苦素含量的高效液相色谱的新方法,以测定川渝两地吴茱萸有效成分的含量.采用色谱柱Zorbax Eclipse C<,18>(4.6mm×250mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈-四氢呋喃-0.02%磷酸水溶液(22:13:65)1.0mL/min,检测波长220nm,柱温35℃进行测定.结果表明,吴茱萸碱、吴茱萸次碱和柠檬苦素分别在0.051-0.518μg(r=0.9997)、0.021-0.212μg(r=0.9995)、0.085-0.427μg(r=0.9998)范围内呈良好的线形关系.川渝两地吴茱萸总碱的平均值为1.340%,柠檬苦素含量的平均值为0.4138%,吴茱萸、柠檬苦素含量不能达到药典要求.  相似文献   

作为一种经济作物,茶叶是安徽省黄山市的拳头产品和重要经济支柱,是山区人民收入和地方财政收入的重要来源。但近几年的统计数据表明,该市的茶叶生产经营在数量和质量方面,以及内销和出口上发展较缓慢,与其曾经拥有的历史地位明显不相称。分析了该区茶叶的生产经营现状,提出了相应的对策,以期振兴黄山市的茶叶产业。  相似文献   

企业建设环境文化,就是要使企业全体成员形成一种共同的环境价值观念,而环境价值观念是环境意识的核心和标志、环境文化推动着环境价值观念的转变,促进环境意识的增强与提高,企业发展环境文化,就是要在企业的生产经营、产品质量和企业经营中渗透并培养强烈的环境意识和环保法制观念,做到在发展生产中保护环境,在保护环境中促进生产发展,实现经济、社会、环境三个效益的统一与协调发展,坚定不移地走可持续发展道路。湖北省老河口化工(集团)股份有限公司,是由原老河口市石油化工厂和化工三厂组建而成的。由于重生产,轻环保,重质…  相似文献   

烟台氨纶股份有限公司,是我国第一家,也是生产规模最大的氨纶纤维生产企业,年产氨纶丝1500吨。该公司自1987年创立之日起,就把环境保护工作放在与生产经营同等重要的位置来抓,在污染治理和能源、原材料的回收利用上加大投入,走出了一条“环境保护促进生产经营,生产经营带动环境保护”的成功之路,成为一个高科技、低污染的现代化企业。1996年公司实现销售收入9645万元,利税2965万元,其中利润2237万元,人均创利在全国和省纺织行业中名列前茅.并先后于1993年、1995年被评为山东省和全国环境保护先进企业,取得了经济效益和社会效益…  相似文献   

农业产业化经营是以市场为导向,以资源开发为基础,以经济效益为核心,对农业和农村经济的主导产业、主导产品实行一体化经营、专业化生产、区域化布局、社会化服务、企业化管理的一种现代农业经营方式。它通过“公司+农户”、“市场+农户”等多种形式把千家万户的小生产与千变万化的大市场有效地连接起来,由风险共担,利益共享的经济共同体开发资源、开拓市场。农业产业化经营是从根本上实现农民共同富裕的出路,是突破传统农业,迈向现代农业的必然途径。多年来,苍溪县县委、政府引导千家万户大搞庭园经济建设,解决了几十万人的温饱…  相似文献   

湖南邵东县黄花菜资源的开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了湖南省邵东县黄花菜生产的优良生态条件和社会经济条件,指出了生产与经营上的缺陷,揭示了进一步开发的潜力及广阔的营销前景,提出了合理开发的建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了电除尘行业2005年的发展概况和生产经营以及技术创新情况,并对该行业未来的发展进行了预测。  相似文献   

刘志峰  胡蓓琳 《四川环境》2004,23(6):35-37,40
ISO14000遵循的是一种持续改进的原则,企业实施ISO14000环境管理体系是一个不断提高的过程。因此,企业需要分析生产经营过程中的环境影响并对造成环境影响最大的生产环节进行重点改进。本文将密切值法运用于环境管理体系中,以帮助企业确定环境影响的大小,给出持续改进的优先顺序,并在原有密切值法的基础上提出最优密切值与最劣密切值,使评价结果更合理。  相似文献   

通过阐述清洁生产的全方位性,说明清洁生产在企业生产经营中的重要作用。  相似文献   

企业环保改革是企业改革的重要组成邪分。随着经济体制改革的不断深入和市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,企业的生产经营活动也在不断变化,在这种新形势下,企业环境保护如何适应市场经济的发展,适应企业生产经营的需要,更好地发挥企业环保部门的监督协调管理职能,就摆在了企业领导,特别是企业环保工作者的面前。因此,对当前企业环保的基本状况与存在的问题作出分析很有必要,并就企业环保改革的实施提出以下建议。一、企业环保的现状与问题1.企业环保的监督管理职能得不到充分发挥。企业环保管理机构隶属于企业,是为企业服务的一个…  相似文献   

Integrated Transboundary Water Management in Theory and Practice, G.D. Gooch and P. Stalnacke (Editors)
Water Gas Treatment for Resource Recovery, P.N.L. Lens et al.
Water Resources in Jordan: Evolving Policies for Development, the Environment, and Conflict Resolution, M.J. Haddadin (Editor).
Groundwater Hydraulics and Pollutant Transport , R.J. Charbeneau.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health Effects, R. L. Jolley, et al. (Editors).
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, L. Escritt (Edited and Revised by W. D. Haworth)
Stabilisation, Disinfection and Odour Control in Sewage Sludge Treatment (An Annotated Bibliography Covering the Period 1950–1983), A. M. Bruce and E. S. Connor (Editors).
The New Nationalism and the Use of Common Spaces, Jonathan I. Charney (Editor).
Principles of Water Quality, Thomas D. Waite.
A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Groundwater Flow Model, Michael G. McDonald and Arlen W. Harbaugh.
Renewable Resources Management: Applications of Remote Sensing, P. A. Murtha and R. A. Harding (Editors).
Groundwater Transport: Handbook of Mathematical Models, J. Javendal, C. Doughty and C. F. Tsang.
Natural Resources and the Environment, Paul R. Portney (Editor).
Coping With Droughts, V. Yevjevich, L. da Cunha (Editor).
A Citizen's Guide to River Conservation, R. Diamant, J. G. Eugster and C. J. Duerksen.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Engineering Approaches for Lake Management, Volume 1: Data Analysis and Empirical Modeling, Kenneth H. Reckhow and Steven C. Chapra; Volume 2: Mechanistic Modeling, Steven C. Chapra and Kenneth H. Reckhow.
Engineering and the Environment, M. Wanielista, Y. Yousef, J. Taylor, and D. Cooper.
Natural Resources: Bureaucratic Myths and Environmental Management, R. L. Stroup and J. A. Baden.
Flow Measuring Flumes for Open Channel Systems, M. G. Bos, J. A. Replogle, and A. J. Clemmens.
Integrated Water Development, James L. Westcoat, Jr.
Artificial Substrates, John Cairns, Jr. (Editor).
Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Basins, J. Boonstra and N. A. de Ridder.
Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology, G. M. Rand and S. R. Petrocelli (Editors).
life Before the Drought, Earl Scott (Editor).
Living With the Louisiana Shore, J. Kelley, A. Kelley, O. Pil-key, Sr., and A; Clark.
Physical Geography, Cuchlaine A. M. King.
An Introduction to Water Quality Modelling, A. James (Editor).
Engineering Economy (6th Edition), G. J. Thuesen and W. J. Fabrycky.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Corazón Morales Siddayao, The Off-Shore Petroleum Resources of South-East Asia - Potential Conflict Situations and Related Economic Considerations
William C. Peters, Exploration and Mining Geology
K. A. Hammond, G. Macinko and W. B. Fairchild, Sourcebook on the Environment: A Guide to the Literature
F. J. Monkhouse, and R. J. Small, A Dictionary of the Natural Environment  相似文献   

Developing countries have increased their activity in smelting and refining of copper in order to retain a greater proportion of the value added and to achieve more control over production and marketing. This article examines the technology and economics of copper smelting and refining and considers the advantages and disadvantages to developing countries of increased investment in copper ore processing.
Les pays en développement ont accru leur activité dans le domaine de la fonte et du raffinage du cuivre dans le but de conserver une part plus grande de la valeur ajoutée et d'établir un contrôle plus efficace sur la production et la commercialisation de cette ressource. Cet article étudie les aspects techniques et économiques de la fonte et du raffinage du cuivre. Il compare les avantages et désavantages, pour les pays en développement, de la croissance des investissements dans le traitement du minerai de cuivre.
Los países en desarrollo han incrementado las actividades de fundición y refinado de cobre con el objeto de retener una porción mayor del valor agregado y de ejercer más control sobre la producción y el mercado. Este artículo examina la tecnología y economía de la fundición y refinado del cobre y considera las ventajas y desventajas de mayores inversiones en el procesado del mineral de cobre por los países en desarrollo.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Water and Waste-Water Technology, SI Version, Mark J. Hammer.
Ground Water in the Western Hemisphere, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Natural Resource/Water Series No. 4
River Pollution Studies, G. A. Best and S. L. Ross.
Viruses and Trace Contaminants in Water and Wastewater, Edited by Jack A. Borchardt, James K. Cleland, William J. Redman, and Gordon Olivier
Environmental Impact Analysis: A New Dimension in Decision Making, R. K. Jain, L. V. Urban, and G. S. Stacey.  相似文献   

Summary The area of tropical forest lands in high rainfall areas that is already degraded is great and growing rapidly. Rehabilitation of such lands is important so their biological productivity can support people and reduce pressures for degradation of additional tropical forest lands. While further knowledge and experience is needed, there is a sufficient basis for trial programs. The economic and social well-being is far better served by focusing on rehabilitation of degraded lands than by additional incursions into dwindling stocks of natural forest.This position paper emanated from a Workshop of the IUCN Commission on Ecology at the Forest Research Institute, Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia, 29–31 August 1983, supported by the United 0ations Environment Programme (UNEP). Its publication was made possible by the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues (ICIHI) in the context of its work on deforestation.The following persons participated: Dr. Th. E. Lovejoy, Convenor, (USA), P. Ashton (USA), G. Baines (Solomon Islands), M. Bijleveld (Switzerland), J. M. Boyd (U.K.), E. F. Brunig (F.R.G.), Chin S. C. (Malaysia), J. Davidson (Australia), S. Davis (U.K.), F. Duhme (F.R.G.), Gong W. K. (Malyasia), M. Hadley (France), L. S. Hamilton (USA), E. Hegerl (Australia), M. Jenkins (U.K.), K. Kartawinata (Indonesia), K. M. Kochumen (Malaysia), Kuang B. C. (China), N. Kwapena (Papua New Guinea), N. Manokaran (Malaysia), Salleh M. N. (Malaysia), N. Sander (F.R.G.), A. Sasekumar (Indonesia), H. Skeat (Australia), W. Smits (Netherlands), Tho Y. P. (Malaysia), Wang M. H. (China), L. Webb (Australia), Wong K. M. (Malaysia), Yap S. K. (Malaysia), Zhu J. F. (China).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Carbonate Chemistry of Aquatic Systems, Theory and Applications, by R. E. Loewenthal and G. v. R. Marais.
An Introduction to Hydrodynamics and Water Waves, by Bernard LeMehaute.
Systematic Hydrology, by J. C. Rodda, R. A. Downing, and Frank M. Law.
Cost Benefit Analysis and Water Pollution Policy, by Henry M. Peskin and Eugene P. Seskin.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
Environmental Quality and Water Development , edited by Charles R. Goldman, James McEvoy, Ill, and Peter J. Rickerson.
Nutrients in Natural Waters , edited by Herbert E. Allen and James R. Kranier.
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, Vol. 4 , edited by Richard F. Johnson, et al.
Water Quality: Management and Pollution Control Problems, Progress in Water Technology , Vol. 3, edited by S. H. Jenkins.
Sedimentary Structures of Ephemeral Streams , by M. Dane Picard and Lee R. High, Jr.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Appropriate Methods of Treating Water and Wastewater in Developing Countries, George W. Reid.
Setprge and Gnnmdaater, Miguela A. Marino and James N. Luthin.
Hydrologic Modeling of SmaU Watersheds, C. T. Haan, H. P. Johnson, and D. L. Brakensiek
Remote Sensing for Resource Management, Chris J. Johannsen and James L. Sanders (Editors).
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Environmentally Sound Water and soil Management, E. Gordon Kxuse, Chuck R Burdick, and Yousef A. Yousef (Editors).
Handbook of Irrigation Technology, Volume I, Edited by Herman J. Finkel.
Water for Western Agculture. K. D. Frederick and J. C. Hanson.
Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries, Edited by E J. Schiller and R L. hoste.
Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods (Environmental Behavior of Organic Compounds), Warren J. Lyman, William F. Reehl, and David H. Rosenblatt.
The Clean Water Act: The Second Decade, Morris A. Ward, E. Bruce Harrison Co.
Economic Benefits of hnproved Water Quality: Public Perceptions of Option and Preservation Values, D. A. Greenley, R. G. Walsh, and R A. Young.
Surface Water, Robert Bowen.
Nitrogen, Public Health. and the Environment: Some Tools for Critical Thought, John H. Timothy Winneberger.  相似文献   

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