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Different components of group effect on the locomotor activity of single common toad and brown frog tadpoles have been studied by estimating the length of their trajectories, the speed of movement, the number of crossings of experimental field zones, and the number and duration of stops. The results show that toad tadpoles are more active than frog tadpoles. Conspecific metabolites added to the water do not change the pattern of their locomotor activity. Under conditions of visual contact with other tadpoles, locomotor activity of a toad tadpole decreases, whereas that of a frog tadpole increases. Thus, tadpoles of the two amphibian species show species-specific behavioral responses to changes in experimental conditions.  相似文献   

We tested separately the effect of two taxonomically related rotifers (B. patulus and B. macracanthus) on the population dynamics of another species (A. fissa) at low (0.5 ×10 6) and high food levels (1.5 × 106 cells/ml of Chlorella vulgaris) using different inoculation densities (0–100%). We also quantified the impact of A. fissa on the two brachionid species. Regardless of the presence of the competing species, an increase in the availability of food led to increase in the abundances of the three rotifers. The population growth of B. patulus, B. macracanthus, or A. fissa was affected negatively when cultured together with another species. An increase in the initial density of any one of the competing species became advantageous to maintain a certain population size. At a low algal food level, B. patulus was able to suppress A. fissa more strongly than B. macracanthus. On the other hand, at a high food level, B. macracanthus suppressed the population of A. fissa more strongly than B. patulus. Peak population densities for A. fissa varied from about 150 to 1000 ind./ml, depending on food density and the presence of competitors. The rate of population increase (r) of A. fissa, B. patulus, and B. macracanthus increased with an increase in food availability but decreased with increasing initial density of the competitor. Both Brachionus spp. experienced negative growth rates in the presence of A. fissa, especially at a high initial density of the latter. Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 381–390. The article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

In the course of studies on mass fish species (bream and roach) in water bodies of the Upper Volga basin, intraspecific groups of individuals have been distinguished. Conditions and possible mechanisms of spatial differentiation of these groups are considered. The intrapopulation divergence of individuals by some adaptive characters, primarily behavioral, enables them to utilize alternative resources, which provides for more efficient use of the environment by populations.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of interactions between two amphipod species (Gmelinoides fasciatus and Gammarus lacustris) showed that predation is the basic mechanism accounting for their mutual exclusion in nature. Mortality from predation among similar-sized specimens of both species at an equal abundance ratio was similar (24–25% in G. lacustris and 27–30% in G. fasciatus). The displacement of G. lacustris by G. fasciatus was observed when the latter was dominant. Adult G. fasciatus and G. lacustris successfully preyed on juveniles of their competitors and did not differ significantly in daily food consumption as a percentage of body weight: 6–24% at a fresh body weight of 18–24 mg in both species. The potential for rapid population growth under new conditions contributed to the success of the invasive Baikal species G. fasciatus in displacing G. lacustris from many water bodies of Russia.  相似文献   

The influence of intra- and interspecific competition of common and East European voles on their daily activity was studied in 34-m2 enclosures at the Chernogolovka Experimental Research Station (Moscow Region). Family groups of animals captured in the same biotopes were placed in enclosures and, 25 day later, their daily activity was observed. Thereafter, the animals were pooled and observations were repeated 25 days later. The experiment consisted of three stages. At the first stage, the daily activity, time budget, and social behavior of common voles were studied before and after pooling different family groups; at the second stage, the same was performed with East European voles; and at the third stage, with both species. The species proved to use different strategies for alleviating intraspecific competition: in common voles, this was segregation of ecological niches via desynchronization of daily activity; in East European voles, conversely, aggregation in groups and synchronization of activity. Under experimental cohabitation, the strategy of the common vole, a more aggressive species, was to force out the other species, ecologically similar but less competitive; the strategy of the East European vole was aimed at avoidance via segregation of ecological niches in time.  相似文献   

In male willow ptarmigans, the relationship between qualitative differences between birds belonging to different intrapopulation groups and some individual features of male nuptial plumage has been revealed by studying banded birds. Thus, males that have changed their nesting site differ from those returning to the former site and bigamous males differ from monogamous in the number and size of dark spots amid the white plumage. The influence of the time of the onset of spring on the development of nuptial plumage is considered.  相似文献   

Life history traits of gypsy moth larvae markedly decrease under the effect of host plant insect resistance, but no significant changes occur in immunity parameters such as hemolymph phagocytic activity and lysozyme-like activity of hemolymph plasma and midgut tissue; moreover, alkaline protease activity in the midgut contents becomes higher. The actual sensitivity of the larvae to Bacillus thuringiensis remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and the coefficient of within-environment variation (CV e) are often used as measures of developmental instability and indicators of developmental deviations. Aphis fabae genotypes generally manifest higher developmental instability on novel host plants, but there is genotypic variability in this respect. Some genotypes have manifested lower developmental instability on nasturtium, where their fitness is higher. At the population level, aphids reared on nasturtium have shown higher developmental instability and lower fitness. When large samples are analyzed and the nonsignificant pattern of correlations is taken into account, the results of the study do not support the hypothesis that developmental instability is always a reliable indicator of fitness. Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 131–136. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation has been studied in populations of the Siberian larch with the use of five PCR-based markers characterizing 29 haplotypes. The studied populations from the main parts of the Siberian larch range belong to several geographically isolated groups with their specific sets of haplotypes, which have probably originated from separate refugia for forest vegetation of the last glacial maximum. Conclusions concerning the possible location of these refugia and the ways and pattern of the postglacial recolonization of the recent Siberian larch range are drawn. The spatial distribution of haplotypes within individual populations is nonrandom. The typical size of the area occupied by a group of plants with the same haplotype is 50–100 m across.  相似文献   

Former dredging sites were studied in the taiga zone of the Amur region (in Khabarovsk Krai). The involvement of Larix cajanderi in plant succession on dredging waste dumps was revealed. Some morphological-anatomical parameters of L. cajanderi needles were compared in trees growing on the dumps and in adjacent open larch stands on waterlogged peaty soils.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 4, 2005, pp. 259–263.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Osipov, Burundukova.  相似文献   

In experiments performed in aquariums, the daily consumption of Chara vulgaris alga by crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) has been determined. These quantitative data have been used to make a prognosis of the effect of the A. astacus population on the biomass of macrophytes in Lake Berezovo (Pskov oblast). The density of the crayfish population and the biomass of higher aquatic vegetation in the lake have been determined in field studies. Extrapolation of the results of laboratory experiments to a natural water body has shown that crayfish are capable of controlling no less than 40% of submersed macrophytes in the area used by their population.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 4, 2005, pp. 300–305.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kholodkevich, Shumilova, Fedotov, Zhuravlev.  相似文献   

It is shown that the response of rodent populations to acute and chronic irradiation depends on its functional structure, i.e., on specific features of animals with two alternative types of ontogenetic development. Upon acute irradiation, sexually immature young of the year (animals with the second type of ontogeny) are most radioresistant. Exposure to chronic irradiation, as in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), leads to an increase in the proportion of mature young of the year (animals with the first type of ontogeny), which are the most radiosensitive part of the population. The abundance and fecundity of mice in the impact zone are consistently higher than in the background zone, which improves the adaptive potential of the population. The role of species ecological specialization and configuration of the contaminated zone in the formation of migrant rodent population is emphasized. It is concluded that a high migration activity allows the pigmy wood mouse (a radiosensitive species) to avoid long-term radiation exposure.  相似文献   

The mid altitudinal oak, Quercus floribunda forms predominantly evergreen forest in Central Himalaya between 2000–2400 m. It is late successional, mature phase species that has limited regeneration on disturbance prone sites. This oak produces mast seed crops at an interval of 2–3 years. During masting in Q. floribunda the seed fall and germination is upto ten times greater than in normal years, emphasizing the importance of mast year crop in forest maintenance. However, no mast year in this species since the last nine years (1997–2005) is a matter of serious concern. The rise in the summer and winter temperature over a period of 15 years appear to have affected the frequency of masting in this oak. The importance of masting can be adjudged from the fact that 97% of the surviving seedlings m−2 are of the mast year crop.  相似文献   

On the basis of abundant fossil and subfossil bone remains, the ecological and faunal role of the narrow-skulled vole in zonal rodent communities of northern Eurasia is analyzed over the period from the Late Pleistocene to the present time. Special attention is given to the correlated dynamics of relative abundance of Microtus gregalis and other rodent species in the course of transition from one zonal type to another and to specific features of this correlation in the southern, middle, and northern parts of the species range. It is shown that distinctive dimensional and morphotypic features of the two currently existing subspecies, Microtus gregalis major Ogn. and M. g. gregalis Pall., are the product of concordant development of the species and environmental conditions in the past 3000–4000 years (transition from the Holocene optimum to the present-day climate and state of the natural environment). Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 117–123. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of changes in the numbers of red deer in the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve (the northwestern Caucasus) were studied from 1958 to 2004 using simulation models developed on the basis of concepts concerning the combined effect of density-dependent and density-independent factors. The results show that changes in population numbers are accounted for by larger (more numerous) local subunits, with small groups remaining relatively stable. In the periods of depression, such a mechanism provides for the maintenance of the spatial population structure.  相似文献   

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