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In small oysters (Ostrea edulis), transport of naphthalene between tissues is primarily by diffusion and not via the circulatory system. In intact oysters, accumulation in the adductor muscle and body followed accumulation in the gills after a large lag-time. In isolated tissues with no shell to impede water flux over the body and adductor muscle, there was no lag-time. The molecular diffusivity (D) of naphthalene in oyster tissue, estimated by Fick's second law of diffusion is D=8x10-8 cm2 s-1, a value similar to D determined for lateral diffusion of lipophilic compounds in lipid membrane systems.  相似文献   

Variations at 22 enzyme coding loci were surveyed in 11 populations of the oyster Ostrea edulis L., which were sampled between 1988 and 1990 along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe. Atlantic oyster beds suffered a steady decline during the last century, and restocking of beds with oysters of foreign origin has probably resulted in a high degree of interbreeding of natural oyster stocks from all Atlantic Europe. Our study confirms the low levels of genetic variability previously reported for the oyster populations from the Atlantic coasts, and extends it to the Mediterranean coasts. The locus arginine-kinase (ARK *) exhibited a high degree of interpopulation differentiation (F ST=0.289), resulting from extensive variation in gene frequencies along a geographical cline. However, the overall genetic differentiation between populations was slight, and similar to that reported for other local populations of bivalves (mean genetic distance between populations is 0.010, mean F ST=0.062). A general pattern of increasing differentiation along the coastline in an Atlantic-mediterranean direction emerged; but genetic differentiation among the Atlantic populations was not significantly lower than that observed among the Mediterranean populations. This and other results suggest that the effects of extensive transplantation of oysters among various areas in Europe are detectable only in some particular localities. The geographical distribution of low-frequency alleles suggests a restriction to gene flow outwards from the Mediterranean Sea, across the Straits of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

The zinc and copper associated with the soft tissues of the oyster Ostrea edulis Linnaeus have been separated into a soluble component and a tissue-residue, cell-debris bound component. In the case of zinc, the tissue-bound component was found to contain at least two species of complex; a firmly-bound species, exchangeable with 65Zn2+ and a less-firmly, reversibly-bound species, exchangeable with 65Zn2+. The soluble component, which constitutes some 40% of the total zinc and copper, was fractionated on Sephadex G-25 and the zinc and copper shown to be weakly-complexed to the small molecular weight compounds, taurine, lysine, ATP and possibly homarine (N-methyl--picolinic acid) and to be fully exchangeable with 65Zn2+. These soluble complexes can act as a freely available mobile reserve of metal to ensure a constant saturation of metal-dependent enzyme systems operating under adverse environments. Sephadex G-25 acts as a weak ion-exchange resin, which can cause a translocation of zinc and copper from its soluble weak complexes and result in the spurious association of the metals with other compounds.  相似文献   

A flow-through system was used to follow naphthalene and naphthalene metabolite accumulation in the seawater and in the tissue of the oyster Ostrea edulis. After 72 h, 82.5% of the naphthalene carbon was recovered from the system. Glucose was added to seawater to stimulate the pathways of glucose metabolism in the oysters. Streptomycin (100 ppm) reduced microbial oxidation of naphthalene and glucose, and reduced bacterial growth. However, even in the presence of streptomycin, microbial oxidation of naphthalene was considerable. The main oxidation product recovered from seawater was 14CO2. Radioactivity was also associated with compounds which separated by TLC with 2- and 1- naphthol. The pattern of naphthalene uptake and accumulation in oyster tissues was relatively constant after only a few hours of exposure to naphthalene. The potential of tissues to accumulate naphthalene was shown to be a function of multiple variables such as nutritional state, lipid concentration, length of exposure to naphthalene, and the external naphthalene concentration. Carbon-14-labeled metabolites derived from 14C-naphthalene were consistently recovered from digests of the oyster tissues. Non-CO2 alkaline-soluble substances were the primary metabolites. Hexane-extractable substances, which separated by TLC with known standards of 2- and 1- naphthol, were consistently recovered from seawater and tissue digests. It was not possible to conclude that these metabolites were a result of naphthalene metabolism by oyster enzyme systems.  相似文献   

Larval growth rate and settlement of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis were experimentally studied as a function of the composition of dietary fatty acids. Diets differing in fatty acid composition were composed by mixtures of the microalgae Isochrysis galbana, Pavlova lutheri and Chaetoceros calcitrans. Fatty acid content in the tissue of the feeding larvae, analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, reflected the composition in the diet. Larval growth rate was significantly correlated to the three omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) C18:3, C18:4 and C22:6, with minor differences for neutral and polar lipids. No relation between growth rate and the omega-3 PUFA C20:5 was detected, a PUFA often implied as essential for bivalves. It is suggested that naturally occurring variability in fatty acid composition may constrain larval growth. In settlement experiments in both still water and flume flow little substrate selectivity was found for some contrasting substrates. It is concluded that differences in dietary fatty acids may explain as much of settlement success as the variability of substrates. Received: 12 October 1998 / Accepted: 6 April 1999  相似文献   

Seasonal determinants of body weight, biochemical composition and reproductive condition in the cockle Cerastoderma edule L. from the Mundaca Estuary, Spain, were performed from December 1983 to July 1985. Interannual differences in timing of gametogenesis and spawning between 1984 and 1985 were correlated with temporal variations in the cycles of storage and utilisation of carbohydrate reserves. Young individuals exhibited larger annual fluctuations in soft-body weight, displaying higher growth rates in spring and greater diminishment of energy reserves during autumn and winter than older individuals. Carbohydrate content displayed a similar tendency, levels being lower in young individuals throughout the year.  相似文献   

The variability of 14 enzyme-coding genes has been analysed in samples from 19 populations of the oyster Ostrea edulis L., collected along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe. We found an abundance of clines, which appeared at 8 loci, including the most polymorphic (AP-2 *, ARK *, EST-4 *, MDH-2 *, ME-1 *, 6PGH *, PGI * and PGM *). Another 6 loci (ALDH *, EST-3 *, EST-5 *, IDH-2 *, MDH-1 *, ME-2 *) exhibited V-shaped patterns of gene-frequency variation, with clines at one or both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar. The observation of coincident clines at many loci can be explained by a model of secondary intergradation. The geographical location of the midpoints of the clines and V-shaped patterns suggests the existence of two ancient Atlantic and Mediterranean oyster stocks which became differentiated in allopatry and subsequently merged. Clines observed along Atlantic and/or Mediterranean coasts at the loci with V-shaped patterns must have arisen independently. The large heterogeneity observed in the levels of gene differentiation (G ST ) across loci (G ST ranged from 0.008 to 0.290) and important differences in estimates of gene flow obtained by different methods suggest that the populations of O. edulis are not in genetic equilibrium. Lack of population equilibrium can be due to natural selection and/or restrictions to gene flow. The average among-population variability was higher than in other oyster species that do not show incubatory habits, and represented 8.8% of the total heterozygosity. Levels of intrapopulation variability were lowest in populations from the North Atlantic, suggesting low population sizes in that area.  相似文献   

The role of zinc in the oyster Ostrea edulis Linnaeus has been studied in its relation to the zinc-dependent enzymes present and in relation to the copper, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphate contents. Only carbonic anhydrase, alkaline phosphatase, carboxypeptidase A and malic dehydrogenase zinc metalloenzyme activities could be detected. -D-mannosidase, a zinc-dependent enzyme hitherto not reported for the oyster, was also detected. After tissue dissection into muscle, palps, gills, mantle and digestive mass and subcellular fractionation of these tissues, analysis indicated that no single tissue concentrates zinc or the zinc-dependent enzymes. The total amount of zinc found is far in excess of the amount of zinc contributed by the zinc-dependent enzymes, but the amount of non-dialysable zinc is of the same order of magnitude. It is suggested that this apparent excess of dialysable zinc is a consequence of the high levels of calcium found in the tissues, demonstrating a competition between calcium and zinc in their uptake, as is well documented in many other phyla.  相似文献   

X-ray powder diffraction was used to study shell calcifications of the oyster Ostrea edulis, sampled in the Limski Kanal, Istria (Adriatic Sea), in May 1992. All the developmental stages were followed, from the embryonic stage through the transition between the trochophore and veliger larva (prodissoconch I and II) and later, after swarming, the pelagic free-swimming larval stages, up to their settlement and attachment (from the D-shaped to the fully formed pediveliger larva), and finally during metamorphosis and juvenile stages (dissoconch). In the first gastrula stage, only an amorphous tissue is present (a periostracum and organic matrix). The beginning of shell formation (at the end of gastrulation) in early trochophores is manifested by the appearance of calcite (up to 1–7% of total volume) and then aragonite (about 1%). In the later stage of the veliger larva the fraction of calcite decreases as well as the amorphous fraction, while the fraction of aragonite rapidly increases. In the prodissoconch II stage and during the whole pelagic period aragonite is dominant, accompanied by a very small amorphous fraction and traces of calcite. The shell mineral composition does not change until metamorphosis, whereupon the fraction of calcite rapidly increases and the fraction of aragonite decreases. The postmetamorphic valves of the juvenile and adult oyster consist mainly of calcite, except the resilium and myostracum which remain aragonitic, possibly as a continuation of the inner layer of the larval shell. Received: 28 May 1997 / Accepted: 1 July 1997  相似文献   

A community of decapod crustaceans (Brachyura) was sampled seasonally (October 1978–July 1979) from three habitats (raft, middle and beach) in the Ría de Muros e Noia (North-West Spain), with the purpose of studying spatial and temporal changes in the community and comparing with communities in the neighbouring Ría de Arousa, which supports an intense mussel (Mytilus edulis)-raft culture. The Portunidae family dominated the decapod community. Polybius henslowi, a species with pelagic stages, which enters the rías periodically in large numbers, was the dominant species at all the stations throughout the sampling period, attaining densities of 1.6 individuals m-2 (18.7 g wet wt m-2) in summer. Macropipus depurator and M. puber were the next most important species at the raft station, M. depurator at middle stations, and M. vernalis and Carcinus maenas at beach stations. The highest population densities were recorded in summer, due to the great abundance of Polybius henslowi at this time. When the data were reconsidered omitting p. henslowi, highest densities were in autumn and winter in the inner ría. In general, the nature of the substratum, the presence of mussel rafts, depth and salinity were the main factors determining the structure of the community. Density and biomass in the Ría de Muros e Noia (P. henslowi omitted) were lower than in the Ría de Arousa (up to six times lower in some areas). The Ría de Muros lacks the extensive number of mussel rafts present in the Ría de Arousa which constitute an important food resource for decapods.  相似文献   

In an attempt to describe the biochemical events associated with the main stages of the annual and reproductive cycles of the female dog cockle Glycymeris glycymeris L., we studied seasonal variations in the various stages of oocyte development of the ovaries, and the glycogen, total protein and total lipid content of five body tissues – adductor muscle, foot, tunic coat, visceral mass and mantle. From November 1991 to November 1994, microscopic examination of the ovaries and measurement of the tissue concentrations of glycogen, total proteins and total lipids in these five body tissues were made monthly on ten female dog cockles originating from the sea area around Douarnenez (south Brittany, France). Morphological studies revealed that in the population investigated the annual cycle is characterised by three major periods: a first period of vitellogenesis extending from February/March to April/May and preceding a spawning in spring; a second period of vitellogenesis extending from May/June to September/October and leading to either no spawning, a single autumnal spawning event, or to two spawning events in summer and autumn; and a third period extending from October/November to February/March and characterised by a high level of oocyte lysis. In the muscular body tissues of the dog cockle, i.e. the adductor muscles, the foot and the tunic coat (the muscular envelope containing the visceral mass), the concentrations of glycogen, total proteins and total lipids underwent very similar variations during the annual cycle. During each stage of vitellogenesis, a typical glycogen–protein–lipid sequence was observed in the muscular tissues that was characterised firstly by a peak of glycogen concentration 2 to 3 mo before spawning, followed by a peak in total proteins 1 mo before spawning, and finally by a peak in lipid content just before spawning. A similar glycogen–protein–lipid sequence was also recorded in the first half of the winter period. However, these events were followed by general atresia affecting all oocytes in the gonad. Maximum energetic value of biochemical constituents in females coincided with peaks in lipid content in the visceral mass and mantle. These biochemical events occurred principally immediately before and at the end of oocyte lysis (December/January). A drop in the total energetic value, affecting mainly the visceral mass and the mantle, was recorded each year during the period January to March, coinciding with the period of shell growth in this species. Our data clearly indicate that in female G. glycymeris all muscular tissues contribute to the storage of glycogen and proteins, and suggest that glycogen may be the source of energy triggering vitellogenesis. Biochemical and microscopic observations revealed that oocyte development takes place during the first half of winter, but that these oocytes undergo atresia in December/January. The metabolites produced from oocyte lysis could contribute to somatic growth, which occurs in late winter. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 23 July 1997  相似文献   

The rhythmicity of intracellular digestion was examined in two sublittoral populations of Ostrea edulis L. On the West coast of Ireland. During 12 h cycles at each station, 20 oysters were collected each hour, grouped as sub-samples of 5, facing each of the 4 cardinal points of the compass. A segment of digestive diverticula from each oyster was examined histologically and classified according to the digestive phases of the tubules. Oysters at both stations exhibited fluctuations in digestive activity which were not correlated with tidal ebb and flow nor with orientation to tidal currents. A relationship between variations in suspended particulate matter concentration in the water body and digestion is proposed. It is suggested that increases in the levels of particulate matter, by stimulating feeding, cause a significant increase in the proportion of absorptive-phase tubules 4 to 6 h later.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis in the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis was complete 36 h after release of the larvae, when 100% of the individuals showed edge growth of the dissoconch. The size of the larval shell did not change during metamorphosis, although the total dry weight of the larva decreased considerably. During this period, when the gill ciliature was undeveloped and the oyster therefore unable to feed, energy demands were met by biochemical reserves retained from the larval phase. Proteins contributed the largest quantity of energy to the metamorphosing oyster, 69.3% of the total expended, whereas lipids supplied 24.3% and carbohydrates only 6.4%. The process of metamorphosis consumed 64.5% of the energy reserves held by the pediveliger at the time of release. When metamorphosis was complete, growth began and tissue reserves were replenished, protein and carbohydrate accumulating rapidly early in the juvenile stage. Received: 26 December 1997 / Accepted: 8 July 1998  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in biochemical composition of tissues are compared in a shallow inshore and deeper offshore population of the seastarSclerasterias mollis (Hutton, 1872) on the Otago shelf, New Zealand, from 1985 to 1986. The biochemical composition of the body wall, gonads and pyloric caeca of the two populations did not differ greatly, even though reproductive output and nutrient storage of reserves were consistently higher in the offshore population. The biochemical composition of the ovaries and testes differed. High levels of carbohydrate and lipid were maintained in the ovaries from the commencement of vitellogenesis until spawning occurred. The testes had higher ash levels during spermatogenesis. During the annual reproductive cycle, an inverse relationship in the carbohydrate levels between the ovary and the pyloric caeca suggests nutrient transfer from the pyloric caeca to the gonads during gametogenesis. Annual changes in biochemical composition indicate that the body wall is also used for nutrient storage.  相似文献   

Pronounced seasonal cycles in the rates of oxygen consumption and feeding were found for Cardium (=Cerastoderma) edule L. measured in the field under ambient conditions. The cockles had a maximum rate of oxygen consumption (0.89 ml O2 g-1 h-1) in April which declined to a minimum of 0.35 ml O2 g-1 h-1 in March. Their feeding rate was variable but had a maximum value (3.91 l g-1 h-1) in April and a minimum value (0.73 l g-1 h-1) in October. There was no apparent seasonal variation in absorption efficiency, with a mean value of 67.6%. Gametogenesis was initiated in January and the population reached a peak in reproductive condition in April/May, followed by a 3 month spawning period. Carbohydrate reserves were synthesised during spawning, and were then utilised during the winter and early spring. An adaptive function for a reduction in time spent feeding is postulated, and correlations between the rates of certain physiological processes and some exogenous and endogenous variables are discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the biochemical composition of two molluses, gonochoric Chiton iatricus and a marine pulmonate, Ochnidium verruculatum inhabiting the same tropical area, but having different modes of reproduction, were studied. Protein is the major biochemical component stored in C. iatricus, whereas lipid is predominantly stored in O. verruculatum. The correlation between these quantifications and the annual reproductive cycles of the two species investigated suggest that nutrients stored in the somatic body parts are channeled towards the gonad during the gametogenesis. In C. iatricus sexual differences efrist in the biochemical needs of the ovary and the testis. The ovary always has a higher protein content than the testis. In the hermaphrodite pulmonate O. verruculatum, biochemical expenditure on gamete production is relatively low because this species has to spend energy on the reproductive propagation viz. copulation and egg-laying. On the contrary, in C. iatricus the biochemical energy is mainly utilized for the production of gametes which have to be produced in great numbers in order to counter-balance the loss of gametes caused by external fertilization. The collected data are discussed in the light of comparative physiology of reproduction.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine aluminum fractions in the fine earth of acidic soils under different land uses (forest, pasture and cultivation) and in the river bed sediments of the headwater of the Mero River in order to identify and quantify Al-bearing phases to assess Al mobility and potential bioavailability (environmental availability) in the monitoring area. Sequential extraction is used to evaluate the Al partitioning into six fractions operationally defined: soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed, bound to manganese oxides, associated with amorphous compounds, aluminum bound to oxidizable organic matter, associated with crystalline iron oxides, and residual fraction (aluminum within the crystal lattices of minerals). The mean concentration of total aluminum (24.01 g kg?1) was similar for the three considered uses. The mean percentage of the aluminum fractions, both in soils and sediments, showed the following order: residual fraction ? amorphous compounds ≈ crystalline iron oxides > water-soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed > bound to oxidizable organic matter ≈ Mn oxides. However, in the soils, the amorphous compounds and water-soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed fraction showed considerable differences between some types of uses, the percentage of aluminum linked to amorphous compounds being higher in forest soils (16% of total Al) compared to other uses (mean about 8% of total Al). The highest values of water-soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed Al were also found in forest soils (mean 8.6% of the total Al versus about 4% of pasture and cultivation), which is consistent with the lower pH and higher organic matter content in forest soils. Nevertheless, the potentially bioavailable fraction (sum of the first three fractions) is low, suggesting very low geoavailability of this element in both soils and sediments; hence, the possibility to affect the crops and water quality is minimal.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the body weight and composition of Nucula sulcata Bronn from south of Little Cumbrae Island in the Clyde Sea Area (UK) were studied during the period August, 1969 to April, 1971. The composition of an animal of standard size was calculated for each sampling date to give information on seasonal changes independent of shell growth. Increase in body-tissue weight took place between May and October as the gonad developed and as reserves were built up. Spawning in the population took place in November, resulting in a rapid fall in body weight, and an increase in tissue water-content. These processes were less well defined in 1970 than in 1969, but the same general pattern was followed in both years. Ripe males showed a consistently higher tissue weight than females, but the female gonad contained significantly greater quantities of lipid. The changes are compared with those for other bivalves from the same general area.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the tissue weight and biochemical composition of the pectinid bivalve Chlamys septemradiata (Müller) from a station in the Cumbrae Deep, Clyde Sea Area (UK), were studied during 1969–1971. Separate analyses were made of three divisions of the tissues: the adductor muscle, the gonad, and the remaining tissues referred to as mantle. The composition of each of these divisions, and of the total tissues of an animal of standard size was calculated for each sampling date to give information on seasonal changes independent of shell growth. Increase in gonad weight took place mainly between March and May, although there was a slow increase during the winter months (November-March). Spawning in July and August resulted in a fall in gonad weight to very low levels in September and October. The female gonad contained a greater proportion of lipid than the male, and the male a greater proportion of nitrogen than the female, although the total calorific content was similar in both sexes. The adductor muscle showed a clear seasonal cycle of tissue weight and composition, and it was demonstrated that the adductor muscle tissues are a site for storage of reserves. The weight of the adductor muscle was maximal in October-November, and declined through the winter to reach minimum values in March. There was a steady increase during the summer. Lipid, carbohydrate and protein all contributed to the decrease in winter, in part contributing to gonad differentiation but mainly meeting the bivalve's metabolic maintenance requirements. The remaining tissues displayed some irregular fluctuations, but in general the changes showed an upward trend in weight until November followed by a general downward trend to March. The changes are compared with those for other bivalves from the same area.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the body weight and composition of Abra alba (W. Wood) from south of the Little Cumbrae in the Clyde Sea Area (UK) were studied during 1969–1971. The composition of a specimen of standard size was calculated for each sampling data to provide information on seasonal changes independent of shell growth. Increase in body weight took place rapidly in early summer as the gonad developed and reserves were built up. Spawning in July resulted in a fall in body weight, and this was followed by a slower fall during the autumn and winter as reserves were utilized. The changes are related to seasonal fluctuations in food availability and temperature, which are reflected in the amount of pigment (phaeophytin) retained in the tissues.  相似文献   

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