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Aquatic pollution by metals is of concern because of various toxic effects to marine life. The Tolka Estuary, Co. Dublin, Ireland, is a typical Irish urban estuary. It has a significant metal loading originating from the urban environment. Results of a 25month analysis of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc spatial and temporal distribution over 10 sample locations in this estuary are presented in this paper. Metal concentrations were analysed using differential pulse polarography. Significant seasonal and spatial trends in metal distribution were observed over the 25months. Sediment metal concentrations gradually increased (30-120%) in spring to a maximum at the end of summer which was followed by a decrease in winter months (30-60%). Sediment organic matter (OM) concentrations exhibited similar seasonal trends and a positive correlation between OM and metal distributions was observed, implying OM had an influence on metal distributions over time.  相似文献   

鸭绿江口及毗邻浅海沉积物重金属的分布特征与风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用重金属的富集系数和多金属污染度分析鸭绿江口及毗邻浅海沉积物重金属的分布特征.结果表明:鸭绿江口及毗邻浅海沉积物Cu、Hg和Cd属于重要的污染因子;多金属污染度高强度分布区与高含沙量区存在对应关系,但对重金属富集影响更大的是人类活动.采用潜在生态风险指数法与生物效应阈值浓度法2种评价方法进行研究区的生态风险评价,结果...  相似文献   

The mobilisation of metals (Al, Fe, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) from contaminated estuarine sediment has been examined using commercially available surfactants. Metal release by the anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), increased with increasing amphiphile concentration up to and above its critical micelle concentration (CMC). Metal mobilisation by the bile acid salt, sodium taurocholate, and the nonionic surfactant, Triton X-100, however, did not vary with amphiphile concentration. SDS was the most efficient surfactant in mobilising metals from the sample, and Cd, Cu and Ni were released to the greatest extents (12-18% of total metal at [SDS] > CMC). Metal mobilisation appeared to proceed via complexation with anionic amphiphiles and denudation of hydrophobic host phases. Surfactants may play an important role in the solubilisation of metals in the digestive environment of deposit-feeding animals and, potentially, in the remediation of metal-contaminated soil and sediment.  相似文献   

An open flow reactor is used to simulate the dissolution process of mineral aerosol particles in atmospheric water droplets. Data on dissolution kinetic and solubility are provided for the major trace metals from two kinds of matrix: alumino-silicated and carbonaceous sample. The results emphasise that the metals contained in the carbonaceous aerosols are easier dissolved than in the alumino-silicated particles. The released concentrations are not related to the total metal composition or the origin of particles, but are directly associated with the type of liaisons whereby the metals are bound in the solid matrix. Thus, the metals coming from carbonaceous particles are adsorbed impurities or salts and hence are very soluble and with a dissolution hardly dependent on pH, whereas the metals dissolved from alumino-silicated particles are less soluble, notably the ones constitutive of the matrix network (Fe, Mn), and with a dissolution highly influenced by pH. Consequently, in the regions with an anthropogenic influence, the dissolved concentrations of metals found in the atmospheric waters are mainly governed by the elemental carbon content. Moreover, it appears that the dissolution kinetic of metals is not constant as a function of time. The dissolution rates are very rapid in the first 20 min of leaching and then they are stabilised to lower values in comparison to initial rates. By consequence, the total dissolved metal content is provided after the first 20 min of the droplet lifetime. For this reason, the effects of trace metals on the atmospheric aqueous chemistry and as atmospheric wet input to the marine biota are maximal for "aged" droplets.  相似文献   

We examined marine benthic macroinvertebrate colonization and community structure at multiple spatial scales (study areas, reference and disposal sites, and depth zones within sites) within a 3-day period at three relatively widely separated (ca 60 km) dredged material disposal areas (Mermentau and Atchafalaya Rivers and Freshwater Bayou) in coastal Louisiana. Study areas had different histories of dredged material disposal, but all three are subject to frequent natural habitat disturbances (e.g. freshets). Nine phyla and 51 taxa were represented among the three study areas at reference (R) and disposal (D) sites (Freshwater Bayou: 21(R), 18 (D); Mermentau River: 14 (R), 17 (D) and Atchafalaya River: 38 (R), 40 (D)). Only 15 taxa were common to all three study areas. At the Freshwater Bayou, average taxa richness and abundance responded to water depth, not sites. These response variables averaged higher mean values at the Mermentau River disposal than at the reference site. No consistent pattern in the average of these response variables was detected between sites at the Atchafalaya River. Multidimensional scaling ordination and non-parametric multivariate inferential analysis provided a distinctly different picture of community structure within study areas compared to parametric analyses. A relatively moderate to strong separation in community structure between sites was detected depending on study area. Non-parametric multivariate inferential analysis detected significant differences in internal community structure at the scale of stations and sites within study areas. The weight of evidence suggests that frequent natural disturbances explain differences in macrobenthic animal community structure more than effects of dredged material disposal.  相似文献   

Hwang HM  Green PG  Higashi RM  Young TM 《Chemosphere》2006,64(11):1899-1909
Surface sediment samples (0–5 cm) from 5 tidal salt marshes along the coast in California, USA were analyzed to investigate the occurrence and anthropogenic input of trace metals. Among study areas, Stege Marsh located in the central San Francisco Bay was the most contaminated marsh. Concentrations of metals in Stege Marsh sediments were higher than San Francisco Bay ambient levels. Zinc (55.3–744 μg g−1) was the most abundant trace metal and was followed by lead (26.6–273 μg g−1). Aluminum normalized enrichment factors revealed that lead was the most anthropogenically impacted metal in all marshes. Enrichment factors of lead in Stege Marsh ranged from 8 to 49 (median = 16). Sediments from reference marshes also had high enrichment factors (2–8) for lead, indicating that lead contamination is ubiquitous, possibly due to continuous input from atmospherically transported lead that was previously used as a gasoline additive. Copper, silver, and zinc in Stege Marsh were also enriched by anthropogenic input. Though nickel concentrations in Stege Marsh and reference marshes exceeded sediment quality guidelines, enrichment factors indicated nickel from anthropogenic input was negligible. Presence of nickel-rich source rock such as serpentinite in the San Francisco Bay watershed can explain high levels of nickel in this area. Coefficients of variation were significantly different between anthropogenically impacted and non-impacted metals and might be used as a less conservative indicator for anthropogenic input of metals when enrichment factors are not available.  相似文献   

The speciation of heavy metals was measured over a variety of natural and undisturbed water/sediment interfaces. Simultaneously, two benthic species (oligochaete Limnodrilus spp. and the midge Chironomus riparius) were exposed to these sediments. Under occurring redox conditions, free ion activities of trace metals Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were measured with a chelating exchange technique, while geochemical conditions (i.e., redox) remained in tact. Free ion activities were compared with total dissolved concentrations in pore waters and surface waters in order to relate speciation to bioaccumulation. Limnodrilus spp. and C. riparius have accumulation patterns that could be linked to time-dependent exposure concentrations, expressed as chemical speciation, in the surface water and the sediment's pore water. Concentrations of free metal ions in the overlying surface water, rather than in sediment pore water, proved to be the best predictor for uptake. For the first time, measurements are obtained from sediments without disturbing physical-chemical conditions and thus bioavailability, a major restriction of other studies so far.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments, midge larvae (Chironomidae, Diptera) and tubificid worms (Tubificidae, Oligochaeta) were collected at 65 sampling sites located in four different river basins in Flanders (Belgium). Concentrations of the trace metals Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were measured in organisms and sediments by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Sediments were subjected to a simultaneous extraction scheme to identify trace metal partitioning among various geochemical phases. Three geochemical characteristics of the sediment were analysed; Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Fe oxides and Mn oxides. Non-linear regression models were constructed to determine the relative importance of the different sediment factors contributing to the variation in metal accumulation by the tubificid worms and chironomids. Generally, the amount of variation that could be explained by these models was limited, with coefficients of determination ranging from 0.05 to 0.66. In most cases, metal levels in organisms were positively related to the easily reducible and reducible metal fractions, and negatively related to the TOC and Fe sediment content. The correlations between metal concentrations in tubificid worms and chrinomid larvae were also rather poor, with coefficients of determinations ranging from 0.01 to 0.52. This indicates that understanding the chemistry of the environment does not suffice to predict the concentrations in organisms. Differences in the structural and functional organisation of the organisms, which among others determine the route of exposure, are at least equally important causes of variability in metal availability and accumulation.  相似文献   

Liver lesions in wild fish have been associated with xenobiotic exposure. Facing reports of pollution in the Douro River estuary (north of Portugal), we have been making field surveys using fishes and targeting histopathological biomarkers of exposure and effect. Herein, we intended to better characterize and report the rate of one poorly understood lesion—hepatocellular fibrillar inclusions (HFI)—found in European flounder (Platichthys flesus). With this report, we aimed to establish sound baseline data that could be viewed as a starting point for future biomonitoring, while offering the world's second only pool of field data on such a liver toxicopathic lesion, which could be compared with data available from the UK estuaries. Sampling was done in the Douro River estuary over 1 year. A total of 72 animals were fished with nets, in spring–summer (SS) and autumn–winter (AW) campaigns. Livers were processed for histopathology and both routine and special staining procedures (alcian blue, periodic acid Schiff (PAS), tetrazonium coupling reaction). Immunohistochemistry targeted AE1/AE3 (pan cytokeratins). The severity of the HFI extent was graded using a system with four levels, varying from 0 (absence of HFI) to 3 (high relative density of cells with HFI). Cells (isolated/groups) with HFI appeared in 35 % or more of the fish, in the total samples of each season, and over 40 % in more homogeneous sub-samples. There were no significant differences when comparing samples versus sub-samples or SS versus AW. When merging the data sets from the two seasons, the frequency of fish with HFI was ≈36 % for the total sample and ≈49 % for the sub-sample. The extreme group (biggest and smallest fish) revealed a HFI frequency of only 16 %, which differed significantly from the total and sub-sampled groups. Immunostaining and PAS were negative for the HFI, and alcian blue could, at times, faintly stain the inclusions. These were positive with the tetrazonium reaction. We showed the presence of HFI in European flounder from the Douro River estuary, proving that they are essentially protein in nature, that no seasonal changes existed in the HFI frequency, and that it was rarer in the smallest and biggest fish groups. Within the ranges of weight/size of our total sample, we estimate that the frequency of HFI in the local flounder is ≈35 %. That rate stands as a baseline value for future assessments, namely for biomonitoring purposes targeting correlations with the estuary pollution status.  相似文献   

In the present study, TSP-bound metal concentrations were measured from seven different urbanized locations in Seoul, Korea for the period from March 2001 through May 2002. Our measurement data were analyzed to explore the possible influences of spatial and temporal factors on metal distribution characteristics. To determine the importance of those aspects, the measured concentrations were compared between different metals and between different sites in terms of several criteria: (1) absolute concentrations and enrichment factor (EF) values; (2) coefficient of variation (CV) values of metal concentrations; (3) relative patterns of temporal variations; and (4) relative abundance of strong correlations. According to our analysis of metal distribution characteristics in the study area, the main results of our study can be summarized as follows: (1) a number of metals (e.g., Cd, Cu, and Pb) are highly enriched relative to the average crustal ratios (to Fe); (2) the behavior of Cu is found to vary irregularly, while Fe, Mn, and Pb are tightly coupled both spatially and temporally in the study area; (3) for most elements except Cu and Cd, seasonal variations are observed in a systematic manner; and (4) when compared against those observed in other parts of the world, our Cu and Cd concentrations observed in many locations of Seoul are notably high. The overall results of our study suggest that the distribution characteristics of metals can be regulated strongly by spatial and temporal factors and that such controls are distinguished very clearly between different metal types.  相似文献   


Can Gio district is located in the coastal area of Ho Chi Minh City, southern Vietnam. Discharge of wastewater from Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces to the rivers of Can Gio has led to concerns about the accumulation of trace metals (As, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in the coastal sediments. The main objective of this study was to assess the distribution of As, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn in surface and core sediments and to evaluate the contamination status in relation to local background values, as well as the potential release of these selected trace metals from sediments to the water environment. Sediment characteristization, including determination of fine fraction, pH, organic matter, and major elements (Al, Fe, Ca, K, Mg, and S), was carried out to investigate which parameters affect the trace metal enrichment. Fine fraction and Al contents were found to be the controlling proxies affecting the distribution of trace metals while other sediment characteristics did not show any clear influence on trace metals’ distribution. Although As concentrations in the sediments were much higher compared to its reference value in other areas, the enrichment factor based on local background values suggests minor contamination of this element as well as for Cr, Cu, and Pb. Risk assessment suggested a medium to very high risk of Mn, Zn, and Ni under acidification. Of importance is also that trace metals in sediments were not easily mobilized by organic complexation based on their low extractabilities by ammonium-EDTA extraction.


Under stratified oligotrophic conditions (May-November), the surface mixed layer of the Northwestern Mediterranean constitutes a homogeneous water volume of 10-30 m depth. In other respects, the mean residence time of Ligurian surface waters (0-200 m) is 102 days. It is therefore possible to quantify the extent to which atmospheric deposition of trace metals affects surface waters. On the basis of literature data on anthropogenic and natural trace metals, we demonstrate that the ratios between total seawater labile atmospheric deposition during 102 days (Δc) and dissolved TM concentrations in Ligurian surface waters (c) illustrate the impact of atmospheric deposition on surface seawater (Δc/c). High ratios indicate surface TM enrichments, while low ratios indicate surface TM depletion, due to the quasi-complete sorption and removal of TMs by plankton during spring bloom. The simple box model proposed here may be used for other marine regions where hydrodynamical and physico-chemical constraints are well defined.  相似文献   

An acid leachable technique is employed in core samples (C1, C2 and C3) to develop a baseline data on the sediment quality for trace metals of River Uppanar, Cuddalore, southeast coast of India. Acid leachable metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn and Cd) indicate peak values at the sulphidic phase and enrichment of metals in the surface layers are due to the anthropogenic activities. Association of trace metals with Fe, Mn indicates their adsorption onto Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides and their correlation with S indicate that they are precipitated as metal sulphides. Factor analysis identified three possible types of geochemical associations and the supremacy of trace metals along with Fe, Mn, S and mud supports their geochemical associations. Factor analysis also signifies that anthropogenic activities have affected both the estuarine and fresh water regions of River Uppanar.  相似文献   

The pollution loads continuously increased in Haihe estuary, of Tianjin, China, due to intensive human activities, especially the construction of the Haihe Gate and Lingang Industrial Area. In 2011, hydrological variability in Haihe estuary was investigated and sediments were collected. Total organic carbon (TOC), particle size, total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ΣPAHs), heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn), and benthic diatom community were analyzed. The highest concentrations of ΣPAHs and heavy metals were found near the Haihe Gate. The Shannon diversity index and the relative abundance of Coscinodiscus perforatus (RC) indicated a decreasing trend seaward. Results of Pearson correlation analysis illustrated significant relations between water current velocity and ΣPAHs (p?p?p?相似文献   

Compared to traditional chemical or physical treatments, phytoremediation has proved to be a cost-effective and environmentally sound alternative for remediation of contaminated dredged sediment. A field study was conducted in a sediment disposal site predominantly colonized by Typha angustifolia under different sediment moisture conditions to estimate the phytoremediation effects of dredged sediment. The moisture content was 37.30 % and 48.27 % in aerated and waterlogged sediment, respectively. Total nitrogen (TN) content was higher in the waterlogged sediment than in the aerated sediment. The total Cd contents were lower in aerated sediment, which was mainly resulted from the lower exchangeable fraction of Cd. The bioaccumulation of P, Cu and Pb in T. angustifolia was promoted by waterlogging, and the belowground tissue concentrations and accumulation factors (AFs) of Cu were higher than that of other metals, which can be explained by that Cu is an essential micronutrient for plants. Consistent with many previous studies, T. angustifolia showed higher metal levels in roots than in above-ground tissues at both the sediment conditions. Due to the improved biomass produced in the aerated sediment, the removals of nutrients and the metals by plant harvest were higher from aerated sediment than from waterlogged sediment. It was indicated that maintaining the dredged sediment aerated can avoid release risk and plant uptake of metals, while the opposite management option can promote phytoextraction of these contaminants.  相似文献   

研究提出了用磷酸钕(NdPO4)作为共沉淀捕集剂分离富集环境水样中的痕量Pb2 ,用火焰原子吸收光谱(FAAS)测定的方法.共沉淀受pH、NdCl3和H3PO4溶液用量的影响.结果显示,在溶液pH为3.2时,20 mL水样中加入5 mg/L NdCl3 2 mL、0.5 mol/L H3PO4 3 mL条件下,铅的加标回收率为96.6%~104.2%,方法的检测限为5.7×10-3 mg/L,水体中常见碱金属、碱土金属离子及阴离子在一定范围内不影响测定.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The estuarine delta of the Yellow River is a region of strong land-ocean-human interactions that undergoes a unique evolutionary process. The delta is...  相似文献   

The size distributions of Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Se, Sr, Zn and Fe in atmospheric aerosols were measured using impactors at three background sites in central England and southern Scotland. Coarse aerosols (>10.0 μm) were found to be undercollected by a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) when compared to an isokinetic technique, to a degree dependent on the size distribution of individual metals. The size distributions obtained in Scotland, which were typically trimodal, differed from those in central England, where modes were more variable.Characteristic size distributions allowed identification of three main behavioural types: (i) metals whose mass resided mainly within the accumulation mode (Cd, Sn, Pb, Se), (ii) those which were distributed between fine, intermediate and coarse modes (Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Hg), and (iii) those which were mainly found within coarse particles (Fe, Sr, Ba). The measured distributions are believed to result from a combination of processes including local anthropogenic and natural sources, long-range transport and resuspension.  相似文献   

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