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This study explores the extent to which ontogenetic habitat shifts modify spatial patterns of fish established at settlement in the Moorea Island lagoon (French Polynesia). The lagoon of Moorea Island was divided into 12 habitat zones (i.e. coral seascapes), which were distinct in terms of depth, wave exposure, and substratum composition. Eighty-two species of recently settled juveniles were recorded from March to June 2001. Visual censuses documented changes in the distribution of juveniles of each species over time among the 12 habitats. Two patterns of juvenile habitat use were found among species. Firstly, some species settled and remained in the same habitat until the adoption of the adult habitats (i.e. recruitment; e.g. Chaetodon citrinellus, Halichoeres hortulanus, Rhinecanthus aculeatus). Secondly, others settled to several habitats and then disappeared from some habitats through differential mortality and/or post-settlement movement (e.g. 65–70 mm size class for Ctenochaetus striatus, 40–45 mm size class for Epinephelus merra, 50–55 mm size class for Scarus sordidus). A comparison of the spatial distribution of juveniles to that of adults (61 species recorded at both stages) illustrated four patterns of subsequent recruitment in habitat use: (1) an increase in the number of habitats used during the adult stage (e.g. H. hortulanus, Mulloidichthys flavolineatus); (2) a decrease in the number of habitats adults used compared to recently settled juveniles (e.g. Chrysiptera leucopoma, Stethojulis bandanensis); (3) the use of different habitat types (e.g. Acanthurus triostegus, Caranx melampygus); and (4) no change in habitat use (e.g. Naso litturatus, Stegastes nigricans). Of the 20 most abundant species recorded in Moorea lagoon, 12 species modified the spatial patterns established at settlement by an ontogenetic habitat shift.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

The zebraperch, Hermosilla azurea Jenkins and Evermann, a warm-temperate marine fish species with a strictly macroalgal diet, has a relatively long digestive tract with an enlarged hindgut and an associated blind caecum (HC). In zebraperch sampled off Santa Catalina Island, California (33°19′42′′N; 118°18′37′′W) in years 1995 through 2001, direct cell counts, gut epithelium assessment of bacterial attachment, and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) analyses verified that the zebraperch HC possesses a dense and morphologically diverse, fermentative microbiota. Bacterial cell counts and morphological diversity were significantly higher in HC contents compared to anterior gut regions, suggesting that microbial populations were growing along the digestive tract. Similarly, electron micrographs of the HC epithelium revealed attached microbes, further supporting the possibility that these organisms constitute resident microbiota. Five different SCFAs were detected in all three regions of the digestive tract, but levels were up to three times greater in HC contents. Acetate was consistently the prevailing SCFA in all gut regions. Sequence analysis of bacterial 16S rDNA was used to identify predominant bacterial groups in HC contents. Of the seven main bacterial types identified, Enterovibrio spp. were the dominant bacteria in HC contents followed by species of Bacteroides,Faecalibacterium, and Desulfovibrio. Taken together, our findings show that the zebraperch HC harbors a consortium of microbes that appears to assist in the breakdown of algal polysaccharides in the herbivorous diet of the fish.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of 8 species of sea basses (Serranidae) and 17 species of scorpionfish (Scorpaenidae) has been studied by quantitative analysis of their stomach contents. Most of the 459 specimens analysed were collected from the barrier reef of Tuléar (Madagascar). Examination of stomach contents revealed that in each species feeding behavior varies according to a nyctemeral rhythm, individual size of specimens, biotope and geographical area. Prey consumption by sea basses and scorpionfish on a reef tract is discussed in general terms.  相似文献   

The distribution of the main herbivorous fishes (Acanthuridae, Scaridae, Siganidae) was studied across a coral reef of the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Visual counts were realized by diving along transects (200 m long and 5 m wide), parallel to the shore, at 10 stations located from the lagoon to 40 m deep on the outer reef slope. Herbivorous reef fishes reach their highest abundance on the reef front, where 234 fishes were counted per 1,000 m2. Their density decreases on the reef flat, with an average of 150 fish 1,000 m-2, and is lowest on the outer reef slope (69 fish 1,000 m-2). Surgeonfishes form 63% of the herbivorous ichthyofauna, parrotfishes 35%, and rabbitfishes 2%. Families and species display different distributions according to biota. The Acanthuridae dominate on the reef flat, whereas the Scaridae are more numerous on the outer reef slope. The evolution of the social structure of the main species was observed: the adults generally school in the lagoon and on the reef flat, but are mainly solitary on the reef slope. The distribution of juvenile individuals is more restricted: they are concentrated on the reef front and on the upper part of the reef slope.This study is part of a cooperation programme between the University of Nice (France) and the University of Jordan, to study the ecology of the coral reefs and the surrounding waters of the Jordanian coast (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea)  相似文献   

The Neotropical seven-spined gobies (tribe Gobiosomatini), including the Gobiosoma and Microgobius groups, constitute a speciose, monophyletic gobiid taxon. In particular, member species of the Gobiosoma group exhibit a combination of behavioral diversification and microhabitat specialization that may have played a major role in their collective rapid evolution and high rate of speciation. Functional hermaphroditism, which is common among gobiids, can promote exploitation of patchily distributed micro-niches by countering potential reductions in reproductive opportunities. However, the possible role of functional hermaphroditism in the exploitation of microhabitats and rapid speciation in the Gobiosoma group is unknown. One member species, Tigrigobius multifasciatus, is a functional hermaphrodite. Two other Gobiosoma group species are functionally gonochoric (i.e., constant-sexed), but exhibit transient hermaphroditic ovarian structure among immatures. In this study, ovarian morphology among immature and adult females of several Gobiosoma group species was examined to see if hermaphroditic gonadal features are present. Although no evidence of functional hermaphroditism in the form of precursive accessory gonadal structures (pAGS) associated with the adult ovary was found among newly examined species, all species exhibited the transient expression of hermaphroditic gonadal features associated with the immature ovary. In contrast, among six species of non-Gobiosomatini genera having no record of hermaphroditism, none exhibited similar transient hermaphroditic features associated with the immature ovary. These findings suggest that hermaphroditism may have been an ancestral trait which has been secondarily lost within some Gobiosoma group species. This study also shows that ontogenetic and morphogenic processes within the gobiid reproductive system may provide new insights into the evolution of life history traits and significantly further our understanding of the extraordinary evolutionary success of this group.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to provide comparable estimates of abundance of herbivorous reef fishes at temperate and tropical localities using a standardized methodology. Faunas of herbivorous fish were sampled on the rocky reefs of temperate northern New Zealand and on the coral reefs of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, and the San Blas Archipelago in the Caribbean. A pilot study established the most appropriate habitat setting and the scale and magnitude of replication for the sampling program in temperate waters. Herbivorous fishes, including members of families endemic to the southern hemisphere (Odacidae and Aplodactylidae), were most abundant in turbulent, shallow water (0 to 6 m) and had patchy distributions within this habitat. A hierarchical sampling program using 10-min transect counts within the 0 to 6 m depth stratum examined abundance patterns at a range of spatial scales including mainland and island coasts, localities separated by up to 100 km and sites separated by up to 10 km. This program identified a characteristic fauna of seven species of herbivorous fishes with mean total abundances ranging from 23 to 30 individuals per 10-min transect. Species composition of the fauna varied between islands and coasts. A similar methodology was used to sample the major families of herbivorous fish in a number of sites in each of the tropical regions. These sampling programs revealed a fauna dominated by acanthurids and scarids in both the GBR and Caribbean localities. Estimates of abundance from these regions were similar, with a mean of 108 individuals recorded on the GBR and 129 per 10-min transect in the Caribbean. Species richness varied between each region, with 44 taxa recorded from the GBR and 11 from the Caribbean. Abundances of temperate water herbivores in New Zealand were found to be 75 to 80% lower than those recorded from shallow water habitats sampled on coral reefs. This was not related to species richness, since both New Zealand and the Caribbean locality had patterns of low richness. We suggest that the differences in abundance found by our study between temperate and tropical regions are not restricted to herbivorous fishes, but are representative of general latitudinal trends in reef fish faunas. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 15 December 1996  相似文献   

The lipid composition of tropical marine reef fishes is poorly known, despite their use as food by local human populations and recent interest in health-related benefits of fish lipids. We examined the composition of lipids from epaxial muscle, liver, and two storage sites [mesenteries surrounding the gut (intraperitoneal fat, IPFs) and retroperitoneal fat bodies (FBs) posterior to the peritoneal cavity] in three species of surgeonfishes from Ishigaki Island, Japan: Naso lituratus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801), Acanthurus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758), and A. bariene (Lesson, 1830). Triacylglycerols dominated all samples of neutral lipid and constituted ≥ 99% of FBs and IPFs. Polar lipids generally contained large fractions of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine. Quantified fatty acids ranged in length from C14 to C24. C16 fatty acids prevailed (>35% of neutral fatty acids, >23% of polar fatty acids), although C18 (>16 and >14%, respectively) and C20 acids (>8 and >19%, respectively) were also common. Saturated fatty acids, dominated by palmitic acid (16:0), comprised 38.7 to 50.7% of acids from neutral lipids and 30.8 to 41.1% from polar lipids. The most common monounsaturated acids were 18:1n9 and 20:1n9. Polyunsaturated acids were prevalent in polar lipids (especially 20:4n6, 20:5n3, 22:2n3, 22:5n3, 22:5n6 and 22:6n3). Common polyunsaturated acids of neutral lipids were 18:2n6, 18:4n3, several n-3 and n-6 C20 acids, 22:2n3 and 22:5n3. IPF and FB were almost identical across species, and lipids of fat bodies (IPFs, FBs) were more similar to those of muscle than those of liver for all three species. The FBs appear to constitute an accessory storage site, which overcomes constraints on lipid storage imposed by a small, inflexible abdominal cavity that contains both viscera and consistently voluminous gut contents. Fatty acid signatures indicate that largely overlooked epiphytic or epilithic diatoms contribute significantly to lipid acquisition. The combination of large quantities of both saturated and n-3 and other polyunsaturated fatty acids in surgeonfishes, in contrast to low saturates and high polyunsaturated acids in lipids of commercially important cool-water fishes, suggests that a study of dietary effects of fish lipids on human inhabitants of the tropics may be instructive insofar as human health and nutrition are concerned. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 6 August 1998  相似文献   

Lipids are stored in mesenteries surrouding the gut and in paired, retroperitoneal fat bodies dorsal to the anal fin in at least 24 surgeonfishes representing 5 genera (Acanthurus, Ctenochaetus, Naso, Prionurus, Zebrasoma) from Western Mexico, Hawaii, French Polynesia, Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea. In A. nigrofuscus from the Red Sea and C. striatus from French Polynesia, fat stores and condition index (K=100 W/L 3) increased during cool seasons, several months before gonads developed, and declined with the onset of gonadal development. Fat bodies and mesenteric fat deposits developed in all sizes of A. nigrofuscus and C. striatus, and condition paralleled seasonal changes in fat deposits. Gonads of A. nigrofuscus developed in specimens of 76 to 159 mm standard length (SL), while they developed in C. striatus only at lengths>170 mm total length (TL) for females and 195 mm TL for males. Mesenteric fats and fat bodies exhibited similar changes in size, and did not differ in occurrence of major groups of lipids or their relative prevalence. The relative proportions of the major lipid classes differed, however, between these storage sites and other tissues. Muscle, liver and gonads contained less triacylglycerol relative to cholesterol and polar lipid than did mesenteric or fat body lipids. Energy and nutrients acquired during cool saasons with short feeding days appear to support reproductive events during warm seasons, when feeding during longer days fails to meet demands. Fat stores and condition continue to decline beyond the reproductive season until winter.  相似文献   

In the present study 670 individuals of Gonatus onyx (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) were observed in Monterey Bay, California from a remotely operated vehicle. The vertical distribution of this species was bimodal, with peaks at 400 and 800 m depth during the day and 300 and 500 m during the night. The bimodal distribution reflects a life stage shift between younger, schooling juveniles living in shallower water and older, solitary adults which live deeper. Ontogenetic changes in behavior associated with this life stage shift are reflected in the physiology of the organisms as well. Both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, as estimated using mitochondrial and glycolytic enzymes, decline with increasing body mass, suggesting reduced locomotory capacity in deeper-living adults. Oxygen consumption rates were also determined in relation to oxygen partial pressure. Oxygen consumption regulation was similar between juvenile and adult squids. The critical oxygen partial pressures (29 to 30 mmHg) correspond precisely to the oxygen concentrations found at the depth of maximal abundance for day and night populations of juveniles and adults, respectively. Behavioral and physiological changes with ontogeny of G. onyx are believed to result from reduced visual predator/prey interactions in the light-limited deep sea. Received: 7 February 1999 / Accepted: 26 January 2000  相似文献   

The morphological and physiological mechanisms by which marine herbivores assimilate energy and nutrients from primary producers and transfer them to higher trophic levels of reef ecosystems are poorly understood. Two wide-ranging Caribbean fishes, the dusky damselfish, Stegastes dorsopunicans, and the threespot damselfish, S. planifrons, defend territories on patch reefs in the Archipelago de San Blas, Republic of Panama. We examined how relative intestine length and retention time influence digestion and absorption of energy and nutrients in these fishes. The dusky damselfish has a relative intestine length (RIL=intestine length/standard length) of 1.2 and a Zihler index {ZI=intestine length (mm)/10[mass(g)1/3]} of 3.4. These values are significantly lower (PRIL=PZI<0.0001) than those for the threespot damselfish (3.0 and 8.2, respectively). Both RIL and ZI for both species fall well below previously published values for other herbivorous pomacentrids, and may reflect their primary food resource at San Blas (diatoms). Energy-rich diatoms may be easier to digest than refractory macroalgae characteristic of diets of many herbivorous fishes (RIL range: 2-20). Despite differences in RIL and ZI between these two species, gut retention time is the same (P>0.05) for both dusky (6.6 h) and threespot damselfish (6.5 h). Thus, food travels the length of the threespot damselfish intestine ~2.5 times faster than it does in the dusky damselfish intestine. Levels of protein, carbohydrate, and lipid are significantly (0.003<P<0.030) higher in the feces of dusky damselfish than in the feces of threespot damselfish, when both species were fed a natural diet of benthic diatoms collected from damselfish territories. This indicates threespot damselfish have a greater nutrient-specific and total assimilation efficiency than do dusky damselfish. Furthermore, when fed an artificial pellet diet, protein absorption efficiency differed significantly (P=0.014) between species; threespot damselfish absorbed 98.3% of dietary protein, whereas dusky damselfish absorbed 96.4% of dietary protein.  相似文献   

Diets and food selectivity of two stichaeid fishes (Cebidichthys violaceus and Xiphister mucosus) from the rocky intertidal zone of the central California coast (USA) were studied at each season of the year by gut content analysis and abundance measurements of potential macrophyte food items. Both fishes, after reaching a standard length of about 44 mm, were almost exclusively herbivorous. The bulk of the diet consisted of 8 to 10 species of chlorophytes and rhodophytes. These main dietary components were chiefly annual seaweeds with high surfaceto-weight ratios (sheetlike forms or small, highly branched forms). Perennial seaweeds were eaten in relatively large amounts only during the winter. Macrophytes eaten in only trace amounts included about 20 species of chlorophytes, chrysophytes, phaeophytes, rhodophytes and a spermatophyte. The small amount of animal material in the diet (never more than 2% by weight) could well have been ingested incidentally while the fishes were feeding on seaweeds. Food preference tests with up to 19 macrophyte species in the laboratory revealed that both fishes chose to eat three annual rhodophytes (Smithora naiadum, Porphyra perforata and Microcladia coulteri) in preference to Ulva lobata, an annual chlorophyte that was more abundant in the diets of field-caught specimens.  相似文献   

Summary The tropical South American teleost Eigenmannia lineata showed a spontaneous preference for the female type, compared with the male type, of its sexually dimorphic, weak-electric organ discharge (EOD). Female and male EODs differ in waveform and harmonic content. An isolated fish was simultaneously stimulated with digitally synthesized natural male and female EODs of equal peak-to-peak amplitudes, at ±35 Hz frequency difference centered on its stable resting discharge frequency. The stimulus dipoles were arranged symmetrically to the right and left of the fish's hiding place. All stimulus conditions were permuted at random sequence. Among 11 fish tested, 8 showed a statistically significant preference for one stimulus, the female type, as measured by the amount of time a fish spent close to a stimulus dipole (P<0.05 in each fish, two-tailed). Thus female EODs rather than male EODs were more attractive to adult and juvenile fish of both sexes. It was also concluded that E. lineata is capable of discriminating female from male EODs by a complex sensory capacity requiring neither amplitude nor frequency cues. The EOD waveform changed very little within the ecological range of water conductivities (approximately 10–100 S·cm-1); the P/N-ratio (a waveform character based on zerocrossing intervals) depended only weakly, but significantly, on conductivity (negative correlation in all four fish). Also, the effect of temperature on EOD waveform was very weak: Q 10-values of the P/N-ratio were below but close to 1 in all fish (27±5°C). Thus, it can be concluded that the EOD waveform is remarkably stable within widely changing conditions-even beyond the variation found in the field-and is therefore potentially useful as a social cue.  相似文献   

L. Fishelson 《Marine Biology》1999,133(2):345-351
The morphology and partial cytology of a group of bacteria-related organisms from the guts of surgeonfish are described. These gigantobacteria symbionts are encountered in the guts of various species of this fish family throughout the Indo-Pacific region and the Red Sea. They have been tentatively grouped and placed in a “family”, Epulopiscidae, according to the first species described, Epulopiscium fishelsoni Montgomery and Pollak, 1988. In addition to a morphological comparison between the various forms from different species of surgeonfish, suggestions are presented with regard to their possible morphological diversification during evolutionary and host-species specificity. Received: 10 June 1998 / Accepted: 29 October 1998  相似文献   

The skin of the Red Sea clingfish Lepadichthys lineatus Briggs, 1966, which lives on shallow-water crinoids, consists of a continuous layer of giant mucus-producing cells. Upon stimulation, these cells are able, in seconds, to envelope the fish entirely with a thick layer of their secretion. The cells are 75 to 290 high, and are enveloped by septa of compressed epithelium. They rest on a strong collagenous layer, and extend to the skin surface, where they open. The nuclei of the giant cells are large, and irregularly shaped; their cytoplasm has a very extensive endoplasmic reticulum and undergoes deep structural changes during maturation. Their ability to produce large amounts of mucus seems to be an adaptive device to protect the fish from contact with the rough surface of the crinoid host.  相似文献   

We examined the social organization and reproductive pattern of a population of Sparisoma cretense L. at Lampedusa Island (Italy). During the breeding season (July to September) individuals occur either in territorial or in non-territorial groups, which quantitatively differ with respect to use of space, sex-ratio and sexual activity. Territorial groups consist of one male plus one to three females, whereas in non-territorial groups as many as 54 fish share a common area. Among non-territorial groups, variations, in both sex-ratio and behavior, suggest they could represent either feeding aggregations or reproductive aggregations. Spawning, always in pairs, occurs daily in a short period of time before dusk and has been observed only in territorial groups. Group spawning has never been observed, but another alternative mating tactic, streaking on pair spawning, was recorded. In the non-breeding season fish do not aggregate in organized social units. Histological examination of gonads showed that adults are larger than 12 cm total length. Females have an asynchronous ovary, typical of species spawning several times during the breeding season. Males show secondary testes, indicating that their gonads develop ovaries as juveniles, which are later redifferentiated into functional testes. Histological and demographic data seem to indicate that, as in other species of this genus, prematurational sex-change occurs. The sexual pattern appears to be essentially gonochoristic, but the potential for sex-change is not excluded. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

Wrasses are abundant reef fishes and the second most speciose marine fish family, yet little is known of their larval swimming abilities. In August 2010 at Moorea, Society Islands, we measured swimming ability (critical speed, Ucrit) of 80 settlement-stage larvae (11–17 mm) of 5 labrid species (Thalassoma quinquevittatum [n = 67], Novaculichthys taeniourus [n = 6], Coris aygula [n = 5], Halichoeres trimaculatus [n = 1] and H. hortulanus [n = 1]) and 33 new recruits of T. quinquevittatum. Median (mdn) larval Ucrit was 7.6–12.5 cm s−1. In T. quinquevittatum (n = 67), larvae of 12.5–14.5 mm swam faster (mdn 16.9 cm s−1) than smaller or larger larvae (mdn 3.9 and 3.2 cm s−1, respectively). Labrid larvae Ucrit is similar to that of other similar-sized tropical larvae, so labrids and species with comparable settlement sizes should have similar abilities to influence dispersal. Ucrit of T. quinquevittatum recruits decreased to 47–56% of larval Ucrit in 2 days, implying rapid physiological changes at settlement.  相似文献   

A karyological study ofTrachurus trachurus andT. mediterraneus (Perciformes: Carangidae) was conducted by standard, fluorochrome staining (CMA3, mithramycin, quinacrine mustard, DAPI), C-, Ag-NOR, and Alu-I banding methods. The karyotypes of both species consisted of 2n = 48 chromosomes, but of different FN:T. trachurus possessed a chromosome complement of 2 metacentric and 46 acrocentric elements, fundamental number (FN) = 50 andT. mediterraneus, a chromosome complement of 4 metacentric, 4 submetacentric, 14 subtelocentric and 26 acrocentric chromosomes, FN = 70. In neither of the two taxa investigated were heteromorphic sex chromosomes observed. The nucleolar organizer region was interstitially located on the long arm of the Ist pair of chromosomes in both species, intermediate inT. mediterraneus and subterminal inT. trachurus. Constitutive heterochromatin was found in nearly all centromeric and telomeric regions inT. trachurus; inT. mediterraneus it formed less intense telomeric and centromeric bands and thin interstitial bands on eight chromosome pairs. In addition, the C-positive material reacted differently to the digestion with endonuclease Alu-l in the two species. The results are discussed and compared with karyological data known for other species of Carangidae.  相似文献   

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