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正城镇化,是中国百年来尤其是改革开放30多年来,经济社会发展的一个重要引擎与载体。如何进一步协调城乡统筹发展,破除城乡二元结构,消弭城乡差别,是中国今天正在继续的现代化进程所无法绕过的、必须着手解决的问题。城镇化一头牵着城市,一头牵着乡村,一面承载着经济社会发展的需求,一面担负着修复生态与保护环境的重任。农民的出路问题、农业的生态问题、城市的健康可持续发展问题,等等,都需要在推进城镇化这一实践过程中去解决。党的十八大提出,要"坚持走中国特色新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代  相似文献   

范弿  杨世瑜  李捷 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(11):1045-1048
与传统的城镇工业化推进的经典理论不同,在具有旅游资源禀赋的西部欠发达民族地区依托旅游推进型城镇化模式可较好地推动民族地区的社会经济发展。通过对昆明市团结彝族白族镇乡村生态旅游与城镇化发展的研究,论述了团结镇乡村生态旅游发展对城镇化的作用,并就目前团结镇在推进城镇化进程中与乡村生态旅游发展之间存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出了促进乡村生态旅游与城镇化协调发展的对策。  相似文献   

张孝德 《绿叶》2014,(12):4-11
城镇化,是中国百年来尤其是改革开放30多年来,经济社会发展的一个重要引擎与载体。如何进一步协调城乡统筹发展,破除城乡二元结构,消弭城乡差别,是中国今天正在继续的现代化进程所无法绕过的、必须着手解决的问题。城镇化一头牵着城市,一头牵着乡村,一面承载着经济社会发展的需求,一面担负着修复生态与保护环境的重任。农民的出路问题、农业的生态问题、城市的健康可持续发展问题,等等,都需要在推进城镇化这一实践过程中去解决。  相似文献   

讨论了乡村旅游与乡村新型城镇化之间的相互作用机理,认为乡村旅游是乡村新型城镇化的重要路径,而乡村新型城镇化是乡村旅游的有效助力。乡村旅游新型城镇化水平是在新型城镇化发展过程中,乡村旅游作为实践乡村新型城镇化的现实路径,在其自身遵从旅游业基本发展规律的同时,有效推进乡村旅游目的地新型城镇化建设水平的能力与程度。在此基础上,定义了乡村旅游新型城镇化度的概念,构建了乡村旅游新型城镇化度评价指标体系,基于TOPSIS法构建了乡村旅游新型城镇化度测算模型,并以江苏省句容市的白兔、后白两镇为案例进行了实证评价和分析。  相似文献   

城郊区是城市和农村的过渡和交叉地带,既是新型城镇化的辐射领域,也是新农村建设的重点区域。以成都市郊区为例,分析了其环境经济协同发展的实践探索,得出了城郊区新农村建设中环境经济协同发展的实现路径:依据城郊区的功能定位,结合紧靠城市的特点,推进城乡一体化的进程;通过环境功能区划,优化空间布局;发挥农业的多功能性,积极探索符合区情的环境经济协同发展的新道路。  相似文献   

中国历史悠久的农耕经济决定了乡村是中华文明的根基所在,是中华民族的精神家园。它与以工商业经济为基础、以城市为载体的西方文明从一开始就处于不同的历史起点,沿着不同的文明之路前行。因此,中国的城镇化建设必须"记得住乡愁",走出"现代化等同于城市化"的认识误区,避免城市替代乡村的西方单级城市化道路。在生态文明时代,走城市与乡村二元文明共生、循环发展的新型城镇化之路,才是符合中国国情的城镇化选择。  相似文献   

云南境内金沙江流域城乡关系与协调发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以金沙江流域为例,从城镇化发展及其辐射影响、城乡经济发展差别、城乡居民生活水平、城乡生产要素的流动与配置、城乡商品流通、城乡社会发展改革、城乡公共服务设施、城乡社会保障8个方面对金沙江流域城乡关系进行了分析,总结了限制城乡区域协调发展的思想观念、政策、城市发展和农村发展基础等方面的因素。基于金沙江流域城乡区域协调发展的基础和前景,提出了加快城镇及农村村镇建设发展、推进农业产业化发展进程、完善城乡基础交通网络、建设农村社会公共服务设施体系、加快实施城乡生态建设工程的五大战略,以及保障实施的政策建议与措施。  相似文献   

社区支援农业是在工业化和城镇化进程中、食品安全问题日益严重的背景下逐渐兴起和发展起来的。社区支援农业是加快生态型都市农业发展的有效路径,是破解农产品安全问题的有效方式,也是解决"三农"问题、统筹城乡发展、发展循环经济、改善生态环境的重要支撑。社区支援农业在发展过程中面临着土地、劳动力和资金等生产困境,面临着交易成本、认证和市场监督等市场困境,也面临着相应经营管理人才匮乏、组织架构不合理等管理困境。推动中国社区支援农业持续健康发展,需要重新构建社区支援农业发展的系统框架,在此基础上积极寻求社区支援农业的发展路径。  相似文献   

水资源短缺是干旱半干旱地区可持续发展最重要的制约因素之一,加强城镇化发展与水资源利用之间的演变规律及相互作用关系的定量化分析,对新型城镇化进程和水资源可持续利用具有重要意义。基于宁夏回族自治区2000—2012年城镇化、三次产业发展及用水结构等统计数据,首先分析宁夏城镇化与用水结构的发展现状,其次定量比较和分析宁夏城镇化水平与用水效益、产业结构和用水结构的演化过程,并模拟城镇化水平与用水效益、产业结构和用水结构之间的定量关系。结果显示,农业用水总量高但比重在下降,工业用水和生活用水的比重随城镇化的进程呈明显上升趋势。目前城镇人口每增加1万人,城镇居民生活用水量增加20.91万m3;工业增加值每增加1亿元,工业用水量增加13.19万m3,城镇化水平与用水效益之间呈正相关关系,城镇化对用水效益提升起促进作用。预测到2030年,城镇生活用水和工业用水分别将在现状基础上增加0.2124亿m3和3.325亿m3,需要通过农业节水和压缩农业用水,才能满足城镇化、工业化带来的水资源需求。  相似文献   

城镇化是适应新形势,加快安徽省经济发展的必然要求,其发展质量的高低和速度的快慢直接关系到能否顺利建设全面小康社会,实现第三步战略目标。积极稳妥地推进城镇化进程,有利于节约成本,共享能源、电信、交通、环保、给排水等设施,促进工业获得规模经济和范围经济的效益, 有利于从全局的战略高度解决“三农”问题。安徽省政府在“十五”计划和第七次党代会报告中都明确提出了实施城镇化战略的历史任务,并将城镇化列为“十五”期间安徽省着力实施的四大战略之一。从世界主要工业化国家城镇化进程看,当工业化进入中期阶段或城镇化水平超过30%以后,城镇化进程将明显加快。1996-2003 年,我国城镇化率年均提高1.62个百分点, 安徽省年均提高1.5个百分点,现已达到 30%,具备了加速发展的条件。  相似文献   

农业区划与农业产业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业区划与农业产业化具有非常密切的联系。农业区划部门应当抓住中央农村工作会议关于促进农业产业化发展的机遇,深化农业区划,促进农业产业化。本文论述了农业区划与农业产业化的关系,并按照发展农业产业化的要求,提出了农业区划部门当前急需做好的主要工作。  相似文献   

处于城市化、工业化发展转型期,经济增长快速且环境荷载具有刚性的中国而言,走低碳化道路已经成为当前的必然选择.未来一段时期,不仅工业和城市要承担减排义务,农业同样肩负重任.作为发展中国家的发展中地区,农村推行CDM的作用显著,以农村为依托的农业执行CDM的意义深远.在CDM基础上,针对中国农业生态环境,通过总结农业发展CDM的内部条件和外部环境因素提出相关对策建议.  相似文献   

城镇化是推动我国经济社会发展的重要动力,在高速发展的同时,带来大量污染排放,威胁乡村环境质量与可持续发展。在对乡村生态环境问题剖析的基础上,从战略、实施、方式等层面探索解决思路,围绕科学规划、发展方式、基础建设、管理机制、宣传教育等方面分析关键点,加强乡村环境保护,保障城镇化建设健康发展,为促进农村农业持续发展提供持久动力。  相似文献   

Summary Sustainability as a goal is widely accepted and ranked high on the political agenda. Although the operationalization of this concept differs, the range of opinions shows a pseudo-consensus. Sustainable agriculture is defined in this paper as an agriculture that fulfils functions with regard to food production, nature and landscape, and the development of the rural areas now and in the future. This requires a set of ecological criteria for the agricultural sector. Besides the ecological aspects, sustainable agriculture has consequences for the economic, cultural and socio-political aspects of society. This paper concentrates on the socio-political conditions for sustainable agriculture. An important strategy for the realisation of sustainable agriculture is the stimulation of sustainable initiatives of (groups of) farmers, in particular on a regional level. The future perspectives of such a bottom-upwards approach are described by giving some examples of initiatives of Dutch farmers. It will be argued that the national governmental policy has to enlarge the scope for the development of farming practices.Dr Ing L.G. (Ina) Horlings studied land and water management at the Larenstein International Agricultural College in Velp before studying geography at the University of Nijmegen. She currently works at this university as a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Environmental Policy Sciences at the University. She is writing her thesis on agricultural policy. Her publications relate to environmental aspects of spatial research, farmer's initiatives and agricultural landuse.  相似文献   

就农村中存在的农业生产资料的过量使用导致的污染、生活垃圾污染、农村水污染及农村生态环境破坏等环境问题的实际情况,分析了当前农村环境污染现状,针对其存在的主要问题提出了加大农村环保宣传、规范政府行为、调整农业产业结构及推广新能源等具有较强可行性的对策措施,以促进农村社会、经济和环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The favorable Turkish context for environmental legislation is undermined by a lack of public knowledge of the importance of sustainable development, a lack of coordination between experts in different professions and between government institutions, and a lack of the political will to make tough choices such as restricting the freedom of citizens to migrate to cities. This paper examines the specific implications of this context for the Aydin urban area in a rapidly urbanizing part of western Turkey. In the study area, urban and industrial areas both exhibited large proportional increases, largely at the expense of agricultural areas, and agricultural expansion occurred at the expense of natural areas. Compared to other areas of Turkey, the actual area of the increase was small, and the change for the study area as a whole was not striking because of the relatively recent history of urbanization and industrialization in Aydin. Nevertheless, the negative consequences of these changes may accelerate in the future if a strategy to control development and conversion of land use is not developed and implemented.  相似文献   

用清洁生产的理念防治农业污染的初步探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业发展面临的农业污染问题,已成为制约农业可持续发展的"瓶颈".农业污染问题已经成为影响农村经济发展,以及农村社会和谐发展的重要因素之一.在论述农业清洁生产涵义的基础上,探讨了农业清洁生产防治农业污染问题.以新疆绿洲农业为例,论述了农业污染现状及发展农业清洁生产的必要性,分析探讨了发展农业清洁生产存在的问题和障碍,并提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

经济、环境和社会三效益共同提高是实现一个地区可持续发展的前提。通过定性分析,对山东省昌乐县近年来的经济增长、环境变化、能源消耗以及人民生活和社会进步等方面建立指标体系。通过定量分析,从相关分析的结果中发现经济的发展、城镇化水平的提高与能源的消耗、环境的污染“同步”,而与人民生活和社会进步却是“非同步”,说明昌乐县农村城镇化的质和量之间有很大的差距。  相似文献   

Drivers of agricultural sustainability in developing countries: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agricultural development has been an effective instrument for poverty alleviation and economic development in developing countries over the latter half of the twentieth century, and over 80 % of rural people globally still depend on agriculture for their living. However, issues such as water availability, land degradation and an increasing dependence on chemical fertilisers and pesticides continue to be on-going threats to sustainable agricultural development. These threats are being driven by the pressing need to ensure food security in the face of rapidly growing and urbanising populations. Developing countries will therefore continue to need improved methods for planning sustainable agricultural development. This paper presents a review of agricultural sustainability assessment in developing countries. The review highlights some of the key weaknesses that persist in sustainability assessment and the need to consider not only indicators of sustainability but also the drivers that influence indicator behaviour. We argue that without a good understanding of the drivers of sustainability and their systemic relationships to indicators, sustainability assessments run the risk of focusing on symptoms without addressing underlying causes of adverse indicator trends. Drivers of agricultural sustainability in developing countries encompass a range of demographic, natural, socio-economic, political, institutional and management factors. Understanding these and their relationships to sustainability indicators is needed in order to develop agricultural development policy that supports sustainability. The paper presents a conceptual framework for guiding systemic agricultural sustainability assessment and agricultural development planning in developing countries that includes both sustainability indicators and drives, and considers the broad relationships between them.  相似文献   

Pluriactivity of farms, or part-time farming, is a common feature of agriculture in all countries regardless of their socioeconomic system and level of development. Currently, pluriactivity is related to the values of sustainable agriculture. The objective of this study is to delineate those specific characteristics of pluriactive farms that contribute to sustainable agriculture. In rural areas of Boetia in Greece, a socioeconomic survey was carried out on 114 farms to determine the types of farming applied. The results demonstrate that pluriactivity is a stable component of the agricultural structure in the rural areas of Boetia. It is widespread in plains, but its presence is more important in mountainous and semimountainous areas. The choice of young farmers is to opt for pluriactivity. Farm size does not differ between pluriactive and full-time farms. Pluriactive and full- time farms use the same level of input and get the same output for the same type of crop. However, pluriactive farmers under the same land-productive conditions are oriented toward a more extensive farming system, managing their land with crops that need less inputs. Considering these findings, it can be claimed that pluriactivity can contribute to diminishing the demand on natural resources in favored (level and irrigated) areas, to continue agricultural production in unfavorable (mountainous and semimountainous) areas, and to help the sustenance of the rural population.  相似文献   

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